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'��' .r.:;�"- . . :F:�;i�. . . . . <br /> 'C � y•ry ��.ff,. _.*:a� ' ^ . . <br /> - ' � �� � .� _ _ .. <br /> .1-� .r. ,..._.� ��� . <br /> - --�h'0�`n�� • • <br /> : 93� soa..4�1 <br /> --- - th� Tru�t Wtst� ii loaat�d. -- <br /> Ct�BtiAR BX PO�IRR_06_ . . 8hou18 eon�fialary eleat to <br /> - torealosi b�i'fSi e • r �� hor�in ccntained �en�fi.aiary shall <br /> v�; notily Trus .N and ��+�ll d�po�it with Trust�e tbia Med of �ruat eed th� Not� <br /> a�d euah raa�ipte an �vid�nc� og �adituro� mada and ��aured iwr�bY a� <br /> Tru�tM a�y raquir�. <br /> (ay Upun raceipt of c ch notice lraa Beneficiary, Truetee shell ceuee ,�__ <br /> � to bo stiaorded, puY�iphad au�� d�liverad to Trustor suah Notice of Dslault and _._ <br /> �, - r Notica o� Sal� ao en raquired by law at�d by thio Daed of Trust. TruatN _� <br /> ehnll, without dann�nd on Truotor after suah time ao mey then bs raquir�d by <br /> ;•4�:��t� law and attor s�cordation o! auaEi Notice of Deft�ult end aftar Notice of Sai� � <br /> ���� hevinq b�n given ae r�quir�d by laM eell the Truet 8state at the time end -- <br /> - place oP ala fixed by it in such No�ice of Sale oither a�e a whola, or in ��'� <br /> asperato �ota or parcalo or itaaa aa Truetoe eha�.l deem �y��lent, tutd in euah — <br />- '�s����;a arder as it mny detesmine at public auction to the highes� bidder tor aeeh, <br /> - 1 lewful mono� of tha Un�ted Stat�s, peyable at the tima of sale. Truetee ��� <br /> �""!�"' '- s�ll doliver a such puraheser or purcbasere thereoP ita qooa and aufficiont -_ <br /> � � - daad or daeds, conveying the property so sold, but wi�hout any covenant or =_ <br /> � j .��y-r t: <br /> 1� ' '' "'� ' Warrent , rees or ia�plied. The recitals ia suah deed of anY aintters or <br /> ,� • , �s+Y y exP <br /> � - �aate shall be conclueive proof of the truthfulnase thereof. MY person. �'=� <br /> �'��� including, without limitat3on, Truetor, Truetee, and Ben e f i c iarY, m ey pu r a h a e e b:�. � <br /> • • � ��;;�r:�,',�. �.,•, <br /> � .� +� �, ; at auch sale, end Tsvstor hereby covonente to vrarrant and dofvnil the title of �N, <br /> _ ouah purahsaar or purchasers. <br /> ;;��''�"' ��1 (b) As mny bo parmitted by law, after deducting all coets, fees � <br /> . expenses of Truatae and of this Trust, including coste of evidonco of �itle in �� <br />_ •�"�'n � � ' � • •• �' con�eatio� with eale Trustee shr�ll apply the proceede of sale topa yawnt of <br /> �.- <br /> '',,r;:, ^ � •°�' 1 ' (i) all suma expen d e`d un der t he terms hereo f n o t t h e n r e p a i d, w i t h a c c ru e d <br /> .-� ;; �`�� �'•;���� intereet at twelvo (12) percent per annw (�i) all other swae then securad ��`=ql <br /> •. � ' • �i�U� here b , an d (i i i) t h e r�m n i n d Q r, i f e n y, �o t t w p e r e o n or p eraono l a q all y F"�'� <br /> , ��_•• , <br /> ���� ontit ed theroto. �,�• <br /> � ,�. <br /> ' � .�..,� ' (c Truatee may, in the ma�nner providpd by Law, postpone aala of all or ��'S-�` <br /> .,�. �.-: <br /> - t, �� any port on of the Trast Eetate. <br /> .�'��.., � �,.._ <br /> .,.- :'�'� + .