.� .,*�.-�s�m.l�v���r.�t"" �,, �4!'�r*nj ;; �,, .__ _ . , 1 'n Y `
<br /> � �.
<br /> . .t..H;,� Yw-rr^r' r -7' t . r r�,,i�• �S��j� � . � � 'T .� `l;^4�r
<br /> .,�.��s��. 1�'• - _���i '�ril K��� .,5y1 F- -1:' 'Y, �'U ` � „ )i�t��A} .-
<br /> • .. ,.
<br /> . -! • .i . ;. ... ` . ..-Y�.':!_- ... .. ., 1�' � -� -- . ,__ L-�_. .�- th, - .-.-.
<br /> . . 1 ' �� � t �, .- , '. . n � '7�.�.;j.�t � � � �ti�� ___
<br /> _.,_:-' . . ' .. _ .y� ta)tt`.;4-7 '�'�. . � Sj - '��ir - . _.___..�..._a�n:.e..-r + --
<br />� . .7 '.1.,�Nf::�_ t� _ - . . - ...�._-:_ -
<br /> _'_'±'."t•!�i:��5�, �'�,. .
<br /> : . � . 91— loi8�i .
<br /> ���...
<br /> - c! 2iena or ah�xqes bY s�n�liciary s»ail not be a waiver ot �� �.,�„�
<br /> _ 8erie!l.es�.ary's risbt to aoa�l�rats the ma►�urity o! ths �;�5�:------
<br /> -—_ �_ sadeb�edneea. ,,F,,,�°;�s,��:,- •��;�.-..
<br /> , k.r,� �...
<br /> ..,�4 f u Y�4 j�t}��iDL�_
<br /> - - �:q ao. Remediea Cwnulative. 1►11 remedies provided i� thia Deed ;, �, „h,��,,�,�c���-�
<br /> ��,,,.�� o! Trust are distinot sitd cwaulative Co any other right or remedy -- �` � ' �
<br /> yi:
<br /> =`�`t=� w�der tbis Dasd ot Trust or a!lorded by law or egn�.ty, aad may be `;:l� 3 :�° ,,�;r�:
<br />--�'a�'}�`�?+;'� eueroised aonaurrentiy, isidependertiy or eaoaessively. �,_.":� r;r;"�y:�t,,'t``±,;�.;
<br /> :�+ �, :�.
<br /> Ji`t � I
<br /> �L�._ NE ��I: . �; � �.Z !
<br /> -:, , ..��, , �4..
<br /> .���, f. . �
<br /> ����n.� ai Suaoeasors au�d Aasigne Sound: Joint and Severai ..�r ; ': :
<br /> �--- � �»} bia�bilityt Captions. The aove�u►ut.�a and aqree�asrte herein 3�� 'L�,'s�' ,�;� , a.
<br /> c��1< �'"��
<br /> ��,�,.s�l-;��', cour�tiai�ned abail bind, asd �he sigbts bereunder slali inure �o, •- !}�- � -:
<br /> f;�� �. ��, _:.
<br /> ,�;��'�,,,,J�''.�� �: the seapective suaaessors and a�aign� ot �eeneliaiary� .TsusCee and . ,
<br /> _~�����{1•�-x..:ra.,; Trustar. 1�11 oovenants �ut� agreeaents oi Truetor shal� be �nint �'� ' _:
<br /> ���`'';. �,�J,� a►d esvesal. �Ue aaptions end Aesdinq� of the paucegx'ApUs oP this �.�, ;� �,� �.,;,,:,
<br /> Ue ;
<br /> `��; ;, �:;:,� D s e d o� Trust are Pox aonvenience only and �re not �o be ased to :�r t;Y�''��j',�, ,
<br /> v�`�'��•q(�+�i;���� iaterpset or def�lne the psovisions bereoP. .'�, , "
<br /> _fj51:'i,Y'Y r',t'1 t-f�'�'..j��, � f)1 f r�W--i
<br /> �;`�, ,� }� �� aa. Notice. Exaegt fos any notice requ i r e d w r dez app i i c a b l e �L � I^: ° y�� ,
<br /> r t� w.
<br /> � bi: 5i�c t. ` -.
<br /> �� {�; ; : law to be given in another m�naer, (a) any notiae to Trustor �< <y`� ,,�'�':
<br /> provided Por in tbis Deed oP TruaL ahall be qiven by mailing �uch � � �f, � "t,�t};.
<br /> '?�:�;;��?�����.���'�_��: xotiee by oertified msil, return receipt requested, 8dd]C'B88�d to ° •�ti����}fr�r , .�; ..
<br /> ���.�,�`�.�� r ;�.�i .tt�.,�j . :�• � ..
<br /> � ��; Tx-uetor at its maii i.nq addresa set Porth above or at suoh othez ',, 1`�;�G a ;'�� •
<br /> .�, ' '::'"• h . : addresa as Trustor n�y deeiqnate by notiae to Seneticiary as . ,�:
<br /> i 1�tFl..n�tL� - , a �! .
<br /> , ,, pravided herei�, �d (b) aay notiae to Beneficiary or �'xvstee , ",` ,��� , ��:E, .
