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<br /> �ij' � � �"1.q 1 rh'•�•`^� �lV�� � .+ �: 1?'� • j 'l': � °'� ° '4� i� 1 '�... ..�iit.:.c,.:,>v����YE'�n:.;7�:e.�
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<br /> �.�5�1� :�:.�,�t�'1kr'+��.�}•;t -�------------
<br /> --,n- `-.•�.M:.''�,y� �;;t+t. • .
<br /> •:�c•�•C" �K+.,�': ?tiw'4��.;y;i't ---
<br /> ..`R,' .,:1.`�,p�!c�viy�1t,��.'� �..__o��. ��
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<br /> '.i �� n dt�l�,�5�1 ���3���+'�nmr ��o+_:
<br /> .,z,. ,�,<<.;��;�t��.,.�..�� , _ 10 i971 s��Y��,��:� �
<br /> �� y i „„,�,� �;
<br /> �a, < <
<br /> m yr o L: �+ � :? UNIFORM OOY6NAM'9• HOTTONrer It/fd 1.ettdeiCOV011st1i�Old �L4 f0110Wff �� � '\rj1'.'sxt e 'i :) '�'
<br /> A . •d !.� ��--
<br /> � 0 9 n •i� � PromPtIYA�Y whe�due �h '' ��� '` �,+, i-
<br /> ;� ,�, ���� I. Fa�t ot triAOtpd�nd Ia�eraa Pe+eP�i�►ent aM Luo� 8�mower�chal! �,:.",�, �,���<<;� , r
<br /> rei,�- �r-�µ�.i`�- �-� aadlatac adueue�dertheNota „ � ,
<br /> y,;�'J1��k;� ' ^'�'k. tbe prinalpwt af and intet�est on tha dnbt evldenexd b!'the N o t��d aa�r pt¢p�sent 1�8 a r; � � ,
<br /> �. P�a�tur Taxa end Ia�att�nce. Subject to�tppli�abbi tarv or to s wrftllna wad�er by Lender.Bonoaer abalipay � 't ,; {
<br /> � ��,`r: � y '� r,S���' "� to Lander cn tbe day monthly PwSnaenu are due under ihe Note�una!ehe Nate is paad ia fi�U.a sum("Funds")aia�al to ., 2a,"��; '��`��-
<br /> ,r � Fc - � � �ht � tl��.
<br /> 4� '' t :�� ,r F� .�,r one�ra+elfth of:(��yearly taxas and Aasessments ahich may attan►pareori4y�aver e1hiA Se�wdII�r lmosfsumenc: (b)Yea�lY );��'''•`' ,�;� t��' M�
<br /> t c � �i I+, 1f Y tr! CUiv.
<br /> � - _��,:�. r�,�;i ,.. �ota ar,a«��or �ouna rona on ewe �o�cr, u�ny� (o) Y�1Y h�aM:�Wen�e�pa�na�:.and (d)Y�Y �.;'' ,
<br /> ' ' a. ,� �� �nortgage ineuc�ace premiums�it any.Tbese items�se caUed es�row items. L�ideR�aaay estimate'tAe Funds dae an the � ,,5,
<br /> , ,... ' , „--.. ��x ltt+ � ,E •
<br /> „�,� . , x,a.: ,, r ba�ebotaure�tdan�ndreseorubleestirastesofft�tureesarowitems. � ,� %�� J' '��f" ' '.
<br /> �..-. :�,., .>,n .��;. Tbe Fwids sboU ba held ia aq insdtuUou the deposite o:aeoounts of which atr insurod or guarantad by a k�deral or .t►���{���`'�j� �',• .
<br />°�` ,,r.<<: '' .�;,�,,j;�;��.+;�, , que agenq,(tnoluding Lender if LaAder!s snch en iAaitution).L�►der ehall apply the Funds to pay the acsoa itans. :.,.`f �,. �.��:==-=,
<br /> }�.� - .. r . � ,r . .1, 1 'A _.
