.— -�e��:'. i rr �i .�, � . _ .. �.. ..: ,
<br /> a.�_.� �� �rµ�s � � &1i � f.3". . . . . ��iG't _.
<br /> .;:.�.m,.��„��� .
<br /> - �"-;�!,�'--� -�;�','r.,� :-����, ,.-.. �'� ' � � S �.,�
<br /> � , �: , � t , . t� r�,f,� .. ... �t ,�.,, -
<br /> • �� . n.� i i t ., {�e�,•, -�',. r
<br /> , 1{
<br /> • _�� �,ry�ily � ��W�l . L � -t- t��� � ' k �'G`r�r, , ... ......'u 1,� .'.., ��lr?i��'-...
<br /> 7 �. ,;;t�'- -
<br /> ( ���' y b,y3t��''i�ay, S 1 �i5�1 - ,.z� ' u:.:..a._ .
<br /> . { �
<br /> _ '��i. � • � • � 1 ,
<br />-___�__- 91— 1oi823 �
<br /> _ __�� profita end tha app7.ia�tion thareoi as efoYeaaid, ah�li �ot care or wa�ve at�x. �:,�m_
<br /> - default or notice oP degav�lt hereunder or iavalidatie aay aat dono � s�eePonse - ::--
<br /> �� �° to saob def�ult or pureuat�t to �uah ao�iaa o� deFault end, �tMithst��ling the �-=-
<br /> =-
<br /> ---,..._
<br /> --_--
<br /> - - ao�tinuanae in posa�eeaion of the �rust �s�aee or �he a�lleatioA, reaeipt and� •AY-
<br />"���� appl�vation af renta, iasues or psofits•, �ruetee ar Beneficiary ahali be <<t���� ;`"�""'�""
<br /> '� e�#itil�d to pxeroise every right provided For ir� ae►y oi the Loaa instruments �+�� �����r
<br /> ��-'''-� -- or by� Ya�v upo�t acaurrenae o! any everit oP de£ault, inclu�ing the rigbt ta
<br /> z x � .
<br /> � • Ax8='C.�.89 th8 power of sale= n�°' �`�<r'•Y�v��u.r �t �.'
<br /> :�3nw��� . � 1- ..i,,�.'Y �.�, x,
<br /> � _..�^ ; • �
<br /> .:�f)n�a, }S'i ,:t„p �;..
<br /> �
<br /> �'�` a;�;;'F�. (b) Ccmnenae ari aation to fareoloee xhis DeeB of Truak as a nartgaqe. :�'" �a.�;:� �+�, _� a,�"
<br />� s i`�Ya�r1 appoint a reaeiver, or apeai�Scally enPorae atsy oP �he aovenaats hereo�i � �' ' ` �'
<br /> ��t i ��U.1 .� �:'• � � i>��t�i��-�A'. � ,.
