--1j t� �- �++froe�S-1`�tQ��e�t��'1 r��fYl��+�.itr ''i;T� ��;�a•,.T.+'.tt�' ���.af � . . . ;1 � aa�� �-. .... _.—
<br /> 1t ' t `� ua�l�j�����'� �' °sv��_N�P�'� - � rNtJ
<br /> :�_ : � � - - ' - � ' .,,.,.
<br /> � , s.nuznmo
<br /> , '� ' - �' � . "�,��•� •n�•_ 1 tir L,.
<br /> � I ". .. �s {�W,fRf;�'�.'F� �!�1?. �)ji,"�,���p��iw. . , _— . .
<br /> �� �1..� .�..i:..:a,.L.l+ -i+i�ia.r:iihda jt`r+r.iV- -t,� �u.. • • "- ,
<br />._���.v , I���Iftii'� • � • Q/�p/���
<br /> -t��,-:'t,� � •.
<br /> , � � � . ��r'�° ��QWIQMiiY �
<br /> • �
<br /> � � � � 9i-�- saiee� � �... so��se�
<br /> .� . —_
<br /> �
<br /> -_ - -TJ! • '�W��YWfYNi'ii�IW�r i�iVii�r��iAW�� �"7 W�WRWN����ri�i7�wiN1AW Hi NI{i�M� ` ._'_._'_._ - _.
<br /> '� LCAl1Et�Wb01A0y 41it0�Of bOSb' �IIOt 1{Ifd1pra�� tb0 OOtO Vllll�dll{SL�D1�p,f�10111�10 RInIfC�Ildpfl Wfp�q{1�OCtYO{� l,Sr' t�, `-
<br /> � r , earowa..nd aeA iawr�oe oompiar aoaoo�d is� taurcat�bs11 u ena+�me a�e�aa pay.bte.u the etoqioa ottbe '����
<br /> ��'��`.� �u�ba�oed�nd direaad so awce p��n�iar suoh tars air�ealy w �. ':�����,., - - -
<br /> T'� tbe Leader I�atad at to tbe Battovver�nd!Ao lAnderldatt�r��d ,; M
<br /> »..'� �S 7�� dn�tnoe�noove�h,ar�y put the�oot,m�y be appUed�y tbe t.e a d m s M 1 1 g lve a o t k o ta 9 o n awe�P r i o�w+o c e t e n t i o n �.�, d!�ti n�� —
<br /> 2:�4'� Lender�t iq dibar to tbe teduoNoa ot the bt�eMedaeu tapawGq 8a►awetY braeh at�ay covea�at or�t ia thb : r„, _..",.,.
<br /> t e deM
<br /> u�7 �Of If �
<br /> "� �r� ��}.(��Ot1�10�y.���/ �q�l!(�N1t 110!�W���O,OyQu�fil�0l1 UA�Ot�fi�{I�1��t1A�ESS '•;i ��'1'y��fr
<br />� ���{��1� ���{��i�M7����N11��NQ� wpp! �����NOi�IWY�.Tbe aottoe ab�J!speairy�(�)the ��i�.��np'���;,,ti}�^:liR�+_:±{-.._
<br /> �,`��N"" a;t �t1� ptopa�y,in a�c�bbeaeat ottae ae�w(�b)tae,u:t�a.�equiroa w cum tbe aer�ar cc)t ace,aa teas � � ,.,��� � '^� .
<br /> } ��t.ti:a� §
<br /> :! II
<br /> � `s;�!� �;• (ndebtedne��au�haeby��11 N�6t,tttb�ad iaterc�t of ibe tb�a 3Q days ironf the d�te tbe aodoa b giren to Bortawet�by wbkh •�,f'�+@ ,�"'� ` �"
<br /> Y,,s`";:.�;.;��. 8omower in+�ad to�ay inwnnoe palioiea tben ia farae ibsll psss ta tbe defiWt mwt be w�att aad(d)tlut tsiluro w eu�e tba det�ult on :�� n,,,"��r� f, ;;,, ,'-.
<br /> �.„, u :, �����, or beforo tt�e d�te�i1Poed in tbe a�ioe auy rosult ia�ooeletattaa �,, ;s , . `` , ti,��t�r� ,.s
<br /> ' ,i` �;., ; Fi- �s
<br /> Ot tb0 fWBS i000TRd�{hl5 i115tt111q8At itld 1t�0 ot 111C IMOpO�ly.Th0 ; � `��, �s ,.
