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. �� i_'e I_�� ry ,Y�. �..---i• '�R___ <br /> � �� � .... . . . -- _..__ _ _. _ __' <br /> � l — <br /> :... � ' ' .. . <br /> 93- �.oa.�a . <br /> i, 8�7,'1'�t L. Wi88IN0, ("T�ustor") , under tbat aertain Deed of <br /> Truat in the orig�.nmi prinaipal �unount oF ON8 HUND�D FOaTY <br />--__�-• ----------�� T�OU�T,ND DOLLARS (#140,000.00) and dated Marah 12, 1993, to be <br /> antered in�o amonp Trustor, and ARTHUR C. MAYER, �"TruQtee"), and <br /> CLYDE B. ti�ADLEY and REVA L. HEADLE3t, huaband and wife, <br /> ("Aetu�iaiary"), aoverinq the gollowin�-desaribed propertya <br /> The Northeast Quarter (NE#1 0� 3eation six (6), <br /> .��-- --.---�-..� . Townahip Ts� I 14 S 1�1�rth, Ranga Twrlva (121 , <br /> '' We�t of ttse 6th P.M., i� Aall Counky. Nebsaska, <br /> � excludfng hawever t3�e premises described in <br /> -- Documemt N�, 85-004378 �ilc3d ln tha O�fi�e af - <br /> the neqi�te�r of Deeda� Hall ��unty, Nebraaka. <br /> ���;% hereby acknaw�.e�ge that it is understood that (a) tbe Deed of Trust � _ <br /> � tc be cxcc�tee3 by Trtt�tar 3Y M Truat Deed �nc� !?�t •r� martg,�qw, and . <br /> (b) the pawer of sale proyided for i.n the De��l af Trust provides <br /> —� � substantially differer�t riqh�s au�d obliqations to the Trustor thaa <br /> �� � � . a awr�qaQe ia �he event of a default or breactn of obliqation. <br /> � Txustor acknowledges that this Acknowle�dqment was made piior � <br /> `� '� to C�ae execut�Lari of the Deed o� Trust. � ;r�' <br /> � � �XECUTEU At� iDEII�IVERED this iZth day of Marat►, 1993. <br /> . ;1� <br /> -� - � BETTY . WiS3It�(i, ustor <br /> ---._�==-W • ` - <br /> <br /> MFRR LL J. MICK) WISSIN Trustor <br /> ` x�„�� <br /> -- -�`_� s�AZ� o� r��r�sttH D _ <br /> - _- ;� Ss. <br /> —°.:�`�.:�;� COUNTY OF HALL � <br /> •,xFSC.s:u�is � . <br /> .u�ar.n:nsiva�aa <br /> �«:°;�� The rego' q instrumetit wae acknowledgeaa be�ore me this t�-- <br /> "��'��� day of , 1993, by Betty L. W�.ssing and Merr�lii J. <br /> • __������ (Mick) W ss r19. er husband, for the purposes thereic, stated. � <br /> - u:�ii A <br /> �-___—_= WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal at ,�t���.�.�� <br /> -=-- -- in said Coumt•� and State, the date aEoresaid. <br /> _-=��.�:� ����M■� /�� _ <br /> _ <br />