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<br /> � .y. '"L�t� t � a� •'t� ��'�'.r f�jr�,i'� i��.i5.y � TFt `*�t '� � .
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<br /> .. . . .,r.....�,_�c-...._.w.fndu ______" ' ,
<br /> , .�....5.-.+.JlwH �n w4W7 uYi....s . ... �Q�7i���m�
<br /> . .._'i {• .�17,lr�.••vr_�-`-"___ _ _
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<br />��--r � 91- 101A2 i ,5..,���.,.�t;.wn��n
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<br /> y+�,,;���' �`,��;�,. �;,j�;:�:�>ts4.s�._..
<br /> •g�;�;'�''• 1, ;�J'4��.'�j:�.��.�:
<br />=.`"��,', .'"��' - Prinoipa� o� erd interest on the Indabted�eas seoured hereby. ,�',�a.��;,�����`��.;�'�;;;-:
<br /> i � • r;;�-'�';t!',�iS'�,��� .;.,
<br />..f:., 'c, t .r,,���- .
<br />•;ti�� ���rr".� _.- ;� ��i•,...r.,.,��'.'�wy�; +�' �.
<br /> ,�;.rc,,;rr�'�T.'�� 3. Cons�rucCio� o! Improvemsnte. True�or ahaii complete in �";a:�-`�q.�:._�.'�;'-,"'.,
<br /> �}�r""`;;,� �.,s" �: qood a�d �ro�km+��liks m�er �y buiidinqs, improvements or !' ��'w; :; n, �,�:� ��
<br /> _�;<.���;;,'.�,,,'�: repaire reiatinq t�eretio wtsiab �aay ba besealter aommenaed upon or � � � `��;�y�� •�
<br /> `; �-� ` to tbe Traet Propertiy or oontewpiatad by the loan evidenoed by �� "`' t,�,,,�-
<br />'`:�f'1��s, ���':; the No1:e seaurad hareby, to peiy �hen due all oosts and `�f ,� `� . r�y;'� ", '
<br /> '�.,�' : ,:�"�° li.abilitiee inaurrad therePore, and not to psrmit any ,. ,,-� �, :4{;,�,„�; .,•�
<br /> z1¢.�.i�:��.*.�..�,tl'y-'1..', ��,A ���''{- .
<br /> i�r:. ,. � :�:6�, cone�truotion lisna aq�inst the Truet Propsrty. In the event ,-:,'�J�'�,;�":'�---;:-
<br /> t c.1
<br /> ry� ; '.a� . aonats�lotion ot buildings, improve�ts or repaiss are aotamenaed, ��Ni� ; '.' , '
<br /> ��, ��� �,�,-n�' Truetox aleo sqreee, anytihing i�a► t�� �Oe� of Trust to the ;i ' � , ; '; ,�•
<br /> 4t,�,r,,,�; .,.,4 aontr�y noCwiMbstandingi ��I �o ��Y ��+�►ee any suah work - : :
<br /> w - .
<br /> '� �''����t^4'���'' snd to aomp].ete �he proposed imprav�a�tis pro�►t1Y• (b) tc � :• ; �;�:�;�', :�
<br />.s,:` �''`��1�4'�:,. � aomp�e�a the eams in aaaorciance vStb euoh plans end ;.'` ,`;:,,•. �.,�' .. �:�,-
<br /> .•,� . •'��'r' • speaiPioatione as shall be �pproved by BenePioi�►ry (a) to allow '�;i;.�".�;. .:', „''�'::`'�,
<br /> • �''�)n,���.,,�,',. �;.;i�: , .
<br /> : " � •;�{;:�."' BeneBioiary to inspsot tbe Tru�t Property at all times �oaring ����,;, �.,:�;�,� '. ::; ..���
<br /> ,. ; . , � , .��� aons�ruation, a�nd (d) to replace any aiaterials or work "'',� '�� � , 7';,;� �
<br /> �� �� unsatisPaato to Seneffaie�sy Mith� �ifteen (15) daye� after a(;�`� , , � .
<br /> ���:,. s"1► :. ..r.,;,��.� : :
<br /> , ,,if�, ,� writtsn noCiae Prom Beneff.aiary oP sucb Paat. � � ,
<br /> '1���
<br /> �� �,��,
<br /> 4t� . .r�.,. . . 4. �nds Por Payment oP Cl�arges. Tru��tor shall p�y tc�� • �ir, • ..' �,��`t1����r
<br /> '�'' , ' '. SeneiiofAry on tl�e� Piret day oP each =nonth, or such ot1i�� date . :,;�;;., t�.;��.,,�:��
<br /> � . � .''.� � eaal� month as iaay be speaiFied by HenePiaiary, until th� " ; .�� :,.;'^.''��.,,,�i:'.
<br /> � - . -�l...Y�. ..�.� . .,
<br /> �� �-�: �� indebtecaness is paid in full, a sua� (hereinafter aailed the, � ���,'�'i��'"r-. �
<br /> � ' ..i , :r N N ' i t�t. •1.,.���_,., ;_
<br /> ,. �.,,, . ..» . •. Funda ) equai to one-twelPCh (1/12thj oP the yearly taxe� �:and t�t:,.;�.�,;.:l�},�,n.:,,,;
<br /> �,:�.�' ,:.' .. �.�..,, aessssments wbiab may aC�ain priority over thig Deed of Trust, . ::,,;,.;�,y,� ;, :
<br /> •"�:� ;. .�;:..��� • plus one-tweifth (1/12th) of the yeariy preaiwn instaiimet�ta far .,,�: "- •:�;•,;:: ,;
<br /> " " � hazar8 insutxanas, ali as reasorabiy eetimated initiaily aaed �rbi� ' �,w' .
