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<br /> .;..,}i,-;:;5:t�n7 Nnte�ba at�thiS►1�lm�ab...�.�.. P'ir�t in�ul�l Due Aate-Ap'�l"�19� '(.;�`••:��;,;. ,—�,
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<br /> � � '��� H 2337 N. Web Rd ' ''b 3�st. ,s ,_ ,t��
<br /> ., - aa�e,os�d Naraea!Flt�erolal Nebra�ke�Iaa�whoea mniling a�id�ees �____ ��:. � r ;:� �.
<br /> � ,,��° ;�, , P.O. Box 13j�_ dra dn Island�il�, ��2 ,a Aa»Aaery� ,�;�1 ,,, n`„� •'Z f 4`L�`�{ �
<br /> �` ,.�� ; WT!'NRA8�77f,Tnmto�s herebq irrevoeably�esant,lu�t�afa,eell,and oonwp to Truetee in truat.with power of eate� ehe bllyds�g da� �` °;," A,' y;�};; i.,'�r�r
<br /> �r�����,;�tfi � eortbed p�opeety ln He l t Caunty. xeb�mka: �.` ,�, ; ;t�!;:
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<br /> � �Iflri+ 1� " .���3a?�@ti
<br /> „tj�'1g'I�1r�,�: Lot f, Block 3 of Unirersity Place� an Addition to the City of arend Island, � �, ` „����,�}�h��ti,,.,�.�<,� -
<br /> ��}S4(Fi�r'�fA4f -I ' ���il)rA Ll
<br /> , �,- :� Na 11 County. Nebraska. �,� ��C,,�fF,,,jrT- , , �. _
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<br /> II�lItN��'II��HV � •.�i'�. 1.1�1, 1 ` ��,_ dj����—
<br /> ,k;.,;.. Togetttet�v1tb tenetnents,heteditaments,and apptutenatioea thereunto belangiag or in anywiee appaKaining and the rente. iwea end •�,5�•, .:�':� ,.�. ,#+•
<br />- --- ' ' Po�tltethereo4. . ,,• .. , ... ,,'4'
<br /> , �,�. . �til..,..; �
<br /> �r �";.°; Thie coAVeyeuee is intended far the purpose of eeaudry�the payment to 8mellelery ot Tsuetora'pxo�nieeory note of even daM in the � �.,', �� �� .
<br /> �, « . ennttnf steted above ea"7bts1 of•N�v�itents".Satd'Total of Payments"k repeyable in the aumber of inonthly instalm�nta rtattl above. �i`�' ' � ` �-
<br /> , >,6 The amouat of the itutalment paymente due on eaid loan is atated abow.The Orst and flnal inetalment due dates on said loen m eteted + '�r,,,� ,
<br /> +� h� �,;, above.P�nt m�y 6e mada in advanea in aa amount at en Hme. Aefauk in msking an � �'.� `
<br /> � � Y Y Y AaYment�shali,ut the Ree�elidas�+�opdon , �f� `' e.
<br /> � , ' ,L ,�. and without twtloe or demend,eendee tl�e entlre ua¢aid belance of�aid loen at ance dua and payehlP:le•e�PnY►t�tt�ird l�ebaie af Ctlat�e�. --
<br /> � i v f� ,�,p , �S���r � i,
<br /> � •� peoteettheraoadfy oFthis Ueed'ot"t1�u�t,74uator cov�na»te and e�eas: , +� ��?� '�� , , �, t
<br /> � � ,"! 1. To keep the propeetr io g000l.condiNon a�d Tepair;to permil no w+sta tYereot;to complete any bu3lding,'�trneture or irnprovrment �,���1{���i+,���� �, '+����.
<br /> e.,�•. beiag built oe a6out to be built thereon;to r�Atore promptly any building, nhuature or improvement.thqteon whicA may be daNeged or � ,'`��•,;f<��" . �+,t i � a �
<br /> `"�''� d�yeil:end towmply with sfl lewa,oMinancea,repulotiona,covenenta,condkione aml e+estrlctjona a(fecting the property. r ,,�,x {�s s`r�f ••i ,
<br /> °t'.,�` 3.1b ' : ����i��#l�y�j3 r� t�k�k�Ii.
<br /> � }� ,. . , pay before delinquent all lewth)taxe$knd nsaeasmente upon the property;to keep the propotty t}ee and clear of atl otherchary�ea, � . ,�1r� �,;!`N.
<br /> :�:• i ilens orencumbrances itppeieing the eecuMty of lhie Ueed of Trust. , 4 �3��: r r u ��. �,, ".ti �
<br /> , ,, ...: �� 1, ; ,,., ,��. �
<br /> �>d�'.;_, .�.•}�4'�;::.; iF):, : .
