���.{. . . i':7',.' .c.f..� ,�.r.. '.s.�.�nyP Ar .:n: , . . '•a. .. .iyy i:.�.. . ,� . .....>�... .. . � .. .��.; _ .
<br /> -trt �.Y1'a61 'L f � ��%.Y.C.:i'v..t.t ��3i 4 olt:is.i 5 _p' �,e. �. ��tj .i .=�::..��x,•: . i� 1 S.:' f i- � ;
<br /> �sH' � �{� .. � iJ.. r� r'i �i-� -} t r If.�i? i u i °i"�f .�� f� ��-y �' '- �.� i . -i : ''
<br /> -/- '�t / r'+ � ..,�"..�4t �' ! ��} i ( t� /'.,. i +�'1 l�t i. � �.�� �� ;t^
<br /> �,.�fl r'--f. : �/5� . ..1"'�..':,� �n ��`„ tl [ p, . � 4.i 6 _ �, -7� S . .. , __ - i
<br /> �
<br /> - _.. " . ry At�� . '.� , 1 r-t��""�r .""a'.r�.'"f � rt °Y 'Yt :��fl . .�'z_t,3 -�,�� _.-.
<br /> ' • , tF{f� S _ f - ,. -. si ,ci � :�� i -yqn� � j��i- , -
<br /> . . ,�r a ` •t '� 1 �i � r• .47'�*" t,.y, a
<br /> � L•1���G rt t r �- fl..,� - . . �. tl�i �� S t.. , f�ey{J l) w"....-._
<br /> . . . .�at �- t) -� ��n�1 � r , � 4. S 4.� �Yli �v1 r L?�},1 -�-'•-�?�,�lt ��'`_.
<br /> � ,ri• 1 i .� .;lStiAri>;��.�::,-ii.11..tiY14swL:.f�� _ '
<br /> 1 .. �.. +i3 �.��,...:�;�.�� b -�1' '8 ,,,, • ----._`-- ------- --
<br /> ».:a.
<br /> r..�! i
<br />--�� ���,
<br /> ,�, _ �{� 91-r"101950 � ,
<br /> � _
<br />��,: . . . . . .. .. . -
<br /> �;�,�,�.�¢t�°.�`�.� +' � n� •�t• '�--�_t+��,.�._.��_ -.
<br /> . .� r �L�.' ' ' • t i 91i�s ---
<br />�� (�4 r� � '� ��-}-- _—_
<br /> r��rl`} ���i�ri t�' st1.i4�d,�t�- w
<br /> ,;14',t r;y' i�;,���S, It Laadee reqaired morlgaee inwraewe a a�a ot aukia$the!aa eeaared bY thb Seau�lty I�rua�t� � �;' �„ti .
<br /> ,r,��;t�,z{ 8aaower ehpli pay the praafuma reqWired w maiutaia tbe inaaroa�x ia aflPect undl euoh Nme ns tbe requiren�aat for tLe ..�� ��. A �` —
<br /> b "
<br /> � o>�i;�.r�` ���'.�'� ir�autanca tarminatea in a�carduxx with Maowar'�iutd Leadar'e arlttan sgeeen�ent or applioabl�law. , �°� ,;�3 Y
<br />_���,��,y"�.ti•��:�,,� 8� Impeedoa, Leadaarlts agaAt may make eraeanable eatdea upon aad inspeations af thv Ptoperty. Leader 4w .._
<br /> `. shaA give Aorrower notice at tbe titae of or prlo�to at�inepeotior�speoifyln�teusoruble cawe t'aMhe inspeation. � ,i. a..',:'•"`. `'°:�°
<br /> �t. �,A�. ` ��i " � , {e,+Pl�_
<br /> ;" f"`���_� �3�'`i� SI. Condemn�Noa. Tbe praaeedd o!'any aaard or olaim for damagas,diteet ot ae�q�equmttiai�in aanneotton wlth ,, ��,s'�"���y��`�„°'�;�'�,;���,
<br /> '�y ,ht;'�,�ri� ,•^,: ,., �n,�� �
<br /> ,,, N-�,.;i;:�.., any condamnadon cn other taWng of aay pact of tbe Propeety�or for conveyam�in lieu of condemnation�aro her�eby � ,,. , ,, ,f ,,, ,..