<br /> 7 �{� { uy* � �1rx i��
<br /> �,s r � .11"31(' . '.. `h�}f�ij��� t�
<br /> ��,i,". ys., (� aa�iver to Trastee a writtan dealaration ot dePau�t etrd dematld for ;� � '' "ra,, ''�r'
<br /> r.r, ;�t�i,,R,. . aale, a Mrittet� notioe of dePau].t an6 eleation to oauss rustor's istterest �� t =
<br /> '���� ' � in the Trust 8state ta ba.eold. whiah notiae Truetee ehall aauae to be duly �^iS':`� "�`„ '% ;.iy'�
<br /> �i`1 t}�Ayr�. f �;; 1�br-'� t �•,i��i�i 1�!., :
<br /> , t, �t��,o filed for reGard ir� �t�e e►pPropriate Official Reaorde oP Che Coun�y in whiah '�a. si,��' ,�,�h��'� �
<br /> ,Yh��,nr 8�1k`�k th@ '1'rtiBt R�#at+�.��I:3b�tite8. `
<br /> R �, °�
<br /> : �
<br />�>d! ' "��<<r'3� . . lt. .gp ,:. , � Should Benefiai eleat to �'�, ` +'hh ;S���+
<br /> n., t r � Y .: �Y �>r }E<<u�x`,?{, ` t�*, '-
<br /> ��;�r�tr?!�:i��:�;: �arec�oge • Qx a se o r o �Sale herein aontaineci. Seaefiaiary shall �;�:, �-,. , ,��;:
<br /> -�� ��_;��;�.:�;; aat i f 7� T� �e asi 8 s h a l l d e p osit Mith Truatee this Deed oP Trust an8 tha Note ' �'x'' ;N,'� �
<br /> ;;x �';•�•°"i�� and ��uoh x�ceipts atid evidence of expenditurea made asi8 seaured herebY ae �" � ; � �� �}
<br />='��;;�ri.�,�..:; �'� Trustee may.requ , ..., .,:'..,,'y.,�;.,,�rx:-
<br /> '' ire. �' ,� �' i} � �-.-
<br /> � ist ��•
<br /> S - F�8 �� 1 (�.• �n•`,Jj .'•tT4-.
<br /> a�'h,.,3�.1 • � �a) Opon reaei�t of suah notiae from Senegiaiary, Trustea ahall cause ��, -;_�;rfaf� � ��,',{_:-
<br /> ��°,�,�;��, , ,'; �a�be seaorde8, publlsheS and delivere8 to Trustor suah Notice of Default and .. S, ; . � �I '^�c�-
<br /> _.b,,..���� � �, Nqtiae oP 8ale es then required by law and by this Deed oF �hrust. Trustee ,•.t`,A�; .Yt�,
<br /> ` , �•• s h a 2 1; w i�t h ou t� 8eman8 on Trus�or,,a�ter suoh time as may then be required by . � t� ,..�:.h1�'
<br />�P��}qrS�i��d,Q'�.° 1�:1l'.S j'� ,.
<br /> '��` l�w�and :after xeaordation of such Noti�ce af Uefault and after Notiae of Sa le ������;�: `�`�F� .��'':' `�•';
<br /> ,.A�.., t �s';��:;�^."-
<br />=��"'``'�°'''�'�r�'�"' h�►ving'been given ae reqaired�by law,��sell�the Trust Bstate at the time and • 6,>15;��� � -;
<br /> :,. ::�,,,�,:�.•.. . $;?``�
<br /> , .: ..����r,:�. � . 5.:::
<br />�:r,,:';�;t:,:,..�_,,:_: place of sale Pixed by it i�n suah Notice o f S a le, eitber as a ahale, or in '� + ; 5�;,�"�-
<br /> � ��, � s�parate lot� or paraels �r items.as Truatee shall deem expedient, and in suah ����, A,�, r ;_,,�
<br /> � ':" ', ':'' oxder as it toaY determine, at pv2ilia auction to the 2siqhest biddes fox cash, f1�$ `'�4���` �
<br /> '� i n l a w f 1 m o n e x o f t h e U n i L e d 8 t a t e s, p a Yable at the time of sale. Tr,uatee • . � �,,: , �tn ; .n �_
<br /> .a...�t..�,;, �..`<.3'�. N
<br /> >����-�:r .;��� � ehal�l deliver to suvh purchaaer or purchasers thereof, its qaod and suffiaiet��_ j ,�•� ',�� ����;�..a;� '�
<br /> �� ���'�"''��'�-;'�' deQ� or deeda, conve ing the property so aold, but without eny aovenant or . • '.�a�'�•:� .+� t t," ���' �<'`
<br /> �`��t� ` '° warran�Y. express arximplie8. The reaitals in snch deed aY •anY �t�ters or '� ;` ", ��,��1��1��
<br /> �f tad"�' � .
