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<br /> -'�019�25 �� '
<br /> �--�=�---"°'�`� eve saab o�ee, no�ios o! postponement sbs be g ven by b,�;;t�`��'��?��x,�`��`��'�-
<br /> p - . �,� ry
<br />�'`,��� � ; , publio dsol�ttc�tion�ereoE by suoh yarson at t.�e �ime and ,,i;�;��i ���:�� �.
<br /> �;��,��_�,.��.- lacs last a poiatad !or tbs esie= provided, i! ths eaie �;� ,;, �� ��� �
<br />�,�� �� , s s► ne �ox lonq�r �h�n on� (i� day iysYond tha day �.�,,�����'�'?`{ -N'"�"°
<br /> � yo �o � r �n� ah7� �a ' ,, � .
<br /> �..3.��,.z,, Qeatms�sd 3tt �e Notiae ot Sele, notiae �bereo! ebsll be �,,#. �,},.�, � ��,
<br /> T r'� '` «'� " iver► l,ts tlse sems aasute= ae the originai Notioe o! sale. -���`t1�;wA, ,� ,, �
<br /> ,�`'��� ",�`'; TRRBT88 dball exeaute astd deliVer �o tbe purohetest hie ������ ; ?'"",p �
<br /> t � ,� << . lt��c, R , � :,�,
<br /> but witt�ou� a=fy ) J�n t W���`�' � �X�N.
<br /> f ��' � �` pead ooaveyiaq said grogsz�y so eoid, e seai.ta7�s �,��",, ;��'��,��. .
<br />=:����:'�;i�:•rt;;,;:�: �,a�plied. Th ,. . , • .
<br /> , �{�� , lp aovensnt or �errai��y� e�cgress or �;; „f;`!;, ::;��� 'r�;
<br /> u n �'�
<br /> t'���w�d���,���rY�.�; in fi�e Deed oP arty matters or �aar.� a�aii � aosia].usi.ve .�� ,�� ,
<br /> �° "r�.��'�ti���� ProoP o^P thtsI *.zathPul�n{s,sa they=e�.LoP. Any person, issaluding ti,:�'t; � �,;5��t�tti�::..,
<br /> �'.'�'�f;i�I};1,j���r;� B��.T.\rTi�i� �y puT.Vi�B� $i. MNe B$Z@� i}ry�j'�.`-t'i.�`- +,.,•,�_,•.c.:
<br /> li.{.
<br /> '�- :.41'i. �i� �'t��/ .
<br /> '�''��;�������ai�� D the TRUBT�� sslls the trvtst proPertY pvrsu�u►t to tUe ,',�};•;�;'.:�:.:%�� . .�.r ..
<br /> J� • �� ,
<br /> �i�x,�l _;d,:`',° Po�tere 9rant.ed herein, �.be T�iT�T$S eUte►11 apply tlae �roceeds '`it%`":. • . � � . .
<br /> ??; °.•,.t t�► �
<br /> �i��:..,:. „;�,"�: Pr�a the sale oP sua� property in t3ae Yollowing os�er oP t?,.', •.
<br /> .. , q 1,� .
<br /> �;' n' �� '� prioritY= `° , 't"� ,,; �' .
<br /> 5 �.,:� �_ �,�? h/ � r l.•.f� , �
<br /> � � � �:, (i) Ta the aost and expans�e og exeraising the power oP sale (;. ;r , , ���;�:
<br /> ' .;b�^ F r, t 1:�� _
<br /> and Of tbe 881A, inai�adiaag a�torney Pees, evidenae of [, � �� ;,�:.
<br /> .� .`�; �`'.,, titie and other sale expettiae�, and a trustee�s Pee not to f��, . , ;,, •: ..
<br /> >,,r � �:
<br /> ��,; ;;��, r'� exaeed tluee pstcent (3$� oP the qxoss sale psicet . `�� � �� �w,:
<br /> • • •..,: , {uG;�{ e�:
<br /> ,�,,. ,�r � ,�s_ .f�Y�53 .l. .�.
<br /> �; •�."'�: •,• �, (a) To the p�ayment at ttse obiigation seaured lay tbis Deed oP � � ''�'' - : r _
<br /> ;,:�
<br /> . . � `.�1t1�;}'�,�'N, "���N �c,
<br /> °�,:..;�.�,>����°�. Trust and Tru�at Oeed Note= . . . �' �t-:�, �ti_
<br /> :,:�;� ��,'
<br /> •'' .�°' � ,•��r (3) To the payment oP �u�ior Trust oeeas, mortqages, or other � .� � . . . r�„
<br /> - �;;, lienholderaf ;�. ,� �
<br /> �;.` ' ��
<br /> � +� (4) The balasiae, if any, to the person or pesso� legal ly s „ -! -.