<br /> `,� ,�::� � ,r 9 71att a�diuo�a1�uad oo�al see�ulty fa tho p�y��feat of tbe aottoe ahall tu�the� arm Bormwar o!tAe right a rohat�te afler ��. ',�, ��,�. ,
<br /> j���)�d.�� . -:
<br /> ,r,;{���:k��iy, � ' nau deaaibed.aad d!suuas w beoo�n�e dae under this�an� aaoekredaa�asd RM right ta bring a a�un axion w assere the ean� �;; r �,'��';�i^'��}�r��rt ::-
<br /> a ,,, ,;�`c'�;� 11k�of►Av�etNeteby�utRiLe�de�t�lUproftts.tevetlues, e�tot�ceata�nOtareayotherdatenseotBonowerta 'r.�ti�t�� ,�ai�i?r�:,�r,if.,r4 � ;
<br /> � ,,;��,,a,,�'S �.. ei�Ate u�d beneRts aocroio�g to t0e�anowo�tmde�uty�ad ao00 tWN!Artd sele.QQtI�dofiult is pat Cpced an or befo�e tbe de�a ,. , , i �,` t�..
<br /> ��,�.�5 .(y�'u'; �aai;n taues on aW premi�m,w�l�tAe�u io r000i�a and �ia the eat�oo,I.eade�at its optian mwy rcqui�e inmm��ate c: ' :`'�i�� �°'+,?'", _
<br /> t';. „ ;`'inFxz� r�s,�''
<br /> `�;`)���'-'"��}_ teoeiW Por t6e ssaae sad app1Y tbam ws�id ia�cEcedoe�as Me11 y�neat in(Wl of tN saaas se�ued by thia hretrumeat�,iWow ���,�,�,,,,�5,�.�r,
<br /> 1� .s L�6� t� ii � tt .t ^ ��__
<br /> ��(r1[iij¢, �.' ��i i{{if��IN 1�18 ooadiNoas ottMs�.aad the demand ned may invoke the power of a�le�uld+un►at� -� --. --_- -
<br /> � «�ia��� � :. l�da may dea�nd�we for ead�ecorar�ay aixbps�a ta wiiea r�en�es permitted by appliaNe isw.L�ader�ll be eatitled w �,��" ; ,:i;�� '`�+n
<br /> a ,�dj�.i''t;�r� dne�ad y�bia b�u aball�ot 6e roquhed w to do.Th�as�n�aeat eolte�ti alt Qapameaiacurred in pursui�the�ediea prawded�e i<<r� d II,y,��s�t�� h,,,t�
<br /> �a�+;}1�1 st: � � :
<br /> �� �5 t0 t8f811pit0 itld blCCA10 AY�I Wld YOId YpOR iQIEiBQ Ot t11�S thia pangrnph I3.icluding,but not lhaited ta rason�ble �' s �'���' s i;r'�;
<br /> _iF�, '�.�'.�4�i;�; iasteumen� aqomaya'teas and aosta of dtie evldonce. ,� �,.:. "-
<br /> sOr+4/t�,�a�i r . k�ti�t` � L� .
<br /> � \lt�G �• .,�
<br />,,�.. ;�:,,,�,t�;'��.,u 1Q`�'bst the Borrower wiU tUa buildiag�upaa wii�ptemises li the powe�af gk is invoked.Tnata elwll rouord a rwtia of �`��, 4���'r;`�'r�t'"�v..y--
<br /> k�ep w
<br /> ., ' ��", �pi�ood r e p�ir.�a d a d t b e r o o m m i t a o r p e n n h x�a t e u p o n�N d.i�l i d. d e f i W t i n e a c h e o a a y r i q w b i c h�n y p u t a t t h e P ro p e n y i s l o e a t e d �`` � .,' �'� c _ __
<br /> „{ ; �;��,�Yn> r.'!, �bir��u�'ar ci�e said pramises w be�sod for�ay ualswfld pi��pa�e. uid aba11 m�l a►pia ot�b nodoe in the maaaar prea�bal by •�.: x S,.: -
<br /> t jf-�•'� "%; t. , Applicabk itw t0 BortwR�eu aad t0 tb0 OthOf pOtd0118 prosctib�d bY • � ,� ;p`:
<br /> e�r�' %'.,�. ` �� I, l Yimt U tbe� Y 1� �
<br /> �„c �xr � �� ' '�,�i.,;, , or�u thpeo�be condom�e0 utale� applicabk Itw.At�r t�e time teqWted by tppik�tble kw.7Ywue : �; ,,;. ,, t
