� -7`7FF'�s.r�"ari�- .� . � . ,�' _
<br /> —' �xr. �� .-v..�_`iC:S1. v �r'h I - i� - -
<br /> _ .'�� _}. i�.`-�.�......e.�.�l.'�..qt��i..A..$ <.�.i '�' � .... -_L. }S. �-3 "--
<br /> � .- .� f l \Y - . {.y4/. F� � . , � �t :-_—_. —_ _
<br /> _�i�� �-�� � 1 7 ^ r- -{--}''+ !�
<br /> �; � .f t u i.��' J�. �{.• ... .` • ..d':.ati.
<br />!, ,_ E
<br /> ;''r��iti:t,�I�"•h��i`;k'f;:
<br /> --== 91-- 101830
<br /> --- --- UNiFORM COVHNANT3.8an4war and�:ender aovenant end ag►ee as iollowa:
<br /> 1. PI�n11�MotPN»oipN�Mlint�►Nf{PrlprynNnt�ndL�bChat�IS. eonowerehallprompttypaywhenduethe `�
<br /> prinalpal of and interest on the debt evidanc�d by the Note and any prepuymant end Iata ahargsi due un0er the Mob. �ti
<br /> .�- �:= Q. Rwbsfo�t�a��ndln�ur�u►w. SubJecttoappticaDtelawortaawdttenwaiverbyLender,8orrcwe►shpnpay =- _ r. _.--,...�.._ .
<br /> — to�ender on the day monthly paymente are due under the Note,untii the Note ie paid in fu11.a sum("Funds")e�juaf to `� �
<br />--- — � one�tweltth ot; (e) yea�l taxee and asseesnrent8 whiah may stt�ln prlority ovet this Seourity Instrutrtent: {b�yeariy �5ti:. �_ —
<br /> ��;:� -_
<br /> Y ' -- —
<br /> ,,: teaehold pnyments or ground renta on the P►operty,It any; (0)Y�A�Y hacard Insu�anae premluma: and (d)yen►ly �,����;�-:---:---°- � �;;
<br /> - � t�f' mongBge ineu►anoa premlums,lf any.Thee�Nems are eatled"esorow items".Lender may eetimate the Funds dua on the 3�u.5.4,L�� ,
<br /> "���;t�';�� basis of eunent data and reasonabteastfmateeof future esa�ow Items. ;f `, ,;v f r ���.
<br /> r.a11 c '.• .
<br /> • ��� 7heFundsehalibeheldinaninstitutlonth9depo&it8o�ecaountsotwhlohareinauredorguara�teedbyafedera{or ' � r�'.�.: }} ,
<br /> ,rav�e �^J � t��:a��-a✓�5 .�
<br />�»,=j����r� �;; state agency pnoiuding 6ender Ii lender is auch an i�stftutlon�.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow itema. ;:,�, ,��•_�+ �f`f F ,
<br /> _ ������ '� tender may rtot charge tor hotding and apptying the�unds,anaty:Ing the ecaouat or verNying the esarow Items,untess .�si r �f�s�,rr`�j�f� ,�,�,-�':.`
<br /> ��4i�;��;��:;':��;t,��!�1 lander paya Bwrawer int8rest on!he Fuods an d app l lca b ta law permits�ender to make such e aharge.Borrowe►and .� ,w;, �,�(�. ..
<br /> �����"�!` �t� • lemler may agree in wriling thet lnterest sAal!04 pafd on the Funds.U�►f�ss a�agreement is made o�appiicable lew �,�f 1 N�%f; �'�t`rr°''<„�:
<br />,°,�rr'>J�41';,.�`•,•i,, reVui►e9 intBr6St•to b6 paid.Lender Shalf noR be►equired to pey 80rrorrer anp iawtdre8t oa edr�ing3 Cn ihB furtdS��enlf@r '�<< a:,l � ti'.��. ",.;
<br /> eV ��5. ,••..:;.•':.'.�:;i`.+:.;:h.._..�,`:
<br /> �ir�"��� it�'�� e�augiveto8otrower.withpu0charge,anan�ualaccountingottheFund9ehowingcreditsanddeAit�4otltefuadsandtRee ,� {�; ��. .
<br /> "N4h�3� +:`,- puryose"torwhiCt�eaohtl�bitl4theFu�dswaem8�de.TheFundsarelated �dasadditanalsecun 4ortA�suanasec�ar�d �`���'�Y'��`�`i:4��'1' �tr,�°�^ �t?.
<br /> +ik�R4''ilRtrlNil fs_ g � . . �� �{� (���� t,i �I{�i
<br /> �6YECYVINbi 1�•
<br /> by the Secut�tlf insi�n»qt.'.' , ' t�•� `
<br /> 1�f�� Ifthe�mout�tatiQ�eFut�dBhetdbyLender,toyetherwithlhetuturemonlhtypaymentsofFundspeyabtepnor.tallhe c��',}4 `. �` �'St�
<br /> 1R � �i n '.