<br /> � ;�' � ,.., Lender auy not eherge tbr holding�nd sppiying tbe Funda,a�lysing the accoaat or verifylag tbe acraw itema,unleas 'i��� ..�� `� +,f'�'�'
<br /> ',,,� , �,>ft,�o-�`.,.,,•,,'.. ���, Leadet P�Ya Horroaer ioterost on tbe Fuads md�ppli�abk law petmita Leader.to make�uh s cliuge.Borroaer and ; ,,,�„. .'. ^ ;
<br /> _ � .� :{.�;:,,� :,,h�� , L,�nder uuy sgree in writin tb�t intereat sbel{ be on the Funds. Unless an agraraent is mada or applioable law „
<br /> °. ! . ''.li�t��.��:;'.;;,,,`, 8 P� '; �� ;..
<br /> � ' r. „ � ,..�. requires iatereat to be p�id�Landet�11 noi be r�itrd ta psy Horrower any lnte�est or 4arnings on the Funda t.,�nda� ` ' ;
<br /> ' : � �`� '" ' '''' ' �ha11 give to Bon+ower�althout oha�ge�aA annwl uceunting of the Funds ahowing credits end deMts co che Fands�nd the �
<br /> ,�;. � - i I•�:. ; �t�l[.t:d _ �t i�� �t '�� :
<br /> �, ;. putpoae for whiah aah debit to the Punds was mada Tbe Funds are pledged as additional eecudty for the aums saurad by . , ;, � ,, :,
<br /> � � { �. elibSeoutity lnstruraent. �° � .7�.:;
<br /> '," ;; t .�.. , ��, �,., �`�.; Itthe amouat of tbe Fuada held by Leader.wgether wtth the fhturc monthlY PaYments of�unda payable prlor to , � . ;..;?�;;�::;- -
<br /> �• :r��'� ; .,'.'4.c;`;�:i'f���?; ',
<br /> �. .,,,, ,�T;y�z,it� . • tbe dua dates of the esarow iteme�shall exceed the amount required to pay the eacrow items when due,the e�oess shall be. ",;.,�'.,;'��,�;%�����ti,:;
<br /> • :�; r;. r•...;}�;ft; ,�i!� at Horrower's option�aither promptlY repeid to 8orrower ar creditad co 9orrower an monthlY psyments otFunds. tf the ,, �• ,�'���i+fi�';'��'�`::, .+,
<br /> , i� ;��,,;,:ii�F;� , i?� unount of the Fw�dt held by Lander is not au�cianc to pay tha aarow ltema when due.8orrower�hell pay to L.�nder any �''r E''�;.
<br /> . `,` �, .,,;��� �'���r�� aenoun t t o m a k e u t h e d e d�i e n e y i n o n e o r m o r e p a y m m t a a t t e q u i r e d b y L e n d e r. , ��'i�r�'t'''r' ''�:-:..- -
<br /> :,:�,.,r�,�; :��,;;,,�
<br /> , .;�;:. � " '.�nl``u�::,: ';.;,'..,, Upo�y ant in tWl of all auma seaured by this Sxudty Inetn�mcnt.Lender ahal!promptly refund to Borrowar �r.,;;,; � . , -`
<br /> �'�.-; = . ��<�:'t� �;:����.:��; eny Fumis held by I.endu.If undar paregraph 19 the Propeny is spld or acquiral by Lendar�I.endes�lwll apply,na leter .:;±+'.;..::,'. .,�`;�.:,...�;
<br /> .. : ;�,.,��1'��tti:,��,.,, , Per'tY C9 Y Y bY ; .t'.;� . .
<br /> �� � � Ww irnmediately pdot to the sele of the Pro or its a uisttion b Lender.an Funda held Lender at tbe tima of �;,41:• ��;? ;, :.•
<br /> :.� J� ,�;;,;.:•'i�t�".,!,all� . .�.•�tlt.i ,
<br /> . �•�{ ,.:, .�,,;. appficadon�a crodit againat tbe sums ecaured by this Seaudty Instrument. •,•r�, ,' .�, , ;, ,,.,�..
<br /> � ;1. �� ••��� � � _;., ''' `` '
<br /> , ;, : i � , ,,••;;,�, . 3. A�l t d i t t o a o t I'a y m e n t e. U�l a s s e p p l i�e b t a l a w p ro v t d e s o t h c r w i s a,a l l.p a ym e n t s r e c x iv e d b y Lender under .;;. ,� �° , .,
<br /> , S ., ;���,;,. , (; . p�t�grapha 1 erM 2 ahall be hpplied:ftest.to}ete charga due under the Notc;sxond,to prepaymet�t chnrges due under the '`� �,} .; ;��
<br /> t � •��;, � ,��`�.
