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���t� ;�.,,,. , . , : , ,. - <br />_ � , , .. . ' - , ��.: <br /> � � � � - <br /> ,�� �1�4•_.'t. _ .� • •• � <br /> t +. y � <br /> ,�wvaT�� ��� ��g3- �.o��.� - <br /> � ' ll Yrt7liw�rylMa�qO�p) <br /> � ' THI8MJU8TAl11.BRA78RID8Rb�dttW 5TM dqrot IMIARCH <br /> �._,_, -!Q a ---- <br /> �d b Uoot�or�t�d lato�nd a1w11 b��d a aw�1 Md aq+piMa�nt tM Mar�i�M. t�d of'hwt�or Sra�rtq►DMd(�M'•9�aa1tY <br /> ��tww�t•'1 ot u»auae d�►.aivea bp th.uaaanip+�a c�•••�„�to nan�.6oreo+wr9 l4uua.e�.�.t.Nat.ltr��N«.�h a� <br /> � l�IIAL AAMNO�i LOAN A�OdAT10M ON OMIIO I�LAND.NE�11At�pM��l��du�•)ot�M am�d�ot sad oowrin tA� <br /> Oro0�Y0waih�d�n IM�awlb IaduawM ad bald�l: <br />-.-�=�T—�'"' Z009 ERST STOI.L€Y F►ARK ROAO GRAND ISI.AND NE 88801 . <br /> (Prop�rq Addna) <br />=_ �nb.N.a.d.t.Mo.w��M�wly t«cM� a �1���wiw nM .�+ ■l�.o�u�ir <br /> J M�M�r.71b MM�No pllllb lM�IM��1�l InIMMI I�M�M�M�p�l Wi�M 11�M u1/ <br /> �Iw IM■Id�1 n/IIM IMtdw�w enq 1 na11 rf• <br /> - - --- ADDt'�toNAL CovBNANrs.ta�daum a�he�eemmts mMio iu liw Sa.w3ty Jwuu�t.Bartaurs aetd l.s� - <br /> IYr1Y�oo+�at Yd�ne�a�toliw�t <br />- A. �N1�B6?YA7E AND MON7711.Y!'AYMFM CHANG�B _ <br />�;�� 7be Noro P�'1da far�iaitid i�tawt r�a d 5.00 �Y.Sxtion�of tla Note poridos for c4u�ya in the iok�at rw�d die <br />�� �P�Y��.�stallo�+t: <br />:`i; - - - - - - - 1. IM.SR6STRATEANDMQIV7'NLYPArMEI�TCIIANOI�.�i <br />� �' t� , �A) ��p D�M� <br /> �f�'�`'t 'i'M�a�aat mte 1 aW P�Y�Y c�te on!he Qnt d�y af APRII .19 9a .�od on tbu dW�Y <br /> Z moatbt tbawfta.B�cb dW oa whkb�ay lntaaa wte oould cA�aie is called a"Cha�e Dae.•� <br /> .�, (�) 71»IN�s <br />_ir�• <br /> '�" <br />�kj''� BqinpiaR wltp the Bnt Clw�a Due�my iataat rate will be t��ed on w ladeu.The"lndeu"is t4e waekly�vea;e Yidd on United Stata <br /> w � '1lrasury�acutitb�d)uqed a a caWant m�tudty ot 1 mado avail�bk bY tAe Fedaal R�ve Bard.TbR wat roomt Inda flN� <br /> " weu�bk�t oi We dRte 4S day�beiara aeb(.1un�e D�ta is alled the"Cbrnat ladac.�� <br />'`i if lhe Indat b po lonar�vail�bk.tb�Noa Holde��rW choow�aeNr iude7t wb{ch i�bl�ted Ypon camp�ble inio�muioa.7U0 Nott <br />:�`;'r, I�Wder wiY�ive oa�notica otthischoiot. <br /> `ti'_ . <br />" `•• (C) CdcMNivaolC� <br /> ;�;.. . <br />.°..'•`�'x,"°" , Betae ach CAaa�e D�te.�he Nate HaWer wiUl calcuu�tr my aew intaat rata by aadlet � A�3D i3id�-c;ALF pa�xai�e <br />�:.='„l <br />.y'v.' .�ip.: pdnts t��� 16)to We Cwrent Inde�t aad�aundina ta the narat 1/Yth of 1�Ib,�ub�t to the Wdta s�ated ia Sect(oa ND)EdoN'. <br />`=';3, .V/i;,�( . 