<br /> - ��ti duedatesof�hepscrawitems.sf�attexceedtheamou�trequiredtopaytAeestrpwdemswhendue.theexcesssh�1144e.at , ,�� �„� t'.r��tY�
<br />:-,>rc:�r�»�:ausr�;�(i, �
<br /> °�;,��»!:�'�f,�•�,:_��,� �Bo+mWe�'s odt�an,either ptamptly repald to Borrower or cred�ted to 8o�rower on monthty payments of Funds.11 the �';c��:�:� t it�.i`"`'"
<br /> ��,..„ , � r:��r '�,�,:.
<br /> 'amount ot the Eunds held�by Lende�Is not autf�ient to pay theeacrow items when due.Borrower sheli payto lendeT any 4, � 1�?��,�,;��
<br /> h;�" ,�' � {'�',�ej� amount necessary 10 make 4p,the deticiaqC.y In one or more payme�ts as required by Lender. ' ��•��h ,,;"'•;�ti t;��'.._
<br /> �S: � ' �1Y��'� ' U n a ment in full of ati sums�eauredb ihls Security inatrument,Lendershali promptly retund toBorrowerany �" ;' r;��i j��;•. �_
<br /> s sa. �:,.r PQ P Y y � '
<br /> .�,;��' j� FundsheldbyLender.Ifanderparagtab�l9ihePropertyl8soidoracqu+redbyLender.l.endershatlappty.nolaterthen �'��r ��N�t���� ``.
<br /> �;'� � �imm@dietely prfot t0 the sate ot the Propotty o►Ita Acquisillon by 4enq�r,a�y Funda held by L•eoder at the dme of ' �t�,���`'��)�{ 1�"�" .
<br /> �'{ � appl�ation as a credit againstlhe sums 8ucpred by thls Security Instrument. �
<br /> '�'• ��+�} 3. Appltaation ot Paymenb. Untes&appUc,�tbie law provides otherwfse,a11 payments received by l�nder under •`�],,,j('i,"'S''':• r'•%��4•%:���
<br /> ,:..� . -a r, t1,->. �n�,:.'�:
<br /> peragrapha 1 and 2 shell be applled:tfrat,to late charges due under the Note:second,to prepayme�t charges due under f?�i�,�t +4+:�' �
<br /> � � 1,.'� the Note:thlrH.to emounta payabte under pareg�eph 2:tourih, to int�reat due:and last.to pri�clpat dde. ''; r t ,;i' tfi��°'�-`
<br /> `" `� �� 4. C118�ges�UeM. 8orrower shali pay alt taxe8.easeesments.cnarges.fines and impoa�tlaos at(►�table to the s�r���,., k d��r � �,, ; �n,.
<br /> y� � P�operty whiCh.may atteln prfority over th�s SeCUnty InBtrument, and leasehold peyments or, ground rAnta. it any. ���►A�f��� �{�S�r ;l� ;
<br /> :..�,'.r'�� `. �"��s� rr,� •HorroWer she11 j�ay tfiese�obl�g�tions in the mannerprovidedin paragraph 2.or fl not peld in that m�nn9r,8orrower ehaf� �.��.,tf 1 �+��f,¢,�. ,,:��.
<br /> a,ti�„�1�.; `� r� paythemon�lin�dir�ctl tott�e rsonowed ment.8ortowe�shell romptlyturnishtoLenderal{noticeso famaunts to {� r �"�`' "i�'�
<br /> Y PB PeY P ►i�1 ,��t#'s ��a�t4:
<br /> r � „�;t, f '1�!�` be peld under 1t��a parag�dpA.It Borrower mekes these payments directly.Borrower shatt promptly fum�sh to Lender ' � ' i��i +�-
<br /> �'� i r. ,„, ,,..,;. �ecelpta evldAncina ihe payments . ',.'��'%,z,` -
<br /> �� Borrower ehalt promptly disChargeanylie�wh�ch hasp��onty over this Secunty�nstrumetit untossBa�rpwdr.(a) � ,,W�y��;i;.�� � -
<br /> ~�•' '�°�9"•`-'^n�.f.,��f� . a reea ln wrltin ta the a ment ot the obli atfon secured by the flen m a manner aCCeptabte to lende►:�d)caMeats in °����!°''"' : �
<br /> .
