n�.i.,c.� i� ,7'� ... ,... . , * .�::.�
<br /> . . �'- a.. . . . .T .� - - � . ^ ,a 4 � r �.jt �i� _r
<br /> �r»:v«:�-n., .__ _- ' -�. _-n .)�.'-r-r_�.�� -1.�{ .�s'���ir� , . ..� �
<br /> � - � �� 1I e r •�t . . � Y S. '1 ��.'{ �7�r��_�_---..
<br /> ]. _, ,�. }. r�� ..3. t ^-.'{�'I�a 4}-rY t''
<br /> .. .. . .. , : .L.�.}�,..1 S 3 r.� . 'b�`:;T„��.^ 'Y'..''OI'^S'� • ' 1 � _—.--_._._..
<br /> . � � •1 .� 1� •' ���` .... ..t1 __ ��)- '"_
<br /> -) -�. _� _... . . . . . .
<br /> uk;��.�:�>s��;� . . gl.— loi8���
<br /> UNt1�OR11dODVaNANi�� 80irowOt�L011d0i OovaAitlt 6rtd ogt'00 A!f011owi:
<br /> � �p��pp�{pl�lO�Of'Qi����AOd�0�f�!!. �OTfOWE�S�PfOtf1jlt�y•pAy W�tCH dYQ
<br /> -- .__-_—.- ' tAe prinalpal otandirte�at an the dabt avidenca!by t Note aad anY P�Y�t end lata ahargcsdue w�der the Nuta.
<br />-- — �, ���ptpp�ne�e. Subject to applfcebk law ar ta a wrietee waivar by i.ender.8ocrowar shell{+ay _� .— .
<br /> - - - to Laed�t oa tha dey moalhlY paymants ero dtu w�der the Note�untii the Mote is paid in ftull,a wm("Funds")equat�0 6r��- ---
<br />-- — -= o�twelith at: (�1 yt�1Y teuee and ass�ssmenw wbioh may at�aln p�fadty avar tbis 9ecudty instro�nent:(b)Y��Y �;��__-_-
<br /> - � l�told payateap ar gobund rents oa ebs Property� U anyt(a) Yaarly berard insurance premiums: aad(d)yaeriY =- _.�-
<br /> "'�'""°"""`" uys�otj.t�Qe inauraJM.�e_pran�+iumMsr.i��f any.1i'bese ita/m�� a�roy oalled•'ascrow item�."i.onder may eatimate the Funds due an the � :
<br /> �'lf
<br /> — — ViDM07��A�f�W��+N�^�1}���Q�1N�u.v�QrQ���Qmb. •tfiih;�h f!•�•�!}tiS1�1�Fa917c3i:
<br /> = ° '�ho guad��hall be held!n aa i�atitudan tho deposita ot accaunts ot wAich are insu�ed ar guaraata�d by a fateral ar �r.<<.,,�;, ,
<br />�rs�r ���y(i�;rg�,enekr if Lende��a suob an inetltution). Lender aheU a ty tho Fund�ta y tha aa�cmw item�. �#n;`a��j,r f "��'r-�+'�-�::
<br /> Y,��sk��Y�r pP � :Y:�.' �c�.�,� �r�r,r
<br /> �,,,�� n the aceaunt ar vedt�ing tiro esaraw itanie,unleas .l' �:��'i:;. `;�. . �t`
<br /> •,��� t,endet msy not aMatga tbr holding and applying the Funde�analyad B ''�::,,, �' `t;� ,:,3�`���:. :
<br /> ,�� +:�''�,� �r";
<br /> "�'"..,.�r;: �'ti ' L�Mar pRya 8onower ietetat an the Funds and appiicabte!aw pern�ia l.ender to make auah a charge. 9aaawer and ���'�''� "•{ir,..n 4';'/�
<br /> 7 t rar}! �Ir 7 - �1-i f� �t 1 ). Y c •.
