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<br /> , ••'� '�� tl ,,ti�t i i t 11 i-Y����,��k�,.t��. � :�`� ��n 8;�!�-!ti� �'. •v.�^"� . �
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<br /> _----___- ����«�,�►��. �.������ �fo���: 91
<br /> anl4te Rorrower ehall pMmptlY AAY ahen due
<br /> �. fhU►�aat ot PrIn�IMi�1ut�e�i� �� —
<br />�,��. ent und late c d�ie under the Nata =_
<br /> t1�e prl�oip�t at�nd iote�at oa tltadabt evldanced bY t e Noutnd u�Y p�MYA! �� ----
<br />� Z. �tos'lYu�q a�d Imoe�aee. SuqJeat ta applia�bla law ar tp a wriiten weivar by Lmder�Aatrower ehaii puY ����- •--�-_-_ -
<br />-�x�,.�._... .r.Q
<br />�-.-'---_ ` ta Laadar on ehe d�ty monthlY PeYmanta ere due widat the Note�untlt ehe Nate is paid in Iwil�a sum("Fimds")Wu�!ta ��;,�(,_:=y
<br />-- , �le•twelflb ots ta) Yeu19 taxa and�ssasamatte w1�lah nuy anaia prlarity over t�is Seeurity Inettumeatt (b)yautly ,,. ° :--
<br /> _ ��_ _ _ _.__
<br /> � }y"a"'���� laaeboldpa�aante or grou�ad roaa cm the Property. i�a+Ys (a> Yearly haxard inaurome premlwrs: and(d)�yearly , _
<br />„o�,r�„•;.�., :.,' ��ineytw�cq premiwa�,i!sny.Tliese items ttte caltod"esCn+w iteme."[�mder tnay estin�ate the Fand�due ott tha �;.s�t;�t;�, :��.
<br />�%�.k�r�'+�� Mdsofourro�ttd�taendres�onabkaulrru�tasotlhtureosorawit�. �,"� �,�`��„��,
<br /> rt7 �4c.�..•'...�• �`
<br /> ,��,�;;,�,h�;.;.� The Fwtds aliall be held in aa instituNon the deposits ar aca�uats of whieh a�e isuured or guarantead by a fcderal ar �, t�� �'�y,,.,���,^
<br /> �,,,r•.•,r ���g�sy(inoluding Lender itLeador b euah an lnstitutbn).I.onder shall apply the Funds to pay tho aarow itams. 1,:{a�5y� , ',::•;q;at 1. �;
<br /> ��f,`1-,.it`:, .. �.�••a�. �;.'.:;�r,, s,A:��
<br /> ';a .��: tin, �.•' i,ender mey nat chatge fbr hotding and applyin8 the Fundti analy�dng tNe aaaount ar vorifying the acrow ite�m�untasa �. :��..
<br /> .A��:`�;�./���'g�`��';y�, Lendec psy�Hornowar intaraet on the Funda and app1ioable law�its Lender ta maka aaeh a aharga.Borrower end i;�:�'t'�,,;,^:'.;''.'') :.
<br /> �h .TP Q:' � * ' ''.
<br /> 3 j-�„,�""?'2"���_ Lende�maY a6� ���Nrg that intaroat ahaU be paid oa the unds. Unle:s an agnement ia inado or applicable 1aw :'„ t,`��'.��y;;;�':•'"; .,;
<br />��:';;�� '��-�,``;�„;. re�uins interost to ba paid.Lendat sbait nat be roquired to psy&��rowe�any interost or earniaga an the Funde,Lertdar '!';,-,.--�,,.'_sR';;«�ki���c,
<br /> �,���!�t�±;;�f�� � sl�p�ive to Borrowet.wltMout afis�an annuai aaaauntingoC the Funds shawing credits and debite ta the Fands aad the •�:,.�,r;' '�,:,.� ���
<br /> 4� b , '�;.:: ��� �� ,,,
<br /> ,�`�� +rc� : `;
<br /> � i�?�� �°'� purpose!or whiab eaoh debit ro tho Funds aas made.The Funds ara pledgod ae additiona!seau�iry tbt tbe aums seoural Y ';;, } ,.. ��{�!'� �'�" :
<br /> � >�. , is, �,� ti � � ,
<br /> � .f,:,,,;,.;r;:�SJ.� tbuis SectiYitY im�tt�tn�� pa�rmente o�Fuads peyabie prior r;�Y
<br /> `.+°, r�r.•.+:>'' tt�the amoumt of tbe Funda l�eld by Lat�dar�tagather with tia�t�tnte a►onthtX ta A�,i t 1��;�' �,�
<br />