<br /> " ..�t��� �.fLt'�' ��� facta ehall be aonalusive proof oP th�•truthfulness thereof. AnX persoa. � ��i � ,�� 7�,�, �:
<br /> ri"'.. ' ;1•��+��.? � 1'Ctl�$6 r1`'���.:_:�'!�;��`':'�t�.,f��?N',.,:
<br />�� ; y,,, ., ���. �.ncludin , w�thout limitation, Trustor, Trustee, end eeneficiary; may pu ;,, ,, p� ;_,,
<br /> x,i!��y�r��'�� ' a� euch sale; and �ruatox hereby coven�nts to warrant and defencl the tikle of �,;,;,.z.;;;;.,�',,, �>,.�.. ,,d
<br />_� i'� #��`^ '" such purchaser or purchasere. «
<br />� ���,;..,! +�+ . i,, , a; ;�
<br /> �`,, : f Y� �is• ' " „ '
<br /> hs;:��; ��� �`� �(b) AB n18y be pelmltted by 18M� after deducttng all•'C�ets� feee� � ,..`' ,;"F, �
<br /> . ��i i; ��,f ' •-
<br /> .y�:��..•-r��5�; expeneea of Trustee and o� tbis Trnet, including costs of evidence of Litle in •; ;:,, ..„ .,
<br /> .,".�a1��E`s?�;���F'_ canneat3on with sale. ��Truetee ehall apply the proaeeds o£��,sale to paytttent of ,: � '.,,;;'�.,.`;..;.;
<br /> ` '�'" i"'�� (i) all swas exgended under th� terme heseof, not then re id, with acarued
<br /> �;;t,,.:, .. y. 1� i.';�,::�'�. '� '�..,,�c`;
<br /> '�`''""��' "'��� interest at 12 percent par annum, (ii) all other sume then saoured hereby, and 1:}�:.' , � �:. . ` •
<br /> `���'������`�,•';;����� (11i) the remainder, if aay, �to the person or persoas legally entitled �il���� � ���
<br />- ��. �'t�� thereto. � � ,,�:;., '`.,^: .
<br /> .:(,; ��, �•�`
<br /> ry���'�• 'e' 1��' � �/{l��� - r .
<br /> ���-Y�:�,.:,;.,_�, (c) Truetee may, in the man�er Provic]ed by law, poetpcne sale of all �or �;; ,'�,,�� �y�,��,`�_-:.
<br /> � '�'�, , rr �.� N:'-��...
<br /> _`�::;�:
<br /> .• ;�. ;�- a�y portion of the �r�stee Estate. ��j ?!'s�t�;1'��y�'. ,
<br /> ''"r��o�:'.'r«.,,� {,+.'� r ��r.' .. .
<br /> , `"` ..''� 12. I 3•NCT CL�SiVS. Trustee and Beneficiary, and each of �hem. 'ii�'`t'•..�.' � �
<br /> , , .� ,. ' '',:'''..
<br /> "`} �' shal� be en e o en orce payment and perforn�ance of any.iadebteclness or � 3 f;�� ��, ;
<br /> __,F s�4 4,;�_;;i�;,]y;;:. o b i i g a t i o n s s e o u r e d h e r e b Y and to exercise all ri ght s and gowere under this � ` �,�; ,;�,, �: �; ,��
<br /> '"�'s"'�"� �`'�1� DeeS of Trast or under any Lven Instrument or other agreement or any lawa now �• ���!�'y,�i'i"�''`` �
<br /> �. .�".�.,,�';, ;.; ox hereafter in force, notWithstanding some or all of the �uch indebtedrsess � , �.��;;�� .�;:+�t;°-
<br /> ,. �., . . �;�'. ,, . .
<br /> , �,� ��,:'�+��,; ,. ap8 obli.gations aecured hereby may now or hereafter be othezro�tise secured, �� , '°` ;,'�'��;r%
<br /> '' whether by mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, liee, assiqnment or otherwise. ,.;��;;,.. •%'��;`-
<br /> ��.�..� :._�•.��,
<br /> .. , ;.. . �.., �`�;'� .