7L4 roundad uaount wUl bo my aew interest ate umU rae neat Chan�+D�te. <br />:_�i�;s: ---- ` ,,;t} The Nate E�okkr will then detetmina the u�uuni of Ihe monthlY payment that would be�ufflclent to�ep�y in fuU the prtndpal l�m �, <br /> '`.'+' . 9'` acpected w o�e on viuii Chanae Date in:ubiantiaUy eqaa!payment�bY tho uwturity daa at my new iatarat�te.Tt�tnuit of tbi�aiku4itbn <br /> vl�.}�. wW be Ua naw aawum ot my maathlY P�Y��• _ <br />.i;+ ?' '�yl`a�� (D) U�Ib w I�krwt R�M CM� . ... _ <br />°•1;.; ' `::, � 'ILe interqt ate 1 un raquired to pay at tIK Ont Chanae Date wfll not be grw�er than �•� � � � � "" <br />�•_�4, - <br /> .,ti iw '�-17f1 4b.'I1KrpRer,my interat ate will nevcr be incrw�ed or decrcasec3 on any sinple Chan�e Wta by mcxe tlun T_ ��� - <br /> ---��.�c;. • ., a ed _ <br />-�'���., ,S . ' ' �� ._(?-LI�►�—from the ntc of interat 1 have 6am payin8 for the precedina twelve manlFu.The minimum imerest tata on tbb bw�+W oever be _ <br /> - kp tlwa 3-0� �and the auximum{Merat rate wf11 neva Ix jreatet tfwn 10.�0 ,_�i. <br /> _- ---- �-�,.��, l�l BfhedR DnM otCM�a - <br /> r ��'� 1Yly new interat nte wfU bccome effective on ach ChanQe Date.l will p�y the amount oP my new monthly psya�ent be�innln�on the tint f <br /> �`.. j� monthlY payment date�fter the Chan�e Dale until lhe amount oi my monthlY paymrnt ehan�es�Wdn. <br />. _�'. ��' - <br /> '-`` �' - .,�,,3i (ir1 Nnt�cs ol CMs�a -- <br /> The Note Holder will m�il or deliver to me a no�ice before each ChanQe Dnte.'fhe notice wIU Wvise ma oi: <br />. ':.,��'``i« �.. <br />-- s ,;,,7 (fl the new interest rat�on my loan�a ot the Ch�n4e Dau; - <br />- ��fi�l..,.t (Iq 1he amount of my monthly payment fdlowin�the ClunQe Date; � <br /> �-�""��""`=�'"'�-; (NI) any addidon�!matten whkh the Note Holder is required to disclose;and <br />„� .t :,,.�`,._''., _ <br />�'',,�v, , ,.��'. (iv) the Address of ibe wactoUon you could oontaa reQudina anY 4uallam abom�he at�wtment notice. - <br /> .:�'. ,�.ik;,':�.•�x��3� _ <br />` i � ! ,.� Y. CHARGESi LIENS _ <br /> :,, �..�, f _�="^�'�• Unitorm Covrnant 4 of the Security]nstrument is armnded to rtad as follows: - <br /> �...�;��s�;, 1.pu�wt Uerr.Bonower�hdl pay all lexes,assessmenta,and other charga,fines,and imponitiona attributable ta Ihe Property which m�y _ <br /> - - �tWn�prlorlly over thi:Security Inatnimem,and lem+ehold paymenu oi�round rsnu,if rny,iu Uro uaumc�pru�+dcJ undcr para�raph 2 hetw! - <br />_ rj,'" �< ,;r;'�,.�: ~ or,it not pald in such m�nner,by Borrower mrkin�payment,when due.dlrtcUy to the payee thereoG Borrower aha�J promptly furniah Lender ! <br /> �• � - <br /> ' ��'i'��'!!