<br /> {� � i T`���,�� Lender may agree in writing that interast shait be paid on tho Furtds.Unlese an agreament is mado or applieabie!aw ''{ry y �' ,`����,'�:i�,q �'_
<br /> � -��: �-, Lendor�hal!not be raqaircd to Be�rrower any interoat ar earnings on the Funds.t.�nder y . w ,y. „
<br /> �r iI � ,S�
<br /> t , ti�s�i;?��� requiooe intoreat to be Paid► ��' 8 ;`��� -, w � .t� c+ ''
<br /> �,�����i�',� � ahall give to 8arroqvar�wlthaut chatga an annuai aceounNng o the Fund�showin c�dita and debita to the Funds and the ,
<br />-t,,. ;�,�:��t..,.? purpose fos wh�beaoA deMt to the Fu�Ma was made.The Funde a�e pledged as additianai eecudty far the suma seeured by , .. :, ,��?, '�!', �.�t;
<br /> `t��t`�t�� ^r, ... y.Q�,, ' ?,`'�� ' .
<br /> I � 1 �� �l. ��R�7Pi���t� � � ./'.5tr�--� 1 .,L J �.
<br /> ,:,,`.�:.,:�:�,�;�.h 1F tAde a�mtauAt►oi'tbe Funds hetd by Lender.tagether wlth the t�turo manthlY paymenta af Funds peyatbte p�nor to ,� , 4 rr,: .,, ti•..
<br /> .:y RA row iceiarns when due.��l@ C�S�u bE'. �)1 i1a,!' �, ,,.�� � ns,�
<br /> `t • s:. eleeda�edates o�'tde�sa�aw ltems.sball eacsed the amount reauired to pey the esa e s 1a�c ;
<br /> �� �4}s� � ta of Funds.If the ,,,t'�, � , .;� �
<br /> F�� �rf �,s;�(�� At 8 o R[o wer 1 o�d o r.a t h e r p r omp i l Y t�p a b d to 8o�aareR or Credited to Aot'tower on monR�r p�rnsn ':r����t l j' a►�fi�x'�i .�b.,�,,:
<br /> .,,�-f:,:,;,�,t���: amauat d'elx�bnda held by i.eoder is not su�.�eat to pa�r the escmw itema ahen due.Bore�nwer shall pay to Lendvr aay �.�'�'"��� �";� 'k..
<br /> :;`n�r.,�,i.�j;��t'.'r;�3, acaouut aecas�qto make up ehe de�cieacy in one w more paymeats ax required by Lender- ,-
<br /> ]�,1� t1/�/� �{►�t in tWl ot ell�ums secured by tWs Savrity Instrument.Lender shall promql�r.:�iu�d to Hor�awer �„��i;''�;., . "�r.»�"� ,j1,.
<br /> i :�Y 'I" y��. v�^"�7"'��` .� . -. ii.�t
<br /> � �°�+�,�."� a n Y F u n d s h d d E�I.ender.If under p are gre pb 19 the P�ope►tX is soW or avquired bY i.ender.Lender'ehaDD apply.na tater •. , �;,°*'f,, :",.�:�
<br /> � - ,, ] ;',t q ' : �S, �?;
<br /> e�+a;'t thaa immod�tely prior to the aale of the Property or its acquixit►on by Lcnder.any Funds held by L e n der at t t q e tnane o f �
<br />�,f::.14�,#�, ..,,°� aPplicaUon as a crcdit against the sums seeuted by thia Seeurity Instrument. ' ne �` , v'f P,'' :.
<br /> ' ��• �•.. r:;•:J;;
<br /> :,';�t�;��::,.i":'.".,�.. 3. A�liattop ot1'aymeate. Ualess applicabie 1aw p!ovides otherwise.aq payments�eceived by L.endb�'under �....:�'• .. ,,, . .::, . .