<br /> i fy .:.• S. To keep afl buildfngs now or hereatter erected on the property deicrfhel hereM coadnuously lnsured agalnat los� by firq w other .;��. {� ' -;4
<br /> �} t%•'`• ha:anie in m amount�ot leaa thsn t he w t a l d e b t e e c u r e d b y t h l s�e e d o f'h u s t.4 l 1po t i c i e a a h A l l h e h e l d hy t h e fl ea e t k i asy,as�d be ��},(� t� , ,
<br /> ��S� in su¢h companfes aR the Beneticiary may approvo und hnve lo�ss payabie flrd to the Hene}tcinr�r ns itx intereet may appear rd then ' � �'`�'` ' �• - �t '•f r�
<br /> '� � 3�i;,, to the'11wtEOr.The amount collected under any ineurance policy may he npplkd upntt ony indehtednexe hereby xecured in ach rder ae • ' �,, � C
<br /> 1�;•�; the Iieneticisry eha)1 determine.8uch sppNeadon�by the 8ene0clary Phuii nal cauev dixcantinunhce of any praceedinga to kreewec+thlk ' :.� �ir '�i ,�'�� .`
<br /> ,,,,,,q,,, �• Iked of Truet or ettre or waive any default or notiee of defnuit or invuUdute a„y�ct done purxunnt to surh noticn.(n the event of forcelorwre, � , ` 1'.. ;,ri +'�t t
<br />`°;;���i�ii,nii,r.�'`� • a l l N h t a o f t he 7 F u s t o r in insurance 1 lt tee t hen in fo►ce e hul l �"' "'� • �+�`'•",�"��•
<br /> CTNIAdp'�di�,'J3 �_ • . -•a.�oWatn the w►ltten eooeent ot Aenetieia►y�before aelllnR convevin�t ordherwlxe t aneferr ng he property nr any part tlxrKif and ' � i�+��{r'�t�'ti;�'i;��,{�',r�`D���.'},�''•,.'fi4;_,: _.
<br /> inaxr.uu.�i
<br /> ,��r�y��tqL1�1 any such�ale,cm+veyancv or tranefer without the Heneficiery'a writteo ca�iuent�hall rnnxtitute a dafauit u�dar the term�hereot tit����t• �' 'dt�,��t Zh�"'+�?,,i�rt�ti�
<br /> � �r� , .b.'fbdefind any aetlon or p�oceeding�purportin�t to aE'fect the aecurity herecif a the�Ighta or powerx of Heneliciary'o�Truwt�. � �f{ji,',r�, ,�•tr����;,�/S(1ti�t'1�}��'�th�r, �s :
<br /> _n7�. ` 3���I�����1.. �;�/1P;�t � �r;{RU�.
<br /> �;.:;�' ,`/ �. �S�Y�'{i ,sr:
<br /> �+':..: 8. 9hould'11ru�to�lall topay when u4; Cb is,a�hwata,J rm¢�prem�ume.llenx,encumhruncwi q�other char�aprist the rl, (� ••����r � „�;
<br /> t3V ' .f i �.:.,:: .'�, f f�
<br /> �sf, property hereft�bove deseribed.Aenet�c�i�Ht�+ �s4lA1b=�Te, a f he dmonnt,ao.paid,with ldtarcxt ot the tate eet forth in�ha note , "!; „ , S��al� � �'
<br /> r •'• t secured hereb .ahall be aeidQd to and b�/rnl�lt�ihsUla �Y�i � t , t4'�
<br /> ,r° y �o1Ml� w Iked ofTruxt a�permtttid by luw. f� �
<br /> ilti. :o ... . . .�w:...f..d '1� � �.1.� � . ,. ;:: n `c
<br /> ?�r��s ti5��.; 1TI$N[�UAI,IrYAGRE�pTHAT: � ltr,.,�,,. ,! _—
<br /> i J�;{'4';;�> 1. [n the event�any poNio»of the propeRy i�taken or damaged in�n edttleht domam pratt���g, the entim nmount of the aNerd •� ' � :+ -
<br /> ` or such portlon thereof�s may t�nece�nry to fltily xntiefy the oblfQOtan �ueura�d herehy. vh»ll he pnid to J3�nefic�ary to be nplia+d to � , , , ���, r'�-
<br /> r � .,,.'..' eeM oblfgatbn. ' � • `s�!,,
<br /> .. ,lp.: : ,.� . . .; ._«
<br /> 1 ° ;�•�'" 2. 8 a � t:i�•;vt''.: • .. .. + t =
<br /> . r , � y enpting payment of any�um Mecured heroby uRer ita due date,iii rMicinrv doex not N'N►Y(11M right w rrryiuro prompE pytnent •; �,: . �, • ,� -
<br /> � ' when due of all other aums eo�un�l ot to decinm defnult ror fnilurr to es�pn�• ; !:�� - ,_ '
<br />•.ams��.tS!ti��_1' . .�'1T. , .. _
<br />�--_.;;;�;;; :;"l'. 3. The 'llntstee ahall reconvey:ai{ur nny purt of thr property coverrd bv thix t)r�ci uf Tru+t�.�ehe perwm entitled tAratu. •�n�ritten .•��,;,r.�;,, � � , �,
<br /> , •• ;: t+equest of the Tn�ator a�d the Henefic�aw,,ar upnn xutiMfucNon af the uAltKuiiun +w�ured�nd wrrtt�•n►aaur;e i��r nYnnveyancr atde by ��: -
<br /> , : the t3eneticlar,v or the perxon entttied ther�tn � ., • �: •
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