<br /> u
<br /> ��{' r� �� � the pdamr of emiueat doduin�or Roqui�+ed for a pubiic use.lhe • eAdl give pubtic adbe ot a�le to the per�aas uid in the nwnner , , a
<br /> s� > , . ;
<br /> �r-�- �� ]1:
<br /> d�au/es swuded�tl�e prooeals tor tuo Wdng o�or tbe P���ePPiiabk isw.Tn�tea�witlwut demund aa 8orrower. � � ,,:, � „���;�i%
<br /> +��4 . c t i
<br /> ,�` i`"�, t��� . aoasideesHoa tor eueh ao9ui�aua.w dro aaenc of the tu�i am�runt uf slait saii ti�e Propany at pubUc auciton ia t!�l�iglrcat bfdda at t!x '- ,' '- , ,
<br /> �� � ��'��8.�t�,
<br /> ,;:�!l�,d���t,`°• .n; iadebtednem upon thia instrurtnat aad tbe aote whicb it is gWon�to time end pl�oe and undarehn terms dasigmted in the noeioe ot We ; . , . . ,
<br /> �e,�,i ��,�., seauro r e m�i a l n B�P+�•��Y�M�the 8urrorra ta tde in one or mon parals.aaQ ui i�ay o�da Tn�at�a determiu�a.?n�tee �"� �,�n}� 4 ,,:."t���,
<br /> cr,ss}',�`� ";�l`.� L�er.aad ahsp be p�id forthwltb w aatd i.eade►to bc appiied br mrY P�P�aate ot�II a�any psroel of tha Ptopeny by pablic '� �'t,rf�ti� (i �.� � �
<br /> ..::.�,�.,:, ; , > >� •,�„
<br /> ; i��} the l�tter on a000unt ot ebe next maturing inst�itmeauof such •sanouna�ept at tMe tlau and plux of any prevtously s�Nedukd ,� :ir;j,�� ��.�, �� s�
<br /> `�t;��'%,;��� tadeMedaass. sale.Lende�or i�s d�si8uce may purchase the Proparty et bqY�ek . � ��;��5�,�t{;�,;;.��{t�, ��
<br /> _`,`: 1�� `l,, . , ' i • .,.,,�,..r�!,I;�,;1 )�t `��j�4,'
<br /> :i �i �t�:�,i,��,iP} rp}
<br /> 2 �• � r`•� 1�.Tbe Bomower funher egtees that slrouid this�insuu�nent and Upon reoeipt of payment of tha prioe bid.Truatea ahell dcliver to , ,,4,t�1 :.,.J,xi�1�a�f��,�
<br /> . t6e.note�ccured bereby not be digibie for insurance upder the the purch�r Tru�oe•a deed conveying the Propeny.The ncitab ia •, ;t,{11�k,a;,;.,;'� �:�3
<br /> � , ..
<br /> '., � �, , �:;7),�; , .
<br />'``'•''n;" ;'. � { �Nationai 8ousiag Act within eight montba from the datc�haevf the Truetee'e dced rMaU be.prima facte evtdanoe of the uath of the; . ,���,s•�,�.,., ••;", :;`•;t y�
<br /> .:'�:::,,,:,.,'.`��.�}� �(atritteu autemont otaoy.ottioer ot tLe Depa�t df Ho�ning and • atataments made tbaeia,'Cn�atee ahal{apply t6e procoeds attht.tui� ';�.•.�."��:,;,•�: ,. .,�}r�'�'.. '�'�:,'
<br /> e .,,
<br /> •.,�`,:::t'^';�.'�;,t Otbain bevaiopma�t or apthariud agaat o[tlte SecSetery otHo�sinS ia We followiag order:(a)to atl expenaaa at the sok.iadWling.tiu� ��;�'••�:;'�':,' � . �.v��4�:�_---.
<br /> u
<br /> - ^,. ,, 1 ..� ,:t•;•:�.,�-.,..:�--._
<br /> and UrMu Aevetopment'dtted aubsaquent to the eigM.tn4ntha'time not timited�ia Trusue'elcas as rermined bp applkabte t�w,uid� � �`'. .,�,��y�;�,:.
<br /> erm
<br /> T ... ,,;, �. , , ;, ,�" ; �, .
