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�I-.'�.� i" r._ <br /> �' .� ��j .p :.r.-. ..�.- <br /> ^��, �• , �•'� .,~�t� . . � .. . -._'_ _. . ._- ._ �:" <br /> - 4� �... . <br /> `yr�,,, I <br /> . .._,,,__ ---� � � <br /> • ' �c�wow�eoo��r oR o�o oF�ausT 934 i�1�� <br /> - „��„���: <br /> Tin�Nor una.wMna.tha Ilw aoown�ne�t 7h�1o►�..eout ro.x.�mu1.a.o..a of TtuN.nd ea.en«Ip.� MNta»poww <br /> ol Ml��d lor in qN Or�d M TnNt P►oM�dM wb�t�Ml�ih►dMIMNM rfphM�nd QbNp�tloM b?iruNo�Mwn�rtlo�p/p�NI tM wMN <br /> ol� ufl or b�oA M obll�on�i�►dKlh�ONd of Trup.Ineludln0.buf nof IlmiNd to�tIM L�nda'�dpM lo h�w 1M Prop�rty�otd <br /> - -- — �TbM�ot� ��acutl�on e11M O�d 1 N.T� and wsryna t1uN tht� wa�utrd qr _ <br /> _-�-_--_---.---�-� �.��.�� � <br /> _� -- - A. lfrwtor CftriaCi� �� <br />.;;,;j — R�� <br /> - Gordor� L. P�atell �10+ Marl�an B�ot�Nll <br />- - -- -- - -- DEED OF TRUBT WITH FUX1�RfE wDVANCEB = <br /> �.:-- THS DEEO oF TRUBT.4 mad�a d� 12 �r d �lacch .1q�3 b�►++�d amorp <br /> �_.- — �7irwb►. ��a 11. 6d�riucc�s ar� Cturisitira �drtarda - Goc�Bat L. ib�+Qll an� Macleei►Ibrwll = <br /> . <br /> ati�,�` � whoa�n�qM�O add►�s is r�t 1 Gottontiwoo� St j6 - St LiboCV NB 6887�1t�ustor:'whMlwr om or mon� <br /> — -- -u�. - - qw TiwfN. Five Polnte 8enlc . � <br />`ir�; s"�" who»apifunp�dck�s i� P O eox 1507 - GlCanc7 I�lanc7 [�1L 68802-1507 � <br /> J,Pfi, 1�Mn'TiwfM"�and <br /> �e� ��`'` Five Points eanlc �. <br /> �Y,,, � 11�8a1NNaI�rY. � <br />����n `'I'Pr wy°,"������«s�� � O fMR �JV7 - GKe�9 I�A�und ��C� VWH��i:7V7 ����1��tis��vw �. <br /> P <br /> qwr <br /> �f � <br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATIGW,InCM�.'rtq�and�s�xtor»lon ot arodit[c�vnti0�d hareln to��18 A. 8�8td�a and - <br /> �, , Chrigtine E'�Iwartls artd _ <br /> � (hereln"Bonower",whether ona or more)and fhs trust hsreln creded, -- <br /> =:e� the pt of whlch s ir y ackreow sdged,T a hereby Itrevocably prants,transfera,�cnnveys and asflpm to TrWtee,IN �_ <br /> _--_�� �. TqUgT,WITH POYYER OF 8/11.E,for the benelit and�eCudyr at I�onder,under and aubJect 4o Iha lermo�nd oondltbm IwreinqlMr pt <br /> ."'` b�th,tM ral AraPr�Y.dacribed as followr. . <br /> ___-����IdLia.�_ _ ' ' <br />..�si�w�a����c� g �[,Y '1'E1IR7.'Y-EIGHT (38) FEE.T OF LO�P SIX (6)r Bi1eCK QiVE HUNDR� �'U�L`Y-3EKF�i <br />�:•v,ei��, 'TJ,• b,`s���L� : <br />-=�:�:'G�t,s�4'.�',.r�-'...�`';r. � (147) IN I�Y�1 PACIGIC RAYLWA`�Y C(:MBAY�IY�S 5000[�D A�IDSTIQN '� THE CITY OF Ca�i11t�ID <br />;A.;�lf'11 �f`�?;��• � ISLANDi HA[,L Gti[�TPYr NEBRASRA. <br />~�`_.��' t t.Y. �df,�c'•8�'' <br /> ��":i?plGl�";!',''"ti�.", <br />-��p;y ';.