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'J+��':'t:i'Y: st•t:'ErtN:t�'�.�w..�.............. . . .. . :_.1 ;, v;� -Ei: <br /> ' .a"�..Ic� .�t . <br /> _ ' r r .. , t,�{• <br /> .�sx�:.w.�•-�i ._;._. _�i/. ��.:� � 4 Y�;�•l"��V'�� e� ' L I ��y!Sy ��yll,�}�Q�_ <br /> „ <br /> �Ksr7• i Y)"" <br /> r• ',� h}n.1 oi�in <br /> r <br /> � : <br /> .� <br /> - � ...:.._a.�.__�.. �..s- r. .P. .q.,� -�'� fT'>,r.t �. 1��.; ,-. • �� �� �� � r.,:• .�. _. <br /> ... -. - �:..-+(L-_. � '�- - � .... . _ <br /> '-��a,-m� v�Y . � �• . •.'.`t., �,.K <br /> �, .,� "..t � �:fli- . nt j r -rr, _ c � �. ! ryr . � a r.,` ::� -- _" <br /> . .'Qp'.�r �}�� tif-t S?� � � ry 'a � � ., ..l:.�l,a.�4'.r.,�-'- " -��� <br /> . . ..� . ��� +, .','�'4,,:('�'0. _.n41�,i!{f. �.4�k���{ii1.�«'�s..'.::. _ _ � . . <br /> .n � ; ..l�e..v _ _ <br /> ' } ... <br /> .,^�-�.R�"�`� �. tIW keep tbo imptaeemena now o�bdn�at ho�orooted on d�op�p�y i�wred <br /> ��in�t laa�A �t�t wit��tanm"�o�ded .�ad auoA aA�h�►w�aeM�tn�y roq�fie md in __... <br /> Q wexo�E�����/o d�a d����e�o�u�P��byth�o t'1 t u� �i�0 tb�t tho amaunt of�uch oavony{e ;:- <br /> �_�r=....- <br /> _ �,--_._� �A �n�e i��noe ooMor�vtains�no ta�r�noe a�n�a oaoeon a�►so�mwor�un to oppnavai by t.onder:prawided��hu wd� r�,c:_:=_-�-- <br /> �"'�q�ptovai ihaii nat be ut�t�eue�nn�Yi�wiq�tto�. Atl ptomiums on lawmnce'petialox �ba poid at Lendar'a apilan itt tMe manner ��—R-.,-...��— <br /> ,-.,:r•:-= :. "r..�— <br /> __-------.-� p provldai w�ar paragmph 2 hm+eaf or by 8ortawer mAkie8 PaYmant� whon due�di�tly w the tmwranoo cat�ter, ..�: -.;�.� .=,f,.�„��. <br /> � AA i�eutan�epoIlolee aud tonawab theraat shal{be in Pocm aaaeptable tn l.onde�and shall inolude a etandard moitBaBe .:,�,:-..�^�`��-n`�., . `"._ <br /> • ���,���� <br /> - � elauee ie favor ot end In totm acceptable w T.ender. Lender e1�aU have she�ight to hoid 1he �fatos and ronowale tberoof� and r:.�rt � �-: <br /> 8otrowet ehall .° . ',,�'� 'r„ � ; <br /> "'' �= 8orrowec ehal)prom ptly fumiah w Lende��I t�enewal nadce�and all trceipts et peid promiume. e the event of loas. _� ...,,�,.� ..�. �, : <br /> � w�1 give prompc�roti�e w tbe in�uranco canQer end Lomler.end t,onde�may make proof oY bsa!t not made prompqy by Samowar. •, ,, t.?,,r� ,F���,: <br /> �-• � Q� Uolesa Leadee and Bormwer othanvise agrea In wridng� insurance proceeds �ail be 11ad ta �pair ot the t� ,, !����, � , � �', `.: <br /> = d�m g a d P r o�l d�d e u�h n p a i r i a e a o n o m i a l l y l o a s i b k a a d p r o v 1ded a wtal loss hae not o¢cuned�wec abeU hava tho rf t w ��� �, ,. � � ,.' , <br /> '� e�,a miaor �ep*lm ta the Propertf► witi�d�e insurer's epprovai aad secoive paymeut dset�eYoro• The decanmiaatioa at a�onomia i� ; �,;��k�.