C!'�� a., P ,(�`�.„j ,e�iY%.�i��.1HMiH. �.R/ 7 '! _.
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<br /> , • r�-; ��-�� .���r�Y11 , � ' <
<br /> ' ��� r�� 1�� f ��•{y�l��5�j�l�F!i j�f5, .�,� �� r i ---- ._,._ ...----4.,s .-- , . --
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<br /> •1�� �.
<br /> :.,W:�a;_�"ti,�:n�. . � .
<br /> .�._ Aqp�101Nl.BD�i611ABNT'OF 0860 OF TRt1�T 91""1 O18
<br /> �pe�onas as�oAe s�n�ra '79
<br />-�i;■ 'f/41bfY11dOtialld�lll�1lMd00111MQith�llfYa0/b�bOWt001c00UMbA0lId!OfTfYilpld110tA111�911Rd{AOttl1�0oM►M — - -----
<br /> �__.�_.�"-� aa+. taa+a�a..dotTrwsarowe�.uan.mr�yat�e►�no++aan�,o��aon.aTruaora,�nsmo�.o.u,a».wnc ��--_- -----_ __----
<br /> . _�.� '..�1 at�e��i"w�e°1�«tx.�on aobliatbnwidetths Obd otT�ust inotudinprbut�10111mHed ene�naer's�htio havethePropNyrtoid �_=_-_
<br /> • I Tnata roP�aenri ntt flftt tAh Roknow M wa�exeouted lf�r --
<br /> '�, by�N�tdnN vritltput�ny Jutllol�l P►eo�ed np � �.
<br /> *��:--�s ��x�,� TMipta bslas ths exeoudon ot ths Oesd ot Ttu�t �. +•��� _.,� : o- _
<br /> � {1�r{��w • �j/��•tiM�a,i—
<br /> +! i"YI'At5
<br /> i
<br /> 4����,�6�„�� a eY • Tn�tar ��t��, �
<br /> '" ` i i'"�t.Z� .�t�� ,�;��w 1��� : �,r.:
<br /> rn/F"$'�t `*j t4`;,'` i���
<br /> ' ' � 7 v a 7`4't�`
<br /> t!'1 i,��,�f .t�
<br /> �,,r�la:��:�;'��;;;; on . Tn�sto� �,
<br /> s,����.�tir r,,}. , . �; ,4��:
<br /> % � F?R'� �� k�i5"�� �r
<br /> 41_ �'3.��l�ki � . ., . ' - � � ---
<br /> w- �-�i 's:�! t �ln: - .. - �. ' - - ! �.�Y���{1i1�,Y'f}��.[i-.�3v.'�i �.'
<br /> Y �` j`���� ' D�60'OF TiiUBT'WiTH,PUTURE ApVAMCBB . r�,,r�1 � � �,. {� „�
<br /> sf tt �i �k , . . � �j 7tc,y,� �i �{
<br /> "t+�'b�;'�,�t:s Aertl .18.-9�.bpandamOnp i�r4r `��7��,� ��`;�'� ,
<br />��ry��4 {p`j'''q�' TN18 OE�D OF TRUBT.i9 mada as of the-l8t--day of .�
<br /> tA.QA2 t � � i. i •
<br /> T�+��9'!4�/� /h*'g���. .
<br />-��1���f�, �! ,�, da Tri,nor. �.l�Cl�.X W. Rox and �,�ion . �ox, huaband a�d_ wite - , ,'�' ±���!'€���; ��4����, �
<br /> �. ,.�
<br /> :�fi � �'i
<br /> � 7 , �� �� ,
<br />��t; 'r+� {�I+s' �qt7 Aeasehe_Rd, (jpnnd Is1and�NE 6880�e1n"t�u1tqr,"whelheroneornare� � ��`"A `"� �la;;���`Y�,-;
<br /> , n r .:.� , �y�: whose mailinp addrea ia + '� ,�ie r'..�-�.;
<br /> ( `»"�' �}�T{ ,`: y��y.�� W�,,��m W Marshelt�1 tt. Prsaident & Cheirman ot Pive Polnte Bank, e Nebraaka 5 ��;Y�
<br /> �i�l 11� + \Yl��U� 11N ��Yi�W 7��iiii�l � ' ''�.. .,,
<br /> S�t �,4'�� � � ����'-.
