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_ , -.�-.__ -� -ycu::rtr.,;v.,v...,..:c:w�w.,...,.rw.:.��.� .ee/i��+-- ._. .. <br /> __—_–_ ���I'--'iI� —�.h _V.——<<. . ' " . <br /> ' ° `� �����'�°►��i��. I 'r•1: �., . . <br /> '�� •� •.t'-; '�,r. r,����� •., . � <br /> �' _._ <br /> -.� � '- __ --. _. <br /> f <br /> ��. ���•,.�:+.�•;:g�_� ° � �1. . '� � � �� �� — <br /> • �a� Nora�n N. 8t�lk <br /> - ----- YHIS TRUST OF�D� i ��� —� <br /> - --- -� and shir�ey��e��kilo��b�d'"$r� �el�laMB;"�IS�@�A@�l� ' �:�: <br /> :�... w1aM au�ad�w li • <br /> ::� ,�. pwdn�Truqa"�;�nd����wlawmWinO�ddn+ukP.0.8ox�l17.WoodRh�r.N�br�ka�0�61�llwrNn"T�u�1M�'�nd"B�nMl�la�'y _- <br /> . � � FpR YAIUANE OOIKIOERATIOM,bdudin0 th�ind�bt�d�ts indNMifNd h�nNi and th�trust M►�in a�ot��nalpt oi whidi i�h�nby <br /> ��' o�ImoMl�d�d. Tnp�tor hrvoot�l�0►ont�.1►a�l�s,eaww+,and a:si0nt fo TnistN.IN 1RIIST.WITH P01NER OF SAIE, ta th bMrfif and �"- <br /> - _� '�°�°�`;`��� s�curiry ot l�liciory,und�and wl��et to tM t�ond caiditiont d tMit ONd ef�nol prapKl�dKaib�d w follow�� - -- <br /> �: <br /> + .�x,�,-.��''C•. �`' <br /> !;.�,. <br /> • ;,�,�r•�n Pareel lt The Northeast Qu�rter of the Northeaat Quarter (NEI/4N81/A) of 8ection Threa ��;.. <br /> " � � w �at (3) in To�mohip Tea (10) NorCh, RaoQe Ten (1�� Weat o� the 6th P.M. in Nall County� !�= <br />^��.Y' '+r-�x t�:i:'�'a Nabra�k�. ��'_ <br /> -' '. (:.Y.f: _ <br /> , ����� ���•i` '� � Parcel 2s The Eaat One-half of the SoutheAat Quarter (EI/28E1/4) of Sect�an Thirty-four <br /> ..�' '"�Y�' H., Hall Couaty, <br /> :.--,�..-�;, •�- (34), Townel�ip 6leven (11), North, Range Ten (10) West of the Sixth P. i�`~ <br /> ��;r� •� ����: � Nebraska Bxcepting a certain tract thesefrom as recorded c+n the Plat of Pierce Subdivi�ion <br /> � � ~� � £iled Au�ust 13� 1992 ia the Bs�ister of Ueeda �e Document No. 92-107072 <br /> xr. w,. <br /> �,r y �,.. <br /> •_. . '1�n'{� . <br />..a::�'�, }>V,� �'�i��;"� r <br /> ' �-i=:. <br /> (��. <br /> u.=�� v.fJ.'�Z:= �_� <br />-' ,! <br />:�'� ,..•.�,��,.,; �:.: <br /> , .'•��,�, <br />,S <br />�.1'. �, Y1'+Y� .5 <br /> _ - ^�S�`.,V �lrV <br />��,�: _;.:. <br />-j,'.l� � �rt4� —SL". <br /> '?��(i � ,�, : <br />�:dT}' .'" i,'- <br /> '' �;�ji , ,. �lr� <br /> ,r��' . ' .,? . �t .. �,�': <br /> i .1'� tilf { : •w�'�{, `i .. <br /> nP�'� �{.� j r{;;, i <br /> � ��� �r� ,���, • .1�:?: <br />:"'x.;l,; :.rt;,�' _�,t�,;s=,�',; TO(;ETHER WVOTH, dl nnts,proiits,roya1ti�s,intoms ad oiher benetits deriv�d trcrn the npl property•all Itases or subleos�s coverin9 the .��'': <br /> ,c; ::� �rt:�• -• ��� rob thQreot, now or her�ohn erdsii or en�er�ea imo,md a�ri i ti�iv ar+d fai��si Zf Ttusiar M�raurdar, nll En• t,l:' <br /> " � �4 ��al P►�Y a�N Po►�� �+9 �' • iy ti�,_. <br /> �' �,tf� Y,��c��ryt�': tKats,�stat�a ottwr claims,both in law ond in�quity,which trustor now hos or moy t+er�o}t�►aquk�in the real properry:dl�auments. � : <br /> a �, - <br /> �� '�'�'; „..,"�` •� � '� ripMs-of-wa�t, tenenMnts, hereditom�nts ond appurtenances ther�of and tiwr�to�all al atd qos riyhts and profits. +roter riqhts and woter �„�- <br /> ���... �. ���'.,';:�; <br /> �'• � � �..