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.... .: .� ::�n�_...... <br /> � ' . ��� �� ���������'�r�— .� � II � .... . . -� �� � <br /> •� <br /> ..�,.. <br /> � � � <br /> - <br /> . ..- , .. <br /> . <br /> ',1. <br /> �.'.'� <br /> � i ...�__.. <br /> `t!•'°. . . _ .ou_t:ra-..• . <br /> - � �C .r�. ��... " ---- -- -- <br /> - 10l.�93 . . ----�----_- <br /> •ti :•�ik'�,;`S;`•L.''� "' —.-._. <br /> ,.� (d T i►�v�procu��d�PsmdttM or sutNnd�vnlunaNly or Involunta�lly��ny crOdifa 1�obtain�li�n not —�—� <br /> `±",-,. . _ p�m all or.pM ol suah prop�tY Trusbt�x any pwra�tor of tlt�ImNbNdn�s�Mcwrd f���hall °.-�-,. <br /> '' ,, ., b�conM M�ol�nt of�dmit In w�itlnp Us In�Wliy to pay Ils d�bts u tMy m�turn,o�m�ke�n�qipnnwn!b►eh�b�pt of �_.�. <br /> cndiloraor�pplyb►oraons�tbit�appointm�ntofane�M+rKOrbu�loritortorMwb�laMtalp�tolwchpto�ty.a --,",--,-'�:._� <br /> � ; ;;`:�f', '' woh a nosivK a truaM�il 1�appolnhd��d thaq not bo eS�aly�d wilhln IMIh!►t�)��+�Pp��� -_ <br /> `:� >p.. . �:iie�_'— <br /> � � ;.��4��_;�"'"��. (s�A w►if of sxeculbn or elt�chme�t or any simitar procesa sh�Il be ie�ued or liwisd apNn„atl a�ny pah at or intereit <br /> � ';� ` •� � Inwchpropsrly.oreny)udpn�ntinvolvinpmonetsrydam�pe�shNlbsenterodspdnN=ruttawhbh�hallb�cameallen �;;,_�:_ <br /> ;`�`�'��r onwchpropsKyorpaUontMr�ofaine�ltheroln�ndauohexeautton,atlschmenlorslmllvpnot�sa�udpmsMbhot � <br /> . _ �-.. nl�as�l,ba�d�i,ql�fi�d�vaw�Nd or stayed within�fxry(60)days after ita entry or Isvy;or �-- -_ <br /> T�1 w� ----- <br /> ,.,.,�ax:•u� _--'� <br /> ��.•�;,„„ _�f '�, (f)Bankruptcy,in�olvsnay,�eor�anf=atian,arra��sment,o�Ilqufdatlon procssdinps or oth�r pro�Mdir�ior rsQs1 n"c_ <br /> �-_�3_�� '� ,�• uod�r�ny bankruptcy Iew o�other Isw for the�ellef of dsbtaa shsll bs im9ituted by or spsind 7rusta or any Querentor � '°�_�'=`-' <br /> �'y - . ,�`"��' her�ota�dHinqltuted�pelnateuahp�tyshsllb�conanhdtaonhallnotbedbmfaedwfatMsix1y160)da1►aeftenuch ;;`:.;°�'""�_ <br /> ;,-= y tv.:�.�_ <br /> �-':�ca� ° . :�� � �fIq11UUOD�Of • 'Y•:= <br /> �. ,s-_. <br /> ..'���r,__'. k =~'r <br /> (g )T►ueta or a�y!4�+cee�c+r M intarast of Trustor,volunta�ily or involunterily should sell.�xact conveY.��ensier. <br /> ,,,.,�,. cont�act to ssq,lsw wi1A,opY�on 10 purcha�e,sublease,dispose ot.chanpe 1he criaracter or use ot,o�fuhhe�encur�De► ���"� - <br /> -„�' �..�:'"�w"".,—,, s.�.' � - <br /> such prop�t�r�ar�ny p�rtth�reo/.w any interest Merein,ar H any said paRka shwll be diveated of dtle to such real propery �'���_- <br /> -•�'�:� �.�� • -- - of any part tl�areof,or any interesf either volunta�lly or involunlarily.or N tiUe to auch prop�Ay ba e ab�eCtsd to�ny lien ar - � -�._ <br /> '• . ch��pe votuoWily w imralunt�rily.coah�ctual or statutory�wcol0aut th�wrltan conaent ot BM�fioGuy befnp lirsl fud '':�'` <br /> ,.� - _- <br /> :. ••.v�. ,'r� O�If1Qd Of , ,...�j::_�,- <br /> � � • `���,¢d,��, <br /> :. 7 - .3��,��+�.- <br /> _•."::� (!t)l�Trtrslorb��rtetesa!sf�and�helsttetesiolsgertetalpartnertetr�inah!;.��t9��!!eclortrer�ste+re�d.arledkntnlRhwt - - - <br /> �' ' " �� inan respectorE�Trustorisacorporatlonandamejori oNhevodn c 0r�¢�ea9�Ycas�r�n�teRed.aoldaassipned.�ru ►�, ':'���"" <br />,�� `��� �� ':�•',"��;:s the Tiustor h a Tn�steo of a trust and there is a chan�e of o�y ot the Be OP�i�a1 im�res�ui the tru�or , r����;�'` <br /> � , : . ;�'' , .,!���'�s�t- <br /> : i ti�,�:.. ..6•.:,�� ,;=?�._� <br /> " ,�� � ., ,,, ' ���� (i)T►ustor�hal�witlwul ths oon�ent of B��iiolory,create o�consenito qae�bli�ntof a dfstrbt wMeh has tae�bng ' �',�;=.:�_ <br />• :�•. �`, T. � - powe�t. . �Y���"_."