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S MIl. . . .� J:'�"..v�����a <br /> :4� ���,,..: . �,-- <br /> �� �„� �I /,�t �' � � 5���.. . � // ___'a.�.�l . <br /> lµ' .l '� ' ,r _ - __ 6 <br /> .--� . -- <br /> ,���.- -°.- . . .l . <br /> �� : �o�s <br /> --- 1M P�op�y I�a Wc�►or d�Mp�d�1.���II haw th�aptlon�In Id�ol��nd�b�otuM d�io�rnMon�b MI woh Proa�d�, <br /> a1Mr d�duoNnp 1h�Wran W cats�nd�Sn�laaurnd bN I!In aonn�fbn with woh Praa�,upan�n!►y��Mowad <br /> M1nby�nd In�uah ordn q LMId�►nM�dMKmIM.a b�PPh�1 woh ProoMd�,�N1►wah d�duollor�,b IM naonMon ol� <br /> P►apMfy upon N�oM op�diMons w 4w�d�r nwy dNwmino.My�ppllo�Na1 W PtooM�N b UId�bMdrNM Nwll fql sxMed 0r P�w <br /> 1M dw d�»of�I WY�M und�tM WaM.a oua�ny d�IwN tl�wn�Nr a h�rwr�r.M�r un�ppW�d Nw+dr NMY!M pdd b <br /> — — Tna�or. <br /> = 8,hAonNMO� �.�ne«u��n.000urnnoe a.��wne a o.�wun.n�nd.►.or fl�ny�ot 1!l�kN1 or ipl►I ptooNdlnp <br /> V:: oommmo�d whlah��yr aMsab L�nd�'�Int�wt M tlN P�op�ty�I.�nd�r moy In Ib own d1lohNon,bul without obllp�tlon b do <br /> ,. _.______,_. _—___ eo,end wllhaut noda�4o a d�m�nd upon Tru�to►end wlthout rN�a�InO Tru�tor Irom�ny obllpolon,do my�at whlaM TrwWr hu <br /> �prNd but Nill�to do�nd n�y��so do�ny oN�ant It dMm�n�cuMry to prot�at th�a�ourNy h�r�ot Tru�tor�h�ll,Imm�dl�qly `. ' . <br /> upon dsm�na ths►�for by I.�ndsr.p�y w I.�nd�r all no�ts and�xp�nra Inourrb and ium��xp�nd�d by I.�nde lo oonn�olbn wlth <br />� ' d�sxaciw b L�nd�r o1 th�forpolnp riphp,top�th�r wilh Inbr�d th�r�on at th�dNwlt r�b provld�d In th�No4,whlah�II b� <br /> - addod w th��nd�bt�dn�u wour�d h�nby.l.�nda�h�n not inaur�ny u.bx�q woauN a anya�ino i�m.y do w oma w do <br /> _- _ 1��widK. -- <br /> �,�� — �.N�Mdaw M�NrbN.Truslor ah�ll kMP uu P�opMy►in complFanc�with NI appNa�bl�I�w�.o�dinancM and rpul�tlont <br /> _ _ rN�linp b k�duWW h�pl�M or�nvironm�Kd poMatlon(cWMcllwy r�N►hd to h�nin�s"Eov4awmnW I.�w�"►.T�ahW — <br /> __ ..__.—_— . .. •.���...w• �M....N.�M..���.��IM <br /> —�`��:.�; . kN��P10�Ay1�Y�1�OI11w11Wbf1i11CM�+NnWf�IO�IY�Mi�OPYiolluMivuih�w�uryc�itwanruwir�rw�w��i.�n�.Mi����w�wwr <br /> _ 4:�''°s h�ai��s Hasatdous M�Mr4�l�'►.Trus�Mrola�►w�a�Ms�ad repr�enta to I.�ndK Ilvt q�a aa�o Hua�dou�AA�Uti�N on or <br /> ---+kr.�`' -- ''�;�'�'Y. un��hs PropeA�r.Tnator Mr�by�pr�a W indemnly and haw harmlasa Lendo�.its dkectoro,o1fM.�n,�nployea�and a�a�,a�nd <br />-�U1�' �;�' i� ��ny s�ac�woa to LendsP�IntaresL hom aod aaalna any And aN claimo,damwpe�,to�wa a�d IIabIlltiea�rlslnp In conn�ction wNh _ <br />•-:'?:�! : iM praenc�.ua,dMpwu or traneport of�m►Hua►da:s M�teN�la on,u�de►,Irom or�boul ths PropsAy.THE FOREQOINO :;�, <br />���`'''� �;.� WARRANTIE3/1Na FiFPRESENTATION3,AND YRUSTOR'8 08UOATIONS PURSUANT TO TME FQREr301NO INOEMNITY,SHALL �• <br />�;;,.'�,ti',t.';� �.:� <br /> �:;� SUHVIYE iiECOI�VEYANCE OF THIS OEED OF TRUST. •t�ti�: <br /> ' --- 10. !!rll�e!r+es�!e!ReMe.�►e+etor hereby aaslana to Ler.c+er the Mnt�,i.wws�nd profits of ths Prop�Ar;p►ovkNd tlwt Trustae �,.