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� � :rr...�; i�/1h..yN•.,��. , . ..._ .. _,- <br /> � ;•� `;�:l��[¢!� ' ��'�r` � — <br /> . �� 'a�. S.�- _—,�_._. <br /> �-���::;� _-��-�:-�� 8��.0��,�e _ <br /> IT.Trwder ot the�ar a Bena�1k�11Ma+rsi In Borro�rer.lf all nr any p9u�t ot�hc 1'mpeny or any imerest in i� � <br /> ic�nid or IrAncferrod tn�if a tu�e ial imencst in R�umWCr ic sold or transferreJ and&�rraWer is ix►t a natu�l pe�►�►1 will�nul �. <br /> -- --= I,a�wfer•�ptitK vr�itto� ccwu�nt. Lender may. w ila opti�►n, roquirc immodiate payment in full ot�II wms eecured by �his = <br /> _._ - — Secu�ity Ins�umem.N�a�n�er.�his aplion sh�ll not bc exer►:iced by l.ende�ii excrcisc is prohibitad by fede�ul law u+�ni tAe�l�tc _— <br /> �r at thb Sa'u�lry Ins�nm�t. <br /> If i.e�det exercises Ih{s aptan.l�ajl�ll$i��e�rmwer�xNiee of ac��elc�liun.71ie��ti��e shall pmvide�pe�i�d uf eat <br /> I�s�Iwn;0 d�ys fmm ihe date it�ndice i�delirered ar m�iled within which Born�w•e� muF�pay ull wm�+ecured by this - <br /> --:,'._� Socu�ity lactrument.If&�m�w•er i+�ils to pvy the�e buuu pdor to�he espimti�n oi'this pe�iai. I.cmicr may im�oke Any remodicy ..... <br /> -.: permined hy�hi►Savdly Instrume�t withuut lurther�w►�ice�r demand an Barn►w•er. �"`�` <br /> �`•,`,'� 18. RormwYr's Rl�ht lo Reia�tale. It &�rm��er meels uehuin condi�i�mc, �rmw•e� shall have �he right la he�e <br /> , , ---��� -� eniarremrnt af�his Secunly loqn�ment discoiai�ued �I uny �in� priur�u �be e+�rli�r of: lal S day�1•��+uch u11kr pc�i�w1 i+ � <br /> � <br /> ppplicablc low moy specify for roinstutementl t�efaro sale af Ihe Pmpeny pu�wnt �o any pnw�cr ot�ale rnntaim.�! in this �=;- <br /> :;F�'; q Sav�ily Instnunent:ur lbl cmry af A judgment enfa�cing Ihis Secu�ity Iaun�ment.TM�se��a�wliliona u►��hat Borrnw•er.lul�ys '- <br />;•,,• • I,.znde�aU �ums which�hen would be due under�his Secu�i�y Instrumenl arkl the Note as if nc►uccelerati�n had �nvn��l: lbl ,�:' <br /> -`:,����.-�i,',,_� cures ony defruU of�y other rnva�wnls or AgrermenlR; (c1 pays all eapemes irkurred in eoforcing Ihis Security Instrument, � <br />__— ��;�.� including,but nat Iimiled ta. �ruible a�orne�rs'fces: and ldl lukes such aclion a� Letxler nmy �asonahly require to ussu�e •; <br /> �ha��he licn nf�hi�Secu�ity Irwrument. I.en�der s�ights in the Properly and B�urow-er'ti��IiFation tu p:�Y Ihe wm��arured by -- <br /> �-•:�ra.r, "' �his Securi�y Insuument slwll cc�n�inue unchongad. Upan neimWte��ent by Borruu•er. �hi, S�.�wriey Inst�ument and the <br /> �'�'�� �'" ` obli secwed hercb shull mmein full effeetive a.c if no aec�eteratian had arurned. H�►wever. �hia n ht�o reimtulo chall " <br />_�.��.sr,.. ., & <br /> :-:_,.