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PAGE 4 OF 4 <br /> � 1�36sO ADDITIONAL TERMS � <br /> LIMITED WARRANTV: My sole and ezclusive remetly against you or your assignee shall be limited to my rights and remedies under the ezp�ss LII��ED <br /> WARRANTY you eztend to me at the time I sign this Contract. My ezclusive rights and remedies under the warranty shail be in lieu uf all nther rights <br /> or remedies, at law or in equity, where permitted by applicable state law. WHERE PERMITTED BY STATE LAW, ALL IMPIIED WARRANTIES ARE E%CLUDED, <br /> INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANiY OF MERCHANiABILITY AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. <br /> BUYER, READ THE SEPARAiE "LIMITED WARRANTY" WHICH IS A SEPARATE WRITTEN INSTRUMENT PERTAINING SOLELY TO MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS OF THE <br /> PACESETTER CORPORATION AND WHICH "LIMITED WARRANTV" HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO EACH RESPECTIVE BUYER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SALE. <br /> PREPAYMEN"f;�ND ACCRUAL OF THE F ItiANCE CHARGE: fiven though I do not have to pay rnore than the regular seheduled monthly payment, 1 have <br /> the right to prep.i�� [hc whole :unount o�ti�ing to y�ou in full at any time or in part from time to time. If 1 make a partial prepayment, I must continue to make my <br /> regular payments until I ha��e puid all amounts o�ved. [know that the finance charge will be computed daily,so it will be less if I make an early payment and higher <br /> if I �ay I�rte.The amounts xhown on pag� ? for the Finance Charge,Total of Payments and the Total Sale Price are based on the assumption[hat you will receive <br /> each of the payiuents ez�ictly on its due dnte. I know that there �vill be no refund of Finanee Charges if 1 prepay, because[he Finance Charge is caleulated un e <br /> simplc interetit hasis.I ako uniierstand that no refund of an amount less than$I.00 will be made,and that I may be charged a minimum Finance Char�;c of$10.00. <br /> SPF,CIAL-OKUER(:OODS: 1 know that you have measured my�house and its openings so that you can enake the Products to fit my paRicular house and that the <br /> goods probably will not fi[any other houses, so I know Ihat 1 cannot cance]this contract at any time after the period of time given to me by Iaw in which to cancel. <br /> After that legal period of time, I know that 1 have the obligation ro pay you in full the amount owed. <br /> COb1MENCH;MF.NT OF THE FINANCF.CHARGE:The finance charge is estimated to start within 30 days of the datc of this contract,except in the event that <br /> vou complete the installation of the goods and sen�ices on another date,then the finance charge will begin ro run on the date that I sign the Completion Certi6cate. <br /> Th�amoun[uf finanre churge may be more or less than the amoun[disclosed depending on the amou�ts I pay you and my timeliness in making payments. <br /> DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contract if: l. I don't make a paymen[when due;or 2. 1 break any promise I made to you in this con[ract. <br /> COLLECI'ION COSTS:If I am in default under this Contract,and you hire an attorney who is not one of your regular salaried employees to assist you in collecting <br /> the amount I owe, L agree to pay you for your reasonable attorneys'fees as well as any other related expenses such as coun costs,title searches and amounts you <br /> expend ro protect your security, if you are allowed ro collect such amounts by law. <br /> DELAYS: I know tha[you will use your best efforts to instali the Products I am purchasing on my house, bu[1 also understand that in some situations you may <br /> encounter�elays that are caused by strikes, weather conditions,delays you have in obtaining materials,or for other reasons that are beyond your control. I will not <br /> hold y�w liablc li�r such delays. <br /> REQLI�:S'1'FUR FULL PAY'MF,NT: lf I am in default under this cuntract,you can declare all that 1 then owe you under this contract payable at once. I agree to <br /> pay you interest on that amount at the Annual Percentage Rate shown on page 2 un[il the amount I owe is paid. <br /> SALVAGE VALUE: 1 know that the windows, woodwork, siding, brick and other materials that have to be removed by you£or this i�stallation have H� salvage <br /> value.When you remove them,you may dispose of them. <br /> SPECIAL SITUATIONS:Due ro the uniyueness of some of�he Products that you sell,I understand that in special situations your Regional Office may have to review <br /> and approve this contract. I altio understand that this sale occurred in my home and that you and I may not have had all the correct information important to