�.. <br /> ��; -�i I�, -- i sna�l+,unNf ihe acc��ncs ot an Evant of psiault henunder,hevo ihe ripht to colloct and retaln wch ronb,iswa and proiib aalMq ;�;:_ <br /> becvme due aa►�D payt�bte.UQan 1he ocour�anoe oi an Event of Delault,lender may,oither In peraon or by apent with or w(thoul �r, <br /> ,";'t%�, - brfnpinp any ractM�n a,proaeading,or by a recelver appofnhd b y a court a�d withoul r e�ard W the adQausay of Ib waurity,�nhr —" <br /> _ �;,� �';�t� upo�end tak�po�saeelon of fhe PropaAy,o�a�U part thereof,M its own Rame o►l�a the neme of the Tru�tee,and do�ny acts which p <br /> f� � <br />:.:.,j,;; depnu n�ceasan�or d�sirable b praaervo u�so va�se,merketabillry or rentabii�ry a�ihp PropeAy,or eny part r;Kareot or Interat therein, <br /> -•`�f! incrs��s ths InGama tliereh�m o► rotect tna sacurlry horeof and,wNto o+ wlthout uk�ng poaseesian oa�Ihe Propeiiy,sw br ar <br />_ . ;k; 1 'iff�•�ra p <br /> f�+d�ii• • o�e�wite cotleot the rents,lsswea and proilla thereof,including thaee paat due end unpaid,ond apply iha eame.lesf cwb and <br />' 'S:;`� l..�•1 a <br /> •-;:, � ��tif�?�� e�pelltes of operaUon aad cvflee1�on including Attomeys'feei,upon eny mciebtedneu securod hareby,afl in euov�order a�lAnd�r <br /> �;' . +� 'may detefmlaq.3he enterinp upon and ta�cing,poa�ewlon oi tha Propqrty,the coN�ctlon o}such�ents:�ssues and prolila And ttw --� <br /> �1;: app�)t.alron t�wea9 aa Aloreeald,shaU not aure a walve any defauN or nc1lce ol delault heraundei o�r invalidafe any act dona in <br /> -� �;#,' ' ,�9ponsetos�ucs�41e1aultOrpurauan2losuchnoilceofdsiault�nd,�ot►vlths�andinplheconHnwnceinposaeselonolthePio,pePt�vor -` <br />'ti�; �� �j��;��, Ihe colleollon,re,cel�t und ap,pllCAl}on o1 renle,laeuee or proilt�,and Trus�ee and Lender shall be er��;tled to ekerc�8e every�tght __. <br /> �'r�;:;:_. pruvided 1ar in any ot Ihe 4oa��o instrumenla or by I�w uAo�occunence ol any Event o10o1ault,Includinp wlthaut I�mitat�on t�he ri�M �<<,�, <br />.�:,f_';,i s- -=-.:.f�r�:,-� legx�►clsttl�t��.+ewetpfa819 �t�►11?(�t,1,AndAr'nrlghtsandremedlesundBrthl�pBraQnphthallbecumutativewaYh,andinnowaya �i::.;:-:; <br /> -,_,4�„ � � �� ,a�,�, •,,� IimlYation on,lender'a riphte end remedles under any asal8nment ot leaaea and renb racorded opainst the Pro,pert�r.l.eTGa�.T�us9ee �' <br />,��;�,�,•; and ihe recelvet ahall be Ilebte to account only tar lhoae renis eotua�ly recelved. <br />:•�;4,;;; !�. . ,,;t� ,1/. Ev�nb oP WNuM.The lollowinp shall conetltute an Event ol Default under thie Deed ol Trus� �",�; <br />..,z;�;i� � ' '^� �� (a)FaWuro to pay�ny Insfallment of principel or Interest ol any other aum seoured hereby whea due; �__ <br /> �P;��. , �'�,�{>���'1 (b)A bre��ah of or detault under any provl�lon conlalned in lhe Note,this Dead ot Truat eny ol the L.oan ImUumonts,or any ��� <br /> �.,,�• �r'�1 othor Ilan a enaumbrance upon ths Properry; <br /> _. -w. �'r, <br /> ,,,t;.T ��:.�cy���i¢�'�•.i, � (o)A writ of�x�autlon or etUichm�nt or any�Imilar prxaa4 rhpll ba anterad�polnst Trwtor which shall boaome a Uon on <br /> �;�: � th�PropeKy or any portlon ths►eof or interest thereln; ��- <br /> °'� ' +. a, (d)There ehell be Hled by or apalnst T�uator or Borrower an eation under eny preeent or future federal,stale o►other �,,: <br /> . . ��..