<br /> :.;;�«;;:. �,,,,, .> 1 au�d 2 shell be applied•first.to late chargea dua under tbe Note;aecond.to prcpayment cha�ges duo under tha '� :• :. 1j�`!�,-�--
<br /> u� ��
<br /> " :�r���:;r�;;;;.�•��• oi�tbi�d,to�mo►snts payable unde�paragraPh 2:foucth.ta int�+est due;and lest.to principat due. •�,; ". �:; ��S'°;'•`:6i.;`
<br /> � : . • f',.i4.:, .i„
<br /> .`';'; . �;, '"; {. Cbprg� Uens. 8onower eheq pay all taxes,ass�ments,chargcs.flnes A�d,irnpasitions attdbutable to the • '�•�ri; � ..,;�.:� ;.,��,:
<br /> �• .t .�r'�},.c�.,s.; i� 8 <.. •.
<br /> , � ���;.,��,�., Propeny whichnay attain priorlty,aver this Security Instrument. and lessehold }qc�nlx ar raund rents,if any. '�. : ;�`'�; ,•:�'"�:t_,;'':-:_-
<br /> �`: ,� ,,.'� Bornower sl�ell py these obli tiona in the manner rovided in rn h Z.or if not d in that maoner.Horrowe�'sbail
<br /> ; :i
<br /> ''.� ray them on ttrnedittiotly to t�he person owed paymepnt.Horrawe�r shalai promptiy furnia�h to[.cmler�1t notices af amounts _ , � ; {
<br /> v,;� to be p a i d under this P aragtaPh.If Honowet makes thes�paYments directiy,Horrower sbadl prarup�iy�utai�h to Lender , �;-- ��; ;,y ;�
<br /> ''��°'..,�i����': �cei evidmcing tiro paytnents. -
<br /> re -��`p �..� e�;,
<br /> . . �1�41a1�� ' i, .�f.,:�.:>.:�'
<br /> ::;,:�;{::;ri Y;�,;x;:t�i;: Borrnwersbalt prnmptiy discha�ge any lien which has prlority over t h ia S e cu o liy liFstrument un less Borzower(a) �ti:; , ;..: ;f,. �, .
<br /> :�r� �,. agtees in wriNngto the payment af the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabte to Lender;@)conte�3s in aaud ,; ,, ;,s
<br /> '� fetth tho lien b�y.nr defeods ageinst enforcement af tha lien io.legal praceedings whiah in the Lcnder's opinian aperaie to „ ,.^�,`�5�i4��;f};��,�,�,,-
<br /> � �'' •r�:��'� revent the•enfo�oeaaent of the tien or fodelture of any part of the Praperty;ot(c)secures from the hofder of the li�n an . ,,;, ;,
<br />-:.�:.;.�,��:.,��.:,.„ t;. P a r.•:,r: �i,:
<br /> ��°���« � � ogreement sntisfactory to Lender aubardinatieg the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender determinea that any pafl of ' �' :t' '�•i��':�;: ti��•
<br /> „ ., �;. ..,: ° ,r,�;,• {�..,,.•;.; • ._
<br /> .r,Y�"r. :..,, ; :
<br /> ,. ,.,� .;• +t,;.,: the Property is snbject to a lim which may attain priurity over this Security Instrument. Lender may give B�nav�rer e � �>,. ��i��� ;:�.:��,,:�
<br /> .,,..., ; : .., '„�.��. , ��.....;,:;;r;'::
<br /> , notice identit�iaethelien.Borrower shatl satisly the 1{en or tuke one ar mure of the actions icet fncth above withi�10 days .. ������}�}���,�L;;{,�v
<br /> :..,- a • �:. , , "',,. }� ��� i�;, .�1,..;.:--
<br /> ..;'�;...:�,,:.�'. ''. .,;�.,� oftheglvingof notice. . . '�..,...:4 r �: r..��
<br />_ " •4' S� ga�rd=asurance. Borrower shait keep the improvements now exiating dr hereafter er�cted an ihe PcapertY � ,�r ..�;�.��;�;.+?;;;:,:,—
<br /> �.. :,.:,,,..,;•. �� �� ., ��,' r ._.