�> stadc:all�fyht,titl�and intarest of T►ustqr,now owned or h�r�oHe acquired,in and to an�land lyinq wifhin th�ripht•of•way of ony s1rNt or �k„ <br />"-;;�`' ' ,.' "' ,:".: h od'pini tFw r�al any ond oll buildi provem�nts, and a <br /> _ . .. ,- �r �g pr��, rps. fi�turos, im ppu�tenanc�s now a he►�oNer aected the*�eon c► �r; <br /> � '•'"° �"""`�' b�lonpirp tiNroto,lhK�in rof�rc�d to as"Improv�mmY'or"Improvemems"i:a�any and all awords moda fa tM takinp by�mine�P damoin �:� <br /> �.. -^,�,� •<:t'1:�;�;. �r�.: <br /> .. I or by on�r prxNdinp a purchase in lieu tfwreof,of the whole or any port of the reol p�operty. , <br /> ,;•: ., ` :�il�;�,;;. qF:r <br /> • , ,...�y ...•::•,,,,*��.-., Ali of tl»fotpai�p�stato,prop�rry ond inte�st Iwraby convoy�d to Trostt�ha�in eolltctivQl�r�f�rr�d to as tIM"PropertY". 't, ._ <br /> • •.�„. ,`,. u:.,:; ` <br /> °_. r.�^:��••,;;`•�• THISDEEOOFTRUSTSHALLSECUitEi <br /> '!,��. <br /> . �, ''� ' '`i'!;, (o)Th�po�►mmt of Ind�bt�dn�ss�videnc�d b�Trustor's note of w�n dot�hK�with in th�principal sum oi (LnR H��ndred Thons and <br />- ; ,•� , �• �,,:,, - <br /> �,,, ��j'� nnd nn�,�(1(1 _^-_-______���_��__--__-_�_���__�____-__-___���_� �O��a�S (s I�O.00Q.O�---��. <br /> ff-�--,�_t�;,, ,,.- <br /> �;>� . � tiy�,,,;,;;,..�;�.,,.� .ti top�tMr with int�nst ot tM rot�a roas provid�d the►ein. iherein,toy�th.r wiih on�and uti renewols,ma�iifications,aed cxisnsiaaa t3;creaf, "; <br /> • �,�••:�,.,;�,'.;,;,;, �• nf�r►�d to os tIN"Note"1 both principal ond int�rest on the Note beinp payabk in acadonce with th�t�rms set fort�h iher�in,refererxe to �:. <br /> :,�:+' �, ..��••::=t;; , •4 whkh is Mr�by mod�,th�final po�m�nt of principo1 ond int�nst,if not soontr pad aed if no rmowols,modifkations w oxt�fons ae made. B'".�.". <br /> '��,, .s"���..�:��~ � December 30, 2007 ._________i <br /> �; � E,�,{,,� dw and payob,e on_ <br /> '3� �^:� (b)The per�ornwna of wch aprnment and covanant of Trusta hvein cornak�d,ond ' ,' <br /> .fi. ,: ,�iff.,�+��i'.<� ' �.,u: <br /> ±•� 4 ��'"`-. Ic)Tfw po�rnNm ot ony sum or sums of mom�with int�rQSt therQOn whith moy toQ hweofiQr paid ar advancad undQr tha tarms of this Deed of • ,t. <br /> - " '`'tr,`� ' <br /> �.•::..f','•. -: <br /> -� , ���i a, . • ''.r TNSt. <br /> ';;��. ,�4;;.,�, ,.°:,�•vw (d)Th�pa�rm�nt of ony future odvoncas n�assary to prot�ct tha s�cwlty or any future advance mode ot tlw option of th�partiesr ond _ <br /> � _ .ti,;..,.,.::.w •.. • 1' <br /> : ��� " .t, � ;h 3 (�)The performarxQ of on obliyotion of ony other peson�amed in this Trost Dtad to o beneficiory. <br /> `- � ' ,y(FG,:. <br /> ��., . TO PROTECT TNE SKURITY OF THIS OEED OF TRUST,TRUSTOR HEREBY COVENANYS AND Af•REES AS FQ�lOWS< <.:� <br /> ,�' � '�� ., f�'�'`"��'���`' 1. ra�f d hi��l�MtK��t.Trustor sholl promptl�poy when due the principal oi and interest on the indebtedness evidwic�d by the ,i��' <br /> y:Fi. ':�i.:•`,�.. '...,i+;,. . ... <br /> �rr1•.'� : '��`'��" ; � Nott,and otl otMr ehar y�s ond fNS as p rovid�d in thQ Not�e,ond the printipol of aid maerQSt on any Futura Advances secwrd by this D�d of 1'��, <br /> . }:}:r .. ,..�. Tntst. tuf_ <br />':' , �, i: :�::� <br /> ��,______ .;r5� � �, wwrwt�d?ifN.Trusta is lowFully sei:ad ard possessed of goccl and indefoasible title ond estote to the Property Mreby conveYed and ��', <br />` � � i ,�'7� hos tlw ri M to ant and comQ the the Pro rt is iree und clear of oll li�ns ond Qncumbrencos axtapt liens raw of recad:and <br /> �. ; � ;�`5,,, w� 9 � r �r: ae r <br /> „��,1 Trustor wlll woRant and defend the title to th�Property agoinst all ckims ond damonds. , <br /> • �t:,�'�r;`. <br /> ,� •� { ' 9, M�Mt�wa wl C��Me�wilU L�w�.Trostor shoN kaep the Propo►ty in qood condition ond repair and shall not eommit waste or permit <br />?'1�,i� �.