��.�.4r��,,Kt':_ <br /> �����+�a tiaaslbiUty ar a�a towi los�ah�it be made�Londer's sola discrotio�.IP such rere�ir is�ot economicalty feasibte.or if there is a wtal .: ,�� �,' ' �, <br /> loss.d�e i�anoe praoeeQs shatl 6e applied tu tho suma secured by this Dead of'ttust.wlth IAe exoags.if any.�8orrowet If � >�, �� � , , . <br /> tite P�apeny is abaadoarcdby 8as�owe�ar if 8orrower feils to q�to 1.erMer within 30 days ai�rotice by to 8ortawer � ;i` z T� !�-��j <br /> �.- ��a that the iasatance canier oitas eo seate a claim f�irourance��6eneftu. l.ende��is autharited to collect and apply the iasuranco �;��1,: <br /> °'�s""�,� Q�s at I.enda`a opNan either to repaitaf the Propeny ar ta the sums secured by thia iked ot'Ituat. �r � : IT, .E�r - <br /> ,�„��,�,�. .. <br /> �'�� Unles�[.ender and Barrawer Whe�whe �8cee in writing.any applkation af insutancc proceeda ta principal shatl not eactend o� �. ' r�t;> <br /> _aa:anr,�muw c_.� <br /> ��,�.�,���: pastpone the�due date af the manthty inscaUments�eferced to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hercof ar chaY+�r the amaunt af such installmenu. ei c.��' ��'�a�:: <br /> U ander paragraph 16 hearot or otherwi s�the PropeRy is acquired by!�ight,tit�e And interest ot Boit�owe�irt and w c r � " ' °��,n t+- <br /> � `�«� pnor to the sale ar acquiaiNan ahall �� � o": 4 : <br /> �.J�S?'�,.'�r; any lneuwnco palicies and fn and w the pracecds thCrcof resulting fram damage ta the Pooperty � , ,, _ ; , <br /> ,�' �t';y�i��l�,z__ pass w n�er to the extene of qte aums.secu�ed by this I)eed ag'Itust immatiataly prtor to such a�le or acquiaid�aa. ,, �,, 1��' " ' <br /> �} •-; ' Aaf�ocW11ops.Bort�owet � , t.:t h�in,,_� <br /> 6L�t+�esvAtton apd Mpinleaancb o[ �tqpertyi�ese1+al�si Co�iniUme aad HameOwnei's �,.--. ia���r��t'T-�+� '' <br />.:.�,.�,`�,�:�,?`,�r�`� shaU keep thcPropaet�in good rspair and ahall not permlt or commit waste.irttpaienent. or detetioration oP ihe Propeety and shall ;�,.�° �� ��,.:, � ,. <br /> � ��,;:�'�.,,.. comply wltih thepcovisiane of eny lease. if this Ueed af'Ituat is on �leasehold. If the Propeiiy grentad and�4nveyed hereby ls a :r�, ,�o ,�.; n�ti�;�„ �,. <br /> ��� �` , condaminium unit ar ie sub,�ect to a hameowner's Assoclatlan af any kind. Aarmwer ahall perform all af�awee's obligadans. �, ,, � ,r, <br /> i s� - including the payment of any duee or as�essmenu reladng�thcreta, undm' the d�claratton� master deed ar cavenants creating ar � �, ���+ ,��k�.