<br /> ,, �,�� Not�tMed�to emounts payable under paregraph 2;founb�to interest due;and last,to p�incipal due. , , : ,� ;;����,5���;r�;
<br /> � , t' , +:�„' '".�;. , . 4. C�u g e s i Laa. 8ortower sball pey a!!tazes.essessmenta�oharges.Rncs and imposittons attributabk w the `: . i �f�,
<br /> s, ," �'� ' ' �'' ' w h p ri o�it y.over this Security Inatrument,and leasehoid yments or nd tents, if an
<br /> �,,;���,f�1r.}��lt..,�it�;� � .' �Pe+oppty kh may attein P8 8� Y• , � - .
<br /> : �y�.�.�,,�F�i'��, ;, aqte�wer ehall pay theee obtigedons in the manner pmvided in patagraPh 2.or if not paid in that menner.Horeoaer shell f • ,
<br /> rt 3�v�fr;�r�;;:..� .
<br />�.j''�''•".;;.;; ` }5`. . . .,.�i{ p�y them on time dkectiy to the peeaon owed payment.Borrower shell pmmptly tlirnish to l.ender ell notias otunounts ;, , .. � . ,
<br /> �'��: :1; ���'1":;,.'��;t r�'�,;•f;+`4 i' t o b e p�i d u n d e r x h u p a r e g r e p h.I f H orrower makes tbese p a ymmts directiy.Borrower ahalt promptly futaish to Lendes � �"�� �.
<br />=::, ,. s,�. ';tF-1,�'�}kti;���;,��i��� , �p���p�ymen�. ' • �
<br />-,ti�,:.�.,t� �'ti a�< �i,. .ti.,.,,. . .. �. •t.
<br /> ,,i,,�r .i..., ��A � .
<br /> i j + ,� ,�;,}4 . � 8ocroaer sh�ll ptomptly discharge any lien which has prlority over thia Security Inatrun�ent untesa Bonower:(a)
<br /> ,. S+1��,�,��j�;���� agreea ia writing to the payrt�em of the obtigotion aecural by the 1ten in a mennar acceptable to Lander;(b)coatest�in good ... � , �,.;'
<br /> '}�-�• 1 1 rocadin which in the Lender's o inion o cate to ,�'�"���
<br /> � ,��•. '������'r�� ���'� faith the lien by.or defende agem�t enforcMnent of the lien m, ega P 8s P p� �. .:i,,��,,,:,. �
<br /> � 8111
<br /> . �';;::��'�i' :ti:�,.,+�..; ., . _ � �"1
<br /> ' rcvent the enforcement of the hen or forfdture of any paa of tbe Property;or(c)aecurcs from the hoider of the iien an � �.' ),�:ti.;.
<br /> . l, p t satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Secunty Instrument.If Lmder determiars thet any part of � . '� � �� • �!'';,''
<br /> , •�.; .�.' :�;.�;:.:•' .� e�reetnen .'}'��•.;::
<br /> •.,,�, �,:; ;�• the Prop�rty is aubject to a lien which may analn prwrity aver this Security Inetrummt.Lender mey give Harrower a �; � ,''.;:;�;,r�;���,,{.
<br /> not(ce identityring the lien.Horrower shal!satisty thr lie�at talce one or more of the actions set forth ebove whhin 10 days 1,r;�� ' .,
<br /> �� � � � �•�",•��: afftheglvin6ofnotia. � �',� � ,
<br /> . :. ' , �'' S. N�rard ipwrance. Sorrower ahall laeep the impravements now eais�iog c►r hereatter erected on the Propeny I�'
<br /> :. �_.,J' ..,, . �,`•�. � .
<br /> .i,���`�',� t�'. ''i'r:• ' , �,.;`,.: iaa�ttddag�it�t l�ss by fl�e.he�ards incltMt�arithin the tetm••tatended savesage"at�d a�}r osher latauds for which L.ender � �:t�'' . ' ,
<br /> ,��� �� � r�.' .: 1 . -. s r�quires in�oaaa�.This insurance shali be maintait�a! ia�he ama�ut�ts arad for the,penod:t@wt Il.ender requires.The �, .
