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<br /> ,4'�i-� �{.t �:'rtf,.n��-�l� F'rls'F��.ieu�:�f.s,..r,,.Z:��'iii tit�;i. =i`l�i!r: ..y':».�3•,t.• '��,�'.i�:•i,FtFFj �j ���} i-��!:.��:�1', ' ' " ' . �(;�i'in, h�' s�.
<br /> -*s � �.�1� �f/- T.+ 'b' F � ,:•{,F,y �- . ��. , - - � -
<br /> i .� :rL �+��a�t �*...-�rJ'h: 1 .�� , 4nd ��(,1 -1 � r �o � ��F �,,��Y*�.._'�`tsa �� �
<br /> �_...—. . ... ' 't s J t� 1 . _ _. .. _
<br /> ,Il��- t . ' ��-.-�'i�1S�T-4�L •+^- ' r���'�Z'!''�j~4'�''I � �.
<br /> �t . o �. ,y r . .,.,' ',�','�_ �� r � ���< �3�3i� � .�rc:,
<br /> �ot��•��i.:�'t!Y'Y ,. . . S-,. (,� �,. x� f i';>' Z>'�� �, ;.a��''4�r...... "
<br /> 1y,C�-.�`r`}i�`J .. .1. . . t�,kn�r..;�...�s:J.,,...�i�4FeRl+d:�� �,�'t �l _ ..
<br /> - . �u� eys: � ..a..:n1(' 'a�:l�etwa^�.'^....,�.v .w....._ �
<br /> . }r>..__'-
<br /> _ ,�`-
<br /> 1, :�/4 1'd����!i4R�s
<br />��;'�h;;�:�� �,--�.01953 ��:��K�>�,��.,N:�._
<br /> 9 ,vi c ,,r ,. l 1,�a;,�.
<br /> x ►r,:' .
<br /> �ti�'�'� , h �>> ;y'�.��'t .ii'�:.:-
<br /> .t ..i-:.C, �.�i.� .n��; rir _
<br /> ��b.'C r �. ,'��.'I� � r�y�. � rl�_�t _ .
<br /> ;� .� . > '} , ��
<br /> 1 c .i__.� i1�O1�OWS: � nti':{� ir�r ^.-
<br /> � -- �� .,..,. UNIPORM COVENAM'!. HOtrowet�l1d 1,eltdet COVenant IIId t�ee -�='; �, . ,� ' '�,�,F,
<br /> r ';�, l pp►�t ot�IMI a�d Ia�eresp 1'rep� C�r�a. when dae ��. •�'`"���''y
<br />�,•'. ' ' . yn�t a11d I,�W Hortower ehaq ptampdY{�aY , ,�;�� V,n��"=
<br /> ,� ` ;�' �'�r the prinoip�t ot�nd interat ca the debt aviden�ed by the Note and�ny prepyment aod lste oh�rga due under the Nata �f;�. ,,� t. �£��§�',���" ;
<br /> � 2� Fu�btt�Ta�a�adIat�uanee. Subjecttoappiicablelawortoiwri�tenwAiverbyl.ender.Harrawerslwtipsy `:- ._:'� � � '�:��a,
<br /> t � to La�ar on the d�y raaithfy psymante�e due undar t!m Note,untU the Note is pdd in tb11.a eam("Funds")eqwt to •. , �;�;-��;'<< �1 :4
<br /> i'' one�ewadtb o!U�Y�! � and aue�me�ts whieh m�y attain prioricy aver this 9xurity 1n�trumenr tb)yeariy r,;' ,+''�';�'`,�Gt �`� �'a :;:
<br /> .�,. . .:,��"' ideel�ald p�y�tents os{rowni renta cm the Property. if anY:fo) yevrly he�mrd insusaace premiums;and(d)Yeat�Y ;�.,,::':�,>::,:.�•!�':'s '�:.'t�,�`'.