� ,� <br /> 't �!� , ,:�: <br /> ,�r , ,;,, overnin the ca n dam inium or homeowner'a aaaacia tian,and the b y-yaws and reg�+lationx af the project of which the PRaperty is a ��, ,,;.�., �x ;� _- <br /> ' < �`. part and relatod doa,utncnu. :,t'1�:�r,,,,r���,«t, _ " <br /> �r .• ,1.+ , , �s {h,r �� _ <br /> 1 7.�vteedor�•ot I.epder e 8e�wa�dt�ft'8drrower fails to perfamt tfie convenants aad ag�eemen�s cont�ined in tAis Iked af !'�,lt�� l�. , ��- _ <br /> �r,<��. i,' � 7luat. or if any,actibn or'pmceeding involvi�g�the�Properiy is.commenced whi�h afte�ts Lender.•i�cludin8, but not )imited ta, ! t,_a '�y>>'f�� ,n,�„�^�.. <br /> ,�,y,,���� � ' forecloaure of other liens.emipetit.domain,�inaolvency.code ohfm�ement� or acrangemohta or proceedinga fivalving a bankrupt or ,;�����t�,�y,t , ___ <br /> �,�.��_ es�dlabunse such eums and take such '`°,�� �+s� N <br /> d e a d e nt,.t h en I.ender at Lenden��q ption upo�,notice to�onqwer,�may�nake such appea�ranc t;����il�� � - <br /> '�`��'r N ' ;actiun as,is�pecessary ta protcct'•l.ender�iatercat, includ ing�buc riat',l imi t e d to,d j s bu r s e m a n t:o f a t t o rn e y's f e e s a n d e n t ry u p o�t h e ` n���� �����_ -. <br /> �";� � -� A(o p e e ty�ta make rcpai�s.A�y amaunts disbursed by Lcntkt purauaiu to this ParaB�Vh�•Witd interest thcreon.shaq beconte addi ne1 ,� �►. t �;.. <br /> ' i a d o���+css oi 9asrotirer secvnc!b y this ike c!�t'S i 1��t.�i�n l e's s B orrower.a n d t.e n d e r a 8�t o o t h e r t e a n s o f p a y m e a t.s a c h a m a l u�t s Y"��u t.�f.: ���T° _ <br /> `'"�'�`�s�Y� shali be payabk upqn notice frqin Leader to Boaawee reyuestieg ymem thereof.a n d s h a l t b e a r inrerest from t h e d a te a i dis�u r s e i n e m � � ��,�,,1��C r���_ <br /> 7,f�trt����� at tbe�ate pormitGOd to be charged under ihe Note io the case�deFaalt.Nothing coatained in thls paragmpfi 7 ahall require Lendar �i,'���'�tf��������� _ <br /> '' �i }� w i a c u r e ny e xpe nee or do an y act heraur�er. • r�F�,',�•�,�•��t�,�:,�f cw- <br /> f �'J�'�f�Y�'1` 8, n.I.ander ma make a cauac ta be mada reasonable entri�s upan end Inspections di the���ded that ��� �;�;��r ?..�Y = <br /> , ,.�,•,l,•:�,'i;f., Y . .�,,,� <br /> " '"��'�� !%�.'��� Lender sha11 vo Sorrower natice pdor to any such inspecUon apeclfying reasanable cauae thenefore nsleted ta[.ender s intereat in C;;: . <br /> ` t `t , ;: , ,: , <br /> �� ;, �' � >_. <br /> f+r�,+,�,,;�`;,�;;;}t� ��9 Condemnsttop. 