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�t. <br /> ,. . _ _ _. .. -- _ 2. - ._.,; ` _ _ _ - : - .- . <br /> , _�: �ar�;I�rreMQ�BatdM!'r f6�U loeep!be n�co��lo1r la����`� -_- <br /> _ �ca��e�tX i�ad�aiWi lat Ir�r 1i�.Mta�dt iaclMded�vil6in 1hp 1am•'ax�oar�e'am�a�r ad�r 1�t�ra�,i�clydi� .. <br /> , ' lloodt ot floodi�.�wldch landet tetriirs I�uaooe.l�iaiur�ce sh�ll.tit m�iHaieed in tbe amoual's and tor ti�e petiuds <br /> � . . t�t�eid�neq�es.'l�e iasM[a�oe cseia Puvi��io�aooC slpd!6e cbc+sa�by Huum�ra subject to I.ceder's ap�+nval . <br /> ,, w�Uic6 tlaU�ot be�perbtg-�eiW6dd.;If Bortower fai}s to mwfrain covmac described abore.I.�ndee I.endtr's . <br /> , ' �an.obda oover;ew Piotect tsade��s ri�_ia]tbe Prcpaty in aoea�dan4e with p�ra�raph 7._ • ' <br /> A11 ie�a�e poticia aad ia�nvats slall be acttptable ta I,ader anl�all include a aaM�d iuo�tga�cl�use.i�eader <br /> ..- �hdE Lnrcl6e si�t ta fiold tbe�o�icia aod t+eaewals.If tsnder tequi[es.8a�+ower s6�ii p�+apptiy`Eiv�e to i�eader aif tocapts af <br /> p�id pami�s aod mocral notices.In ttK evait of bss.Botrower sb�t!�iv�p[vmpt mtice to tht iosur�nce cutia�d I.eoder, <br /> I�ader nry m�ice p000f of lost if not m�de prumply by Bormwer. <br /> IInkss I.mda aod HoaoMer dhawlse�t+ec in w�itloa.iasuraa�ce pt�ocoeds aQpital.W�estoration or�epair of tLe <br /> Pmpr�ty d�"�ed+if f�e rn�natian oc te�ir is�c000mic�liy fa�'bicacd imder''s secm�tjF�is mt Ees.�atl.If d�e trston[iolt or ._ . <br /> tepic is uot eoonon�alty feas�'61e ar.I�etrlar's sac�t�,•�bc��e insu�snoe p[ocaa�s sAatE be apptiai to tbt sams . . <br /> . s��d 6Y�S�Y ta��ma�.MhetlMer orf�p�'1�kii:da��vith mg cuc�ss p�I OQ BoROrver. If$oimwer aba�dons tb� . . _:` <br /> ;":� r; :Yiop�atg.oc��nt aaswer�nitriu 30 d��;�pr�i�f�p t,endar�c,l�e.i�acaoaecatri+ar ba�s offen�to sdtk a ci�dm,; � `E. �`�`���.` <br /> � ��, <br /> �<� ' �'�tJ j�;,�c ` '', �raf _�.. .�I,,�,,� ,�j'. ` i ° <br /> �i'�r�e4f 4`'�F.f•:s fr y�c'f"'�iA�'�?F"�� t,�+��-.,'t� ��' �',�,�,u._,'�-0��„f'a�.��9Bis�:�(1 IE�SC,�F iC�41�� �, �.� �?_� � �. <br /> '�j�� y� .��..�(, t� � ¢� i� ;�Cf ��:•.::.•, <br /> � � �,+5'��^�44,�M!!i7 .1 ,.t. .:��7R��-',R�'�i'l���iilF•��y.�� �� �� ��'',i���� w7 �K <br /> �ry S�,i:�1,��5'?. .,,�^�����r.{.1��:�!.?u"c?s+-�%llIC�} .,(�:��':�::�.1s�cc.�:t� � ..�,,,��y,.�.r.,r,_�.s:�:{.�t�t �_.. .����;�..",4 ,�,:�,,ct�'.r.t�t�t � x r1 <br /> I � l�..i� ��� zr�. .� `�t;"�!�':��:��i9t9���.,,.)��r.�,,��'L;i,7:;.c:..f.:..��5�•i° _'�`±±Su'c���1 r+ t4 <br /> -S_ 'l, a ��.t r;, ;,�.�t ,�7 4"�'F.� ,,�r...:,.,,,,,� 1 ;�� ,��y�y.� �,�,.,y, v ��" ��� �:pi � ?• i -- <br /> .,. ..��°�?!�°;�e`�i�e,� .+�la�e.�K.,;.��!�►�t� ��+g��a`�at:�R' ��:�',�g'1�' �it,' fl►],��f <br /> q�,(, .}/.:."l:�.�'•: �?';;:;t+:`,.::?<^':..,i.