<br />�'����r�'r':`�'!,!;'�rsi��5�, i�u;�re.�8in�suranu. bThis�inaurnnceishaii be meintained in the amn�ts e dgfor theaper�ais that�I.endar�r�equqes. 'fhe ,.�t,,�;.,�;i,i.��;�;,j�?�:;�s,r-syr
<br /> r �9
<br /> � �a+��'�;� , `• tnsurance carriaproviding tho insurance shal!be chosen by�orrower subject ro Lander s approva!which shatl nat be „�, ,�y4 � .�,� ,:
<br /> ��;� z f, b `� ')` unreasonably witlheW. , �{�$�, ,
<br /> '�.= .��1•, #�';��'' � Atl insunace palicies and renewais sheU be acceptabie to Lender and sha�t include n standard mortgagb cYause. '''�lys� .' 'V '' �
<br /> �',`ti '���'�l"�?" `� �tenckr ahall hare t he right to hold tlte policies and rencwats.if l.ender requir�w,8orrawer shail prompdy give to Lertder �" '` �� ,,��,"
<br /> ,'.S':1�:.�..;,.r,d. '� ' . ..
<br /> ::f•,;:�, ; _ ;;. .Y '•all�e�xipts of pdd premiums and ronewai nattkes.In the eveat af luss.8orsower shaU give prompt notice to the insurance •�^�>,,� :,�
<br /> •�� � - currier and I.enda. Lender may make praaf of Inss if not made prompt ly by Bonowcr. . :' ��,,�. .
<br /> '::.. ...�'. .-"�`;; ' ' t3nleas Lender and Borrower otherwise a ree i�wdtin ,inaurnna rucecds�f�it be a Ifed to restoration or re r • ' ,. �.
<br /> ,., >. „ -t., . 8 S , p PP P� ,, ;.,... ,,
<br /> _�ri"`"" �'� �'•�the Propecty decaaged,if the restoration or re air ia econom�call feasible and I.endec'�secudty is nat lessened. If the ,
<br /> �, fi.,y, .: �.. . P Y ,:'. ,,,.,,;,�.._.•.,
<br /> �t - • . �;�.�� reatoratian or repair is not econumically fe�..gible ar[.ender's security wouid be tessenM,the insurance proceeds shaA be ,.
<br />_ 'z.�r � �,:; ., �,`, .. "vr,,�..' :
<br /> 1'•;':;.g� �;, .,;,{',;�r,y; , applied to the anms�ecured by this Secnr�eg Iattrument,whether ar not then due.with uny excess paid to Borrowe�. If
<br /> �:�;�.!�;;r�,;;,,;s���� aorrower abandons the Property.or does nc�t anawer within 30 days a notice fram Lende�t8at ihe insurance carrier has , � ;" ;
<br /> -�=:!�q',,t`°;;.:��• :.�r: ' 'ofleted ta settie�claim.then I.endrr may rollect the in�u��nce pnkeeds.Lender may uxe the prcxeeds to rcpair or restore ,. ,,.� r,
<br /> •'�`"'�!,i� '1���'y7?';�. � the Pro rt orlo y sums xecured by thic Securiry tn��rument.whether or nnt then dur.The 30-day period will begin � ,
<br /> ._ �, `�.; :.I Pe Y Pn . . , ,. :
<br /> ":�:� � �� , �.,,'� ;when the noticehgiven. C� '
<br />-;�;;i�;Z;�'�::'•... ����` Unla.c�Len4ier and Hurrowec otherwigeagrce in writin�,ony npplirutiun c�f pruceeds ta principai shail not eatend or . . •
<br />�:;'i�:'.'�..'�,�`1'�' ` poecpnnethee�ucdauofthemanthlypuymemsreterredtoinparagraphslund2orchangethenmountofthepayments.if � �. .. .