<br /> , �.��� m ��, asai8nod and shAll bepaid to I.endar. , � ; ; ' ';;�ry� �
<br /> �, F� :,+� ,
<br /> ...� .�.�I rr rysi. _, i � :.0 i �r. _.
<br /> . :� .;.,::`:.n�,�; to the event of a totat teking of the Pro�ecty.tbe pt�o�o��t R�e appl{cd to the sums seaur�d by thia Secu t�
<br /> � :�xti°•: �a.�- ant vvleWt�r ar not tben due.wlth au�y ewoess p�id aa HSmnwar.An the event of a panial taking of the Prq�erVl. �;" .,• �';;��`.�'`�;:> ':�'-.
<br /> -;:`'.�,: - ,� ;�,' i��Mer a�ed i.et�dar other�vise agree in writia�g.the sum4 securea by t�isSec+�dty Iasttumeat shap be reduood bar '�
<br /> .. ..t �_tM(..: ` / r h_
<br /> �,.: �.,.., the ana�ouat of the�oceeds multiplled sy the fouo�►�t��:ea�enR to��►ounx�����a i��t� ,. ,�.. ..,;;:;, '� t ., .:
<br /> `���` takiag,dtv� value o tbe Property ima�ediatety befbre the takiag Any b�laaoe s9aabl�e ��'� ;�,` �,�,,
<br /> `�' �;4��,'���� beforeRlte b�r(b)thef�irmattat ���' ':�'.;:�,=::
<br /> , „ r:
<br /> "' f � ��RO'BOltOW@�'. 8�C!OO�CC b LQRdQ[t0 BOI'fAR'K t�lAL tIlC COIIdC1111101'4� 10 ^ �,t'��•'�!i'
<br /> „',: �i�r • �� If the Property is ab�doned by 8on�o�rer.or iP� Y ` .,,�""���
<br /> , �f�� . make an award ar sente a claaa fbr danu�s,eorrowa falls to nspond ta Lender aithid��daYs after the dece tLe ao�b k =
<br /> �,� : :• given�Lander is sutborized to calleat and appiy the p:o¢eeds�at its option,dther w re�tacmio»ar repsir of the Praperty or " ,�` . z ;i��.,,..,,�,�=:
<br /> � �k��� �'., to the swns seout+ed bY thisS�e�mitY Insaument,ahather or not that due. ' '�,� ��, �, ��.`�, _
<br /> i
<br /> R ,Y�`,1 �j��r�r�, � Unleas I.ender at�d Horroaer otlterwise agrea in atidng,any appltcation of proceeda to principal shall noi extend or � � �'S���`�` t ��,�;�;��z�":
<br /> fi i:.�y.;�,►,,.�t>, � Postpone the dae date of tUe eaontbly Palnneats refer[ed to in pacagraphs 1 and 2 or cha»ga the amcnint c� uch PaYm�nu. ;� �"�1 � --.
<br /> �,,:�'`�,:�.;YCS''��,.� 10. Bonqwa Not Rele�edi Forbdraaee By I.eader Not a Waha. �xtenaion of the time'�or pwyment ar _ .,; ��� ,.:_ __
<br /> �:.., r; � ��: modi8cadon of aeaorti�adon of tlree suma secu[cd by thia Secudty last�ument gra�ted by L e n d er ta any s u c'cessar in • .? ;• , �;�,•._-:�•:_____
<br /> ." ,'�,.�.�� ���•"„ intateat of Harroaer shaU not oporate to nlease the liabtiity of the odgiaai 8orrower or Aorroaer's auccesaors in inte�at. .� r��..:: ..'. �� :�'��-=:.-.
<br /> � "�,; ',� Lqtdec ahal!not be teqtdred to oolnme�ce pracadin8s against any suc�$°r ia interaet or refbee to extend time for � t�� s_
<br /> � f,:, �
<br /> ' ' `��' ' ent or oth�rwiae snodify►amettizallon af the suma eecured by this Secudty Inetrument by reason of eny dema�id made k� . ,,��,,,�,_
<br /> �•„ �,,:�.�:",: .�. , peyrn . .