� .,iri"^:"�!,�,�',�',��:,:�•.i•.T•„d °±:�:+t,,.._,'�f�,,,.+�P!!!� �,:�:":�i'.�T.,l, ,�.. �.`.�iSii..v, i�;:«'. <br /> .. Scn�t�j�M l�! 'El`]L, "�2 �_:V.tai.:� '2:: . 2 .;d�.iq.y 1'•.1�.,i 7-� .. <br /> fC•f[��'� 21i:�F�''?�fy�_4.�'t, .[-0:'n ,'.�;^1�Yq;-' `.h.,�.._....4�..,,< •� '� �i. :�'.� �,�ua ��V.�...- `"�: <br /> j:t h' V ... ; �, �� �' �:,�Y.'^"R"�i� .�\'�, ,��.,��_ � .. <br /> .:: cu:'"•���. ��Ie�lF��el�i;'•��-�.$ ;�. y����7j,�,�...,��.�t,iu,,�..:�,q�'��sia'IL�iS�g�seCliir�by tbis:�I�hUma�t ,>s <br /> � �`'°�'�i�."'-S�asx..��"�i;:C?%f,kts•.i;�,Sx Z ,� ti�,.. f...,;.' .�� - . �:r;f - . .>::•;5.�,-r• �: <br /> ,� ��j,�,Mai�taaioe a�i�!fti�;cfio�d ttie Pnopa�t9,�oriowe�'�Lor Appl�tio�;Leyneioidr. <br /> � Hdivwer slplt�bTish,sad use the Propecty�s Horrowa's principd nsidenoe witluo aixty daqa after the execution of <br /> t6is 5a��rity Iaadumeat and stu�ll ooatiaae w occopy the Plnperty as Borrower's principoil�esideru�e for at kist oa yar after <br /> the duo of oocupmcy.wiless I.eoder athenvise sgoxs in writing,which oa�seru ah�q uot 6e wur�sata�bly unkss <br /> eute�pqN�dt�t�,es exist �e6ich a�'bayad'8otno�ira s contr�ni. B�rrower slqfl'rwt � - - - <br /> destmy d�urd�ge or Ui�psir the <br /> Pt�npnty. albw the Property to deteriorate.a comnut waste on the Property. Eortewer efldl 6e in defsutl if any forfeiture <br /> acfion a pt+n��eodi�. wUe1l�civit or crimin� 6esun.that ia l,ender's�ood faith judjatept could teautt in forfaWne of tbe <br /> Propecty or atherwisa m�teri�lly imptir the lien crr�tad by this Security L�strument or Lender's socuriry intet�est.Bar�owa may <br /> cvre su�h s def�ult and rei�a,at provkfed in p�r�nph 1 causing the�ctlon or�oce�odfng pu be dismissa!witb a tWing <br /> thM. in ie�der's jopd fsith determimtion. procludes forfehure of tba Born►wer'a inten�st iu the Pmpetty or aher m�ueri�l <br /> , imp�irnient o!the tien ctratM by this Savriry InueumpK or I.erWer•s security iircerest. 8orrower shall also be ia defwlt if <br /> Horrowar.during t6e lou►applir.�tion proctss,Eave ns�erl�lly tslse or inaoc�u�te infotm�tion a statemeats w l,rnder(or failed <br /> __ �P��de I.e1�C�witt�any mttetl�i infomutiun)ia c�aoction-wtth the_loan c_v_iden��the Nnte..includ�ng:b�t n�lirrtFrea- <br /> �o.n�ra�t�ans eonoerning Borrowu's occ�p�ncy of Wo Pmperty as a prir�cip�ai nsidenee.If tbis Sac�uity t�is an a <br /> leaseboW; Borrower shall comply with all the pmvisioac of tbc lease. If Borrower acquires fee titie to the Pmperty. the <br /> leagelald ard the fa tide shall not merge ualess Leoder agroes to tbe merger in writing. <br /> 7.Pketa�Noa at l.eader's Ri�Ks ia tbe Ptoperty.If BOR�OWGi�11I5 ZO pCffOTfll�tL OOVlllaflt5�3$LBP.DIpI�fi COI1L31110d lA <br /> this Security Instrumeat.or the�is a lega!proceeding.that may sigaificaatly aft'e�Lender's righfs i»tbe.;Pipperty(such as a <br /> Qno�oee�d'mg in b�nlcruptcy.probatc.fvr oondecnoation or forfeiturc_or to enfarce ta�rspr;regutations},�.