<br /> �
<br /> �',.„: ..,;'.�'�''' under parap��ph 19 the Pr��n�is acquireci.M I.ender.&►rmwe�x right to nny insuranrr pnliries and p�oceecls resulting �
<br /> •• '• fw�damage toihe Propeny pcic+r to ihe acquisitinn shali pns.ta Lrnder tc�the exeeoc oP t he�ums xecured by this S�rurity � ;.�.,':�.;:f .
<br /> "'�`,P�';'�:`+;".:` .. �lnsdvumrntimm�diatdypric�rta�tfieacq�isition. ,. � .��,•i'.:
<br />`�:';;:•;� '_: ,i• .;'.� . 6. Ateanwadongnd�lisintenanceof PropertytLcaseholda. Bormw•er.halEn��destro},damageorsu�mtiaily �. ��:{;�•.;�i;i;:, ,,.,,.
<br /> � �,ff'���`�.,';.•.'�.�! ehange�he pve�an�y,a11ow tfir�Propetty to deteriornte or comm�t v►aua. if thi�S�curiry Iniaument is on n teasehold, i{,,.,'��;;t�,,;,..p.�. �.�;,�r
<br /> .`�y, � "� {�,�, � gur�owcr ahaUlannnpiy with a8e pruvisions..f the Icnsr.s�nd if&arou•rr a.tiqe��rrw tae tiek to the Pr�+paert�,the leaschold artd , ,.��;; ��.�
<br /> {aeitkaDr�lltnarroetge•unkss�nderagreestothemergerinwnung. ` ` � � •'
<br /> .,���t,`11l•r.;.:�,���: 9. Prouet�on af•t�a�ee'� Rights in the Property: ltonga�te la�anraarce. flf ��rrciaer faiis to perfi�rm the � '.��. ��
<br /> R�Y 3't�-� -t. ' `- � ...• t�. ...�/�.w..�:�..I�s..t..r..,.....•liwn 1�nt mnv�ion�fi.•�ndv��tC! �.
<br /> .... .......�..• ,..�.:
<br /> }�� ��\;1:: '�tA vn".' Calv�e13t1ts end�reemenia coaiuiric�3 iii i1ii5 u�ib�n? .................... ..... �.�_�-.-._.....�..._...._� o•••••-- _
<br />���:�,;��,.t,_;,�r;��;. • Lender's tightsin the Propert)(such us o pr�xeedi�g �n k►ankruptc}•.pmb�te, far c�+ndemnnt�on ar to enfittce iawv��r f
<br /> ' �� . •� ••���•�'' regulatiom).t1�n Lrnder may da and puy fi�r whote�er ii rteceu+3r?�c�protect the�uluc af the!'ro{+erta�und Lender'�nghts �
<br /> :'1:�'. ,.���• �' in the Property.Lender's urtians muy�nctude paying an> wrrrs r�urcd b)•u lien wh�ch ha.priorit�u�•er this Security �
<br /> ' �' lestrument,app�a ring in court.pnying rensanubie attore�v fce�aied entering im the Proprn�a+make repain.Although
<br />- ,. .. . ' �.ender may tukeuction under this pnragruph 7.Lendea dc►es su�t Pwo,r todo w�.
<br /> ���`� � : Any u�+bunts dist+utsed by Lender under tMis paragraph 7 shafl beccimr uddit�unui debt��f&�rroKer secuted b�this
<br /> �� � Security Imtrwnes�L Unles.c 8orrower und Lender ugrce to otha t�rnn+of payment,eh�r nmount�.halt t+rar�ncerect fmm
<br /> t;`]� ' •• the date ot disbutsement at the Note rate :�nd shntl be puyabl�. wnh mrerc�t. u�+cm nat�cr from [.endrr ta &�rrower
<br /> ,�,�;.,�, ��;��� «questin8PsYnent.
<br /> ;'�s.+
<br /> ,•y.
<br /> • i;., : ,. �
<br /> _ �,;;;. "., .�, �.� �
<br /> ��;.,` ,;;
<br /> .� ,a� _ __ _ _ _
<br />