���.. <br /> -�,,.�,: �,.i `��T•�;r;-•°�^r; � eatute,I�w or repulatlon reletinp to benkruptcy,lnwlvency o�other reliel for debtora;or there ahall be appolnted eny tru�tee, �•; <br /> riceiwr or Ilquldotar ol T�ustor or Borrower or of all or any pert ot the PropeAy,or th�nntt,f�wYS or prollts thereol,or Trwtor <br /> �,S r ;�.;c',": a 8anowsr sholl m�ke any yenoral a�sipnmant lor the beneflt of aroditore; ,�� <br /> i.�,� <br /> ,�__ (e)The eala,tranWer,lea�e,a�ipnment,aonveyance or further encumbrenGe ol all or eny pert of or any Intereet In the _ <br /> -�. - — Fror.3ri►r.atthar vatuntar!!y ar tnvalunt�rlty, .:::hcu!thc express :�rrltte.^.consent ot ltnder, provid!� lhet Tn�.tn. ,h�n h� -- <br /> " ,� mitled b execute a laaw of the Pr that doo�not eontaln on optfon to puroh��a and the twm of wh�h doot not vxcaad `�{': <br /> -�L; x�.`.w} r:.,s pOr op�nY �. <br /> r.s;�d' . , � ;• �y�P. <br /> , (�Abandonmsnt of ths Property:a�r ""�1 <br /> _ _ , ; ��-.:;�yr,;'+� <br /> � � . ;�.�,,�,: t i ��Trustor Is not an Indlviduol.lhe lssuance,sale.Uansfor,assiqnmont,convayence or encwnbPanc�of nwratl�an a twol _ _ <br /> ' ..� ,4� ,^..:'.�r'`�P - <br />_ - •;,t�'�., -.-.��„� ot percenl of(If a corporatlon)Ita lasued and outstandfng atock or pf e pnrtnership)a total 01 _,percent p1 � <br /> - ,'�gg;,�� •��y peAnBrship Interests duMnp the perlodlhls Oeed ot Truaf remains a Ilen on the Proporty. •����" <br /> -. �e�:t;�; t�. R�dla;Aee�ntion Upon D�fauR.ln the event ol any Even3 ot petault Lender may,without�+otice exeepi as requlred by • <br /> ^�u� �. I�w.decl�re all Indebtedne�s�ecured herAby to be due and payable and the aame shall tlwroupon become due and payable ; <br /> _ ,� . -_�� wblwut nny pretentment demand,protest or notice o1 any kind.Thereafler Lender may: b;?�:;. <br /> ' '�,,'�, � •.,�{, (a) Demend that Trwtee oxerciw the POWER OF SALE granled hereln,and Tru�tee shall thereafter ceuee Trusto►'e ��f"` <br /> ;�' InleroN In the Property to be sold And the proceeda to be distributed,eN In the m�nrwr providod fo the Nobro�ka Trust Oaed� ��^ <br /> :-.:,,,;i, , , _=`_. <br /> . !.� , <br /> �� ���t�� Ack(b) ExQrcise any and oll riphb provlded lor In any of 1he loan Instrumenta or by law upon occurrence of any Evenl Of ���5 <br /> �� . �tii;v,: °' '. <br /> �' '�;,�)v'x.` OYIaY�k�o(J <br /> � y45^•Ftl:_" "a`' <br /> == � — - (c) Cumwwwu�n+�Cliat lo Io�dClOie Ih�Y Daed Ci 7rus►as a mo�lyayn,eppoint a raceiver,Or s�eCdically tlniorce any u(Ihe ,,r��; <br /> � i� ,.��'(�,{J°,�.,� , '.�'� COV@rlontshefeol. •t";'� <br /> ��`�'� � `-��''4;'.,����.� �^••.'' No remedy heraln conlerred upon or roserved to Truatee or lende��s intended to be excluelve ol any othen rear.edy hereln,In the <br /> -�,.;,�;, .• . <br /> 7':�•:. �• �""' �� Loa�InatrwnQnb or by law provlded or Re�mmed,but each ahaU be cumutative,ehall be In additioa".o every mther remedy glven ,', <br /> :�..