,r.. � �* a � � . •;,q � .
<br /> t e..wr� `.,_,. - �7,": i �. �t�`°.�`^i"''TF�t:-: �-�'?_"�`-��i"� u •�,s i��_-�
<br /> - �f` '�n". .S':Ja."•µi.'1v" �"" - ' ' - �-.a; .,__—
<br /> --3---':"�-�� . . S,.� -o n-
<br /> ' ., '�� ..:.L- L•t! t.U �� l�' , `�. �4�sJ,i� ' ^ , � . __ - -- -- _... _,..,. . . _4....�_ . • —
<br /> '..' N.��
<br /> �',(1, ''��
<br /> ,�������: . . , � �- ioa�ss� .
<br /> � TrupaundNn�nd�qattMO��th�tThn�aleaboult��aautsbw0lWdTnatandeala �ndfMetlwpaKa
<br /> ---�----- � olq1� . ttlrintlM0eWo17'hatprovbaa+�nWlbellh►�t�Ipl�b�ndobikWaaroTiu�►ttqu�� inth�w�m
<br /> of s tta braoh�f o6ti�ti�un4aths O�OVd of Th+st,inotudina but not qmit00�,lM 6ender��ht�o haw, Prop�yr sot0 --
<br /> �bNon th��i�oaa�������r�a�l1d Mat�nls tMt this w�t�Ot�»d by =--
<br /> A,� , � %
<br />------ ' �i;at�-W m--
<br /> = ---= �j��1t:'a.�
<br />_-__ = �?U�.e:=-•
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<br /> ■rram�r�o4TSYHi� �: 7 �1 Cyrd 2Y.J. --
<br /> �"� : ��n�;.���,� --
<br /> � THIB DHEO OF TRUST�ia made as ot the 1� day of Ap=*l .19 91 by and amonp � }r,4��,�,}F'''�',� �
<br /> �--• -�.r:, ;:�,};���;t, N{-���-�
<br /> ��'�l ;� 1�'ri � . 7 � e,f, r,. 1'�:f ._
<br /> .�Z }> �LF`;;�',H� M e i' tt��iY�l!�f�1 /+t r; t t i'."
<br /> t�� �€ ' tha�ator �r B V�la�k i And !!�f► ti Val�alc�.11p:�.�.�pd wli . Y,,';� tt+i � � .,
<br /> <u��t��?r�+��' d � �J� -•c;e.7,�• ,yw.��,
<br /> F� ' �
<br /> �''f`�Y`�•i ` r,: whoae mail�g ad�eas b a� t•.•�� rt e,�..� ����,p • n�T�:wt�u�er aie or more�, ,:;s� ��.�
<br /> Y f t �! r`,�� g . ,. '.• y��'�lfi-h} t�� —
<br /> ' �� �'�1/w, '���„��. • �l���„�...��„ '.���i�.:.......�, • t� ���l�f�c,r� :-_.
<br /> ; ,,,:>,S � P Q� 8ox i�l c�.�w �.�; ���e: ' --
<br /> fr1���'f j� �I• wAOOB IIIAIUII �YWaYY� • , � ,�here�A������� �� <<7 � _
<br /> � �'e"� ' �[ �y� _
<br /> , s�ith f'��1;� , � r; �;�
<br /> ":,:�•�l;rtia�� ;�«,�` the eeneNctsrY Fiw Po�aRe��lt -. � �,. t ..���;�t�
<br /> tt �c • �t.,, � �„�l�.=t::�.
<br /> �,��;��:;;t'!(�;�h;;.�.�/", — /{��� „'�ry �l'•4jy) •�r.'?K`-i
<br /> ., r..�' �.�,/�•, w�IIwN� � \���v�A ��' I' �.�C',�;('1 ��l�i.C�ti.av
<br /> ti;` '` ���f� � � ,� ; . , ;��11��4r1 . � . _ __
<br /> �` ;.f��¢��l�r}1' , F4R VA�tJABLE CONSIDERAfiON,lnat�+dinp Lender's e�te�sion ot oredit IderWAed heraln W � 8 Y�ln�k ,,.��, „� ����°„ _-.-.
<br /> i t��!�1�h�' �{b .< +; ¢¢�;�s"�`R'q'!