'Tha praceeda of uny oward a�claim far dumnges. dicect or eonsaquentisl. in connectton with any C;•�4�+1i�,t;�, ,ti��,�i�}N". <br /> r '�ut••i,+n eondemnation ur cuher takin af the pa� . or urt thereaf,��r f��r un cunve ance in li�u uf cundemnntian.arc hereby uaeigned. , ,,;�� , �,,� ` <br /> a : Y Y ,,,., <br /> �,�:;•,;±,''``�`�°;; �� and shol!be puid,ta l.ctaM g P°RY p „ : .•. . . ,,,,, ,,. <br /> ,,,.,:::�:,��.. . <br /> ;•� n:�•`�5�, :f� Ia the evant oia taking utiho Proporty,the proceade shall be applied ta the sums secwed by this Dood uf'ituat. with the � ;,�;N:�,.t. <br /> ��' il any paid to Batruwcr <br /> �'` �` axcess. . ° ' <br /> Y :r h '� <br /> , , �-:-� r ; !f 1ho Pn►penX is ubamlaned by B��mciwer ar if after n�ntce by l.ender ta &►rrawer that the condemnoe affere to meke an , � � ,{� '. <br /> ,�� ': ... uwaDd ur�tttiiv n ciaaii f.►r Jamagcs. Bcumw•cr taits te ms{x+nd t�• l.endcr wNhi» �0 JayK��f the ciato uf such natice. l.cndet is . , _ - <br /> � : ;, � i., nuthorizod to coikrt anci upply the pmceedc ctt I.enJer's c►pH�+n aither tn rostarutic.n c�r repair of the Pmp¢ny or tu the Kums�ne�uroci ;, }�,,++i`. <br /> b y t h i�p�c d n f'ttuRt. ��'� un ��,'`����,..Y, , �. <br /> ' � ' '�'� �„• Any oppllcution��f�K+ndomnattcm pm�eeJe to prinripa l x ha l l nat extcn J c►r�x►�;tpo n e t h e J u c J a t e o f t h a m n n t h l y i n r�t e U m e n t e ;��4�� ti�r �.. , ,,�;,,�,�,, <br /> ""}��x�� ";.� �+eEoreCd to in pumgeaphx 1 and 2 her�cof�K�hunge thc umount af�uch in�tutinwnt�. ,r :� 4 .�'�4;14 <br /> �s°,r,r. lti,,",,. • � {,, ,. ; , _. .. <br /> � �;;�t f� _ti t0. Borrower Not Reteased Extanalon oP thc�ime far pe meat or modiNCation af amortiaation of the suma stcur�d by this ,,,`� ,• <br /> ..t,'�`.r.iaR:�.t;`s:;' 8 Y Y irnwer shall nat� i the iiability of ��� � '��'� � <br /> E.{� L. Daed af Trust ranted b t.ender to nn succeesar in inter�est of 80 +perete to retease. n any mannet. 1,,; ., ..;;,�,. f„ �,..:.' <br /> ,�•1t��:�i;•.�t:;'�;r,,,�,', t he o r ig tna i Sarn►wer und �urs�ower's �uaessors in interest. t.ender shaU not be requfred to cammence pmceodinga againat such ;`,,: �,:�?;'„�ti,;;�'-.:!`?.'„ti_ <br /> f ii�,��t�F�l�'�.,, guccessor or sefuse to extend time far yment ar c�therwise modify amarti�ation af We eums aecu�ed by this Dced of Tn�at by ceason , �,�',t� ', i:'"'�r <br /> � y otrower and Boirowcr'a�urces�c►rs in intccnat. �,,, <br /> `�,t .,t of any demanci made b thc artginal <br /> ir��a��w�'�+�`:�. I t. Forbearance by l.ender Not a Waivea Any foficarnncc by I.encfcr in exrrcising any right or rcmedy he► �� )f4�+1 ,�, „ � <br /> „�.