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<br /> acr'ia, — t� �, ��7 '' n 1� ' ` r .� ' .:..,
<br /> �—���� .7°`n'RR'="j� 1%�'��l .�_�,�_�.n���� {:h_ -hl �� ` ��Fe_,_�„4°rfr1�_�.r�nr� `f �_'��•',.:ti=,dt �-•��
<br /> �� �ry - , 5 �,� ��� f .r b,�ry�t �i rJ f5 j,t•`�R.'iy—S.. i b L r •, ., .� n...� i���.
<br /> . ,1..'.�; �- _k.1ii. �ty»'{ �..ISi� ��li, ,�yh1�y t16y.A�t �s n �ff`fi,,..;Y �; d _
<br /> � �+ l �f�t '� � �'w'P'=r�f1�v n.,• ,� �" n;_
<br /> . . • 1 r .._}��•�-'- rYl �nS /� 'JI � Nf�-/a�.�s.sM�...i�64M•A�'u � _ '
<br /> i �� . .� n�''� � _�+ � -'�� ii I��?y -.. .o,� u g >'-q +�.o �5�-- .a�°pa �;� ty ttN SYrr - -m-r=, --' ---- __ ' -_..---
<br /> � - � #H n iY 1 Y`�t$ t�l� �
<br /> � , .�.�' � ) r !�`• n {o �,� {+ ,�.. ., f�• .-t ,- � - ,@,Ihl��...,.• -3 1 � r"n - r ' 'na ��-
<br /> � ��r. n � �,h � +t x �. S �1 >� '�tro,�:4a ]
<br /> �. ' F-�y�����j+���� 9... 0 w� z. �� y^ >�h }i . 4�t. � �p q � � n 1 � -- - ..
<br /> �.�!��:.'��Gilf�'.'��iCi' .tR{ll����� �L f �tt'� 1y�f. +�� �f`���+ :A$ � -t d .. `A �k� ,�i�p ��l__ .�.aJ,�
<br /> \ fi �F„�� �• ! �+i• � �.�`'� .�x��.sdp� ili�>'+,�.��;'�
<br /> - �.f�Yn�-1��.��7!���17`�.i'. }�.0. �.t Ir y� .' ^�_�.� ..�, -
<br /> ._ ._� ns;.r,- _�_..v
<br /> �' .
<br /> —_.._..,..---=. �.
<br /> , • Q�6t1 OR R�3��NVEYANCB 91_.. 10196'7 �..:,-_.._-� —�
<br /> Tf,,, ,��_.�.,.;�.,:w—
<br /> . :a.1',:-
<br /> - WH�RBA8, the undersigned. Wi{liain C. B�ackburn, ot Grand Island. Mall ,t.tj,.�.;;��;;;�,•. ,,, ��rr�
<br /> ;rt '���
<br /> — County, Nebreska, is a� member ot the Nebroske State Bar Assoeletion ae TrusRee. ir..,':;`::�(`,�` s F
<br /> ' - under !he D a e d� o t Tru s t d a t e d J a nud r y 18, 1988, executed by Frad W. .Rauch and : �F���,� , �i �_,
<br /> T �'���`�'�n� Nle�garet L. Reuch, Nuaband and Wite, as Trusto�, in which Five pofnts Sank o t � ��,p�,t ,,�A -�
<br /> '��`:�ra: . Gran d is ian d, Nebreska, ts nemed as Berroftciery, and the undersigned as u,�,..., ,, . :
<br /> `e'?�$�i"��`::7• T r uatee, whiah Deed was recorded ea Docume�t No. 88-t00Z7�, in tii�e Reg ister o f ;�� f .�•�';;.����;�� t��
<br /> � � on the und dey a f Janua r y 1 8 8 8, a�d � ' ,;`•�,'" . ,'�
<br />,,,:ti:t�.�:�:.�'�.'a Deeds Office of H�ell County. Nebraska, • . ° :` r� ``"e''.n
<br /> . �•`::�;
<br /> . �i��,: ' +��� ��t� �
<br /> >.b 5..�.?. b h _r fn '�`
<br /> z�r�F;�' r�: ' WH�R@AS, said �unde�signed, Witliam C. Bia�kburn, of Grand tsla�d, HeU ,r, , �.. 5 l�r, • .
<br /> 'l}��1�1N'� �.'l . _ _ '.�.
<br /> ::��,,,;�4��r.:��:= C o�n t y, Nei�raska,. hes recsived from FWe Points 8ank of Crand island, Nebraaka, • ��, ;;, ��° s':
<br /> ��.�: r•. �..