<br /> �v,�,,�, ,;�. �;.;� Corpor�tton, �M° � "��. ,,��"
<br /> , p A 9e 1607 Grand li�a..�l.� BBSOZ•i�Q7 (hereln"Truetee"��end •. r , �. �„a.• �,�.•rti;
<br /> ,o. .�'' '. WhOS6 f110t1111�Add/Oft i� .a —5�—•� : . .� .
<br /> ,�•• ;Z,�;,�_�; ��'iv „�
<br /> ,1. „pU, .i".,o -• ' �. � �.'_'
<br /> '� t9 .,A , �y{�YJ 1!!u� D�ir1� Q�A� � - � I"�: t�S`��r i��,�'{�!t°.__
<br /> �����. -A�1, NI�i�l���ry� ��V�. /A• h I il'.I J!�h�—
<br /> -ot„�� '71' .pr�r ��e�.� �. .�:;
<br /> -�• . lj nVi.1�,r�7
<br /> � 16�fl°�il�/ i f4 3�.{..i �. �}•;'--
<br /> �;' „ ', ;';6.', . WhON IIIA��UI�AddfM!t� (118 "�• ,,.�,,. . , ,t,::.;�_
<br /> ., �. >..:!�: ., _, ,,:.� � . �"i:
<br /> 'x'•►,.," Chariey W Fox end y .```'�'�
<br /> � ,.,�.tis,'��,.��%��1",;� ROR VAUJA8L8 CON�IDBRATION,Inoluding Lender'e extenelon ot oredlt IdentNled hereM to • "� - ;,�%`:•���-
<br /> r��; � ,, �, ,-• ,, -
<br /> ' ,. + .
<br /> `�;'.' .� ' •` (hereln"8orrower",whather one or more)and the bust heretn areated, ;��,. . '„„: ,c.;.
<br /> � , the reoelpt ot whioh is hereby 8aknowledged,T�ustor hereby Irrevoaebly grants,trenstero,conveys end assigns to Trustee,IN ;! � " �`
<br /> � �� ' �� TRUBT,W1TH P4W�R 4F�A1-�,tor Me benetlt and eecurity of Lender,under and eubJeat to qie terma and oondltbns herelnaiter aet = _ t � � _
<br /> . �� forTh�tha�eal propertf►�deeadbed as(ollows: { ,� ,�
<br /> The West vne Huadred t�ifty-Nine tW1S9.0) feet of the North Hatt tN�) o! lot ��' : ;F:.
<br /> �•.`'���� '.'�• -�r�,,� Twenly (20), i� Bachmen a�d Lester Subdivtsion, In the City ot Crand isia�d, c:� �� • � � K�;�
<br /> ,.7 . � HaN County, Nebraske. : ';� ; � ,�' �,.,' ::;
<br /> �'�. :;�; � .�'• ',�� ,.�;.,,;� :
<br /> t��f'f`� ,., TogeMer with.atl buildinps,improveme�te,tixtures,st�eets,alleys,passageways,easemems,rlghts,privileges and appune• . �,:;�, •�
<br /> f.'• .. ,��,,:�; nences loeated thereon or In at►ywlse pertalNn9 thereto,and the rents,issuea and proNts,revetsbns and rema►oders lh6te01,and ,,� {t���,�+_.
<br /> �. :��; ? eueh personat propertr that ie aqeched to the Imprpvements ao as to constitute a tixture,Including,but cwt Hiolted to,h�ating and • ,��t'.;;',;
<br /> • �� •°���• `� app�ing equlpmp�8�d together with the horneatead or marital i�terests.N any,wMCh Intereet8 are t+ereby releaeed antl waived:all •
<br /> . .'.:. ' •'.. •�� • _�I,� ,yt� Y�.
<br /> •,•{ -,� � . . � ...�•7�ieis-=
<br /> ,;��>>�:���:(•:f?)'���� . ofwhich,lncludin8 reptaceme�ts a�d additlona ttiereto,is h�reby dectared to be a paR of the reai estete aecured by the Ifen Ot thie ��: :;;..� , r`�'�r�����it�
<br /> y,,4 zb;;�,��41J,�{:,�� Oaed Of Tn�sf and alt ot the toregoing being refer►ed to hereln as the"Property". ,���� '� )���'��;��+^`�
<br /> �y -ti��t�.•��r � � ttr{� .,� ktv� :
<br /> ���+;��' `�''17" 1'Me Qeed oi TruBt BhaQ aecure a the meM ot the inci 1 sum and interest evidenced b a romisao note or credR '��•+•#.:� -`S``�"'�°-""-�'
<br /> ;}^�"r��`�1.','t.f''t�,��' l � p�Y � Pd Y P ►Y , ��F�.y�:,•t;.,._ ; �: �i�����::i�,
<br /> �j �� �1���,���t �.:
<br /> , '�� Fk�"t,. . 1UIV 1 ,'' t
<br /> ,.. �)�+r �i)��'���. ' 861pd�1t d8t8d Ap..�jl t� 1401_ .having a maturity date ot .�.��.�.Q- ��� � ���2 41� ..