�{r•K,I'r�'r,:- ' •, ���. <br /> "' ,'.�(1 ;,r�.' i , ' �; impoirnwnt or deteriaotion o�the Prop�rty and sholl comply with the provisions of any lease if this Deed of Trust is on o teosehold.No improve• <br />-�;,•`' •. �" �''�f�:;•�;l�t�,",•'•;�i,`�, mmt now or hereaHer erected upon the Property shall be oltered,removed or demolished without the prlor w►itten consent of Ber�ficiay. <br /> '��'" �' � ,►��' Trustor shall com I with oll lows,ordinonces,r lotfons,coveiwnts,ccnditions ond rQStrictions offecting the Propeny and not tommn.suffer, ' <br />'.�,,;�i ;'" • .'�_:;;"•,�,,,: p y � . <br /> -�,•,�., '. '� �''� ' �}S?'{`!�� . or permit any act to be done ln or upon the PropQrty in violotion of ony{ow,ordinonce,regulotion,covenont,condition or restrict;q�.Trustor ' <br /> : �� i��X t1 �''' ' ' '' r.'�� sholl c ete or restore rom tl ond in workmonlike manner an im ov�ment on 1fie Pro rt which mo be do ed or destro ed ond ' <br /> � � � � P P � 9� Y JN i� Y Y r^o9 � <br /> ;,:.. 5,j��. . <br /> �,. . j���;�_, ,�'� po�r,wfien due,oll c laims to.lobor pe�formed and mat�rials twnished tfierefore and for any aftarotions thereoi. <br />----�,.,',F.f.: .Iif4�:L•�,��:r:t_:!6k�'d.OMi��d eu • � .�t--•.."- J L..n...�IC.:�... .r.w�...:�h..�.r�v fn 11t�Imnfny�fNnft end <br /> . --- � `f��"�.-�--,�rr'��� �• lesvranc6lfYSlf7f.OI1��BJ�pltlqi, MIIIIIIYIIt1Y111w11NIIIiP1/'iV�IIV�VIIV� ��o��r�u.��i��...�...� ... r�_. r . <br /> •• �� "'"��' �•�:•'r-�s��'�y�`�' �rsonel property,constitutinp the Propeny,ayoinst loss by fire,liphtnirp,tornado,and other perils and hotads covered by stondard extended <br /> �• �•,,�;'�1;,��"��:'t�:�'`.. <br /> � , � ;,.,,,t,;, , , ,f� eor�rop�endorsoment, in an amount oqual to at laast one hundred percent of the full replacement value thorQOf and insurance ogainst such , <br />.. � 1�;'��.� 5�.�.:.':'.1R . <br /> � � ��-,,,j `1• �, �� other hatards and in suth omounfs os is tustomoril�carried by owners and operators of simular�voperties or os&r�efitiay may rtquKe for its <br /> � �'��'�°'. � <br /> � d�?�``�:b'� ` Pr <br /> �,�'�'�� :$ �.c..S.,�Y� protsctiun.Trusta wiN tomply with sueb oth�r requirQrtwnts as Benefitiory may from time to lime request ior the otectan by insuronte o(the } <br /> ��`'' •'• s.''��'';�•t;'r • iM�rests of the resputive parties.All insuraiKe polities mointoinad pursuont to this OeQd of Trust sfiall nome Trustor ond Beneticiary as in• � <br />, ,, y , � , ,,._:: I� <br /> •• �,•.Y.�;;,� � sureds,as�heir respctire interests moY appear.and p►ovid�thot there sholl be no concellotion or modificolion without no lass thon 15 days i <br /> � iy�h;:�>h.,�.. <br />� , ; �,••!j'��rt:�. , pr'ar xr�rr�et�notificotion to 8meficiary. In the evQnt any policy hKeundtr is not ren�wed on or be�are 15 days prior to its erpiravion dote, <br />�;• � �:':��'"a'��L; 8ene4iciory moy protur�such inswance in acordance with the provisions of paapraph 7 h�►eof.Trusta sholl deliver to BenefitiarY f he originol <br /> r:.'��:r''�� polities of insurante ond rer�r►nls thK�of or m�mo copies of such polici�s and ren�wols therwf.Foilure to i�;rn�sf:s�t�+�nswcnce by Trustor,or <br /> �� � `';�� �?�,� ranewds as rpuved hereunder shaU,ot tha optbn of Beneficiory,canstitute a default. <br /> � A. . ..� :�.. � <br /> ,� . <br /> �� . <br /> . . <br />