��y�� <br /> ,Pa3!far whatever is necassaejr'tq:pmtect ttie value of`the.Property and Lader's ii�ts:,iji the Property. i:eu�ea�'s�actirns mry <br /> ,. ''�P�Y�B �►Y � s�r� by a lien whisb l�as',:�arity over this So�rity��ment. appearin�;:ue caurt, FaY�B <br /> . ';9�easoriaMe attorneys'fas and:Fntering on the Proprtt};t�.�ruake repairs.Althougl��er may takaaction underihis paragrapt� , <br />; ��.7;'�:e�der�es",�di hav�ta'tXb so. � , <br />' � Any �n'opnts disbic"rs�,by Lender under this�aragraph 1 shall beoomc,ad�litional debt of$ortowet:.',. .st�cced by t6is <br /> , :.:Sccurity Instn�ment. Un2d�s,:��iamnwer and I.ender agrse:>to aher tem�s of paymz�f;';tlrese a�i�ounts shaU bwR`�na�te�st from the ., <br />, �,date of disbu�se�rknt at t11e ddo'tc rate and si�lt be�ayaBk, with interest,upon aiudia from l.ender W Bo�s�.ea�iag � <br /> 'PaY�• �; ; ,. . . ,, ., :.;: ,,.� i,•,• ';.;, <br /> , ' ' : .. ...s . ;, y.•.;, <br /> ' � S:Moiipge Iasnrance:.1f Lend��ie4uired mortgage insuranae as a cadition af mak7ng thc Qo�n secUaie�1`�±'�ihis Sccurity <br />,. ,..ti�:Incwment, Borrowtr sl�aly�a�;�the,�p�+eiidums requirM to maintain the mortgagt iriwrat�oe tn'effect. 1f.f�irt�iajr reason. the <br /> � '}',,sas?i:tgoga insurat�ee coveta$e.requii�it by'l.cndtr lapses ar ceases to be in effect.Bo�rawer sha11 pay the�s required to <br /> ��"ob�aln ayvemge substaatially,eqaivatrnt to the mbrtg�ge insnranee previously in a cost substantially�eq;�ivalent to the <br /> � 2tirst to Borroqrer of ihe mongage insurance pr�wiously ln effect. f�om an altemate mortgage insprcr apQroved by Lender. If <br /> substantially'oqniv�lent mortgage insurance mverage is no!availa6le,�n�rower shall pay to Lender eacb month a sum equal W <br /> ane-tweliti�of the yratiy mattgage in,�u-ance piemium being paid by Etoitower wl�en the insurariee caverage lapsod or c�sed to � <br /> be jn effoct.Lender wil)aooeq,use and retain these payments as a last reserve in lieu af mortgage insurar�ce. Loss r�eserve <br /> � � �aoza sno <br /> , P�y 3 0/6 <br /> � , � <br /> . .. -. _-_____.�__�...s. —._�.�,.-.3ilw::_��"s ._.. , _ ' 'R.. . <br /> —-_`y.�Y�^'.�. :i:-� .-,.._ -.-_--,�,.-n:..�n'..^R�:TS:i!s4ifiM�Gi+'d�'M�1171►}'��fV��i'{� �!YMM�.� . <br /> .- -.�,._" <br /> ° --- -:-.,..,.� <br /> � <br /> ._,. ---°,r_. ._ :. . _ .� . . . ., � - --- - - - .�_ -- �-� � + - - .' . f:. � . .. • <br /> �}� � ,. � . ' , . , . _ ' :f,': � • .' _ <br /> -_�r_--za� .. .t: - . . . . .. .. - . « - , ., , ,_ <br /> .. ._..__._•:` ^4•_ �.. . - . ____ . _..._ _ . ._ _ _.