.,�,. -y-, �... , .
<br /> � _
<br /> '�r� �r .nor++ —..-,f.:�.:.•�.�-�f t-- s � 1 f'�ri.n t���i.���� }�1� . . _1` . �� 7` �
<br /> i
<br /> _ � r'4 y �� ,�,
<br /> y"',--J1_:.r.�.`��_.. a ��.� ... --1---�"
<br /> � _� � :a _�- rr_��r- L r...1�.. , :1` r^^ � . ; . ,'; a '`t-.-m„ -_ . .
<br /> , { . -.' _� t 1�r`a- }r�tij�i�'+i 'j..�w',.�...,� r ,� '}..� . i ti� y� --
<br /> '�� ;� ,.i �. .����i �i �,.� J��i�Si�` � rs.w.� �• . . . . . ....._.>_ .. _ .� _... e' .
<br /> ' � ' .,... ,.u�.y.u,d.a.wk�:�.iiria�.=�s'1. '•w�w "--� ,
<br /> 'ii.�•?/,.e.isd�i a � „ ' .
<br /> - - • •
<br /> M.�
<br /> ...__—._:-.:.T.__, ��--� 101876 t.n�--u-,,.��.._ ._.
<br /> - -- ---- 7. Has rd aa M tieriais. Trustor ahall�ceep the Pxoperty in ';:�;��_�___ ___
<br /> � opt�glianoe w App cA e lavr�• qrd inaaaea and rogu2atione �.�a _
<br />�^�yr��fl� reiatinq to induetrial hyg3ene or anvixonmenrai pro�eor»on ;_����T�uk���,
<br /> -'"��I�i (aolleotively referr�d ko her�in as "�nvironmentai Lawe ). � ; �� � �, �-, -
<br /> �r,�`�'• Trustor shall keep �he Property txee Erom all substanaea deemed ,,n�� �.�,�v�,' _ . ;,,
<br /> .�F ..�,� r +. .. .��''�fl�
<br /> �'� 1 `,' to be ha�ardoua or koxia under e�y �nvironmen�al Lawe J,,.ti�,y,,�� �,,}m ��;x�.��.;t
<br /> �
<br /> '�; ;�'��, tcolleatively re�erred �o heretn as "Hazardoas Materials")• 'ax;�t',���;�����t��4�� �
<br /> ,tt�a,`;'��r}; . Truato� hereby warrants $nd represanks to L.ender that ehere are 1,, ,,�,�,�,,,,�,�,„�,�„r{�,c
<br /> ���.��y ���� no Hazardoue Maeeriale on or under �he Pxoperty. TrusCor hereby ,�� �. ��,� s�=��f�;,
<br /> ;� S.;' rr� �= ag rees to indemniPy and hold harmleas Lender, it$ d irectors, �.�•��.,. -,;` f�.�,,.� ;�.
<br /> �, � {°'hi��:,n� of gicers, empioyeea and agentsr a�d any successors to Lender'a ,,..t , � ,,,� ��
<br /> ���i interest, From and agaias� any a�d all alaims• damagea� lo�ses ' �
<br /> � �t� ... �
<br /> , �u�„�;: and liabilities arising in aonnection with the preaence, use dis- ��A ``! �� �,
<br /> 1';•, , r
<br /> '''�r�; �4�,,�,�• posal or transport af aay Ha�ardous Haterials on, under, from or ; � ;•
<br /> r, � -
<br /> +� ;`�`�4'�`�+ about the �'roperty. TH� FOREGOLNQ WARRANTIES AND RBPRESENTATION, �• � N ' �,'N
<br /> N,,�r��3 r. �r' ` .
<br /> m��,:,�+txi�';' SHALL SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE 0� T4IIS DEED OF' T12UST. "'�' �
<br /> ; ,s� . , ;,. ;�1,';
<br /> •�: � , ; � t
<br /> �, �' 8. A$e3 nment of Rents. Trustor hereby agsigns to L�nder . >� � �� ' •
<br /> `n the ren�$, s ue$ a� pxa. ts o� the PrpQerty, provided that � ';vr,��r,��� +,. ' �` i ,x ,
<br /> .��r� �" w }Y�1i�Yq '7��A 4��.�.�r.�SFC� .,
<br /> -�=--�"�'7' .. T�ustor .ahall; unti�� the �occurrence of� ��n Event of �Default herq ,.,,.. k,.,�� . _
<br /> ��,_ .'. y r� N�i�'4r.�ts`��ort3ii .