���� ' Toyelh�r with oll bulidinp�,improvementa,tixturea,�treets,allpys,petsayeways,easoments,riphb,p►ivllapes and appurte- � <br /> _ •N, ?! " °`'�; ;� �`'' nancas�ocated ttiereon or in anywhe peASinfnp ihereto,and the rent�,iesuee a�d prollta,reverofons and remaMdors thereof,and = <br /> �°� suoh personol property tlwt I�attached to the improvements ao as 4o consGtute p Ilxture,lncludfnp,but not limited W.headnp and - <br /> � cooUnp pulpmen�I�nd topsfher with ths hom�steiid or m�ritel interosb,If sny,wh�h Intere�t��re hereby rNsnsd�nd waivW;NI = <br />- of whlah,Ineludinp replacemanls and additlons thereto,I�hsreby declored to be a p�rt of tha nal NLb aound by the H�n of thb = <br /> = pMd ot Tru�t and all of th�forepolnp 6Nnp rotarrad to hsrain w tho"Prop�Ay". - <br /> �F -� : � <br /> �" This OMd ol T�wt shdl aaure(a)tho payment of I�e p►fnafpal wm and fntor�t widenced by a promiwory�a o►�dit <br /> ;,.y � . ' - <br />_ - -_��; , �wRwnt dated MNRCH 12. 1993 ,havinp s matu�iy d�t�ol I�ARCFi I2� 19� - <br />_"4�1y: ,• i�y� S � �' <br /> ;� ���Y. , in the orlpin�l princfpal amaunt ot S. 21•�•� and any and all madNloatlons,�xl�ntlorn and ren�w�ls <br />'�.,ti,"�� '}, •�.,:, . _ <br /> �,; �;�f�, : IhereoV or fhereto And any and a6�tuture edvancea and reativancea to Borrower(or aay ol Ihem If more thon one)hereundw <br /> s r;, •',rt,, '.`���•'= pureuant to one or more promiasory n�tes or credit apreemenW�hereln aelled"Note");(b)tho payment of other tuma adve.naed by <br />_-t.r . Und�r tb protaot the tecwity ot the Nate;(c)the performance of ell eovenanfa end epreementa of 7runor eot bMh Mnin;and 1d)ul <br /> ,,.�3i; > !r�•�=,-•„ pre�nt and future indebtedneas and abllpetlons ot Borrower(or eny o}them il more ihen one)to lend�r wh�ther dlreot,IndireCt = <br /> -•'�� `1;:!:.���,. •t. ebeolub or conUnpent end wheth9r arisinp b nole,puaranq,pverd►aN or otherwlee.The Note,this Oeed oe Trwt and any and all - <br />�=�"'uir.►_i�ri�y1S%`�i � - <br /> - - -� othsr dOCUents th�t wCUre the Note or oUierw ae ex6cuted In connection therewith,InCluding wfthoul IlmNnlion puer�nteee,�ctlriry <br /> �:'� ��.".�„��• • , presmenb md asolpnments o�ceasea and rents,ahall be reteued to horoln aa tho"Loan Ins�ruments". _ <br /> �;�.��. L 4ruswr cown�pte and ayrees wilh Lender as totiows: _ <br /> ' 1. p�ynNnt al 1�d�bNdises.All Indebtedrtass secured hereby shell be pe�d when due. <br />•?'`���" ti :�?t 2. Tili�.Trust��is the owner ot the Property,has the dpht and authorlc,r to convey the Property,and warrants thpt the Ilen �'- <br /> •�:,. {,� i r <br /> ���;i� ,����`'�'�.���� created hereby Is e T,rst end prfor Ilen on the Property,except lor Uens end encumbrencea eet lorth by Tru�tor In writlnp and -� <br />-c►u,, • [.. <br /> r. ; •�},'�� dellvered to Lende�Defora executlon ol thla Deed ot 7ruat,and the execution and dolivery ol this Deed of Trust doea�ot vlolate any _ <br />-��- - Y� �''�'� contrect or ather oblloaUan to whicri Trustor is subjeci. - <br /> • ; t;';/�/}' `�i -- <br /> • .�,j;•.�r,�� �}h, g. Ti�c�An�Nm�nls•To pay belore dolinquanay al1 tax�es,fpacial a�e�menb ond all othar charpes apain�t the PropeAy � <br />� �,�.ti . <br /> :`` . °Y��� °•; now o�hereefter Ieviad. � <br /> .:,� �� ":.,' � ,"�.������:���• 4. Insur�nu.To keep the Property Inaured againse darnaga by 1ire,heaards included withfn tho term"azlendsd cova►aps",and <br /> .:•:,� •'b,',� .'