<br /> � ,� i` � i w11���Pil Q �i�rMk (h8f6iR~80f�OW6►��.whethe►one or more)and the truet herein areatad� ���t�u'Ai�(i;"7r1��9��'1A ,--
<br /> •.�,.� .�� r eys and asalgna to Trustee,iN °�•"}� �,!�' s '� ' '�•�.�„,
<br /> ;. � � .' the reaeipt of whEch Is hereby a�knowledped�Trustor herehy IRevooably 9 aMa.kanefere. wnv t, i�,�( a ,E , ^.
<br /> �,t��� �s�,'' TRUBT.YYRH POVUER OF BALE,torthe beneNt and secutl of 1.ender,under and suqect b the terms end oondidons herefnette►8et �f u;,��;`����f .�(=fr��p{�}�p�
<br /> _ -, -` � .,y`+Zh�r�t tf:i ��'�1�1',Q�VSIi7'�WiL71,
<br /> '�< � i�u� 10�d���1 L
<br /> � t r
<br /> , I + �ws ������BION7'8 AODXTIOlt 90 1'I� CI'R OA 3RA11A ISI.AND� 1fALt. -�,�t t,�-��:�•�riF�,aei�ssis,� :
<br /> ` ;� f� "� i��tiv? �,1 s
<br /> �d/'' • ' . �Y. ! �'�Y:Iryti �VhJyV.��_�-:
<br /> i�.l T' • .' i �Y'�'�•��j4�
<br /> ',t: .14.���.�r�i ' • ' i�:;I�,'���!�{r ...�.�����:li{':ri'
<br /> .t �'' ��{� ��} . � - . � d1�7�if!1r�--lr i)����iu � .
<br /> __rr��`��� y µ(� , � . �
<br /> - ¢t. 7 a,��� � � L': �� ?���i�ta�zNxu�ui�
<br /> 'jf S �� �- 4Y1.I��Y.�`tiwss.
<br /> ...f�R�;'•��i%f�•!;r Together with all buitdings,improvaments,tixtures,at�eeta,atleys,Passagaweya,easementa,rlghta,privllepes snd appurte- '��t ���:,f,';" _���;
<br /> ��•�� ;�;� ��f. �•�{ nenoee l0oet9d thereo�or in an ee peRainin thereto,and the rente,i6eues and protita reveralons and remalndere thereoi,and ..F�7i,.r�;�=��R �f��i`������
<br /> S i -.;t, ni.t, t�? � � ,i�i'!, ��A����tr'1:iYi_��SX!(K���.
<br /> '�r:..._�.,�
<br />. ., �:•:...:... ..... :: such personal prope�r thet is attached to the Improvements eo as to oonatftute e iixwr�,•Inpluding,but not timited to.h9�a�ng and ; r�� st�,.,,�::.;,1,r�;r�,�,��
<br />,..1:.•• � r a 1 ;p �n?.
<br /> } <„ r,. coolln i men�and togethe�wldi the homeafead or maritat intereats,if any which Iqtereats are hereby reteaeed antl waiv�l;all �`� y,��,
<br />_ �+,: p : ,. �
<br /> B e4u P �. .;„ � a;,� .
<br /> ) c;F'v u Z ,:•• of whiah,lnatuding replaoements and addldons thereto,is hereby deCterad to b¢a.pen o11he real estate seoured by thR�len,ot this ry�`y��r , . „ ,;;`;, � , �
<br /> ,e. "J. ..,� Oeed ot Troat and ell ot the totegoing betng retemed to he�eln ae the"Pr4pmrry". .1i}�tii 1F,°.s?�'���. , i'����
<br /> . ,.� ,y.7, .�� �. ,i`,..`t'^ —
<br /> �� 1� �` '"� This Oeed oi Truet shell eeoure(a)the peyment of the principai sum aa�d intereet evidenced by a promissory note or credi� ' •�n� � � ' +�:`S �� -
<br /> ;��. . .,ti�}�1� .
<br /> vYn �' o y
<br /> 'i.iS°� �`'+,��, i.� 1 �M 1fa0 ��5 ��.. �� �? y� ;1+ "..
