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<br /> 't�} h�r�'„
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<br /> •,� '� A�o�ax�u,�+o►rr�rutwts, Ic�a�diito�ea���t�h,e,,�� �� .�y.,r , �' � ��,".
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<br /> I.a'..i ` - >
<br /> �'�;�'��$tt h A. IATA'�R�'t!A►'1'f AND 1,MIO�T11l1.Y PA►1fi1+IF�i'1'CNAN(iES ', ' �, s �a-,;� �'��,,�'�� ,':
<br /> �uitr��+4,,NV��9�h��.� 1������� • ' t I �+! _
<br /> � , �G�011��fdt$al0��tai0�i1 f11t0 Q�...?al�,...�►. �t0 NO1Q�IOM��0/� , ,�S�dr Yy
<br /> C 14.p�4� ?-IF-�` �R"'�"^^^��'7� ' ,,1' (•'1., i 'L'' {�1_
<br /> ;S['!��i.r''� �".';1 • � . .i„ �; '.:, _ :�•:'•,� �:tii>.•
<br /> " �1.: 1n �. � ���.��Q�pl���t '� . . , � )r� `> .�` _
<br /> � . '�.r . . �; � � �. � �: : _
<br /> � � �A���� . . Q' � 1� {�j �� + �-
<br /> _ ` ti'u'.R..t, ,,!' .......�......ti !9..i{A•..�a��t��� � !'F_ r � �/;'�y � �anr�
<br /> r � 'fhe interost rete I wiil pay mar change on the Aret day oE.....�t.................... !' � : ���`:`�' , ,
<br /> � ,, ,. �,�, �; i"�i�:tn _-
<br /> �'ts,�,�,��,t�l,;;f����,, avery 1 Zth month theroatter. Esoh date on whiob my iatorost rate could chen�e i�esflod a Changa Dtto. �l. ,�f,h�.. �, �r��n�
<br /> K t . ; ,, s `•lr; F(:`1 iG�� ��tl� �
<br /> (8)Tllt Iud�x i•'��;tF�tt; � tb ,� -.
<br /> �r�¢`�{``,�;';',�`� ' 9eginoiag with the first Chango Date�my interast rate wiN be based on an indeu. The"lndex"Is tde weelcty avera{e . ,�`lt�j��93��� � '�r:?t i '"_:
<br /> '� ���j '��A4 ��r,�� `:° yioia on Lafted Stat�Treacury se�s�t�a ad�wstd to a son�uene matudty of 1 yaer.at made avaitabte by the F�s+l .:
<br /> ��,-.-- � �;,
<br /> ` , `• Aeeenre goard. The mose rceent IndoK Rgure availabfe as of cha date 4S dayc befare eaah Chaage Date u eatlal cha ` ,�,�r, ����,� }i,�ir„�..
<br /> .,� s � . ' ,u �rti '�� +•r •
<br /> ,��,�., ,i,�.,' "Cumnt Index. � ,,,tt ;�,!;!�+? ��;.,�,.;:e
<br /> ` °� a o'�' lf the lt�dek ia na longer avaitabte,the Note�Haider wtU ahaosa a new indea whiah it baeed upon�ompArsbk y l�r��j��;��;', �;�i,V;,
<br /> �;-j' ` ' �� infom�adon. Tho Note Hoider will give me noti¢e of this choiee. � �"� f �•:F` "•`
<br /> ,�1,,� �,�. . � ,,, ...�r.,� , `( i 'j -
<br /> '�1 ��1F�il�S°� �11i�� (C)�:1�1'li��I110t�!! �i'i'ti�" � 1��)i��r
<br /> `�• "' Befon eaaM Changa Date�the Nae�Hoida�wifl ealoulato my new interoat retm by adding..�..�5�••�1���� _
<br /> ti:;�+.- � �+`t�,4 '�:;
<br /> -- - --;�T'" �' S�V1Al4t�1F1�.. . ...p�,�rantage pointa t.....�n���.�')ro the Curront Indez. The Note Holder wllt then round the '•. '�'�;•,�°,�
<br /> • -:. r',. . ��� � `•.;�.
<br /> ';;`T .'�`i.;.'�� sasult of thi:addition to ehe�►earost onabig6th of one peraencage point(0.125�). Sabjaat to the limiu stated in Soatton ,��, �.•..-- •, ��;": �
<br /> "!���� 'f' • 4(D)befow�this rouadnd amount wl{l be my new interoat rate untii the�ext Changa Date. ;���,;i';:;'+': :' �•�:•�
<br /> ! ' ment tbat would be suAkiant to repay tiro ''`{�� ` ��'.+ �".
<br /> .•�;�;;�:;.��,���:�:�'.'� The Note Holder witl ehen detennino the amount of the montMY PaY .t,�,;:,;�";�'� �',,.,`�:' '
<br /> 4y"y'"<i , ,`'.ti;� unpaid prtn�tpa{that i am expo�ted to owe at ehe Change Date in fuli on tha matudty date at my new interoat,tate in � ��;. : •�� � ��
<br />_„J f)n�dt t� 1.��`,(� �, . .�,. 1 ',.
<br /> 1�;�i�;5.�°';�/:'•.'•� s:` wbstantialiy equal psymen�s. The result of chi:calculation witi be the new amount of my monsbty payment. ,� . , �,
<br /> ��7�1:i1��''0 .'�j;l:.�i f i .:'.�' �.