„�'+. <br /> -r <br /> °�1`�,�k •�,.�, ,a" �5�,��r ' 12. RHMBDiRB NOT EXC�,U�. Trustee and Heneficiary, and esch of thap, K•_ <br />•���������s ���'' -�?�'+ shall be eRFitTea"fs'&n�orae paYment and performnnce of any indebtedness or <br /> �`}`,"`' ' oblivations securad hereby and �o exercise all rights and pc�rs under thie �,"=� <br /> J `'s�f� +�; � �,�" De4a of Trust ar under en Loa�e instrument or oEi�er agr�nt or ar+ aa'a& nau <br /> r,�E r , � •.�.} ti <br /> or hereafter in force, no�Withs�;.ir.c�ing some or all of the auch ind t�ala�aea ',: �;. <br /> 4�'. '�,� y;� � and obligations secured hereby mayt now or hereafter t�e otherwise securee�, ��.x <br /> . � �,.:;;,''"�, <br /> . . ,,lj.;�;� Y whether ymortgage, deed of trust pledge, lien, asaignment o� atherwiea. .� <br /> ,��,:' ,. 6 �''�.' <br />- '' n '�.;� .��:;;�y Neither the acceptance of this Dee�d of Truat nor its enforcepa�t whethor by f�u. <br /> ��,,�' a� power of sa3.� or otherpo�ears :^erein �'- <br /> �°;;�• � ',�' ' ;:��.'i court aation or pursur�nt to the _�: <br />-�r � 1ij;�,�- ����•:�'• .j��� contained, ehall pre�u�ace or in any manner affect 'Trus�ee's cr eeneficiary'e =:= <br /> < < :_�� <br /> ��,' .;,±�;, t^�.� ,, ��°^ right to real�ze upo� or enforce any other eacurit�p a�w or h�reafter held by �,�_�. <br />�; . -�i?��"��" " , ','' Truetee or 8enefic3ary it being agreed that Trustee am� �eneficig�y, and each �°�_ <br /> ,1 ��•� ;.< '+�1��,�'' ,t h ~ <br />:'�'� _ t.:'�,:,�.,,�,�;F,. ,��, of them, ahall be ent�l�led to enforce this Deed of Truat end any ot er �;. <br /> :�. �•; t��• ,y, security now or herea1FLer held by Benegiciary or TrusCee itz auch order and �,;,:.. <br /> ��' ��,.,�,';�•; s ;��' ���i` i�;f;{ manner as they or eit7��er, of them may in their ebaolute d�scr�tion determine. <br /> s ,• ::��EF ,w. No remedy herQin coafe�aed upon or reserved to Trustee or Ber��fiaisry fs "__-- <br />:�:"�l -• i=•�,,'1• �.'�� intended to lae exclueive of any other remody herein or by law provided or _ <br /> , °V. •- -�,i;,2';�����.�ti, permitlud, LuL �a+:h aha12 ba cu�:+ativc attd ahall be in edd3tion to e��!y �. <br /> �. other remedy c,iv�� hereunder 4�r �:�� or hereafter existing at lnw or ia� �uity �-�,•__. <br />��': �. ��':�t���;�' �`�4�t� 1� or by 3tatute. Every power or r�emedY given by any of the Loan Inetrumor,�ts to ��_•. <br /> a�.•�,,,. •%?#ti���'��t���'i���`�s Trueteo or Hene#iciary� flr to which either of them may be otherwise en�itled, � <br /> .„;` ��•s�,'•�,1;�•• from time to tSme and a� "A <br /> .. s,.�, , ,y may be exercised coaecaarrently or independently, <br />;<•}��'�� ;l'.';�7�'�;��:;:� often ae may be �deemec3 ei�pedient by Trustee or Benef iciary; ar.:d ei�her of thens <br /> rc_ •.�• .;�;�;,...,;i:;.,;�.��'i� may ureue 3r.�onsiatent remedies. Nothin herein ahnil be c�nstrued as ��'� <br /> p �,�-:�- <br /> •���'���'°F.`��,;," �• rohibiting Pdeneficiary from seeking a de icic�nay ;jualgrnent against the Trustor �..fT <br />� �"'"'= 4`n r;. �o tho extant auch action is permitted by law. ut;;:: <br /> • •'�; ��,;�:r.. <br /> ��;�•:�;� <br /> �'`���� � � �Y� 13. REOUE3T FOR NOTICE Truetor hereby requ�ests a co y of any notice �4��-'�" <br />�,.