<br /> ��'�� ti"•,;. agreementdated �,i,� 1°°' .hevingamaturtrydatebII ,L1=:==r- 1 . ,� .. .,....,�;�,1!�_Q+,����._
<br /> ����'i•,;'�: i�,�k��;s, ; {# ����4,4rk
<br /> ,,nr,sssi'; <. . '.t4. '3A.90 M1 � -
<br /> �• In the original pdnatpal emount ot S �� ,and any and all modl8oatlons,extenslons and renewats 4���k��'1�k �s,d',,��„,�a '
<br /> � thereof or lhereto end any end ell tuture advances and readvancea to eorrowe�lor any of them It more then one)hereunder � y..;�'��s��. �E� t � ;�,�•�
<br /> �E,
<br /> � ; �
<br /> ,,,� :x, i{ �'} pu�8uent to one o�more promiesory notea or credit egreements(herein cellnd"Note�;(b)the payment ol other sums advenced by f` i �f ,,,�y d ' �
<br /> „,�;�,�� ���,��. lender b proteat the seaurlty ot the Noce;(o)'the pertormence ot att covenants end egreements ot Trustor eet brth herefn;and{d)all r,rt- ,� +�i,� �� n �
<br /> -_--:- .,,, :.�.,,�p preeent and future indebtednesa and obllgatlons of Bonower(or any ot them il more then one)to Lender whether dlrect,lndirect, �� ,�F�,',,��;t�_,; Tr, !.�'°.,,_,�
<br /> �; •' ebeotute or Condngent and whether arising by note,guara�ty,overdraft or otheMrise.The Note,this 088d of Trust and any and aU s)•. s;�,f, , 1 ,�,s �;`;t ;��
<br /> . },�1��,•:
<br /> , othetd0ouentsth�t8eauvetheNoteorotherwleeexeouted��connectlontherewlth.lncludingwlthout11mitadonguaraMees,securiH ';���'��' ��,`� 1' '.'�`t'�„���i;_
<br /> '���i�i'y�"�',z. �. agreemen t a an d a s a lpnmen t s o t t e a s e s a n d re n t a s h a t l b e r e t e r r e d t o h e r e�n a s t h e"L O e n I n s t r u m e n t s". � �., ,�..� �...,1 '�1,�;r Y�f.:,,
<br /> �,�,�.�,.{�:v-;,,)�rt,•;,,
<br /> ;.,.;`.,;,,.:,.�;-�.�,�: Truator covena„ts end agreas wlth Lender as tottows: , a ����rja��•��
<br /> ;'•�.,�`.v; ,;:,:F1•�;.s;., t. Paynl�nlotl�bbdMq.AAi�debtednessaecuredherebyahailbePaldwhendue. ��. •,�� � ': 1,.��t..,� �'YS�Y.'�',��,,
<br /> :;p ti��'� •` •'S,�. ' 2.TINf.TrustOr 18 the owner of the Propertyr,hes the rlght and euthority to canvey the Property,and warranta.het the tlen '''�'••
<br /> �a;.'.;.,.'::�'�•.:.. ��• '., ���"�r
<br /> ��<a�;;.:�;�!.,,,�.,: .; c�eeted hereby is a flret and prlor Ilan on the Property,except tor Ilens and encumbrances set torth by TruBtor tn wriUng and +
<br /> Y`�"•�'��.�15����'���'' detive�ed b 6ender betore exeaudon oi thls Oeed ot Truat end the exeautbn end delvery ot this Deed ot Truat doea not viotate any . -• � � - : • . �
<br />-;::�5;;;�;f�r,�:!��'°��;�u:i .
<br /> ,,;,`::•:� �•i;'� y bonbeot or otlt6r Obligadon to whlch Trustor Is subJeaG `�,�; ,'•.:
<br /> � `7�Z� •� 'e�f S.Taxa.Aae�tm�nb.To par betore delin uenc all taxes,apecfal assessments and all other ahar es agefnst the Property •
<br /> .: ;.�';,:. . �t { 4 Y 9 ` , . � .
<br /> + } ,+•. • ir.ai
<br /> .`�,i,"a f��. 1��s� now or hereader tevled. � .. , , .
<br />".��.�E;(},�•3 A;t'��3+�"' 4. Inwtanee.7o kee the Property�nsured a ainst dama e by tue.hata�de�ncluded w�thln the term"extended coverege",and � '
<br /> '�`�" �'!�'��;� ,f�i� such ather hasards as Lender may reqwre,in amounts 8nd wfth compernes ecceptebie 10 lender,nam�ng Lender as en addidonal ' �. � .
<br /> �,.f,J�4 ��..�.,•� •.
<br /> h�'�f5s j�. ,.hS,�� n
<br />�FSif1AL�;i�(4;�•;�:�,,�..;. named Insured,with toss payabte to the Lender.In case ot fass under such pollaes.�r.�Le+ealer is authorfzed to ed�ust cotleCt and ••
<br /> s«N�s�`�}k t+�� co omise.ell olaims thereunder and shelt have the opt�an�ot apptying ell or part of a�e.�m+�,�ance prxeeds(I)to eny�naleDtedneas .���i.; � � . .�
<br /> �'�'��N�'��`}. y aecu�re�!hereby and in such orde�as l.ender may determ,ne.��i{to the TruBtor to be u�ed tor the repau or restoration ot u+e P�operdy �,'!���"'. ,' �
<br />��`'y:�4�n�,}?;�t,�ti,;�til�j t�i, .