<br /> • •t,.. ,,.� 9 9 P Y 9 : t,;; ' , �'�,`_
<br /> en' �h�• r7 - -• gppd faith the lien by,or detends aga�nst enlorcement of the hen��,legal proceadings whtch in the l.ender's opfnfon ;x }{ . ;; !r _
<br /> ' '"a�` �� �'' Operatetopreventtheentorcementofthelienorfo�feflureotenypertotlheProperty:or�c>aecuresEromthehotde�otthe � K�r} ,�,'���. ,;
<br /> ��., ..�. ,+ t
<br /> `� }�,;� `i�.•:,,. tienanagreementsaUsfactorytoLendersutwrd�nabngthetientothis3ecurityinstrument.ftLenderdetermineathatany t,t 1'� •• \5�����•�.�
<br /> � Q• �;...,,, p8rtofthePropertylsaubjectloelienwh�ehmeyaNampnordyoverth�sSecuntytnstrument.Lendermaygive8orrowera . ��'� ., �� ,,, ,�
<br /> � �;, , „ noticeidentifyingthet�en.Borrowershaltsat�slytheheno�taNeoneormoreo(theactionasetforthabovewithinipdaysof y� } �;,+�� ��,
<br /> °;��.:.h !.� �� ', the gwfng of notfce. t' : "ta' � ,.
<br /> ?. �. .�:• � , ;. i� •' S. Na=ard tewranae. Borrower sha0 keep the�mprovements now ex�st�ng or hereaiter erected on the Property '� '�;' ; ;'tt i�;, ' y;;�.
<br /> ' '' � �� " fneuted against loss by flre,hazards+ntluded wdhm the term "extended coverage"and any other hazercis iqr wnieh �� . �l�a�� , : ' .,
<br /> '� �� ��" '� ����� Lender requNes��suranoe.Thfs insurance shaH be ma�ntaened m the amounls and for the penods that Lender reqWree. ,r ►� ,�r�.,a, ,
<br /> ;:��_•,".,.:=r. -.•'1, ThelnsurenCecarrlerprovidinglhemsuranceshallbechosenby8orrowersub�ecttoLender'sapprovatwhkhshelinotbe } , :���, ��f�'(�:�;
<br /> .. ti . .- .�41 J,. , �vir a-
<br /> , �:� y� -�.�;; unreasonabty withheld. � ', �'' •+` ,��dtif�k
<br /> .�`,. .•. , � Alt insuranCe potic�ps and renewals sheu be acceptaWe to Lender and shatl�nclude a standard matgage ctause. ��_�J��}_S���, ���h�;,,�"„.
<br /> � , �� „��, +� ' lendershallhavethe�ighttoholdthepolic�esandrenewels IlLonde�requ�res.8orrowershallp►omptlyglvetoLende►ell '��'�t� ,��� ,;,t,',�,
<br /> ' ` " rece� ts of pa�d premwms and renewal not�ces In the event ot toss.Borrower shall g�ve prompl notke to the insurance �'�,�� f �
<br /> '� �"�,-=��.;�.>-�..,� c8rrie and lender.Lender may make proo!ot loss�f not mede promptly by Borrower 'f°:'�����'�}�� ��'1�t;l'+'��,��'i;
<br /> , n ' ��. .. .,�1j��Y.' nn�:
<br />: �-�. �..;��,ti.: ,°',.� UnleeaLenderandBorrowerotherw�seagreeinwntmg.�nsurancoproceedsahnlibeappl�edtorestorationorrepa�r ,:,;,�f`-�.��,�+,;,,�`,��;H��f,s
<br /> r� ,2 tP� �� ot the Property damaged,d the restorat�on orrepau�s econom�cally feas�ble and Lender s secuv�iy�a nOt Icsaeaed•d{the �` : �}t y ,�-�„��:
<br /> sfa., .p �• •� 1��7;;'(p t�.:; r�:
<br /> 1f�'�� ,';••;•�„.��„ re8torat�on or repa�r�s not econom�cally teasible or Lende�'ssecunt r�would be lessened.the msutanne p►oCeeds shatl be ;`�.���„f;ti,..., , .
<br />: ,,�,��•� '.;e'6',.
<br /> •�;���•' �i,,>•.z�;;;.;- applfed to the sums secured by this Securrty Instrument vunether ar not then due.w�th any excess pa�G1P 8orrower.If ;,�,f-,. . . .
<br />�.rod+. ���t:: . �.�,,.. . .