�, . ; :�`,� ,�'. :�;, "'��5� <br /> ���`•.:;," ° .. ,�;!+�•���i hereunder,in the Loan InatrumaMS or now ur he►eaker exlttlnp at law or�r equlry or by atelute,end may be exe�c�eed conpurrantty, <br /> `;»w:,' � , , �%5�,`,� Indopendentl or euccestivel <br /> ,.�,;�,';,�.';�',<, . Y Y• <br /> , �J;1�; ;�' 13. TrustN.Tha Trwtae mAy ces:qn at any tlme wlthout cauae,end lender mey et any tlme end wfthout cause appofnt e <br /> ',�,�• til' 't 4'r�i`. �,� .' � ' � wcceesor or eubatitute Trustee T�a�stee s'r-al+not be Ileble to eny party.Includlnp wlthout Ilmftetlon Lender,Borrower,Truator or any ����'� <br /> F':'�f��;, ., �., <br /> ,r�,rN �.�f� ,(��,, purClw�er ol the Properry,br eny loss o*damaye unless due to reckleas or wllllul mfeconduct,and ohell not be requlred to fake any r <br /> �����•��'':;. t`f <br />: '�;^y._: ,�t��} oCtion In conneatlon wfth the entorcerr�m o1 thls Deed ol Trust unlaae indemnllled, In wrlllny,lor all coate,compensatlon or � <br />' f,.;„ �` ' ,r ��'�:�' expen�ea whloh may be essoclated therow�tn.ln addltlon.Trustee may become a purchaser et any fale ol the Properly Qudiclal ar <br />-={"�' ��`+�. .` �� ." ��'«���E under iho power of�ale pranted hereint..poatpone the sale of all or any porllon ot the p�ovlded by law;or wll the <br /> ` - � ��� 1'ropeny o�a wi�ole,or in eeperaie parce�s or iois ai i rueiee'e diacreiivn. <br /> �, � � � 1!. FNO and Exp�ntM.U the event'frustee aella the P�operly by exerclse o1 power of aele.Trusoee shau be ent1UM M apply <br /> " � ••.. � ' '',± any sole proceeds Ilrat to payment ot atl coels an�expenses ol exerclslnp power of aale,includln�all 1rux�ea's 4ess,and LendePe '';�-��: <br /> '� � '+ and Trustee'a altorney's leea,actualty incurred to extent permltled by appllceble law.In the event Borrower a trusror exerclaea any 1�`;• <br /> L•"'�• � rlpM provlded by lAw to cure an Event oti'Delault,Lender ehall be ent�tted to recover Irom Trustor an cosi�t ana expeneea ectually k+�}.`�' <br />•�;r;" � � � �� incuRed w a rosulf of Tru�for't dofaulG+ncludlnp wuhout Ilm4atfon a1i Truetee'e and attomey'e�e exMnt permltled by ��f(i%4 <br /> ;'Y�,�:,. <br />`°�,:s';�. "'��';,E.. ;, . � �PPllc�ble law. Y•�:.. <br /> W�:s'. �'."•� ;�•:� ' 16. Rutur�AdwncM.Upon request ot Borrower, Lender may,et IW optfon,make eddlllonal and luture advances and re- ��:•':' <br /> ucs. ,� �, , ,. <br /> �My��"' ,�.;: � •j� wlvanees to Bonower.Suoh edvances and readvancaa,wlth Interast thereon,eheil be eecured by thla Dead ot TrusL At no rime ehall �'''� <br />,-.��;�i�.� .. ,�:•,.a}•,:,-,;: •,}Y';:.. , <br />.;�.�,,,4;,� : f��.�+�:i,,`�;�� �j the prMolpal amount of tha Indebtedneae secured by thia Daed of'frust.�ot includinq sums advenced to proteCt the eecur{ly of thle ; <br />`;,.� � . .,�M '-t.x>' O»d of TN�t,�xcNd th�orlqlnal prMefpal amount�mtod hwaln.or s aa Nww_aw whlahever Is pre�(' , r.y�: <br /> ,. ..;,5 i -:. � <br /> �f,�'. . , a ,.�:., � , <br /> � ,. ...�" �'1 <br /> .,.:� � <br /> :. ,r� ,�;..�, . <br /> �. .r�:, ' . <br />