<br /> •, t,r ,,a � ,
<br /> tnortpge insur�uice pr�emlusra�ii�y.'These items en oalled••eserow iterns." I.ender mny estintpte tbe Funds due an the ��';, ,y s �:;!�t} � t,��,.�, ;�'�'
<br /> :��, �' �uisofaurra�tdsu�ndra�eon�bleeatim�tesoftbtareeu►awitenn. ;,' � �.�:` ,° ,,,�,, ' : ,_
<br /> ' , . , ; �i��.ti�,�.. ,,:...: ,y. ;,,�.!;.:;;.::�
<br /> � 'fbe Fw�d�sh�ll be held ia aa itatitution the deposits or aabumt c�tMhi¢h are insu�a!ar guarentad by a foderat ar ,,`.; '` r ��• �� � „
<br /> .:';,,?; '"` et�te a�eney tinotudlag Leader if Lender is euah an institution)•t.ender shatl appiy che Fundc�o pay�he eso�aw iuma. x=� i,.�:=�r� ' `,,-:� a�,' :
<br /> �•� Londer msy not alNrge tor holding snd�pplytng the Fands.andysing t!ro accaunt ar verirying the esotaw items�unkss �;',; �; ,� ' , , � ,'-
<br /> . ' t,tmde�p�ty�Bott�ovret int�est on the Punds and tpplia�ble law permits Lander to m�ice such a ohaTge,Aanawer and •. •. ` < <�;;';,t-
<br /> �t;,'tT; Lantier p�#p+�ee ia that in4�reat sh�ll be paid on the Fund�. Ualesa An a ament i:mnde ar a licabie law ` r " � �;:;' ' _
<br /> � 8: PP :,�, ,, i;...,. � �i� ,
<br /> �� reqy+�ipt�at w pe pk{. s4�1�be requirod to psy Bornwer any intarost or earninga an the Fund�. Lender ,t Y . .' �;/,":;,,�- F r�i �
<br /> � .,���,; sbw11 ave to 9arro�wa.Nthont� ap�taa!aixoanti�g ot tde Fw�ds showing erodits and debits to tha Funds and the '' ``:i,,; �:,���:,�;?�,d����<, -
<br /> i,., , � '-;;i,;,i, � r
<br /> ,t�r;�'. ; ,;�; ���1qj��(0��Q0 fp�NA��C�`1 pC�Qllu!lp�wa�ta�d�e•The Funda ue kdged as additional seoutity for the suma xaund b ,;- � �� ��=
<br /> �' P y �'� ��, ,�`��t�}��'�`��Y -
<br /> �� � ;� NIW�iW���N➢NMM�YY�. Jl:�. ,l.LL.f�' \L i! nfLu _
<br /> i.'�'f;'.,r�:_.`' r ''
<br /> '�,.� U tM�ut�at of tl�Funds Ae1d b�►l.en�.together with the f�t ute monthlY paymenta of Fund:pAyable priar to ;,;.,,.,.,; .�'��uf� ���?►'�r --
<br /> the due d�taa otthe acrotiv itars�ebwlt e�comed tt�amount requircd to pay tha esarow item�when due.the exca�a sh�1t be, ,� ;�j��: ,1 •ry�-' ,._
<br /> • �•` �t�arr�r'a�option�ebbes promptly�id to�Owe�or credited to BoROwer on monthly payment:of Funds•If t he '��•' .'' �'�. .�.�s� �.,._.-
<br /> .1r'�t; � '�` �t Of tbe Fund�hdd by Leader is uot s�ciem t puy ; 't;t t.;;�n�:::;_=—
<br /> ,.`,�r;., ,,",;;,.� o the aarow itams when due��orrower sluiil pay to Lenda any '�,,y;:;a�':.�:�,t.;.,
<br /> ��.�,•,���;�-. � �nmynt neo�ry to m�ke up tha dedciancy i�aa�e or morc paYments es required by I.ender. � , , --
<br />°'�';" '' '° °'�� Uponp�yrnent ia}bi!of aii eums secu�by thia Sxurity Iastrument.I.ender ahati promptty reNnd to Sarrower .. ,;,.: �,-=�
<br /> . `. . sny Funds beld by Lender. Itunder patagtaph 19 ehe Property is wld or ecquired by l�ender.Laader sbal)apply. no iater . ' �"�,+x��_—
<br /> ' � '�'� n� tian inunedistdy prior lo the eala of'the PropeRy or ita ecquisltion by Lender.eny Fund�held�by i.ender at che time of— '�� ` ,��
<br /> •r..;�. � applicadoa as s or�dit spi�at the aums secured by this Securlty Inarument �:�, �, �;t��� }s��--
<br /> �, , ' .. ,,,.:
<br /> :ry, �,, 3. A�p1lpWos ot Pqmeatr. Unless Applicable 1aw provida otberwise�a11 paymants recdved by Lender under ;�'` •',''' �'''`,��',.`��,•..`;- :
<br /> ;1 : . ° p�ra�a pbs i and 2 thallbe ap�plied:fleat,to lete cAarges due under tbeNot�ser.ond�ta prepaymant aharges due under the ;;: ,,:�,,;�� ;� , .