�Y <br /> � T'.. _ <br /> .,...,� .f^a9„ ,. �'. <br /> .-1'h. .,'4�-, <br />' " eo��. ' ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT,AODITIONAL REMEDIE&In tha event of any detault he►eundw,B�noHeary ��;.- <br />�• ;t : ib opUon�. - <br />.,�.1 � � .�:��� � .� ... <br /> i`�• � ;."tnA�.'.:"',� -- <br /> (a)TerminaM add�on�l advancea.if a�y,lo be mede under ar purswa�4 90 the P�omlaory No1s ot any bulldinp loen �.�;.��.�;:, =° <br /> s �M:. <br /> '.i �, .,,,,,-, �•t�• :4 a�reemenk or � ',��. <br /> �.'j'�.. .�, �tf.{ ' �S;.Y�'f'!`� ' �, r''.,c. <br /> ` (b)Declare eny au►te seeured hereby immedi�tely due and payable a�d ttw name shaU there upon bacomo dus and '( "�`��"'` - <br /> ri� �1 7.'' �'15;.:�',� <br /> k/�.L�{�, :i1�1�-'� . I , <br /> :�,.�"';;, �',.,:.:� �,�. . t�,� . PsYeble without any pe+esenbnent demand,protest or nodce ot eny kind:o� � S;;),1•�p%:?,.;�r;;`. <br /> .__ , ��.�.,r;a.�. , F���;,+.<c-- <br /> ��;,:•.;,,�.., . � ., �• . r,,;`�••; <br /> ,�:,��, �• (c )At any time,wtt�h or without notice,elther In pe�son,by ageM,o►by r�ceiver to be eppointed by the CouA wilhout .4�"r:r;:�i;,;;. <br /> �,r,,. . repard b lhe adequaay of eny securily br the indebtednesa aecured�O�reby,enter upon and feke posseasion ot suah ;1�:1�;-''':';_ <br /> t`+'t•.., • • ,�, � + �,!'(�, <br /> , ,� property or any pert thereof,meke,cancel,eeforce or modily loases;obtadr�and eJeattenents,aet or modlly rents;in its ow� I� '�'1',1��,;:, <br /> ' � �ameaueorotherwiaecallecttherents,i�come.Isauesandprofltsthereat,i��ludingthosepaatdueandunpaid;endepply ��,� <br /> ' � ''''�'�'����� . •�• the same,less coats a�d expenses ot operation,including reasonable��torney's fees,upon any Indebtadneaa seoured <br /> ;•t;�. . ,. . o,,._ <br /> �y•t.'• ,y7r'� :.i`, <br /> ��s, 1;.�.: ��'��:;�4!r'' � '' � hereby and in such o�der as 8eneflciary may determi�e;and except for such application,Beneflciery shell not be IiaWe to j � - <br /> , r,:,,:,.. . )•�.; � <br /> �''�. �. %��''�''��"�+(,;; :.;. ', enypersoMorthecollectlonornoncollecNonofanyrents,{ncome,isaueso►protitafortheteiluretoessertorenforceanyot � �...���,.._ <br /> ��' •.. �''`xi.� �.�� ;!',;^;i;• the tore�oinp�lQhts,nor shell8eneficiary bych�ryed with eny o1 the dutiesand obligat�ona of�moRya��s in posseasfon. "'� �;-��� • - <br /> °�-. ���""�`.�$;�:` .°�'" Tha eniertn u n and takln .^.:.oa:Eon ot�ucls property,thc collcctlon otsuch rersb,tnco�ne,issue�Lt�protfb,the dQfng , ��'����•�' . <br /> , .,;�:;�-- S Pa �� - <br /> � �� . � !; ��• . �' ot other ecta herein authorized,and the application thereof as aforesaW,aFwll not curo or walve any delault or noUce ot [:.r•�=�i."'�� <br /> .:F„o._..._- <br /> . ;�. u : �_s_�.�.-�.-:._ <br /> deiaulf lwraunder or i�walidete any act done purauant to suc not e;or ,r;.-:,r <br /> iaR���1� <br /> r . �.s• .. ' ,,. t;��' _ - <br /> (d )Causo to be 8i�ed on record,a wrflten notice of defeult and eteclion io aell auch properly.ARar the lepse of puchtime �� 1� <br /> �. ' , . _ . _ as then rr�ay be req�u��ed by lew lollowing recordetion of sux�notice o!default,and notice of wle hsvf�g been ayurert as �.�y1`�%��.-_ <br /> _ ,,�A,t`. . - � , required by law,7rustee wlthout demend on Truator shall sell au�h prope+ty,elther a�a whole or in:ep�rete perce�s,aoa¢E ln :::,=M___ <br /> ' ."' ,,,� :.: . . b. E � such order es it a�e�eiiclary mey determine et publlc euctlon to the higheat bidder.The Trustae nwy poetponethe sele of -� - <br /> ," � � ' !l�� '"" . atl or any portion o�su�ch property by public announcement et the Umo 01 sale,a�d/rom Ume to Umo thereaRer,may r:r�;�,���.._ <br /> �"'�J..