<br /> �I i � ��y; �. '11�+ �+(d�;f
<br /> �!;�'i:'7�"y;x �f g0�OQ���Q ,and an and ati modtficetlons,extenaloas and renewals ; � :� ••;;`t y u\ +��
<br /> °•`; s��'��,�t�'' . in the Original pdnoipal8mount ot$_, Y : �' '•
<br /> ` ' � ��� �a thereot or thereto and any end alt tuture advanoea and readvances to Borrower(or any of them If morQ lhan one)hereunder ., , , v+' �J��}� n
<br /> � ��v:, �:�rj�,X.�t, � ,��3��,'�,��
<br /> "'-`;;:A� �w �� purauant to one or more promisaory notes o�oreel�t agreements(hereln oatted"Note'y;(b)the payment ot other suma advenoed by • `;'.:n�J' <�, <
<br /> '�';;y;;�Q� . E� �;,-•,:• • t'���':r�;;.:
<br /> �� x�� lender to proteot the seourlty of the Note;(c)the performance ot atl oovenants and agreements ot T�uetor set torth hereln;and(d)aU +,
<br /> ,������i''"�`"��`�'.'1��.,jjii pres6nt and tutare Indebtednesa and obllgattona ot Borrower(or any of them If more than one�to Lender whethe►dlrect indirect ".� lti:��„' .'r,r,,�,,a�r.,�•
<br /> �.,'.'3•�.:.',�?3'r :
<br />-`j,:,,k�,:,t+,;;^K��11f� abeolute or condngent and whether erising by note,guaranty,overdratt or otherwlae.The Note,thls Oeed ot Truat and any and atl . ;.:;.F'••.,`'�`tf+`''t��t;
<br /> z ��•+�;�r� `��s3�.���;;;, other docuents thet aeaure the Note or otherwiee executed�n conneatlon therewlth,fncluding w�thout limitetlon guarantees,secuNty ';':. �t.•,tit''�?iF;;!!�� '�'
<br /> ,r.,..,,��.•.,. a; • / tM.;: ..
<br /> ��•� ��° • � ����:�, 8gre8menta and esBlAnment8 ot leases and rents,ehall be referred to herein as the"Loen Instruments". • �_�,:ti�,.;, �. �,�,,. � �
<br /> Y Sr• "
<br /> '}��'�'�`,,:`;:`-�::';f 1 Trustor covenante end egrees wkh Lender os fottowe: •
<br /> :,.t+�r.,..:�:�F�tll: 2�, nt+'. ': ,'_ ....-. .?;u, .
<br /> ���,':"•.��.;?'�•.� I 1.Pa n►ent of Indebtedn�u.All fndebt�dnesa secured hereby shall be pald when due. ��� . ''.•� •., .•� . ��
<br /> ;s,r 7 SS`tt,.�:Y;'r���.l�� !► . l
<br /> �..I��t��t,S,t,74 �;l;�; 2.TIlte.Truator is the owner ai the Property�has the rlght and euthoriry to convey the Property.and werrante that the ilen •.+ '
<br /> � � 1ti.�;/�+�i,S'; created hereby Ia a tl�et and prlor tien on the Property,except for Ilens and encumbrences set tonh by 7rustor In wdt�ng and �� •
<br /> -'#��•.�r�. :�,��{;�;k'� delivered to Lender betore execution ot thls Deed of Trust.and the executlon and delivery ol1h�s Oeed of Trust does�ot vidiate any ;;�,� � , .
<br /> '� '' �-��::"'"�'�� cont�eCt or other ob�igatlon to which Truator Is sub�ect. •: •
<br /> .�•��^,�'�:,��:!:l���.:•����''•� 3.Taxei,At�sumtnts.To pay before dellnquency al!texes,epecial asaesements and att other chargea againat the Property .
<br /> '.:;��r�t:,,•. now or hereatter levled.