�,�,s +�,a•,: cithcrwisc uPtanicci hy uppiicubie taw. .r•hali n��c br u wutvcr of c►r prcciudc thc exenifie c�f uny right or remedy hereunder. 'Iha S• + � y;� ,,, r} <br /> � . ,,� -. il1 - - rA. 1 ' <br /> ,,.� procurrme n t o f i n s u r a n c e a r t h e p u y m c n t o f t a x e r a r i n h e r l i c n s��r c h o r g e s b y L e n d e r s h n l l n a t t�e a watver of 1.ender's d ght to �i� r' •'? ' } �: <br /> Y� '' "'' acceleratc the maturity of the indebteclneca securcd by tht�:U ee d�►f'f t u�+t. �'�,-, .;.�. +'�: �,�;� <br /> �t �r�t <br /> �����1�{};� 12. Remedks CumuWtive. At! rcmedics pn�vided in this UceJ of'(tust arc d{�ifnct �nd cumu{attve tn any other dght or :' '•. ..;' ',}'Ir : <br /> �:�y��•+}�/��y `f��1.:�, romeciy under this Deai uf'Ihist c►r af�onied hy luw nr equtty, unJ muy t►e exercised c��ncunentiy,independentty e�r successively. ,. ;. <br />-����.i:1%1�7.T�.';��r'�'. • -, �. ',l�l.i': <br /> � r,�•r�v�i ,l;,S•.��� . 13. Succeasors and Aas s Boundi Joint end �ieveral Liabilityi Captions. Th� r�wenants und agreements herein �•`�•-s,: ''� <br /> ,:«���� �:;,..,. � � � : ;;�,� •..:... ,., . t)��. <br /> , ,�� , c<mtalned �ha11 bind,und the right�hereunder�hull inurr to, thc rc� rtive.ucre.+�an nnd axsi nti ��f 1.enJer und Be+rn�wrc. Ali ; ;,:.•.,;;:;�,,',,,�.:, <br /> ��-r j�kna il�f?=�;;� rovenunts onci ugtc�ments af Born�wer nhe�l hc juint und.cven�l.'Thc rnptinn.��nd thr p���ugrnph�.of thix Deect uf�tuct , ., ;�.�..; , <br /> ':�j•.';;`'.�=••i��;�;� urc for convenienre anly unct urc ne.t t��t�c urcd to intr►prct or detinr the pmvisi�ms hen.•uf. � •';.�it;; •. <br /> ';��t!c:•° +�•°':':'�, lA. Nptice.My Nntlr.a uf Dofuultor Noticc c�f SiAc�xovWcd fi�r in thi:�llecd uf'Crust muy tx:glvcn,,�nd ttu E3cmc�wcn c�rchy � . , <br />;:;';+r;:,:�t�,'J;.�; •;�' roquesis thet aay such sx�tta be glvcn,to Borrower by mailing such nadce by ccrtified a rcgtatered maft addrcssed to Borrowec at the • . <br /> Addreasstatcd betow.My ckher notica may t�e given to Borrowc�In such manner�peanittcd by apptirable taw.My nodcc by artified ' 1�`t <br /> .��:"�:.:::�,�,�` : � I <br /> ��'?;�• '::::� a rogistered maU pcovided for in this Dccd nf Trus�shall be ckemed ca iwvc hccn given in Bonowcr when mat1M. � <br /> .1�ill::,!_ .� <br /> ' ,f'`:.y+tj�n��.�- 1S. Coverniaq I.aN. edd 5everabllity. 'Cht. DecJ�►f'ilu.t �hidi he��wrmc�l hy the iuw ��f thr juri:uiictiun i� which thc , <br /> PtupettY is loCUtMi. In thc rvent thut uny pnwi.ian ur rl�w�e uf thi+ Ueed nf'I�uxt ur the Nute c<mflict� with upp►icnbte iaw. +u�h I <br />.''