� :��� � not gs�p�p�C�in the case of a cekraian under piragmph 17. , t <br />_�t�y •��. 19.SWe ot lYWet Clpuq�e ot Loaq Servic�er. The Nlate ur a p:u�iai intere�t in �h�: NcKe Itvgether wi�h thi+ 5erurfly ._., <br /> ,;.�^"` ' Inst�time�r/ma�r be sold one or mone�imes wi�hacl prior rwli��lu B��mawer. A sute may rewlt in�rlwngc in r.h c emity I known �`�" <br /> . ;�+�:`��, as 1he'Lor�n Servicer')tt�at collecls mwtlhlY P�Yme�tts due umier�he IYo�e wKi�his S��vnty In+wniem. 1t«mc alsa mtey he ime � <br /> �•.•", or m�e ch;u�rs of'thr l�+an 5ervicer uc►�eL�ted to a sute of�Ae'Ihere is a chsmnge oi�he l.o�t�e Se^�:.�R. 8orrower wil I t►e <br /> -� ' _� o��rn w.ittv�w�rrkw of�he..�hanae in�Y�nce wi�h parrgrs�ph 14�ve and applir�ble law.1f�n�t�:c��udt swlc the nunte and <br /> _ _- "��::3�•,.�:. . uddress of at►e nrw I.�wn Srrvicer and tbe addRSS to which paynients should be nwde. '1'f�nur.{:e u�dl' :atw c�m�sun uny ather - <br /> �"�: � ',�t:' iafatma�ion required b�•applipble law. <br /> ::r;:r'�'" ° � 2Q, !lt�r+daa��l�staoces. Bomower slwli n�t cuuse or permit the prcsence, use.disp�sai, stor.��r, �►r release nf any . <br /> '� .)t� !• Hazardou+ Subswnoes on ar in �he Pmpetty. Borruwer shAll nat da, nor alluw anyonr el•e to do, anylhing affec�ing thc <br /> ^,- , Pmpeny Ilt�t is io violution af any Environmental I.Aw. The pre�tirling�wo xntenc�shall Krx s�ply to the presence, usc, or ,� <br /> .- .:��';.':�',.;. , storage nn the P�perry of small quantitics of Hazard+ws Subuan��tha�ure gener:�lly r�tiu�ac�,�c� tu be appropriatc to nurnml <br /> • _ residentiul u,ce:ti und to mxintenancr of the Propeny. .� <br /> ,�„ ,;• ,.,•�. . :;_ Bomnwer stwll pr�MnptlY Bive l.ender wriuen no�ice of any in�es�ig;Niun,cE�im. demand.luwtiuit �fr�,ther actiun by an�� — <br /> .-8�►^;��'� �LL : guvernmeMAl or regul:�tin��ugency or private p�rty involving the Pn��+erty artd.a.^..�• 61ur.Ardoua Sub�tance a��nvironmenwl Luw =�� <br /> � ti�,s;�•t�� of which Borrawcr Iw.�a�huul knawledge.If Barmwe�leams, or is nntili��!P�� :tiey�governmenwl or rcgulatory:�uthi�rity. thul <br />°-`°�+ :�;t �_. any�emovul or other remediation af uny Hozurdous Substsukc a1Ti.�hin�ihc Pn�peny ic�e+.ur}.&�rmwcr shall pr��mptly tLke <br /> ^, r e _ <br /> � „�,.v.,:� ull neces.wry remedial�ections in accordonce wilh Environmental <br /> 5��.���'I �' As used in thi+p:�raprnph�0, "Ha�rdous Subs�ancc." an alrv� substunccx defnal u.a��i�•or h:u.unlou� xub�tonceti by - <br /> - �'�`� Environmental Luw• and the iollowing substance.: g�snline, ker�+`ene, Mher tlAmmuble or �nxic pet�deum Qrixlurtz, tuxic •�` <br /> �,'� i,� pe�ticid��s unJ he�t+icfdr., vnlutile wlvents,rtwterial.c�xiwining asl�,trn or fi►rnwldehyde,und mdiouctivr n�ateouls.A�uxcd in - <br /> '•" ,�,�.,,- . �his purogruph 20. "Environmentol l.