<br /> -,i; :t , ,.:., � (D> Limfes oa i�srat Rate Cbaa�es qG .,. (�s:�
<br /> :_SR`Y��'t '�':,..,_ -.,, .� .'!'; •n''�t� '
<br /> `•.'�;. �.lf t'ir).��� ... N�/t......... .�,�'' t �I!'j 4'l��t�f .
<br /> s{;<, ,_'',;;�'.:,:,;;:i The interost rete 1 am requlred t�pay ac the ftret Change Date witt not be greater than. ..�., ..96 or less�haa �'��;,+��+;;� ��� �`•;';.
<br /> .� ,,,`vi�i4v`�_; �ir„����c:
<br /> 1 .,�� r i���_r...:. • g by �`"�:�;;,�����ti�C,tS!;�j�j���•.:
<br /> ��A�?d. �• � 1 d� ��''•
<br />�y ,�„���,���::K�, ..,..,...6 i��........�,. Thereefte�,my ietercat rate will never be incressed or deaeased on any singte Chan e Date �� r ,,
<br /> �$ ;;.. �,; ,�.. ���� than one peroentage point(1.096) from t�i�r��of incerest t have been paying tor the precedin8 twelve atonths. My !
<br /> �;�t,ti ,.� ,:i!`�.,�r�! .��,.
<br /> ,� �o��; ,k�, ..�,. �:I.:' ;.� ,�
<br /> ��� intereat rate wiil nevor be preater than. �
<br />- � , .;.. ............................ . ..,�..��: :,��
<br /> i,*��;!,,��'t•;��� '{'!i (�) �tq11'!�te o!C�l1 � . �'' .. �.i�
<br /> .';r.ir'.,; ,��.1,,jr,.;�:�q ..
<br /> ;°:,,�;,-;'�f.>'�l,*`�` M new intetest tate w111 baome ef�ective on each Che�ge Date. t wiU pay the amoune of my new monthly payie�eat { . .
<br /> '�;;::-��''�±��`;�'�t�''� beginning on the Rnt monthiy payment date nfter che Change Date unt{1 the amouoc of my montbly paymant ahangas ! .
<br /> �G � t .
<br /> •;''j�• �_,:. . ';,,: 1 8g8�R.
<br /> •�li�.ti:� . ' . •� .
<br />_�.�,:,.� :�„-�`; �` � � tF) NW1aotCb�ga , �-
<br /> ;�.�:,.: ,
<br />_`,-�.�, ?.'��� � 'fhe Note Hotder wiU deliver or mail to mo a notice of any changes in my interost rate and the amount o!'my mont y � ', �•�:
<br /> ���': � payment before the effective date of any change. The aotice wiq inciude information requirM by taw to be given me and j �
<br /> � � . also the title and totephone number of a penon who will answer any question 1 may have regarding the notice. ' ,.�',t����
<br /> �'�,':...'.... ��. ;.��. I�. TRANSFER OF THE PROPEttTY OR A BENBFlCIAL INt'�REST IPi 00RROWER . , .
<br /> ��x ,
<br /> .f����?�`''+��;°'�;;;��;�r!�, 'Uniform Covenant 11 of the Security instrument ia amended to cead as follows: .
<br /> �;?,��:�ti•ftfi.�.�v.��;.,;y?�...
<br /> ,�...;.;.,,..,,;��,. ,. �. Taaster of the Pcop�tty or�BeoeBcia!Iatenst ia Borrn*er. EF a1��any patt of the PropenY or any intecest in it n
<br />�.�ti;,;��'�;�',.'.;;•''�l,;t f;'r sold or transferred (or if a beneflciai interett in Borro►.er ��solk�car+n�asfaeced u+d�Q+'�s not a n4tutal pe�a�w1 •
<br />.�.;';,;';_:�,,,�;;'''�•,�;; without Lender's prior written consent,i.ende�mag.ar it�mpcam;ttm4aira i�a�aaa pa�a+u's 8�t1 aB al��a�aoonrod
<br /> ��' �..tt�c ••..1..�«..w.w� �l�u�wor fLiseuffi�e„g}1dl�tldt t1!!1[tfGt�[d�9 �.A�rURQ�GCCL�DS��e���
<br /> z i�I —-�. vy at�w v�w�i n�..u..r....... . -�-._. -
<br /> '�' ''�``'r�� , as of the date of this Security laatrument. Lendee also shall not exerci�s c�,is��. ea1 �orra�e��e+c�� .
<br /> •�,� , ;� � submitzad to Lender information raqwmd by Lender to evatuate t!rc iaten�+.d,crn�rsBsrmr ses iB a mav.�oae were beinE+f�de
<br /> � tu th� tYatwfetee: and (b) l.endcr r�a�onabty d=terminea that Lendsr� seca�riap w� eaa ma {mpaited by tlte lan
<br /> ,:,�.;,,� � ,.'.`,;',,: � esaumption and chat the risk o!a breach of any covenent or agrcen►enc in n11ig�carocy ��nstrun�ant is aoaptabte to � �
<br /> � °�'S.i. DE'1`ERMII�D F�Odt 'rE3IS LQAN t�S 6.4000
<br /> �� ;;
<br /> . � ,,;,;
<br /> � �'r,��:
<br /> '�
<br /> . ' ' . tA�.TIdTATE ADJYSUeLE RATE I�R`�`AIMA 6�1�$M1gl@ feTtly�FMMlIf YN/Fndd��MIC 1lIIIfOflll MMt111Al�ld fOf1113/0d S/dS �
<br /> ��� '•• ' BANR�MO�OpMSb1NQl�CO�»a�x�eooc BTOCKITEM�6ARR1ARM61)
<br /> . , � . . t
<br />