<br /> .` ,,;•"..°�,. by the odginai'�arrower or Horrowe�'s sucoessors in interost.Any forbearance by Lendet in exercising any tight or remedy � � ;�. �,'r.�::,,;,,µ-�---
<br /> Y:'� "''i s6a11 not be a waiver of or preclude the exerolee of eny right or remedy. i4 ,�,', ���`��%r���
<br /> � � , �' ;� ' !!. S�+ess�ora egd A�t�u Homd3 JoWt pnd 8eteeai I.tabqltyi Co�si�ers. The covenanta and agrcemmta of � :�'' ,� '�t{�,��i��
<br /> n,:;, •
<br /> -}, , .;-;�;;' . � tbla Secudty Instrumant shal!bind and beneRt the auccessors and essiBns of Lander and Aorrower.snbject to the pmvis�om r ;-�;.�i•r ;Y�ra� ;<<.
<br /> �: ^ ; „ r�: .;,;,,� of ParagraPh I7.Horcower's covenants and agceemente shalt be Joiat end aev�el,Ary 8orrower who caaigns thia Security '``r::-:� . ,��t,f,'fr �,+r:
<br /> . °' 'a ry•? e Instrument but daes not execute the Note:(a)ia casigaing this Se¢urity tastrumer�t onty to mortgage.grent end convey :' ,;;� '';��'' `
<br /> . „
<br /> �• �� ;'" ::',;. ; tliat Borrower'��intaest in the Property under the tern�s of thia Securiry tnatrument:(b)is not peraonaUy obligated to pey . ,� `.��'•�.; . :'���,��.� ..
<br /> ���,',,i tlu sume aeaurat by�his Security Instrum�nt:and(c)agre�that I.ender and eny ather Qonower may agree to extend, ,. � ';,'� :��,�; 'f�' ,.
<br />- 1 .'' ���".�'' modifyr�fotbear or make eny eccommodations with regard to the terms af thie Secudty Instrument ar the Note wlthout � , �� ;,.;�:��' ';.a
<br /> ,� . ...:: ,t, ,� � ..`�
<br /> d '� • that Horrower's consestt. : • �• �'`�` =
<br /> ���"�� ��� 12. I.o�Qwrgee. I!'the loan secured by this Security Inatrument is�ubject to a law which sets maaimum toan �� �,� ' .!�'...� '.',{,�f' ,
<br /> • ��`.�:•,. � �.,���'�,,'i ehsrges,and that law is flnally interpretea'ao that the interest or other toao charges collected or ta be coqected in
<br />- ,� �;;,.��';�. ,.�;.•? �onnect ion w it h t ha loan ex c a e d t h e �a e d l i m i t a,t h e n:(a)n n y s u c h t a a n c h a r g c s�h a l l b e r c d u e e d b y t h e a mount ' "-':���� • '� '����, ,
<br /> necessary to reducx the charge[o the p�itted limit;and(b)any sums alresdy coltected from Bonower which eacxeded ` ' " � '� '�;�;;�� � `
<br />-�.. �� :��ry���;:;'�:°�� perm itt e d l irn i ts w i l t b e r e f u n d e d t o H o r ro w e r.L e n d e r m a y c h a o s e t o m a k e t h i s�e l l�n d�b y r e d u c i n g t h e p ri n c i p al owed � ' ;, ;; ',1��aP`�' �����
<br /> .. ,�. � '1j;�"•�'�j;;,�:-
<br /> -° � ' ';�.•".�•s, under th�Note or by makit�g p d+r�ct paymmt to Bonower.ita refbnd reduces prfnclpat,thB oeduction wi11 be treated ee a t � ; � •;,; � F;.,_
<br /> ,r{�+',,�� paRial Pe�epayment aithout on ment char e und�er the Note. , '��� ,;. �s�� �i,`a
<br /> .. . ,�:; , �;` Y P�Y � 8
<br /> � t o� ez iration of a tirsbie laws has the eflect of � s�'�`���;�
<br /> ..,, . ;: ' •���:;�; ,. 13. Le�e4tton Af[ectln8 I•ender�lRigbts. if�enactment p pr : '81�;:�z:�„-;�,
<br /> �; y �}.,:' •
<br /> :�;». '.,.,.:�f„i�,} rQnder{ng any provldon of the Note or ihis xcurity Instrument unenforceable accarding to its terms,Lender,at it4 option. � , '��,,��s�y;�
<br /> ' ' ?���' mey require immediate payment in fuit of al{sums secuad by this Security lnstrument and may invoke any remediea , •�°�1t1��.�:e�..