�w' m�:unx faler�l luwx and lows of Uk j�dwliction whcrc the Pmpert� iti Ic►rute�l thu� - <br />�-��';�`•' .�'`;;,��'a.:r?�;, relme to hes�Uh.xafe�y or envimnmcntd protec�ion. ,�� <br /> " 'YT�'��r � N(}t-�UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr und l.en�i��1'u�al•��:r cnvcnunt und ugrrc u+follows: °!r'� <br />'=`-� � • � 21.�►cceleration:Remedlec. 1.ender slwll�ive notice to Il��ra�,u�•er p�ior to accele�lion follow•ing Borm«er'.fa�cach ' <br />_-' '.'�,�:°Y, � of any rnvenant ar �nrmenl in this Securih• Instrument (but nut prior to ucccler�dun under paragrrph 17 unlrss ; <br />�� ���.,:'. npplEcable!aw• provides otherN�ise). The notke chAll specifys (�l the defi�ull: lb) the action requircY!to curn Ihe defoult; � � <br />_ .°��' "� ' (c)a date. �wt Ics.r•than 30 daS•s fn�m tbc datc thc noticc f�givcn to&rrrox�cr�by eniah thc defuull musl be cured;nnd �.. _ <br /> � � , r,,,p., (d)that fpilurn lo rure Ihe def�ult on or betore Ihe date specificd in the nnti��e ma�� result in accclerutiun oP the sums <br />-=..�. � A '` :; �►: secuml by this Secu�ity Ipstruroent nnd sale of the PrnpeM��. The nutice shall Purlher iaT+�rm Rorn�w�cr of thc �IRht tu _ <br /> �� refnviate adec uccelerntlon aad the riRAt to brina a ruurt acNun tu uctiert the non-existence of u dePault or any other ��, <br /> ._,�� + detense of Bom�wer to accclerntiun And sale. IP the default i+ not cured on or tre�ore the date specifled in the notice. •=-- <br /> ;,`.� �• �E..s•:'._.` ����• ils option. may require Im�pediale �w�.ment in iuU oP ull wm.�rcured By this Securlt�•In�trument w�ithout <br /> .•--, .. ,<<��'; r;Ry.�•... �, iu�ther demand and ma invokc thc N•er oP wilc a�d any othcr rcmcdi�h .rniitted by� u li��hlc luw. I.cndcr slwll bc �''« <br /> Y P� i� p >;•- <br /> �... �;�; ,.��.;•,.a,,,;r,>„;X;.._ ' endded to collect oll expeases incumed ip punsuin�thr ren�edies provided in thlx py�Rn�pb 1.includinu.but not Umited �=:-� <br /> ��•�s�1��'��hx ' � .� to.rea�onable aUorneyx tces pnd rnsts�ot tidc evidence. � <br /> ;��'�'•�'��;t .., � � If the �w•er oF splc Is Im�oked. 'frotitm shull r�citiird u ea�,lire of dci'aull in cach count�• in Nhich am• pvrt of Ihe �.� <br /> •,•=� � e:�.x+ +fi� Prn v is ncated und shall mnil co ec�►f curh notice b� 1he menner rtwcrihetl M•a Ica�le InM lo lMrrnw�er and to ��"` <br /> ',:r: �'�� � ` theo�ther rwns rc+cr+hed b•A It aDlc lue. ARcr Ihc time uir�d bv u lir�ble luir�..�::,ce xh�ll ive blic notice '""'` <br /> "•� :: pr P ! PP �1 PP T"" ' R p� <br />�i. . kt:5 �Y � ' � af�ale to the penoos and in Ihe ms�nner prescrll�cd b� uppllcuMe 1���.Tru.tee. ���ithoul deinun6 un Rorroa•er,zhs�ll tiell �P: <br /> ,.;., ` ; .a <br />-.