<br /> �£s; t urider,. �have �he r�gt�t to c'a��.�ect and �xetain �UCh rent�., 3.$auea ,�1;� � t�< �u��,
<br /> ,,,,'� �ti�� � . and pro�i'ts .•as tl�ey beoome �ue and payable. Upon tha oacarxence !� � , �>� ��F,� �
<br /> �Svl�S_�_ � i;. , tl �f�� �
<br /> , - o� an Event o� Default, i,ender may, either in per$on ar by agent, �,,,,r�` ;"�,��+��� >,N
<br /> �s�.l��t.x�r �t v, ,,, .�p�,.•,��.,_� ,..
<br /> ��,�t � � with.�or �without br�ngipg aRy action• or proaeeding• or by a ,�,
<br /> ��� ����r �
<br /> r{� �� t r�aeiv�x �appointed �by a aourt and without regar� to bfie adequacy � � . ��, ,^�, �b
<br /> ��� �� �. of ita s�curit�y; •enter upan and �ake poasesaion of �the Proper�y, .�?�x a�y�,;'Y4"��« ; �� '�_
<br /> S Pa:��7�r�.� g•�t•.h "lY(� .��I��1�{}7 f� =
<br /> . �{�i�!�. os any part thereof, in ita own name or in the nam� �f tha �•a . , ., r,=
<br /> � �` .- �j � T�ustee, and do any ac�s which it deems necessary or deeicable to t�� °n�►'�� ���` ,
<br /> '• � �i.r��� � ���d��s
<br /> ,,��.a:�;:.:::�}�> }�s�eserve the va l u e, m a r k e�a b i l i ty o r rentabil it y of the Property, . _ t;,,;�,,,�'vy;:��� .,,�}��`���r�.-•
<br /> � - ' �r�} P ��t �t��'� ,���u�"n�('-CM9n'r,:
<br /> y ;�, or any �art thereo�, ax interest thezein, inarea�e the income �;
<br /> �� �,�.� therefrom, ar protect Che a@curity thereof, and, with or without '`�'''�� `,.�'t�t����`��ti��'S�'
<br />. ,,;.,i'�.;g,ir..t.. :
<br />;;�`��',r.:,f'�::,�:'i�'� taking possession o� the Pro�ezty► sue �or. or otherwi$e aol.lect, ;:`,�.;,;;:.`.,�:..:'.,.;;5'i,;;,,�.',;�;
<br /> �� �����-� �• ' � th� rents, i$aues and grof iCs Chereo�, including those �ast due ";,��'.�,�,;�,.•.,. •.�.�"�.,�':�°
<br /> wi:bny/l. �.'_ ,. ..n. .�.1�`�,('.�i,�:�:,�..��p°[i,
<br /> `����' °����� ��� and unpaid, and apply the same, ls$s coats and expenses of opera- �� •,,�.:tL�, •i°+
<br /> ..,:�,;��.. .�,.,� , , .r .. "�
<br /> _ „ �. ._:.,,��_ tion and collectian including attorney's feea• upon any indsbted• ' �,�_. ,;� . , .,,.���.. ,�
<br /> ��'�;^.,.� ���:;. nesQ secured heraby, all in such order aa Lender may determin►e. � . . ., ?�,�. „ .�,
<br />�`" ' '° ' � The entering upon and taking possession of the Propertiy, the col- ( .� � � �
<br /> ��.. . '�"��:.
<br /> ;1':�ti,'' i. , nA l� .. ;.
<br /> 1���r _ leCt3o[t oF such rents, iesues and profits and Che appiication � . ��: �:s
<br /> ���..�v,•J.��*;..;���>>, thereo� as agoresaid, aha�ll not aure o� waive any de�ault or �� � , '�� `�(`�
<br /> ..F�•,t.� • � I,,,.,..,, .... :.,�t;,�,
<br /> "l '" notice of deFault hereunder or invalida�e any act done in
<br /> ;,;,t�'' � � � .,f. „ ��r.°�`,,
<br /> .� ,-�.':. .�..
<br /> °�• ,<"���- �'� response �o such deEaul.0 or pursuant to $uch no�ice o� de�ault , � �':��': � �
<br />-;...y_,�.�,,.:.,�'.-• � . ,6;,•.�.';;;+���,
<br /> ��, � and, notwiChstanding the continuance in possession o� the Prop- '� , , , ..