__._ ._ . .. .. . . . . . . . ._ . .. . . . . . <br /> _ . . , ... _. � . .,.. <br /> �.;_j� i i -� •' - ' - ' , ' ���i.,�, <br /> �[�`s. • ( 4 <br /> Tl��9fU1(TY4.{ + .t�lGt h . ':,' . . -'-. r r'�;�•1 '__ f l - . , <br /> � �' � <br /> _Rsf�nQSV�+c�r.�i' 'STt�t�{biy11. `: kT�j��;,�i,`. . ,t ,i;i�,i�',�j>j . . -;�s�„r�j/�'} •;� 4�, t}��,L�i�;;; . <br /> l.i14�,''1, i)�l��ij��;Ji� ��'� '• ;�!fit� i� J '� r�48R'���`� - ft:..: `j'J':'�� �"'7:' ' ' t r - <br /> �.oira�Yi1�%D�1 �a"� �.ti ;�F 9 �r �.. �t !jtr �r. ; 4 ",( .`r,'�� h 1,��- ►i, yA[ri�'/'_�;�,'� . , <br /> f, I �` 1 ,j., 4I�'.�t� ' �, <br /> Q i' �({ .li r� ��R �� ,�J/ p r 5f:, �i k '�'ti y��bVt..��� S!r.,. <br /> I� •� 1, 'i(• tt'i .�- �,;�� i%( # (� � �.. 4`i,t�,1' � .•����{;�i' �if��:� . -�4 �d <br /> � ��`�,';��i,e��},..,._.�� �11t,> .,i; �'1���`id ���,.l,t�,r•s����U<����� l.i'�h�^�t�,rr,.y�fy��':�(�t' L'`"�'���,i'.-� ., ��.4n�(���;�;�,' 1 , <br /> .1`���� ti f�.r i1� ��'� � F(•1�tSl;�l1♦- ii`l'�^• � .5 �i 1.4�Y. �. 'f.' . f(�. <br /> -°- --- =��''�,��4;�4��,�t��•- ��� ;���„i,��:,�,.tif,-b{��. n„��:�+` 'Y:`t���l���t:'F�1�S.�,�'��j�'�i• . i'` 1�s::�4"..:5+�� '1� . ' <br /> --- •t 1,,,y 1�y�3 '� `•f'� ��.��' !,� t �f.�� : ,,':' 4;•rfsfN, r� �, t� 1fr,x 1��: <br /> 1Y�f•�1 '7T � � f 1�t�5i •i.�'` � EIJ� �il� ti ���r1 � - .:r+�� t,F1a'Sg(�y� �E.J�iS �+7�+ ... 1'. i. - <br /> ,. <br /> _ .�: <br /> . <br /> � �! _�. �rr,� !�,?r� e, � ! _ .���'�;� l� •�i��ft'f.� --��_ .y�yefJ��leC�7����Mt t .��._. {����4P"'r� st T`� �-L �--'---- �c <br /> ���.4k�� �'"�t I) Qi .\� �:,'Iri T-r_-` -- i j - -` •.rzji},z1�s*' t . : T �.�ti �'}i!Yf`�}yAf�t(i . I� 4 1: ��� �. t -11 -, <br /> i � .}�� ;P� el .i��jkl �J�.C[.3 � ��4i'1Rt,?���}'. :t 1 '�e: .+ti�Y�t,1•, 1'•1":15� � ��r� 4 ff � �trjWa., <br /> � �4. ,i, ,-fi� � :1, YL,� � �tY . �.3 � �Jy f ��{t ���ti j .k! y .:!'�t C:i� �.. •ii�� f'�'� � � <br /> � � k�, r.t ''� �,+�3`i L ��.l a!'' y t�� � ,-,, : �r,;;�:� �(' <br /> _.�.,��, tk'!.i (.�, '. • ' ,'�,- . .,:t,. ,�.,��rl,e.. �;� °i ;�i` 1 � uc. ;. <br /> .f.,� ,, ,� r � `�`;;, .�J�� ,�, '. T4 ��r �4!o-1` ?�`�''��y ;'r'' t !f T :r.,�r.�t 1`..�it, .rfis�('�•e,�� �<�:_:-. <br /> ;I. t�i('� t ,� ; !',f i �� '�• !� �1 1 t i, � !� i.J i � j ;r)'.�):{ I !�,7� a r t� <br /> f�`[r�ji: •�}�y'�(;,t� fA` �ti + ���4f 'S '�� '� .1� ,`i`�i�V.�, �1 l��y f�p ��+��,i':�iif' ��r/��.�; ;:i �•�',U/�� f ff�I�{,i�.L�'� 5g�"� ti`•.;fl " <br /> 4, Ty t, a ;�(t��}a�� r ry �J" t,.n �i, f, �� [ 1 t A -. <br /> _'_'J'"1�!:�:l4114il. r��5��'i�-\ '.b���ti ��1i;'. ,it���- .t i `%S;�A. .,�� 1��y1��t��a p�.{I.i,�f9�a�•�?'i;�1�!'i�:1 ��' .Sti.! •'�.`I�r}'P f,�J'l�.� i1 �1 1., �"'... <br /> -ubwrzo ���'� i� FL�!�.���j � �. 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