{: „ "._ * � ' the Property ut publle nurtion tn the higbe�t hldder at the fime s�nd pluce und under the Iern��de+iRnuted in the noNce of Q�-'• <br />- �. �''�,,; i • s�1e in one or morc purcclk and in any order Trustec dMermin��. '1'ru+tir mu� pu�tpme wle of uii or an�• p�nel af thc �.: <br />,``ri�:'� ' °' .. ',� I Ihropert�•b�• public announccmenQ at thc timc und plurc of am prcviousl� whccluled wle. I.ender or its dexlgnec mt�y R <br /> ��.�.,,,: -, <br /> ;��. . �,�i,��5� purcMese the Proprrl�Aa w�y sale. ��� <br /> � „. <br /> .; �:v,,;. .. •�., ? <br />�!�!•i .1'f������i.� -+ ��, <br />:j;� ""'.�r'`—' Rorm 3028 91�0 �,c:;.: <br /> , , . • vavo[�u�a <br /> . � � ,f':. . • ��� <br /> :;: ` r�'�f�'' : � :'i;,`ti" ' �''3���. <br /> .��• �;:y��?:�.�.: ;�a: �; � .. <br /> c �d-s ' i�}rt',' <br /> S' ���, , ,�1}��'� �ff �7�`.!t�• l�';n ' :'•.: �t?�"K;ti,1YJlkw.�w.;�Ay��'t'4"s�+h. ?f�:. <br /> /� } ��r�tt f}�k � ,it.� � ! �R., `.. . ' �:.t• ��'1'f�.14,�'� �;� '�,l h4�+A1�711�i�1�i�'Q;'1 .���4nj <br />��S �� y��. ..�._ t � .. � i.'�: �'!�t� .1\J,rIN. 1 � � ` ..f' � i ,.. . . .� . <br /> Y��� (cj?I� 4��4.. _ � � � _���� -rt- • � .;�fr' .;I' 1 , � i.�: .�:f . � , . . . .. ' .. <br /> , : � <br /> � ,' ! ,. ff: � <br /> :.:•. <br /> ��i. ('�b. s� UU.:eiii.�__= -- - ��- � �', . "��r:r� • :.�._ .. '. ' �il�i _''...==- ' <br /> 7j/ISY7A1'y� , ' � T���i�� _._ .. . . :�1' ..,�� 'i _ .. :�.'�,�. , it, . � . . . _ . <br /> !r Sl��'. -�, '; , { - j: - I <br /> �'���`h �,.: ;..,J-tf' . �t/tY"' ,� • �. •' ' � . •�1� ' 1 . "r {',�'��. • . <br /> :�.t�; ��.• � <br /> ��5�ti 4l �r� � :n��i��Fl..q� . .. . . •.�', �� � �l���`t�. ��1. �?';�' ' , �ti�;:'•r� ., . <br />. . �� - . . (�.ypt:�S 1rt��:�� _ , . . . • �. ,1; • • !". ,_. , . <br />, .1'i ; - . ' ���,�i:, i� . ' � . e;���' :� _ <br /> >, ..,, . 'tt.r:. .��. � �� . .. <br />- . �:� . .�r,r;'1, ... ,'I-���. '� , . . <br /> , . ��.{r _ . . ��� '�!�:,SI1.. , . <br /> :�. �v , �,. � , n.', , �.,. <br /> y • ' ��t�' . . ' � ' t��}4S� ,;i', •.,, � � <br /> a. � 1 t ,\ � ` <br /> * „ � � ' , . i� � � ' � r t 1'� `,�;� , , . +"�„��(,' ,;i) .��� - <br /> � r�� 5�1' �5., ' ,� <br /> o � f' . .���}` ��� . ' �'•:\'�.r.� r;�.,il • • ,���.�; � , ' � �.- ��� 'Sf�f , 't. <br /> .eW f r}+.;; . • . �i�; .,�. � � �r �; � •,� • � '�'��(; i �4 r ��'""• <br /> f� • - (� �ylf} . . -S�J.+ • " ��r�� ' .��:��1� , , ..��, ,� ' ti � .1 �1� � j�' ... . <br />' . � (. � V{� ` . '� . , � : i�,�.. , . . ,•, . . .,' �.. _ � _ lt��.�..�� • <br /> ve�► <br /> ; }ti. a1l.- . . �q`1. . -i 1 1' �'�, i'i�..' '�J-�y�t• <br /> � . . ; , ..,.,.,,,�.. �, .�; � :;;: i <br /> . . . <br /> .� <br /> . . ,.. . :: ___._.� <br /> . , : . , <br /> . �� ---- . ,,.��.... r.i _ ,_ . . <br /> • r �•,. .. �- ---- — <br />