<br /> _, ..� ' � ' � a h a l l b e q i v e n b y a e r t i l i e d �a a i i, r e t u s� reaei pt r e q ue�ted, to � r�j,�r��„� } £�::
<br /> ,...� .,� , � � �S �,y t... ,.,N,., ,,..:.
<br />-SN•��.,�{. .-t.;,-;,,, eeneliciary e a�d Trustee s mailirq ad8resses set lorth above, or � �� ,
<br /> 4:.,,;;�,.�n,�.�� to suah other adc9resses ae SenePiai or Trustes may degignate ;�s`: �.�._:,;�.;��i;i:�
<br /> c4tM� ,L � } -t .`.
<br /> a +�':' }�,n� b� notice to Trustos as psovi8ed here a. Aay notice p�ov�.ded Por ., :., =;4 _', �r i�� --
<br /> " ' , ��� �1z t.#��.s Deed of Trutet sha11 be deented to have �een qiVen to
<br /> 4 �.� , #,, ��� ����"�
<br /> : t i;:j►p,r „4; :: �'ru��p�� Ber►efioiary or Tsustae when given in tl�e mariner " Z,;,S f�F,�fy� �„,.
<br />���,,,,.`�. '�6:,�,�, .,�. des3:+grda�ted herein. �7, ,.r,� � ,�,:;�.:
<br /> ��� ,t�}��'h(�'f�,!�"a///,���x' .
<br /> .�l , � .. . � � � •h 4 5 !f%J'�t'1 }l' �-.
<br /> � � ;tti � • . . + ��;e �1 f' f�� ,.
<br />;.;w,,;,..U�,,;. , ,,,,` �3. Governing Law: Severability. Tdfs aeed of Trust shall be
<br />°�;.��;`�'. ":;s�'::. b the laws o� �he State oP Nebraska. =n ths •ev�nt any :. :."' ��"' ;.,s'>,-=
<br /> ,+;. �� ,:,�, gov�sned Y h �� r;�.�''' , ,�'tt,.
<br /> s ; �}� �;.; p�cov��ian or olause oP this Aeed of Trust aonP33cte wi�h _
<br /> � '� � � �.:.':
<br /> applia�bie law suah aonfliot shaii not afPect otfter provisione � ,:'�h �f, '
<br />'`�':r .,�.,�,:'. � �' •�� .�;,3 . ., ,,.:-
<br />`�''° �;�* ,:�a`r:�,p,' of tih�ts �Desd oP Trust whicb•�can be qiven ef��at w�thout ;the ,. ..:;,,.. ;'„•,,,':
<br /> :,�,,:;{�,:;� ,, .• `....+;',;,.,.:..
<br /> , ,. 4n :,�. � aonfi�ictinq provisions arad to this end the prov3.s oris of thfs
<br /> •�r,�,; ..� �:��� Deed of Trust are dealarod to be severable. :i�,•�,.°
<br /> hA f 4' - {. � r • , ' �
<br /> n 1' ��' ��� � 24. Hasardous or Toxfa Substanaes. Trustox represents, , ;:� ���'���:��.� :�
<br /> :"�`' '��� �"�� wartants aad oovenaats to Aene�iciary and Truatee as foliows:
<br /> �������ir'�,:;. 4`:.: . ,. : � .;
<br />�`f?���u���`�<�ti,;��,1� . . ' •.•,�,.. .
<br /> o� :, , (a� To the best of Trustor�� knowledge, na � . ,:J
<br /> �{ � ` ` �� . hazar�ous or toxic aubstanoes, within tbe �mea�ing ' �. ..
<br /> 1 `r•a
<br /> `� � �`4'ti`�'- of any appiioable statute or requlat�.orn, axe . ., �,1�.,..'�� ° `:, ,�
<br /> ���... � . r, , �r �.� :•
<br /> :;s`rs��,,,.{, ,."� presetr�ly stored or� otherwise looated •on the Trust l�. ,.�Zi-fttrt;' ��: �
<br />=� :;��;�';:;:h_.��;;,,�. . Property, a�d furthez within the definition of such
<br /> ;,,_;.; ;
<br /> :.�:�,,:;...::.�:�, statutes, no part o� the Trust Property, inaludiag : ��� . .
<br /> �. �, .�.-_„ •.�
<br /> �'``^�.'s�..:�•, ,. ' the qround aater ioceted thereon, is presentiy k ��
<br /> �,:;,�.�,, .yj .,,�., .. . .
<br /> �;.���,:,; . aontaminated by any $uoh eubstance. . f .'":,
<br /> ;i!�+,'t";..`;r� ,. . ,
<br /> � � �� ��� �� � (b) Neitt�er Trustor rsor ary other tenant of the .
<br /> '';:tr,.��«� . •.• !
<br /> `:��.. � ° Trust Property shail generate, utilize, atore,
<br /> . .�5�1�.''• ��
<br />::i,';�;;`;tis-• . > , handie, or otherwise deal wit�, any hazerdous, ��. •,�.,.:
<br /> (; ;��• �:
<br /> .r���t� : 1 ;�'', �
<br /> 'ri� s: ,; +
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