<br /> ' s,;�: '� a zty or the aol lect ion, rece int and appl icat ion of eenCs, issues ' �� . �ti��;�t��!"`' �:
<br /> ;:;�:{:;�:it�»+s�:;���� or progits, and Trustee and Leader shall be entitled to exercis� +, :,',�;,n,��;;t =N�.,
<br /> "��rt�'' .;;t,�� '�';`; every right provided for here in or by la w u p o n o a c u r r e n c e o g a n y '�:�e�;%;;.;;ti;,;.;•,�����1;�","�'
<br /> , i�;-�,� , .
<br /> `<< ":�:;'��Y' Even� oE Aefault, includinq withoue limitation tho right �o exer- � ��� �� "���`s},
<br /> Si:�i�y�.: �-�.t:?�k�::S C�S@ titl8 �OW@L" O� $al@• ��w ,�"' . ��.,� .,�
<br /> : � t�. ,,..�,,,;; .>
<br />�;411J�t1. .�: :7�(�I`�'� -.. , ::9•� ,(` t,{�.
<br /> 4�i;i1,71�A,�j i�;�. ' �
<br /> y'� ` ;•�, 9. Ri ht$ of Sale and Releasa £rom Encumbrance. Trustor � } ���:�{';���i� ar;,
<br /> ��y ,,;r� �„ .
<br /> �n� ���;;�t}'� •�•�� may sell ox trans er any ane or m4re o t e o ow ng Nroperties ''`�} '� ' t',tisF'1;�Y :::
<br /> '�3�„"��; � �.,; which aro subject to �his DQed of Tr��st and obtain a partial deed �� �' �' ''��' � ;
<br /> �:r ..� ��f,'�r o� reconveyance in respoct t�o such parcal or �arcels u�on Benef i- ' �:�` �tj;,tt �;;, �'
<br /> :',;�;, .,.,d� .t.rf• � :,..•.
<br /> ��.�-;.•,'.�;..����{� ciary s recoipt og all sa2o �roceeds, such procouds �ayable to � ,�� •:•:�:�;',. :,':.
<br />:�±'�s' -•: , ii . r �
<br />:�:�_•��, .+.;;;:y;.�; �;: Beneficiary up�n a�iy guch salo in no evcnt to be Losg �han the I , �'i+y��::+•
<br /> ,r,�,���.»� };;, Eollowing amaunts s
<br />'?L:5-���. �
<br /> '�i�f�'.-�:,�/,'�� t�li� �,�
<br />_;.;-,;,;.•. ...:,�.....� (a) S45•000.00 in resp�ct �o I.ot SEVQn ( 7) • Block � ,
<br />'���"'�'��'�""��'�•'` '' �iyh ty-Soven ( 87), Oz ic� ina 1 Town, now C i ty of G rand
<br /> ������''�����' ����� Isl�►nd, Nall County, t�ebraskat �
<br />-. �-(r �4; , I
<br /> v;r4 ;��! �; :� •
<br /> �•'_
<br /> a �.. i e�� n1....4
<br /> ,+-..� ti,.,,] . (h� $54�UUU•UU 1l1 YQ4�)@Ct GO �U�: i.ic���v � v/ ♦ i�av....
<br /> i,""��.,:�"j+�����>>�tt}S� �ighty-Soven ( 87), Ori� in�l Town, now City ��E �rand
<br /> ;"�;;,:��'%��;��{F;�,;`:;t)'� island• Hall County. ��:�3r�ska; ,
<br /> ��' .�;t'f;l'���;41;�i�'�.,
<br /> "_�;;.'„�,�,����.�, .
<br /> � '�;;• (c) SZ5,500.04 ir. :tis;ae�.t to the 5�utherly �orty- �
<br />"��'���'���� �`, �"',"r�'����t Six Feet tS46' ) nf t.•at fo•:��r •(4) , in 31oCk 7SineCy-Ei3ht �
<br /> �� � � �
<br /> i�1�ti.;,� �, � ,
<br />� -� {;�p1}�rF,�t��{�� (98), �aiZr�a�3 A�dition t� �t�ne �ri�y �af Grand tslanc�•
<br />-t;h�i�!'�,�i:`jti�.,�s�i�� Hall County, "yebraskas ancD
<br /> :�;,��`�ti,i.a�ek�•�s�;;�',
<br /> �=V::��': ,
<br />_-::�"�: ,�� .
<br /> c,,.'��.,. .
<br /> :,s:�.� .
<br /> �. '` 3
<br />' �''� �� .� . - �
<br />