<br /> '• �r•4�.`°��:.. �!h•�' BorrowerabandonstheProperty.ordoesnote�swe.wdh�n30t1av3�not�cefromlenderthattheinsuranC�.caarierfla8
<br />__.�;l:wt•w",:'.'.. „r, '.- . .��•"
<br /> :J,�,:;,� •�-�� °•,; otteredtosetdeacleim.lhenLendermAycoUecttne�nsuranceproceedslendermayusetheproceedetorepairoirEBtors � , ,
<br /> S f`.� �."�� , the Property nr to paY sums secured by th�s Secw�ty inst�ument.whothc►r or not then due The 30-day Qenod w�1�hegm ,
<br /> � ';���; .� ��� � when ihe�oUCe�s gwen ` �
<br /> '�i��1,�l:•��(;'�;r�. ,.r UNe88lendera�lat8n�•��werotherw�seag�ee��w^rt���9.nnyapphc:�l�onofvroceedstoPnnc�patsheilnoteKtendor • �,t;}:f•� '
<br />_�iKntr.[y3: 5.�,. .,.�,, , ,�
<br /> '�:��:�;g?�Rr����,�tr�?k',{��•�, po9tponethetlueddtPC11'�em�onthlypaymanlsreferredt��rnpatayrAphsl anC2o�C�angetlteamountofihepayments.it
<br />:'':;'r���;�tN,t„�������'���: u�der paragrapn*�9fne Prrperty�sacqwred by Lende� Borrowe�'s..gnt to any,nsueance poi�c�es��nr�Q praeeds resultmg (.�;:.� � ..
<br />,;+��5ns,•.:;�";b`'�r���;}::;,� }�pmdama �a7�naPropertypnartotne.a�tqws�Uonshanpasstn�e�aercomee.re�to�tn�sumssa«.:uredbyth�sSecwrty
<br /> x y`�'�����%t}a��1=�,f��yJ Instrument mrnediately pnor to tne ac�pw�sitan � �' , ',
<br /> �Un �t ( r � �,•} � y. eg �' .
<br /> ,_�,r.,. ���� 8. Preservallon and MaiMenan�s ot P�opQrty�:leaseholds. BorroMC r sn,�i i not aest�a or darn e o►su�sten-
<br /> -���-��''-''���'�''�!»���!i'1�:-�.� ���Il..nhnnnnN�nO.n«e�IVallnwfhnC>rnnn�fvinAPfan`ttAlant[•OTMtfWA3f!!I�Thi3SBCLLf1�V�nStfU�T1@�ItISORaleB�EhO�C.
<br /> X711���;�lf��1������.:� i........y........ _ �._.. _... 1 ....i... .. _
<br /> �4� �,,� ��r��(�+:'f�:,. Borrower ahaU compty wrth the pro��srons orine tease.end�Borrower acquues fe.e nne to tne Prope�ty.tneteasenoia ana
<br />.,,�'�r�::n��e,,,�,;,r ;!• tee t�tte snatt not merge untess LenQer agreas to Ine merger m wr�ang �
<br /> �,Q � ��:�}."''ti�. � �� 7. Proteetlionoflw�der'sR OetsintlwProperly:Mod A Insura�oe. itBorrowerr�,istopertnrmtnecov�nants ,
<br /> b��v.,r� • �9 9 9e
<br /> �� �!��: �• , andaQrpementscontamertmth�sSecuntylnstrument.orthere�saleguip►oce�ae�nqrnatmaysign�f�cantlyaftectLenelers '
<br />,?±,r.�(�,7,;,,. .
<br /> ; l�t,�ifu•• •� ngMB�ninePrope�ty(sucnasaproceedmgmbankruptcy.D�obate.torcondemnar���nortnentorceiawso�regu+at�ons� ,
<br /> .' �� `f,.`;• . • :�
<br />%�,;f;,: ,,__c;_ ..,... . then�e�de�may d0��d pdy tOr WhAtRV@r iS n@C@ASAty t0 ptO(eCt thp vAtUe Or tne PtOpCrty and lCnde�S r�ght8��the :l.
<br /> -,:�i�•..r:.. ^;1:,;,1:t'..`� , PfOperty Lender'S BCttOnB m8y tnClud@ peying any sums secured by 1 lit�n wh�Ch ht18 pri0ltlY Over th�s Setur�ty
<br />"'�";'i�,,;''�'•�!?•` In3trum�nt.a�peanng�n court.paying reasonabte atto►neys teeeand entenng on the Property to mnke rep�trs Aithouqh
<br />;�.r„ tr;;.
<br />``':.'.�;����Iti��►�l;;�t.,;, -: lend�r may take actlon under th�s p8ragraph�.Lencfer tloes not have to do so
<br /> • �;��•,".�.::;; 'r�';; Anyemountsd�sbursedbylenderunderth�spareg►aph 7shaltbecomeadd�t�onaldebtofBorrowerseCUrpdbyth�a
<br /> ��°��'�:��;��i�' � , SeCUntyinstrumentUnless8orrowerandLenderagreetoothertermsofpayment.theseamountssha�tbear�nterestfrom
<br /> ��,<�i'�;�+'ti�����i• ''� the date ot disbursement at the Note rete and shtllt be payable.w�th�nte�e9t.upon not�ce trom lehdet to 8ottowe�
<br /> �' �'��`��t�;�ti�,�`� requeatng payment
<br /> ..��
<br /> _ :�,'
<br /> . ,��; �� �={.. i.•� � .
<br /> . . ,,. . _
<br /> �
<br /> --
<br />