<br /> � � time to time by BenePioi,ary on the basis of sesesstaents �;and..bilbs ` �����"r,t� °��.. ��
<br /> � ri -., >° „- ,, aad reasoAable estlnuttes thexeeif. The Ft�trids st1a11 be held '�in. aa �; -�r�:-,;�_ :. : -
<br /> . , , , . ;:; ;:,r��-i:;:� . .�` .; :,.
<br /> .. , � „. institation, the deposits or ac�npnts oP whiah are ins�ti�ed �ox „ �
<br /> , ; ` .. guaranteed by a Pederal or atat� aqenay. Senafiaiary shall appiy +��'�� '+;�;,`` .: •. '�':
<br /> � ' the Fund� to pay edid taxes, ass�sa�nents and insuranas premiums. ��'�',�"'�';;:4�;�- .;���''��_,
<br /> . �'�h�,�. �,a„ ;...,,
<br /> ... �: ��� , : BeneFiaiary ahall not be requireo�� to pay Trustor•.�any interest or� ,�•,,� ,�;��'+'�;.,,�.�.
<br /> � �n � '�� � earninga on the Funds. The Fund� �re hereby p7.a�q�$ as additio�ial •1 , � �,� %;
<br /> � � ' .� seaurity Por ths =ndebtedness secured by this D�aed of Truet. if , ,,,�,,:;,,»,��,,- �:
<br /> �� `�� � the amount of the Funds heid by 8eneg3aiary, togetber witih the
<br /> . ., ,.,..:,,� . .. .., .
<br />-�-���'=-��i='�'`` guture monthly fnstallments of the Pnnds payable prior to the due •�. �
<br /> ,.,.; .. �
<br /> :. � ,, dates of taxes, assessmenta and��insuranae premiums, shali exaeed � � � ��� ,
<br /> � '-� >>'•� "��� tlis amotiutt requir�d to pay said �xes, assessments and ineurance �
<br /> '" � � ' "� , prem i u m� a s t h e y, 8 e 1 1 d u e, s u c h e�c c e s s s h a i l b e a r e d i t e d t o � �
<br /> ��� . � :., I.• .. . .. , • ;:, .
<br /> Trustor against f�►ture monthly •anstaliments of P'unds. =f the ;� .. ,, , , r.
<br /> � ` �'' amount of tht� Funde hei� .by �et�eficiary shall aot be sufficient t, •� . � .,
<br />•,�"•' �"� }�' .�• " to pay taxes, a�sessment�a and insurance premiums as they gall �� '' .,
<br />•"r; �i�`�`;4i�S►;s..... �.. „
<br /> .;-., ,� r�,�,,ti,,,��rf„ : due, Tru$tor ebail pay to Beneficiary nny amount necessary to �. ���
<br /> ��'�r��,'�: � �t,•� make up the def 3cieacy
<br />;.�.:,.,�;',yi lti�i r;t�i;�.. L . . . , .
<br />:�,:;,; ,,,�;:�,.��;,�,,��;,,_ within thirty (30) days fro�a the date notice is mailed by • ,
<br />; �.t:..�.=�:'; .. ,y,t.'.� Benefic3ary to Trustor requestiaq payiaent thereof. Upon payment �: . .�
<br /> '�..,.. +, r .
<br />„��1��; '"Q��/';;� •;;� �.n Puii of ali Indebtedness, BenePiaiary shail promptly refund to . ., ,;
<br /> .._ �yl,:tyV�(r.t��. , .
<br /> � �tly.0�fr� Tavstor any Funds heid by BenePYciary. =f the Trust Property is :
<br /> .t1 .. Porealosed by Benefiaiary or the 7rrust Property is otherwise �
<br /> "' " �;,;• . ' acquired by HenePiciary, Beneficiary eball apply, immadiately
<br />'��i�,:,. . � ;' prior to the sale of the Trust Pzoperty or �ts acqufsition by
<br /> . ' Beneficia y y
<br /> ,. : ;.�;.,-. �. . ry, any Funds held b Beneficiar at the time of
<br />�+;?':';:�;°:i;' .;,:" application as a oredit aqainst the Ind�bt�dtbess. .Notwithstandinq � .
<br /> 1'r''���� '����'�� ., �. ' the foregoing, arnd without wafving ite r�gfit to the future '
<br /> 1;j?��-,•;•,•,
<br /> .,
<br />;���. � ���
<br /> , •,.
<br /> �' :�ti � ,
<br /> • ' �';' .�•.���r�•:,,i:.,y� , , , , , , , , ..
<br /> ,�,,,
<br /> . � � •• . ' . , � • ��.; :� .
<br /> , . '-. ,��'•. � -
<br /> ,i,'•
<br /> �,'E: ��
<br /> ' �
<br /> , . . � � _
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