<br /> ,°�::�}'r��"•�p,('g�;.• pecmitted by paregreph 19. If I.ender exercises this optian,l.ender shaq take the steps specifted in the second paragraph of , ,.>,1 F���:;�°'_
<br /> ,� 3 petagraph 17. �1�}rn��
<br /> n � !'�e�y' 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided far in this Security Instrumrnt shnli be given by delivering it or by t �, ,f�11��'_ �
<br /> :. i.;,:�:C .
<br /> `;;�;��'.''%:�'� �.+`,' meiling it by flrst class mail unless appiicable iaw requircs use of another method.The notice shall br directed to the � �... ��,s,��??,,.,.,.,._
<br /> . �� '1 �` property Address or any other address 8orrower designetes by notice to i.ender. Any notice to Lrnder shell be given by i • ;ja�f��j,t+�ti;�t-�
<br /> ni�t 4 � �
<br /> t�.,�-�.�� �•,�� Arst cless mail to Lmder's address stated hercin or any other nddreas I.ender designates by nntice to Horrower.Any notiee , � � ,rj f,: ,� }
<br /> '}U',.��E��1�.?�,;�•`''? provided for in this Stcudty Instrument shal!be deemed to have bcen given to Borrower or Lcnder whm given as provided � ;�.�;,..� .�.. ,� .i�_::
<br /> 's;':�:,Sr����. �; • � inthispatagreph. ,�,:,� , !
<br /> 1 '' ..;' V '.'v•''' is. Go�erain8 i�w=Se�erobility. This Security Instrument shail he govcrn�d b}fcderai low and the law of the � � '�°:�:,•:,`�!'.:`���'��:E}:, `°
<br /> ..,:, . t..,,�, � �''? ' '�•
<br /> judadiction in wh{ch tho Property is locaded. ln the event that any provision nr clausr of th�s Sc�ar�¢y in�trument or the :�__
<br /> ti:,':: '�'.:.�;:;:. �� . . ,�
<br /> '�'? " ' '�'��`� Note conflicts with applicable iaw.such.xmflict shall not aflect other provisions uf th„Serune� 1n�rumcnt nr the Note , ��'��''%.�.�, _
<br /> ,,, , ••�i.�•.-�;., .. , , _
<br /> 1•..{��� .,•.. • whtch can be given effect without the conflk�ing provixion.'To this end t he pr�vi.wn�of thi+Secuoic�� )nstrumrnt nnd the . • �
<br /> 'r;}'��;�iZ�t'f�,.:; IVote are declared to be sevetabte. . :
<br />_ff�}!s�;�iS'.i;f�,;,.,,;, ' 16. Borro�er's CopY. Borrowee shatl be given cme confnrmed cc�py uhhe tiate and of this Securitc Imrnmeenmt.
<br /> =�: .•. ,•�•• 1�. Tro�sta ottee PropertY aQ a�ne8cin! Interest in Born��.cr. If ult or an} pan of thr Pmprrey or an>• .`ti ��;•"
<br /> ;."'t:;'�4`��r`��'t,y�4f''� ' interest in it is sold or transferred(or if m k�era�ficial interest in Aorrou��r�w�w�td ar trunsferrrd and IB��ower�ti not a natural . .. .
<br /> �;.y����f};1�;r1'ti �Ef,<� • penon)without Lender's pnor wntten��rxm+�nt.Lcnder may.ut u+��p�eum.reywrr�mmrd�ate�►ey ment�n full c�f al!tium. �, .'(�'•�` Y
<br /> •'' ��t;:;:�;'';� • �ecured by this Security instrument. Huwevcr,th��ups�on tihatl no�tK exerc�xni hy Lendr.r�E'cxerr�tie iti pmh�Aaec!by , �T
<br />_ -'�.;;.,�{',�' .; , federatlawaaofthedgteofttusSecusicylnstrument. � . _
<br /> ' �•�?.•••,, .:,� lf Lender exarcisa zhn optum.Lceder tihaH gwe Eiorrc�wer noiwe�f a�refe�arnm.tha ra�rne yhull prrnide a penucl , .
<br /> , �.,. . ,_�:..___a. ...a...a�..n......*�•i,p.,rrr,u.•r mrau n:.v nii.um„eCUrtt1 bY
<br />