<br />;��:;,:.� � �: w�itten request to reconvey the real estate deecri b e d tn t he D e e d o t T r u s t a b o v e .�,,,,; �>�,,A��,;;i.; , ,. �
<br /> , �, , ,.
<br />;.,;,� :���:;•: mentio�ed as tollows s ,�' � �"° � " �'�
<br /> � yr ��t ' �I'
<br /> f' '�t� t� ��`'•�:�. 'p tract of� lend IoaaRed in the Southeest Quarte� ot the Northwest ;_ �''µ ';,� :+, u�;
<br /> F'�'� � Quarter tSE�CNW�c) af Section Twenty-t��a t�i 3, T�wnshlp Elsven t11) = -
<br /> t ���'�� t t... . ',�i _. a_. in� •.
<br /> North, Range Ntne, �IVest ot the 6th P.M.. more particularty deseribed � ,r�
<br /> ��{��'��.'��� � • fnt on the south side ot A�na Street oi , .: �t -�n, � r '.<<,�"�.'
<br />:���;:�:�,r,.� � as followss Beginnir�g at a po ; . ."'s;:i���,���.�`lz�;���..
<br /> '�'''�'�}a��5��'� the Ctty ot Grend island, Neb�aska, 15 feet east ot the west side ot `�i:�v�„��,�1v �,_......
<br /> rrt�'r ;�'�'�t::�;,• ittt is 81s0. 1,010 te@t 1i �r�;,,s'_ ylk��{�5;:
<br /> ,}r,� ��,,;,;,�i, • � Jackson Street extended southerly, said po y . ;, . �i1�,::
<br /> ;;' �� ;•; '�!.��� � southwesteriy from a point where the southe�l itne ot �1nna Str�t y
<br /> �'{�,�'- tntersects the east Iine of the Sauth►�aet Quarter of the North es8 ;'� ,� „:, F;{y�'�,"'.
<br /> �!,, �6:�2� r:'. ' , 61�� •
<br /> in Tow�ship Ei ii��
<br /> r ,�:�ir��+,,� � . � Quarter (5�kNWk) of Sectton Twenty—�+ne tY1). ;, � , nr „ r-
<br /> ��" ;" ;�` I (11) North, Ra�ge Nt�e (9), West of tt�e 6th P.M., thence runnin� in . � , ` ,� '�,� ;
<br /> �-:-��„;;,;�,;�,,: � a southeas ter iy d i r e c t i o n p a r e i l e i w l t h t h e w e sterl y iirte with Ja akaon '..� a,, •.' , .'_;.��,y'"
<br /> �s��;'#': � '.��, , Street as extended a distance of Z7S feet thence, running right 90 , � .,
<br /> '-�' � de rees tn �a southwesteriy dMection 273.9 feet �to a poMt that is.•also �, f ,, � ��t��,�{�-
<br /> �.�';;��,,�;.; `;., �5�:� rt tine of the County Rosd. .�. ,,.: ,� �_
<br /> t feet trom e poMt on the east prope y ; ;, �t�XZ;L-:.
<br /> `� d�' ° :;;' thence running right 90 degrees aloRa� a line paraltet wlth th� West �,x ,�r,� u• � ,, •.
<br /> � tine of Jeckson Street as extended �� d�stana�e of t A7 feet, tfience g��f�/"+�'i}t;��, , ; tt
<br /> � � ,. �,,� ,
<br /> 4";� ,�� �ight 90 degrees along a tine paraiteA �rath. 'the �south �li�e of A��a P?,f'�''�}�'t���';ti ` ,� �.
<br /> �'�-=�..�:�,:+� Street 93.1 fc3et, thence right 127 iee4 aAong a line parallel with Lhe ;s�'�,�;� ���,��.f'�',�"v'�,�?`
<br /> . 4',�;� �•.�.
<br />;;:.; :,•,..,, said ctosu�e ; ! ►` �� °,�
<br /> ��;`�=�:�=.,�r' west line of ,lackson Street as extended to ctosure. �=,'�:��}�
<br /> ;r..�;,,, �-� .� 3.1 feet. �`�•;�hS„ A,:����
<br /> :Q• �'' constituting a tract of tend t Z7 feet by 9 ;;z" � ;��s �p1,':'� `��,
<br />�_;l/ .;i.(i�.3 �t�f• Yj•1�i ",��i`��:n�'.�.