<br />�• �� entitled thereto. ..,
<br />�':li,•.�� �n;s:i> . ' `' .:..; .:.,'��,:''`
<br /> '.r•.,,;�Y,'1;',�„r� �. IIpon the oaauzzenae o! any de�ault hereurider,, HBNBFiCiARY .�,_ ,�� 4 . ,�:,,"�`
<br /> :r..u' } 1 . �C!'ll ii t .. ���..
<br /> .�,�:� •���+�;t;� �ball have, �.e add3tion to suah other options as may be „�,f�+�:`�;sl:;',.����:° .,,,`.,�,.<
<br /> ',�l',,��"�'�;��i}v;����j,� , granted herein, the further o�ion to forealvs� t�3is Deed oP � �•,'•i{}��,�'%�;`�:r�t�';������f��:'.
<br /> � � �� Trust 3n the manner provid�dt by iaw Por forealosures oP '`� � �r��,�Y���,;_�.
<br /> 'j;�� .. ;: " mortqages on real property. ��''�`
<br /> _ �;�a
<br /> �i:::..::�.;•,i, , , .,
<br />��` :���:. '� '� ,' g. BENLP'IC=ARY may from time to time substitute a suoaessor or .
<br /> .7 :� ...:'1.' �.�'��. �.' ' f'' � . I„ ' .
<br /> ., � ,,;:�:.:-� , aucceesors to any TRUSTEB name8 herein or aatinq hsreu�der. �� , .,
<br /> , '.. � �t�pon such appoiatment, and without conveyance to the suoaessor , . .
<br /> ������.': �.:'.1;� � � � TRU8TE8, the latter sha11 I�e yested With ali titie, powers, �� . � . , , �
<br /> '�;'..::.= ,•,i:'.�. . ars8 duties aorferred upon any �TttuSTEE herein named or aating
<br /> ..::'�_���f���r�+�:.;: hereunder. �Eaah such appoiatment and �substitution shall be , � , � =''
<br /> ,';�.. °�T,�tA�r ,� msde by W1c7lttreA 311�t1c�erit at1d� e�Cebll�Od by SBNEFICIARY� ; ' _',�ti,`'�.;� , ,:'
<br />� .�` � :-•:,`.��� ' . aontaining r�ferenae to this Deed of Truet and its piace of . .
<br /> � �.,
<br /> ..'�,.:4'..i,�_...�� _ � .. , .
<br /> reaozd, which, when reoosded in the offiae of ths gagieter of _ , . ,
<br /> :,.:.,;<;;t�:;�--:��� � Deeds of the aounty or o�unties in whiah safd property is ' °
<br /> �•��;�:.
<br /> • eituated, shali be aonalusive proof of proper appointment of , . ���
<br /> ���`�''•'' � ��. the suaaessor TROST$E. The foragoing power of subs�titution
<br /> ' � and the proaedure therefor ghall not be exclusive of tha power � , � �
<br />-�.; '����:� ' and p�'ocedure provided �oz by law for the substitution of a
<br /> �� �,; ��, TRL�STEE 3n the piace of the TttUSTEE named herein. :
<br /> � i
<br /> ..� . ,��,.� , : .� G. TRi�BTORS covenant attd agree that upon any att.a�opted . •
<br /> � ,� . conveyance, assignment, pledqe or transfer of any of their , ,
<br /> . • �nterest in the premf.�es during the term of the loara secured '�`��;7��:. ��
<br /> . "� �'� :� hereby, the BENEFICiAAtY shail have the option of deci�riaaq the , , '��,;; � � �'r;��•.
<br /> � ; , � � � ttripaid balancs immediately �du� and �paYable, and iP said suc� , '. '•`
<br /> � , ; � remains unpaid for �wer�ty (z4 i days thereafter, �F�CI�lttY
<br /> •� �' � can aause Notiae of Default to be given and the prem�lses be
<br /> ':. . � ' �
<br /> sold as provided herein.
<br /> :��------
<br /> '��.---. � H. As additional and colLatesai secu��ty for tne ivai�, �+nc�
<br />�J:+i;{� ��, ..,�,
<br /> • . effective forthwith upon f�.linq of a Notiae of Default, tIIiis
<br /> ��'�����"•� . c :�! iastr�en� shall serve as a:a assignment by the TRUSTORS to the
<br /> TRt1STF.L, of ali rents ara8 reve�ues resulting trom ths
<br /> ': . ' ' � �1'� propertY. and TRUSTB� ia au�ho�iz�d to take posseasion of the
<br /> ,., prop�rty, rent or lease the same on terms he dsems best and tio
<br /> . . .� colieat the rents and revenues and apply the same upon unpaid
<br /> � ,
<br /> � '. . ' � —3-
<br /> ,, -
<br /> � �;� '. .
<br /> ,.�': . • �
<br />