}�`{�5j��r��";';''-��• conflirt�hall nut uffcct uther pmvtsicmx at m�.txra��i tnac�,r inc rvrnc wnicn«.a tid�{'vci't cititii�iui(7uQ ii:�•�:^n:C::l:�^.�^�Y}��:!n. � -- <br /> :::4,'. '\,'e,�.r��._�'���`i <br /> . �3 � � anci ta this end the pmvisi��m af this lh�cd uf'Iiv+t und thc Nute utt•d�civa�i ta t�e xev�r�hir. I . <br /> :,:.t;{��k;�, ,,:..�,�. ; ; <br /> ,: ,,�� ,_�S•;;>::�,f�;ti;�s t6.Accekrettoni Remedieg.L1�pun E3arruwer's hmach c,f uny covrnunt ur ugra�aernt.�t'&nruwcr in this Uccd��t ut ar�n <br /> •'::;�,} <<;��• ,. �he Note aecured by this Deed of�'nr.�.inrGmding thc covena�ms tc+pay when duc any aonms securec!by thia lk�ci af'Itu�t.ur upon , •.:'� . <br /> .e <br /> '� ��'� M Y W . Y • P 8 P i,-:':;; .. ��. <br /> '���',�� ���'rt4i;f�,,�' �Y��Se in c+wnership by sa6e ap�atU��d�or b� u te•rse w�ifh u um to bu uti rtarc n�tularl ,fa�ed in aru r�+ h 20 below. '' . . <br />.• r,A �:r Lender at I.ender s option may dertane aN�t the yums ssrcuned bp thi� D►tid�4 Trust t�t� �mmcd�afel�•dur and pgyst+k wia4�a�ue , ..��- , ,..• � <br /> ss <br />:";!;�:k;t,���tt�t • ' fnrtlrer�cmand or notice artd maY dasea�e tht�raK<if intere�t .m .ruch tiun►a t.�IIfie rate �m�ined t��Me�chxt�ted utedtp iht(�iott �n� . , , ,. <br /> .`�„ .,;, . '�' <br />'�:�t�%,�:�� � � .• d�r cmm aE•defauit.and may iavelc�e thr power of rale canfer�xd heram uQean thc Truster and anr uthcr remedi�s�+�enniued at law or , <br /> ;:^ j�:::.�,}�.�,,,. , <br /> -ti,,�,��;,��, .�.,,: im�raee�co r�ecover eil sucb sumY with inter�s�ihereon.Lendrr shali b�entiUed t.�colkrt in anv.urh pnxcrJmg.�n adrleion t�>ihc <br /> ^ kf"''z��, , ��i lare�t! Byces ared all expense� �nd costs incucne! in putruing i�Kh rcrtxdoas. iectuding, but nut tim�tcd te�. r�»tz af , <br /> fi;'. �"� ;�5�.`���1� �acuauntary eviderta.ab3aa��tx.ioele repores.trustec's fees and I.cnder:ucto�neys'tees. . <br />::..,,. ��:��s��;��,dl,�i�`,• : <br /> "'�,'e• � ��,�.��.,,<< lf the powere�f�a[e i+invwOced. the 7ruaee shall ntiord a Not�cr s�i tac6aa�lt as rcyuircd bv:�pptir�blc luw in curh r�,unt� in , . <br /> ;;i:,y.';��,)�,.�;?,;1.;���,�, which the Ptcfperty M urrrae part'thetav6 i�IexaGrd artd.rhall mad r��pta�i.f.uch n�mre�r�thr mannrr pn.rtit+cJ hy appticablc!aw ta <br /> < y,;,.,�. ..,:�:.�•.;,�• Bnrtc�wcr�nJ u�the oth�t prvwM�p+�c�criDed Ay opptceai+k faw. Aft�r th�lapse��f wd� dme} h�rryu'trcJ M�apPiiaablc law. ' . <br /> .:.:,�.,;,,;J; l.,�. .: <br /> _ ; f s�'�-, 'Itustee xhail givr N�qirr ut"►:eAr��t d�: Pn+pctty ut puhlir uu�-tnm to thc{xnun.und in iPo�m.utirucr pre,cnlwd hp applKablc tav► Chc <br /> r -' "� ` • . . � _ <br /> .J..: � , . <br /> '2�. _ __ <br />