^•�� ty :-�•` poatpone the sale b�+pub�ic ennouncemant et the time and place fix6d by!he preceedinp postponement Trustee shall .''•�,,_.��..= <br /> ���.•�� �''�� ������'' ` deNver to auah purchaser Ib deed conveyinp the property so sotd,without any covonant or w�nenty,express or implfed. • �f;'•;.ati;: <br /> � �,,.,.. ,,. , <br /> ;�.-.,_ �� , ;, �,;s,:,:-� <br /> , f`�•.''",':�}=�y};'�:;;; Thereoiea9insuchdeedotanymattersoffacbrolherwiseshellbeconclusiveproofoftheiruthfulnsssthereof.Anype�son, , ,1,,,,,,,: <br /> . � � ' "' i • including 1'rustor,t►ust�e or 8eneficiary,may purchase at said sale.T��ustee may also sell at any such aele and as a part . <br /> � � " � thereof,any aha�es o!�carparate stock securing the obligetlon aetu�ed hereby.and Trustor waives demand and noNce ol • <br /> ;;�r�;,'� � �- . �_,•- such sale.(9eneficia!�,r at its option may also loreclose on auch shares bd�ndependent pledpe sale,and Trustor Weives <br /> �i�`�', i4� � � dema�d ef notice o9 such sale.)Aiter deducNng ell costs, d expenses of Trustee,and of this trust,includin�cost ot � <br /> '4',,� ' �'+" • evidRa�o 09 t'rlle i�connection with such sele, Trustee sh a'11iRa1 apply the proceeds of sale to the payment of a93 sums <br /> ' �,�• expencf�u�+der 17ae te�ms hdreof,not then repeld,wlth accvued interesf at the rete the�payable under the nate or notes I ' <br /> ,. . seCUred hereDy,act!lhen to peyment of all other sums secured hereby,anal if thereaiter thero bo pnp prcceeds rem�ininp, i <br /> •• •�� � distribute them to t�he person or persons IegalO�v eatilled thereto. � <br /> . , ;� �.� . , i <br /> ��, ., �',�,,�• ',. ,�•S� i ��• <br /> �`'�' •��"��'�' , N 10�IS Oe�d of 7r�ost or any note secured hereby provid�s ecsr any chan�e for preptr�ant of any indebted�eas secured ' � � • <br /> �'' ' `�,:;•: ;•Y herpmy.'��usWr agrees to pay seid cP�erge,it any of seid incle�b�.sdness ahall be paid pvie+r to the maturiy date thereol�tated ; ',�.;.',; <br /> a�• _— � ,•�,.��%'�.f�::.�_'�+ �n As+��^�,rp er�hi�Oaed ot Truat.even if end notwithsla�al��rtfl Trustor ahall have defaulted in paYme�t thereof,or in <br /> � .' — .r---'�----�n� .. __. . . _ . _ <br /> ,,.. . perfornna�oce o1�c�y��reement hereundor,and Betteficiary by reason tha«of.shvll have decl�red all sums�ecurQd hereDy <br /> ,' ,` � , imrlledi�llB�y dUE en�peyeble. ' <br /> �� ' , <br /> • SCH�OULE OF LEASES:Wfthin ten( 10 )daysatter de�anc:,Trustor ahalllurnisA to Trustee or Beneliciary a scirtedvte, <br /> `' '� certi�ied by T�usfot,seftinp foAh ell leasea of suchpra�+ty,including,in each ceee,the�ame of Metenanls or occupants,a <br /> � � �. descriptfon of the space occupied by sucn tenartt and occupant, the rental peyeble for such space and such othe+r <br /> , � r fnformatlon and dxuments with reapect�o such leases and tenancfes as the Truatee or Benoficlary may request. <br /> COVENANTS OF TRUSTOR WITH RESPECT TO LFASES:Without the prior wrilten Consent o1 Truatee or BeneNciary. <br /> ' � ��� � � Trusto�ahall noR d�rectly or Indlrectly,with respect to any lease of apace in such properly,whether such Isase is not or • <br /> � ;r` hereafterinexis�n+'ice:(a)acceptorpermitanyprepaymenRdiacountoradvancepaymentotrentN�ereunder.(b)cancel , <br /> • , y • or terminete the same,or accept any cancellation,termination or sunender thereol,or pe►mit any event to occur which � <br /> wouldentitlethelesseethereundertoterminateorcanceltheseme:(c)emendormodilythea8meaoastoreducetheterm <br /> 1 ! <br /> 9 � � <br />