<br /> .�5� ��...�i�'...� t,• ��.i�dW (iY�
<br />-� `�� ..4 •",11'�• ,��SY�'"' ��� ��.,�"'
<br />�'=�y:'. " fy.:'S'.:t.1z' � • w•► rw�i 1 y �1Zn� �ri� e!�m�e eaw��rnfl h�� et�r�1 I1Piof.I Af Tftt4� 1 ��.�n(�I���t�l� i,�„��,�.�.
<br /> ' ` S;;;,��:::, . ��}� r,..�u��. �n rc r�� ., t n . . �
<br /> '' j eid; ���}�a�.��;��i.tij 4�}
<br /> '� ,�-r�, have been futly p T =t�,;' � �,;��� r � .
<br />-';4�;;�,�,:�;���+�� rovisions of ��:�;,.,:,,}��,,,�.,.•,�;,���
<br /> f�. !�s• � N�W, THEREFORE, �in accordance with such request aa�t the p y ,;�::A;;t�f:�y�„ ,
<br /> � .,
<br /> ��f�' c�;;"��.� such Ti-uat Oeed, the undersigned, as Trwstee, does hereby reconvey, without ; , � „
<br /> ��j ?��tif; >>• ' warranx+y, to the person or personis legaily entitied thereto, the estate now held 2 , '- � ,:i
<br /> � i}�c�
<br /> -,�+.���'��•�};r�� by said ?rustee hereunder. ' `t;'`1.
<br /> ,. �,:��� .� ,,., ,r,, _,.,, .,.,
<br /> z�r;�ii;i:,;�::�,; ' ' . f�" ,��_
<br /> - ��+-��+� has executed this Oeed of ,... ti�;
<br />_-�=�+��6�,w'� p ihf WITNESS WH�REOF, the under�Bgned f s�,..: .�
<br /> Nebreske, this 98th day of February, 1991. !���''.�� „� � "�����`
<br /> -"""„`�y�, t �,: Reconveyance at Grard Isiend. � .�s��.� ' � ,�
<br /> �';.
<br /> ,�..«� �' �'� • : ,a„�,.:�
<br /> YA`5 '.�. A T�� , �•
<br /> }�'r4, � . �: �,:.
<br /> .,.r���Uy�,•�y �r?31':�� � � �� ��t... .�,k:rt•�l�• ',-
<br /> :lf"7 tf r� 1'e• �,-n . . '. .
<br /> aas tfv ?ii�l:t1�� � �;r'�thil1�'i.f�% '
<br /> . � ,. .,
<br /> t�y4'.
<br /> �'n • ���+�',� STATE OF NHBRASKA ) � �
<br /> .ti , , � ) ss. ��y� << � .
<br /> . .,1,�, 7 a�,:�;,.,. . � ,.
<br /> ;;�;_..,.:,:'; ��,;--,° COUNTY
<br />��>a�"r;;�;�;.:_.:..„.�,s�F OF HALL ) ',. �it;i>;Ati,, ;; .
<br /> �sJ4 2,tic't�'��,�{t 1',', '�t';l'; � �,,. ,
<br /> �.�.,;lx� ,�'�,�,,,��1 The foregotng De�d of Reconveyance was aeknowledged before me on
<br />�F;;�i,'�`.+�`�;.�•;ti:.,. Februer 18. 1991, by WIL.LlAM C. BLACKBURN, TRUSTEE� , ' '�•,��:�.� .
<br /> :,�>: • „-;�.,� , Y j . '. . .
<br /> :,......�. . ;�� . � ' . , .
<br /> :.:;r••;V:'s;. .�.r, � �- , �� . . , , :
<br /> .:,s�.:�: a;�"��;� ,, . ot�ry u c
<br /> . �,�. �t NOiNnyae.a�wa,nu j
<br /> ;�.i-.�j;.�, '•u. ��g�� �- • . ..
<br /> ' ;•.. F�.t� , Mti Comm-EiO�+n�i.i990 , . ,
<br /> `^.�;p,eigy',�,,:,y1 Y;;�,�, , . .
<br /> .. .;.���,�v�,-.
<br /> � `'��'��`��'�� The Seneflciary requests the Trustee to reconvey the reai estate above to ,
<br /> � ,,�, ,.
<br />.;,�,`. �-',�;����� the person or persons enttt�ed thereto. ,
<br /> � .`;;�,;,;.'�.;.
<br /> ; _ ':,:..;)�'' �:' FlVE POINTS BAiVK,
<br /> .}, , -.
<br />