<br /> .�:�.''�':�;,�:�,.� Neither the acceptaace of this Deed of Trust nor its enforcement whether by � ' �,��.�";t�;.'.
<br /> :�;•. ;�r:_ �.�.�.����;• court action or pursuent to the power of sale or other powera herei.n � �� :i°,�� f � •
<br /> --'��,i�"��'���_;. �� � contained, shall prejudice or ia any manner affect Truetee's or Beneficiary's � ����E�;��;�'�
<br /> :�,' `�� �`�'r r i h t t o r e a l i z e u p o n o r e n f o r c e a n y o t h e r s e c u rit y now or hereafter held by �
<br /> ,,�...��..� .
<br /> t;�ky�i:','f�Sf�,n� YF j:.� 9 ,. � ' '
<br /> ������ � Trust�e or Beneficiary, it being agreed that Trustee and Beneficiary, aad each
<br />�.;;� �;,.� ��5��'` ` .
<br /> -};,,,,j���r��l!'���:� ,. of them, shall be ent it le d to en force t h is D ee d o f T r u s t a n c l a n y o t h e r
<br /> ��:��i.�,�sr'�t�;tti�;�';,�� sscurity now or hereafter held by Beneficiary or Truatee, in such order an8 r . �`;;.,,,;
<br />,�}�s�,,5��,�;�}Jr;�; , m a n n e r a s t h e y o r e i t h e r of th em ma y in their absolute discretion determir►e.
<br />,Y",';_..,:���,k, : �, No remedy herefa conferred upoa� or reserved to Trustee or Benegiciary is �.;�`;'�''� ,
<br />-;;�^��� •.,�.���';_:y,���. fntended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein or by law providecl or i ,
<br /> +_��'-�•�_-.-__-�'_��_' ..������w� /��w± ag�h ahg] 1 ha c�efmUlstLVA Hrid shsll be in �dd3tian t0 @V@Yll �
<br /> .':�.\,,r.r.�.T.�.:i,`In C • .
<br /> �, other remed�y given hereunder or now or hereafter exiatincq at law or fn equfty
<br />"'"'"•���� �� �jt� or by Statute. Bvery power or remedy given by any of the I,a.an Instruments to • • .
<br /> c•;.,•�{t� ,.. �;�ti3. � •
<br /> ';4���'..;;;�.;,,�t..:,. Trustee or Beneficiary or to which either of them may be otherwise entitled, �
<br /> �':i'+.��'. ,:'. tney be exercised, aoncurrent ly or independently, from t 3me to t ime, and as
<br /> :,!�r�,:,';;'•,,:;
<br /> �• • often as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or 8ene�iciary; and either of them
<br /> '���:��;��v��• '`• may pursue incottsi.stent remedies. Nothing herein sYiall be conetrued as
<br />"�� , �,�:�..::: I
<br /> '�; `� '•+�'t�: prohibiting 8eneficiary from seeking a deficiency judgment against the Trustor
<br /> �',.�; "�,',' 1 to the extent such action is pezmitted by lew.
<br /> :';ri,:����r;•. '�`it\�, �
<br /> Y"' r'�`t��'���'�;`� ��� 13. R8 tILST PCR NOTICB. Trustor hereby requests a copy of any aotice
<br /> '4''r1•: �.`•;:.•;t
<br /> °�';;,;+;�!.� �'` ,��:'��ti of default, en t at eny rtot ce of eale hereunder be mailed to it et the
<br /> •.�,u;�,y_.,-��,�.�•_.' r eddress set forth in Lhe firat paragraph o� this beed of Trust.
<br /> ., .
<br /> ;�.
<br /> '<}� .','�. ,• .r'. f �
<br /> , • .
<br /> , I _
<br /> , ... ,..;
<br />