<br /> ' Nai�tl�ir4 to�rnc��s��able wsder pa�g�aph 2:��urth,to intaest due;end lett.to pdncip�t due. ' �`':,'`„�' , � �; ; '
<br /> ' �j.d,i..•` �
<br /> f,;,•.,�.S.i.,�:,;1 4. � Pd ft � ':...,,. ,. .�,�:•�•.1�17 � ; •
<br /> i � as. Borroaer shbll y all taaee,essessmen�,e1�r8ea� naa and im itions attributdble w the ,.a��..��.�, '.`
<br /> • ��• ��� ''� propa�ty wAich nuy a�in prlo�ry,over this Security Instrument,and Ieasehold yments or ground rants, if any. �,,, .,,�,ti ,�;.�.�+ � ,
<br /> , , Pa , ':: : � ���.' '., , .
<br /> � 8orrower ahwq psy thae obligations ia the menner pravided in pa�agraph i,or if nat paid in that manner�Harrowe�shall ''' '.;;�,;i�,;:i;:';':,?,;::;.:;;� y; '
<br /> tbem on time dfrectly W tbe owed ym�mt.Bosrower shell promptiy furnish tu I.endec aii npticas of amouot� ' ,;.�;'►;r;;�y���:,�F ;,
<br /> .,, ,,1`�I��.•r:�y •. ��..
<br /> .,.; t w o�b e p�i d n n d e r t b 1�p�n g n p h.I t�B o r t o a e r m�e k e s t h a e p a Y menta dtreetl y. Borrower shatt promptly fLrnish to L e n d�r � ' :'.�:,.,��i'��'�;l� t �'`
<br /> t�eeeipts�ddeacit�BtheP�!►me�ta• ' r`'':�i:�•�:;!r! , °;r_
<br /> Bor�ower aMt!promptly discha�ge any tien which has priurity ova this Security Instrument unieaa Borrowa:(a) , ;:.�r;�:;.�,,�;.�,: �{�.
<br /> Ag�eea in writiag to the ptymmt af the obligat{on aecursd by the lfan in a inenner acceptab►e ta I.ender,(b)cantasts in good � .,��,;��,,���'.,��,'<'�!.s
<br /> hith the lien by,o�detenda againat eaforcemrnt of the lien in.legal procadi�gs which io the Lender's apinion opet�te ta ; , :� ���� '�:���;,��°°'`
<br /> prevp�t the antorcemem a�'tha lien or fotfdture of any pert of the Prope�ty; or(e)securas from the holder of the tkn an � • � '. `'�'�i'%`
<br /> � ap�ednent s�Wfac�ory a�.ender subordi�ating the fien ta this Secneity Insuument.If Leoder determinea that any paK of �'�� '� ' . '�;;til;,���
<br /> the property is wbjeet to a lieo which may attain priatity ove�thie Security 1nBtrurnent�Lender may give Bo�owar e : , .,:',�,;`,�,•-
<br /> ''' � notioe idenNfybig the lkn. Bonower shail satiaty the lien or.taiceoma or caore of the actians set totth above within 10dayK ' �,�. '�;'�';"'���
<br /> , ��:��.. , ���}._,��,_ .t•.;; ,�;'_
<br /> Oft�IC�YjDdOtllOt�l't. .. 1:•"'.:; };;��,„
<br /> , � .°;ij�: , S. p��. 8onower shalt kap ehe improverteaems now existing or hereafter e�xted on the Proparty . . .�� " ��.�s+:'•. �'. �;
<br /> insured against lo�s by Ire.hazarda included within tiie term"eatended covetage"and any ather hazards far wMoh Lendcr � ,� !��'�"+'�`�'•,'����=
<br /> ,� ;���',�:;._. ' , : , _ __.
<br /> ° ��,'t'' tequitea imuraice.Tha i�aurance shali be maintai�c�d in the emounts and for the pedods that i.ender requires.The , '�,�`@L'�',"�°`
<br /> '�:'' ';:';; inwrntioe qurier providing the insuranee ehall be choaen by Borroaec wbjeet to Lander's approva) which aha►11 not be � ' ` �'�:'
<br /> ./_ ft��V`.'�__
<br /> ''�G;• unrraeomb1ywitbheld. � . ''''.{'.. .._ �'.s;;Fs'-
<br /> �.. , �'':; �'•
<br /> . . ����. AQ inauratae policiea aod raiewals shall be acceptable to Lender end sha11 include a standard mortgage clause. , r. •;•, -
<br /> � .�+,;:� ` Leadet sluU htve the ngh t to hotd ehe poticies and renewals.If i.ender rcquias,8orrower ahaU promptly give to Lertder `ti� ;�•.,��.
<br /> �., ..,.-::..:.