��t;:�:t '�.:��,�:�,°:,�''• �`�;: � - <br /> _..-�_�'�; •. '�' � •�• �:�� of c�e�fault a�tri�'y-�i fo'�e of sale hereu��er be mailed �o it at +the _.-�� <br /> :.:�.:,,:• .i.;.:«r� <br /> ,:�;..':, . ��:;,;',•. a.<��.�,� a�alr�ss eo� forth in tfiae first paragraph af this Deed of Trvst. ,r; . <br /> 14. GO�lERNING LAW. This Beed of T.rust shall be governed by t:�e .awa of ���;�'•� <br />'-}� �� ' -�� `��•�� '�,�• the state o e r� a. n the ev�ent that any provision or clauae of an!� of the tq:,'�•° <br /> " `� '`F,�' Loen Inetrumex+ta confiicts with appliceble lawa, Euch conflicts ahall not !" <br /> ._ .w . !}A Y��.,. <br /> �',,.',' � .�� affect other �rovisiflns of such Loan Inetruments which can t,s� given effect , <br /> '���-�;-- �-'r�'!i�' without the ctrnnflicting pmvisionR; flnd t� thia end� the prcvssione of the <br /> r-,s�, . <br />�. ."�- •-. :�• �,�ltti'. Loan Inetrumas�ts axe ti�eclared to be severable. This instrum4:�t cannot be <br /> �,�• � •��b��'. ,��: ,;;�: waived char.ged, diacP��rged, or terminated orally, but only by an instrument • <br /> � �3� . . ��: in wri�ing t�ia�.�ed by the party againet whom enforc�ment of eny waiver, chanqe, <br /> � . '� " ���.' discharge or �termination is sought. ;�•;�, <br /> .�,�,.:,: . '. `tity. <br /> � 't•����.'t� 15. RE ONVEYANC?' BY TRUSTLE. Upon Writte^. request oL` 3eneficiaa�y • <br /> ,��?;;. � �. , 1;%;;,� ae�a'�::ng tha� s s secure ere y have �een gaia, an� u�on surrend�r� o: <br /> '.;`t''' �, .' �''��� t0�.ia Deed of Trust and the Note to Trustee for ca�icellatio^ an8 reten�:�:� a.^.w <br /> . p�,. . , . <br />'y��.:... • . ����' upon pay�nent by Trustor of Trustoe's fees, Trustee sQ:a'1 reconvey to :r�nstor, <br /> � '''••�.� '• � or the person or percons legelly entitled thereto, z�it:;o�at w�rrac�y, a:.y . <br /> ����. � � ' - • rtion of the Truat Estate then held hereunder. T�� recitals in suc•'r. . <br /> �,� �! � ' ����.�;;. .r ;. �r�econve�ance of any taatters or facte ehall be conclusive pra.Tf of t�r.�e <br /> �....��.c.. .. �ti���i Th� nr�ntm in anv ror�nelvaVA(IPS1 t11AV k!P [�CCY�bQa 86 � <br /> --- bL Yb\lL M4���o0 ' <br /> `• ' � ; ` � ' "thQ person or pereons �ega�ly entitled �horeto". r <br /> ;,, ' � . '� �`� ,� 16. NOTICE3. Whenever Heneficiery, 1`rustor, or Trustee shall desire to � <br /> •: • ,, �' ' ive or serve any notice, demand, requeeC or other comnwnication with respect I . <br /> ', • • ••, _ -- �o thie Deed of Truet, each su�h notice, demand, request or other I <br /> {;'' ; ;-� � ��� •�° conmunication shall be .in writing and ehall be effective only if the seme is � <br /> : ti , delivered by personal service or mailed by certified mail, postage prepaid, � <br /> return receipt requested, addressed to the address set forth at the beginning <br /> �'�� � �;� �` of this Deed of Truet. My party may at this time change its address for suc h � <br /> ; ' ' �., R notices by dalivering or mailing to �ho other parties hereto, as aforesaid, a <br /> '�� . J"',��_�s, <br /> A� <br />- . �-*, ' t .'�` 1 <br /> i . <br /> . Q � <br /> � <br />