�5�;�'" �.;1 ell notioa of amounts due under tfil�paraoraph,and in the eveni Borrowcr ahaJl make payment direcUy,Bortower shall promptly turni:h to = <br /> 'l��':, : . <br /> .,• � '{�f�l��;� �j.{��,.:r, lxi�der reueipts eWdencfn��uch�avmtnis. Bonower:hall promptly discharQe any lien which hns prioHty over thla 5ecu�ity� Instrumenr <br /> � � •��� ��a° w��j��-,+ . however, Bocrower ehall not be rcquired m Jischatge any sueh lien�o long a.�Borrower:(al shall agra fn writinQ to the payment of the � <br /> ,;:�, , �..,:f ��, r;•.,,:, .. <br /> � • �` �`r�{.,�e,,�� obli�tton�ecured by:uch tlen in the manner accepieble co Lender;lb)�li�ll in goocl failh conte�t such Iim by,or detend aQafo�t enforcement of _ <br />:��;;� •l{:�: '��' �, <br /> !� }ii.a ',''f�,�:t tuch Ilen in,kaW procecdln�s which In the opinico o(Lender oprry�te lo prevem rhe enforcement of Ihe lien or forkiture ot the Property or ony � <br />:r„�1,� �.�.j�: �yi . <br />,��;i� �?.�;;�:��y yr �, part thaeof;or(c)ihall tecure from the holda of wch Ilen an agreemenl in a form wtbfanorv to Lender:ubordinatin�such Ifen to�hi� �� <br /> �:.� �, n�t� h} Serurilytnrirument. <br /> .-�. I�i.� fi4�,`��.'�:�'�.�:�'� '` <br />'�!'�— '?"> ���,�yy�,�� If l.ender determina that all a any put of the Property is sub}ee�to a litn whfch may aaain a priority over Ihia Secur{ty Inatrument, <br /> e7:�,:•s. c°r �lY��7 Lender�hall�ive Bonower a nolfce idmt�fy�na such uen.tlorrower�naii w�isiy sucn iirn or i.kc unc�mura uf iiK�iwi�:i�.t ivr::.:L:.:� _ <br /> ,f•��� �`�tifF}i�r���,�,�i�''j � <br /> .j i��<.:; ,f,� wilhln cen d�y�of ehe�ivios of�he aake. - <br /> 1� ' ) � t� <br /> }� iRr{� i1.•._ . <br /> 'I�,�.af:,4jnjkt+.`.•,�" ': '' <br />" �4�ft�ti';� � Unif OC Covenant 14 ot Ihe Secu�i�y Instruaxm is amended�o read as Pollows: <br /> . � <br /> U. Notlee.Ezcept fot�ny notice required under applkabk law to 6e Qivm in anaher manner,(a)any noUce to Borrower provided for fn thif - <br /> •. � Sa�urity Instrument ahtll be�ivrn by deliverin�it or by malUn�I�by 8n�class mail to 9orrower at the Propeny Addras or at wch other nddress <br /> , •� �!�;;. at Borrower m�y deslQnate by uotice lo Lender as provided 1b)any notice�o Lrnder shall be afven by fint class mail to Lender's <br /> '•':�� tldras uated hereln or to such olher address as Lender may desianate by nwia to 8orrower an providcd herefn.Any notia prov{ded for in this <br /> � ' � <br /> ' i'` SecuNty Intltument fhdl be deemed to have been�iven�0 8orrawa m Lender whm�iven in�he menner desionn�ed hercin. <br />_ �. _ <br /> ';• ...�. <br /> �� �d � <br /> . , � <br /> . <br /> . , .. <br /> � r�.T�' .. � � <br /> _._ � u� . _ _ ,��. <br />