<br /> �'`� ' '�. `� �, 4.insurance.To keep the Property fnsured ageinat damage by Ifre,hezerda included wilhin Ihe terrrt"extended coverage".and � ��
<br /> �'•!;,��i��:;i�::';�',;"' euCh Othet heLerde ea Lender mey requlre,f�amounts and wlth compernes ucceptabie to lendar,nam�ng lender e8 an eddlponal
<br /> ��' =��'��4j�'�����•�r.' named Insured,wlth toas payabte to the Lender.!n case of toss under suoh polfcles,the�ender fs authorfzed to ad�usf.oo�lect end � .
<br /> '•��� '��':�•-• •,�' oorrepromise,alt 0181ms thereunder end shall have the optlon of applying a11 or pan of the Insure�ce proaeeds(f�to eny indebtednees �
<br /> . .. ;t : � seoured hereby and In euch orde►as Lender may determine,pq to the Truator to be used torthe repeU or restotatlon ot the PropeNy �
<br /> • � � a(ifi�for any other purpoae or obJect s8tlataetory to lender wlthout aHecting the uen ol this Oeed ot Truet tor the fult am0unt sBCUred
<br /> :�,.'.:`'• ; .�`;;` hereby betore such payment ever took place.Any appticatfon of proceeds to�ndebtednese shall not extend or poelpone the due �
<br /> ... �, .
<br /> .._.:__•___,_�,,,:•:: date ot any paymente under the Note,or cu�e any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> Y._.__. I..
<br /> .�:�:. .� :> ;�.t���"' b.Esorow.Upon wnften cfemana oy�erwer.truBlor enaii pay iv�endn�.iii eui.n�nai�i�oi oo i.8i�uei IIIOr YOOI�IIO�tf�bY1tINtlO�
<br /> <<�':; �,.;;,��},},;ti� '• sums to enebte Lender to pay as they becomedu�one or more ot the follow�ng:(i)att taxes,asseesmenta and other charges agalnet I
<br /> "����� � � the Property,(1y the premfums on the properry Inaurance requlred herdunder,and pli)thepremwme on any mongege fnsur8nce ,
<br /> •J��������:��:.,:.:....,
<br /> �,; ,. . ; requfred by Lender.
<br /> , •. �:�;�_ 8.Malnt�nenc��Repelrs and Comptlano�wkh Lawa.Trustor shell keep the Property fn good conditlon and repa►r,ahall
<br /> ,t�,;p.� •�, p►ompt�y repalr,or reptace any Improvement whlCh may be damaged or destroyed: ahall not commlt or permit any waste or
<br /> ;���,�. : •' �j;y,:•:� •;� deterloretlon ot the Property;shall not remove,demotlah or substantl8tty atter any of the improvementa on the Property;shall not
<br /> ?!����i;�y'��`���i;��...+ comml�suHer or permit any ect to be done�n or upan fhe Property In vlolatton ot any iaw.ord�n�nce.or regulai�on.and sha�l pay an0
<br /> �'. 'li':.(;l`��,�t:•,'•,�.
<br />.:..�,�,�,����.r��,,.. : . I promplly dtscharge at Trustor's cost and expense alt tlena,encumbrarces artcl cnargea lev�ed,�mpoaed o.aaeesaetl ag��ngi the
<br />,'i�r}Y';f4'r„t,(,`�ti-..,"', Property pr any patt thereot. .
<br />;�j'�,,,�: �.;��`s..,�,;� 7.E�insM OomaM.Lender Is hereby aeelgned eN compensattort.awards,damages antl aihet payments or r�l�ef ltoe�re�naNer •
<br /> "Ptocedcls'7�conneCtfon wNh condemnatlonor other taking of the Property or part the►eOf.or for conveyance In tleu ot cortaem�na-
<br /> twrt.Lender shatl be entltled st Its optlon to commence,appear in and prosecute In Its own reame any acnon or proceed+e�ga,and
<br /> •�i��. ;�.;,�;•, ehall Ateo be entltled to make any compromlae or setttement In connectlon wlth auch taking o�demage.In the event any portlon of
<br /> �� •.,•.
<br /> � � NIC 3t6i1Non�p�¢uMwNDNd18w 10�88
<br /> .�.` ' •. ' O I9�UtlanN 8�nt d Comnwra t�wt�na BwNqi Afwe��aa UnoWn.N�bn►�
<br />