<br /> � �..
<br /> ��t � r qui 1';�,
<br />•.?;1�::,� .°��,,F,;�y� +' , ia�taoke t�r�a pe�viding Ehe inanrana sB�all be�t�se�a by Hotrower�ul�ect to i.eaidsr's appre�►a1 wAich sAall aat Oe r_�.(�,�,r.
<br /> �;�. ;:+�,1 �}j�t6��f+};f!� �aaoombl�r witAAeW. •r„ . .
<br /> , `, ;,�+�::;;..
<br /> ..��;;,;�:! ' ` pll itisutame pefi�isa a�renewale shall be aooxpaable to I.ender and s4�a11 amclude a seandard mmtg,�ge�ciausa. �
<br /> . .;' !'yi�i�l�k��{� - . . � .�. ,
<br /> ,. , t Lendq�ah�11 have the right to hold the pot{cles and renewats.If Lender requires,Borrower shell promptly give to 1.ender �-:,�'�:
<br /> _ . _ _ ���u.ef�+nid�,remiums and renewal noticea.in the event of toss,&�rrower shaU give prompt notice to the insur�nce . _'�`};.
<br /> � �� .•���-� carrier and i.ander.Lender anay make proof of loss if not made promptiy by 8orrower. ;
<br /> �' =�,,..:
<br /> � �:;'�'. �.:, . ' ;; � Unless Lender and Sorrower otherwise agree in writing.maurance proceeda ahalt be applied to reatorataaa�taair �
<br /> o}'the ptoperty dameged.if the reuoration or repair ia economically feaaiblr and Lender'a security is not le�e�ed. ti:1�e �
<br /> e
<br /> , �...:��;;.,.'..•::. �::�c;•� • ,
<br /> � ,.::;};�..`•.., _?..���• castotatfon ot repair ia not economfcally fea4ible or Lendec s aecurity would be lessened,the inauranee pror.�s1n�ll be
<br /> f �: :'-• :.��• = -. '� appUed to the aum�sxared by thia Security lnstrument,whether or not then due.wich any exoess p�id to 8a�rcaaver. OF
<br /> � t _,,., .., :,
<br /> ' 8orrowa abandotu the Propercy.ur das not an:wer within 30 daya a notice from Lendet that the inturance carr�r l�a�s
<br /> '�� � ,`�• ' � � o�ened to eettk a cleim.thm Lend�may coliect the inaurence procecda.Lende�ma��uae the preceeds to rcpair or�+estora �
<br /> �' '"� '' the Property ot to psy sums aawted by tfiis Security Inatrument.whether or not thm due.The 30-day period will begin •
<br /> � � `;:� .� wAen the notia is glven. .
<br /> ,� ' � . Unkss i�ender aad Bonower othenviae agra in writing,any application of proceads to principal shall not eatend or .
<br /> ; •� pe�stpcme the due dtte of the monthly payments referred to in parngtapha 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payment:.If
<br /> � �� ' under parsgtsph t9 the Propecty ie ecquired by Lende�.Borrower's nght to any�nsurance policies and proceeds resultiag �
<br /> ,•� � ttan d�m�ge to the Propecty prior to the acquisition shaIt pass to Lender ta the exemt of the sums secured by this Secunty
<br /> ' � instrumene immediatdy prior to the acquisition.
<br /> ' , ,, 6, pt�et�dion and M�1�ttaanK pt pto0tr�t,aateholds. Borrowe�shall not destroy,damage ot suMtannally �
<br /> � : � � ' �'';� � chtnge tt�e PropertY.a11ow the Ptoperty to detenorate ot comtmt waste. 1f th»5ecunty Instrurnent �s on a leasehold.
<br /> �
<br /> ' '' � 8otrower shaft comply with the ptovieions of the kax,and if Borrower erqwres fa titte to the Propeny.the leaxhoid and
<br /> ,' ; •, . � fa titk sl�ali not metite uniess Lender agraa ta the mager in writi�g. - -- - -
<br />