<br /> ;;,�, ,}�t��. ���+,.,: Or(iil)for any otl►er purpoae or ob�ect satrelactcey te Lender w�thout aNecting nhe I�qn a this Deed o�Truss t�me full�moum aecuaed
<br /> :4,.��i,{�'S��1��:��,�,�'•.;' tt6it�0y betpre eueh peyment erer look plaee.Arty appHCatioA of proceeas co Indede0�e8s sha�t rtoe Qxmnd or�atDO�e Ate i!� , � . ,
<br /> --�+:"���,r���'"i����<< da�e ot an paymente under the Note. or care any q6f�W�tfwReunder or he�euncler � ' �
<br /> ���;���}T,��t{;(,�,�,,���,ct�_ 5. R�erew.Unon wnttere memrranct bv Lendet,Trustan�►ata pay to lende�,��sucn rsrartrter as lertaee mey des�nafa.suNicfent ,'
<br />,;u��#;�f,T;';�,?,.'�r��';'.° •sums to enabte Lender to pay�as rte�r become due one or mmne ot the toilow�ng:pl atita,c�s.as�essmertts ane oo�er c��ea aga�nst � �
<br />.:;��,�-�N. °, ��;,..i,� the Pro rty,(11)the prertnunRa on tne O�oveM►nsurance reqWred hereunder,and lu�) the premwms on any mortgape fnsurence
<br /> _;�.,��aN:,l;i�1 .� . PB ;
<br /> ;",� •^�;�sr��;�{,,,.; required by Lender.
<br /> ,t:� : .l��.�<,`���•',.� 8. Mainbnmo�,R�Pttlrs+t�d C�mpl�ne�with Lewt.Trustor srwll keep the Property�n good condltlon and repa�r;ahatl . .
<br /> '' �����'��;+', ��'�'' promptly repalr,or reptaee any tmprovement whlch may be damaged or deetroyed: ahall not comm�t or perm�t any weate or . � '
<br />�•'3:l•.�:I:'•'�.�,-' .
<br /> • a..._„�:;• deterioretlon ot the Ptoper[Y SNail nOt remove.demotlsh or subetenNaily alter any d the fmprovementa on Ihe P►pperty:ehall not
<br /> ' '�•.+r��; �,;"� ' ' commit,sutfer or permlt eny actto bedone In or upon the Property�n v�otation ot any Inw.ordlnance,or reguteaon;and ahall pay end •
<br />`"`����• promptly dlaeharge at Trustor's coet and expense elt t�ens,encumbrancea and ctwgee levled,�mposed or assesaed egainat the
<br /> ,..•.�. , .�, .. ,
<br /> "' '� � ' Property or an n thereot. '
<br /> '��3^� ��° �� 7, EntitlNN D�O�M�tn.Lender ie here0y a��eA ait compensatlon,awards,damagee and other peyments or reUet(herefneRer �
<br /> ,,., ., .
<br /> �"�• � '" �' "Prooeeds'�in connecHOn with condeMnatlon or otMer raktng ot the Property or pa�t tliereot,or tor conveyance fn heu of condeinne- +
<br />�+��{��Y��°� �'�•�'� `� tbn.Lender 8hatt be entlNed gt it8 opti0n to commanea,appear In and prosecute�nita own name any acdon or p�oceedings,and (
<br />...;�;? .. , �. _ . �
<br /> �•�;1���.f �,.,r ;,, �� 8ha11 atso be enrided to meke any Compromf6e or eetuement fn connectton wlth auch tak+ng or damage.�n the evant any porrion of �
<br />-�s)�`� ' J, ,�;�'"� NlCyt6lfMarpnaAtwMOw0111NtOi8t
<br />--c�r, ��.�,''.. ,, 0 t9ES NNaeN BNa d Cawiwq hw1�r�0 Bw�nOS Mtoewdon.►rKWn N�b�W � �
<br /> • ., . -
<br />.:. �:i;,_• )' °•'
<br />,.� s: �_��:1
<br />.- .`��' r. .
<br /> , .,. -i . �� , i-, �
<br />