<br /> !��, f�;�� �11�pts of ps i d ptvemi u e a s a n d r e n e w a l n o t i c e s.I n t h e e v e n t o f l o a s,B o n o w e r s h a U p i v e p r o m pt noticx to the ineurence ,,�����;..-
<br /> ��;�c�ti�.. ,.117t..
<br /> � "°�, ,. .I` carrier�na L,ender.l.eoder may make proof of loas if not made promptly by Bonower. � t �c�{,:`
<br /> " Uekas Lender and Bonower otherwise agra in writing,insuranaeproceeds shall be applied to restoration or cepair i , '.:��•�'lfi,.:,.�.:�:.
<br /> ' � o!'the property damaged� if the re�toration or repair is economicaliy feasible and Lender's security is not Icssmed.If the � ;;;;;;1;,�;��`t`_
<br /> � reatoration or repair ia not economicaliy feasible or i.ender's saurity woutd be lessened,the insurance procads shati be '.'�`''''�'•`l�•
<br /> ., � �ppiied to the wnu saured by this Security Inatroment,wh�ther or not then due,with anv eacess paid to Horrower. lf �'. � �, :�'��!�� ;
<br /> � '� ' , 8ore�owef abandom the Property,or daes not answer within 30 days e twtice from Lender that the in�urance cartier hes
<br /> ", ot�eted to eettk a clein�,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds.Lender may use the pracetds so repair or restore
<br /> �:`i';'�:� the PtopenY ot to paysutns becuad by this Secunry Instrumenb whether or not then due.The 3aday period wiii begin �� � . . .,`.,,,��`� �
<br /> '�;r�� whan the notia is glvea. �t�',,,�.,;�,
<br /> ;;;;,`,',���.,,, . Unteas Lende�uKi Borrowe�o:herwise ag�a in writin�,any appf tication oi prnceeds to princi{+al ehaU not eatmd or , � •'�.,.;,;!
<br /> ';; ,�.)_,�� pcistpotk the due due d the monthly paymrnt�aferred to in paragraphs I and:o*chanRe the amount oithe peymmts.if , : �:
<br /> . '•'',r under pe�ragraph 19 th P�operty is acqwred by Lender.Borrower's nght tn am n.�u�ance palicies and praceeds resultiag
<br /> { ftom daemge to t!u i°topeny pnot eo the acquisitwn shall pass io t_ender to t�hc extem of the sumx serutM by�h�s Saur�ty ,
<br /> 1 Ins�rument immediatdy p�or to ihe acqu�smon
<br /> � . 6� ��������vQ��a{p�p�r;�el�ofds. �orrower�hatl no�des�rcn,damage or substant�ally
<br /> -- -_•__� ' CMllgt t�l!PfOpinY.dkbw tht Ptltpttl� to Ae[enorate or commai»a�ic- i::i�� .�»::::::; :^::::::�=�:.`-^«�1�uhn1A;
<br /> �� � 8otrowec sho11�wmp8yr�ah the prov�s�ons of tfie ka�e,and�f Borrc.xer acqusre,fee tule ta tfie Propeny,the leasehdd and
<br /> fee Ntla sluli not mergeunleu txnder agrces to t he merger m wnt�n g.
<br /> . � 1, protectlon o! i.ender't Ri�bts in the PropertY: Mortga�te tnsurance, tf Hc�rrower fails to perform ehe
<br /> , ' cr'•en�ntsandsgtcettx�ts:onto�nedin�his5ecuntytmtrument,ar�herci�a�egalproceedmgthatmays�gnificantlyaf�at
<br /> I,end�►'a righ�s�n the PropenY (such a� a pr�xeeci�nR m bankrup�cy. Mabate, f�r condemnat�on or to enforce uws or
<br /> �' redulattons),then Lender may do end poy for whate�er�a necess�ry to pr�xKt t he�alue of the Propeny and Lender's ngMs
<br /> m the Propeny. 4mder'c act�uos may mctude pay�ng any sums�tcused by a I�en wh�ch has pnonty o�er th�s Secuttty
<br /> ' instrutnent,appeanngm ccwn.peymg rcasonuble attorncys'feet and cnlenng on the Propeny to maice repa�n. Althnugh
<br /> . Lettder m�y take act�aa under t h�s paregraph 7.Lender does ncN have 1v do�a.
<br /> � � Any amaunts dnbuned by Lender under th�s parogra�+h 7 shill becume add�twnai debt of 8orrower secured by th�s
<br /> ' ' 1 - M dote'af disbuncmmt at�the NateB aac ande�hal! be paynble��u th �terest�upon not ce from Lender oeBorrower
<br /> � � ; teque�tmg peyment.
<br /> � � ! � �
<br />