<br /> ::� fiom tba dtte oi this i�trument�declining to tauue sud note aad sa�son�ble�twme�s Eas:lb)to ell awea exured by tAis�itiq ' ,, •��T,� ,
<br /> . , . ��� tdis mortg�ge.be�g deemod conc{uvive ptoof oE sucb inelig(btlity�, I�trumeat;ead(c)tn�l eKass W the persort or persona�l�allq . � ;;, ,S�t�7 a,�� .i. �,;� �'�"�:
<br /> , ,�. , :� W e L e n d e r o r h o l d e r o f t h e n o u m a y,a t i a o p t l o n.da9are dl suma endded to it , . •. :.�.,,; , ,,.,
<br /> ,�, ,;: axured beroby immedi�tely due and paY�bte.Natwitbstandlag the ;�. �,;• '� ��.f't+�. � -.
<br /> ' ��- this o ma nat be exe�ciacd by the[,a�der a ehe !4.Upon aaxla�tlou•uadar ParagaPh 13 or abaadonment of the �: , .,. ....�,y;}'+:": . „__;-
<br />.''�r. , .� .;:��� , hW� waote�hen ilte iadigiqility�:ta insutance under the Pta�yrtp,I.eede�'(iA.person.by egent or by judidelly�ppoiatat . ' r�:. ,• .1
<br /> 4 : !'� 7 7 3f�.•1 .. ,r����' ��ht lY��; ..
<br /> - n�,°R,.,,:,,"•�� Naqa�l Hw�aing Aa is due w ehe Lender'a feilure to remit the rcceiver)sUa116e�aaiakd to enter upon�tal�a pamossion ot and ,���i`i`�!?il��: 7 fa�`���{ ;,�
<br /> , ��`L} ';�'; tnottg�ge inwrana promium to the pepemneat of Housi�aed n�anage the Prope�ry•aad to wltect the rente ot the Propeny `��c, '.:�r ,;s�,.,,,;,
<br /> . " -- �, Orbtn Devdo snet�� ' includ�ng those pmtdue.Any rents oollected by Lender or,thc �� ., �. i l."x� ;�t+.'iYt��,...'�
<br /> - �'';'�t�'r�;��`� p � �eaivlr�h�ll be applied firat to payment of tbe oous M menegem �. r�i�����t;�'1r���` :.
<br /> � ;;a;:�`�' eet ','',is=%�;•'�i ,j3', ,��'Yj'I;�:
<br /> '��`'' ' t3.That if the�awu fails to malce inY paymenu of money ot th�P�openy andoofloctton ot rents,indoding,but nOt limited to. ,,,.� . ;.,
<br /> .�, M,,,,, :,i.:. }i{�{��9�xd{��t�.��.
<br /> ...5���'��'' wbat•the�+ne beoome due.or fails to oonform to aed romply with repeiver's fea,preniann on reneiver's honds aad reasonabte i�;�•r�;r''�,'c f��y�"::::;^;4p r',
<br /> _`'_V�,, � � (3`f'r `;;:�"'.�f
<br /> ° ' '�� attorne 's f and thco to the sums sxure�b thia ir�trumen� ;��1.;;5°}". �!.,�l{�a �
<br /> ', : ..��: �.r y C�R Y .. •.i��5�y;v.�(�.1�yF�:i�.,. ..
<br />;'< �f�o`„�<��;�r.,�f ' �'r;� � ,��•,r(�
<br />-n�/��, �%���i�j i, , (�- ,�:. _,;i,��'��,;,., ,
<br /> - re!4;s(!.;i}�'������1, �, �{f}'�.r i��r;,1�,'�, �
<br /> -��P;:;``ra�;,�J,�yi�i;'� � I.. � �;,:��4�,:��,°;,: �;� .
<br /> _".-a's',�i,i��.�►t��ti . , �',:�'`��fl�ri;ti'�'��' ��,':ii'
<br /> ,rs�p �z, � �,,.ti;,,..
<br /> {l;°;k�' at/ `� --•_.�..._._-•-_.._.__..._.__ ......---- � �:• ?:,,ft;'�.
<br />-;`,'v;�,���11;4i�;`+S`�.ti�� Paae 3 of 5 . , s � . ; ` '•' .'. ) � �
<br />::,t tjq l���1t�'• � 91143DT•1 t`r�;+ �.i:''iti'r�����.
<br /> .tY`i'�1 � 1 f�`. . ,
<br /> :,�1i.: .`ij°,: . . , , ':'`�`�. .
<br /> +,�:`'��,[4y�t;�..._... .......... .. . �. .. , . . . . ' ' ., '�.1,� :
<br /> ..1, �.,�� d,; ,
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