this <br /> transaction at our fingertips; t�;ive you my consent ro correct any obvious crrors that may have occurred when the blanks in this contract were completed. <br /> INVALIU YROVISIONS: tf any provision of this contract violates the law and is unenforceable, the rest of[he contract will be valid. If any part of Ihis contract <br /> reyuires payment of more finance charge than thc law permits, [hen you will only have the right to collect from me the nmount of finance charge�which the law <br /> allows yuu to collect. <br /> NOTICE <br /> ANY HOLDER OFTHIS CONSUMER CREDITCONTRACT IS SUBJECTTO ALL CLAIMS AND DEFENSES WHICHTHE <br /> DEBTOR COULD ASSERT AGAINSTTHE SELLER OF GOODS OR SERVICES OBTAINED PURSUANT HERETO OR WITH <br /> THE PROCEEDS HEREOF. RECOVERY HEREUNDER BY THE DEBTOR SHALL NOT EXCEED AMOUNTS PAID BY THE <br /> DEBTOR HEREUNDER. <br /> INSURANCE CANCELLATION:If I ha��e requested insurance in this purchase,[may cancel such request for insurance for any rcason within fifteen(15)days from <br /> the date of thix cuntract h��notifying y�uu or the holder of this contract in writing. I k��ow that the cancellation of my coverage will be arranged with the insurance <br /> ctirrier(s)and a full rrl�und uf rny premiumfsl together with applicable f'inance charge will be credited to this con[ract. <br /> PLEASF,NOTE: If I h�ive reyuested intiurance in thiti purch�se. I will receive within thirty(30)days a ceRificate of insurance more fully describing the insurance <br /> co�•erti��e. I know that if there is any cunt7ict in the coverage or the language of the certificate of insurance and the following Notice of Proposed Insurance that I <br /> am covercd unl��tu d�e extent statcd in the fnll�iw�in��IVotice of Proposed Insurance. 1 also know that 1 have insurance coverage only if 1 have been charged for it. <br /> NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br /> I take nutire th.0 cithcr Credit Life��r Credit Accident an�Health Insurance,or both,will be applicable to[his Installment Sales Contract only if I have chosen <br /> it hr signin�the tryuest ti�r,uch in,urance."I'hi, intiur.ince�ti'iIl only cover the person signing the reyuest at the cost for each lype of insurance Shown. Subjeet to <br /> arce��tnn«h��thc in�,ur:ui�e r��n���an��.the inwrance�t�ill be effecti��c a5 of toda��and will continue only fur the number of months after the effective date equal to <br /> the number of monthly payment,. 1 understand thut lhis particular iusurance may not provide cuvera�e l�or n�iy lest few payments, and thut during that period o1� <br /> time I�vill not have uny insurance co��eruge.nll benefits and proceeds of the insurance will be paid to you or to a financial institution if it purchases the Installment <br /> Salcs Contract t<�the extent of its intcrests and anv balance will be payable to me.The initial amount of Credit Life [nsurance is the amount reyuired to repay the <br /> Total uf�P.ryment�;thereatter,the insurance�rcreascs b��the amount of euch monthly payment on a scheduled 30 day basis.If I am joindy obligated on the Installment <br /> Sales Cuntract with a C<�-Buver, and wc hu��e both si��ned the request for Credit Life Insurance,death benefits will be payable only with respect to the firct one of <br /> us tu�1ie. Suhjert tu e�clusiun�,elfminuti��n�or w�aitinU period stated in the insurance policy or certificate,Gedit Accident xnd Hexith Insurence is for the benefit <br /> amount uf 1;�3Uth ul e:irh in��nth'�p:i�ment fur e�i�h�a�that I am rotally disabled due to an injury or sickncss while f owe any payment to you;however,I understand <br /> d�.0 I ha��c t��he�irc���enir�l (rum e�urkin��iue tu surh total di,abilitv for more than fourteen (1-3)consecutive days before the insurance benefit is paid back to the <br /> first dar of ni��tutal�li��.ibilitc. [alsn knoa that I cannot obtain an��insurance from you if 1 am uver 65 years uf age today,and I also know that the insurance <br /> covera�;e pruvided tu me may� cuntain e ma�imum amount of co��erage which will not pay in some cases, the entire amount that I owe you. Due to the <br /> nwximum anu�unt��f cu�cra��e �tute�l in the imurance pc�licc. I know� th�it any unpaid amoun[in exeess of the insuranee coverage will still have to be paid. If the <br /> In�tallmcnt Salc,Cuntrart i. prep.iid in tull prior to the last pay�ment date. any unearned insurance prerniums will bc rcfunded to me in the manner prescribed by <br /> la���.w'ithin thiil��1 3O1�,n��,_ I w�ill recci��e the certiiic�ite ot insurance more fu]ly describing my intiurxnce covera�e. If the insurance is not accepted by the insurance <br /> company, 1 �vill rerei��e;i retund of the in�w�.ince premiums t have paid. <br /> 7039 SM-101-N1�:Hi1G P.AGE 1 <br />