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��,� � `.'r'� �� •°" . • ':},�': .'�' N-�•'' <br /> ��" t --... -- - - .._ --- .cTCL.:._ <br /> . , . . . . , --. _.__._ <br /> —,.... _ . • -.'. _---- � -- -` �- - - .-. <br />._ � _ —��—� , <br /> • ��� �V�� w <br /> H. AS9IaNMRNT O�' RBN7'St APPOIN'1141El�T OF RECEIVRR; LF.NDER IN P06SE.S310N. <br /> 8ormwor�bsolutely�nd unoand{tiantlly�xignn and tnnde�a to I.e�der all�he rentc And rovenues l"Renu")af <br /> tho Propohy. �a�udle�af to wh�►m tUe Rente af tho PmpeAy Aro pa�yeble. Borrower AudMrius I.ender ar <br /> I.a�der's�ent�ta oailocl tho Rent�,and agrocs thwt cach te�nt af the Property shall pay the Rents ta I.cnder or <br /> �-�--=--T-- ---�------� l.,ender's qgents.Howevu. Bomnwer shall roocive ihe Rents untll(i)Lender hus glven Borrower noticc oP defA�dt <br /> pur�wnt b pr�raph 21 at�ho Sccadty Inun�ment and(ii)Lender luw given notix lo�he tenant(s)tlwt tha Renta <br /> iuo w bo pAid to I.ender or I.ender'n�gem. Tbi4�wignmem of Renta oonstituta an absoluto acsig�t and not <br /> �n�ig�anent far�ddiliond cecudty only. <br /> If I.w�der glvea notioo of bneach ta 8orrow�r:(i)dl Renta rooeived by Bamower sht�l be hold by Borrower <br /> ru Iructee for the benetit of I.ender anly.ta be appliod ta the wms securod by tho Sa�u�ty Insln�me�l:(ii)Lender <br /> eiu�ll be enutled to oollect and�ecelve sll of tbe Rente af the Propetty:(iii)8omower agroes that each tenant of the <br /> Property�lull pay all Rants due and unpdd w Lender or Lender's�genta upon Lender's wrltten demand w thc <br /> lenant; (iv) ualess applicable law provlda c�therwise. all Rcnis oolloctod by Lender ar I.endo�'s agents shall be . <br /> app8od firct w the costs af taki�control of nnd managing tho Proparty and oollocting Ihe Rents, iacludiag. but <br /> � �at limited w. attorney'a fees. receive�'a fees. p�mniuma on roxiver's banda, npair and muintenance rnsts. ' <br /> i�noe piraaiw�.twces. �sse�smcnts wid dher charges an the Praperty.and then to the �ums seiured by thc <br /> -,- <br /> Savrity In�dumaM;(v)1.ender.Lender's agents or any Judiclally nppointed receiver rhall ba liable to accaunt for <br /> -- -° •oaly�ti�ose Rents �ctuali} mcaeived; and (vi) L�mder shall be entitled to hnve a receiver appointai ta u+ke <br /> possessoan �P and manrage rhe Property and callcct�he Rents and profits de�ived fmm the Propeny without any <br /> xtwwl�,�uc w th�itWde c�uacy of the Praperry As Recurity. <br /> ���:� af the Rent�ai tfie Propem are not sufticient to cover the casls of tuking canlral af and managing the <br /> _-� - � ' ?raperty and�f rnllecz3ng the Rents any funda expended by i�ende�for such purposes shall beoome indebtedness <br />:�;:�=--- - ' � oY 8btr�ker to O..ender secared by ihc Scadty Insuument purauant to Unifam Covenant 7. <br />== — --- - &nrrower te�ents and aarraa�ts that Borrower hea not executed any prbr essignment af the Rents and hsw <br /> - __ � ,not aad w1�9 tiat p�tParrn uny nct Ilwt aaald prcve�ot Lender from exerciafng its rights under this paregraph. <br />_ l.ender,ar l.eader's agents ar a judicialiy np�pointed roceiver. ahall not be roquired to enter upon, tuke <br /> _ — . �. �onitd of or ma1�N�in tl� PrapeRy before or afttr giving natice of defauU to &�rrower. However, Lender, or <br /> ;�;--- --�-"• , �• l.erWler"�arcnta;or a judicially appoinYacJ recxivcr,may do so at any time whan a deiault occurs. Any applica�ion <br /> =---___ - � • : af Rerts sh��not cure�wai��any Ja;au��,x i��alidate�r►y other rig6t or ramedy of i.ender.Thic asslgr�ment of <br />_-��,,� Renta of the Property slWl tenninate when WI�he sums securod by the Secu�iry Instrument are prid in fuil. _ <br /> •�—•.:��;����� I. C[t�S3-DEFAULT PROVI9ION. Hornower's default or br+each under any note or Agroement in which _ <br />_ = _ <br />