..;, • such otMr hez�rds��Lender mey requlre.lo a�ounts antl with companios pcteptable to Lender,naming Lender as an additlonal �' <br /> ����?� •`;�j����;, •�: nemed Insured,with losa payotrt�to the Lender.In cose ot ioss under auch pol�c�es,the Lender is authon¢ed to adJuaR collect and = <br /> ,��' � ./'.'•;,�a•r r �,'+ cpmpromise,All cloims thereunde►antl 9h811 heve the option ow a�piy,ng all or part of the meu�ance proceeds(i)to any irtdebteGneas �� <br /> `,;:�( .�``}r;��;�i�;::�',:. , �,: secured heraby and In such ortlov a3 Lender mayv determine.(iii to:ne TrustOr to be ueed tor t�na repei�ot�eetor8lion of 1he�Properly ' <br /> or(111)tor anr oth�r purpot�or ob�ect aaUatactory to Lende�w►thoue aNecting ihe Ilen of thls Oeed o17�uat 1ar the tull amount 9etural �, <br /> ;:�;� �. ~` � horeby b9for�such psyment hrer took plaae.Any applicetlon of proceeds to i�debtedneea 9P�aN not extend or poftpone tIw dw __ <br /> �'-•-�� � - daq o1 any payments under the Note,or cwe any default thereunder or he�euntler. � <br /> _ .,r. • , _ <br /> �,� ��� 6. Eaarow.Upon written denwnd by l.ender,T�ustor ahall pay to Lender,ln such manner ae Lend�er may deaipn�te,a�aflfClent ,• <br /> -- ..��..�..���....�.•�n n.v..�hau l�nn�nn rf��n nno nr�hw Inllnwlnn•111 all fn:oa naaaAamanfa and affwr charMa atla,nat <br /> _-_——-- -- - - -::-- ::i....w�.........�......�. ._�..�---'-•----...--`--"--- - - - <br /> � aT `� , t__ <br />- ;. tht Proporty,(il)the premlumt on tha property Iniurancf nqu�rrd hor�undar,and(111)tha premiums on any monyage�naurance y, <br /> � ..'�;.:i�' � rpulnd by Lender. T_. <br /> � �� . ..,.�a 8. M�c�.R�In and Compll�no�wHh Ur�.Trwtor�hall keep the Prope►ty In yood cond�UOn end repelr:shaU =� <br /> � �' , ' prompUy repNr,or replace �ny Improvement whlch may b�damaped a deatroyed;shall not commi:or permlt eny watte a 9h <br /> ���.�.��:;,;;• . tNt�rlondon of Me Property:�hall not remove,demollsh a wbsfontialty aller any of the Improvements on Ihe Properry;ahell not �i <br /> � � commlt,wffer or permlt eny act to be done fn or upon the Praperty in vloletlon of any law,ordlnance.or repuletlon;and ahall pay and t< <br /> . ' promptly dl�charps at Truitor'�co�t and oxponw all Ilens.«scumbronce�and charye�leviad,impased or a�eas�ed opalml tho <br /> v'�,� � prop�rty a any paM thsreof. <br />= 4� 7. Emtmnt Oan�ln.Lander I�hsreby a�slpne6 all compeneatlon,awards,damayes end other payments or relfat(herelnaNer <br /> ° �!'�.� , "Procs�ds")In aonneadon wfth condamnaUon or other faklnp of the Property or pah Iherecf,w br conveyance In Ileu of condemne- <br /> , � "r."�'.•� tlon.Lend�r shall b�enGUsd at Its option to commenae,eppear In and prosecute�n ita own name any actfon or prxeedlnpe,end <br /> � ��i''�' �h�ll�Ito W�ntlGed to m�ke�ny oompromlw a wttlomonf in aonnootfon wlth tuch takinn or demape.ln the event any portlon of <br /> ' �s <br /> ..:�:� ,.� ..�;,�� wc�w�nw�w�,.N o.w�e..,o.M . . <br />. . O�M�Mw�w wr M Grwa uw�w twrr.w.cwrn►wwt Mw.w <br /> �..1.. ' � __.__ -. _ __._.�..-----�-rr'_.''._. . . .._.'_ ___ ._ . _ . . _.._. ,___��_-r--.n_'...-. _ _.- , <br />