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<br /> � •n e
<br /> � ,fi�, ,,p�s;� 1. Py�t!ot�lMI ai 1ate�Proal�a�Late Aar�a. Horrower shp11 promptlY MY when due �-•Q f� �� :
<br /> " . , '° tbe prl�a}pd of�nd iatera�t on thedebt evide�oed by tha Nota aad aaY Arepnyment and tate cbarge�due unde�tbe Note. � " � � }, � �` '�'.�
<br /> ��`�'��4�i`:(;,'}', rt� plmdl�'l�aaadl�noe. SubJectWsppUw�blebwortoawiittanrwiver.byt.ender�8orrowarshstip�y h.� ;n , ,ay'. �, ,,?,,�r ' :
<br /> - to t,ender cn eha d�y monthly p*yments aca dae utaler the Note.untii the Note ia p�id in tbll. a wm("Funds")oqwd ta •, ', , �, �`y���;.,' i, .
<br />�i," x +;����",'i'� oaa-t�lttb ots(�}Yditly taxea �ad ass�ssmat�tt ahkh may�ttAitt tiodty ova�this Soaurity i�eaumem: N) Y��Y � ; n , ��r�„ i -
<br /> �� l a a e h a l d P�!'+�t►ts ot grou n d r a a ts on t h e P r a p e r t y. i f a»y�(c)Y e�r l y l u i r m t d i r s u r a n c�e p r e m i u t a s t a a d (d) Y a�tl y :�i �ti� �u' ;Y;4�,��L-� .
<br /> "����;�r%,5�7;��. �pot�e l n�ur�noa p�n iumh i i m y.'t'h a e i t e m s�a a�l i e d"a s o m w i t a m s"I.a n d e r e n a y e s t i m�t e t h e F u�d u e a n t he :, .,�, �;ti,Y„ �t"p�!��},,`.
<br /> �;r';�a,,',;1t;k�;� bt�afaatro�t d�t��nd ra�ati�bleaatim�uso!'l�tnroesorow ito�ne� �.:. �`� ",c�� '� ",,F ,��a ,:
<br />=::����;����:'�'.-+���� The Funds ah�il be lteld in�n inuitutian the deposits or aacounta af whiah are iesutod or gu�rantced by a ibderal or , �� � �,�
<br />- ,"'`�F.' st�W�gwtay(inaluding Lender itLas�der i�auah an it�stitution). I.ender�hall apply tbe Funds to the esarow items. ��'�,'.;i�.;�;�``.>:�+''�;;��r � �.
<br /> f r�-,��' Lander�y eot charga for boiding snd applying the Funds.enaty�i�g tha account or vedfying th eeysorow itenn.unieas ':., �f'{; �p4�'fti��"'ti�;{ �t�
<br />:. .I.,:,;,.;,. �.• i.ender p�ya�orrawer ioterest oa the Funds uid applioAble�►wp�m its Lender to make euah a eharge. aarmwer and `'� . �r," �, .�
<br />:J�s?;F;:�+:° �t �'' Lettder tn�y agtea in atitfng tl�et it�tateat sball be paid on eha Funda.Unles4 an sgreemant is mada or applioabie�►w � :. ,, ' : , � µ-
<br /> ' raquiroa ietereat ta be pafd.I+end�ahalt eot be raquired to psy Aarrower any interest or eaming�on the Funds.LAnder .r,;S�;c�,t,� ,.; �, ',;, �-
<br /> � rd
<br /> y ,... ` 'E�' t h�t i g ive t o Ba r rower.wlthout e U u ge,an anntud aacounNng af the Funds ahowfng ctedits and debita to tha Funds a�td the ,�,;• `. :'�i.;4�„��;���:,t,.�;,�.;,',:�.:-
<br /> `,,:� �����tiUt��,��, . �1f W�IIOM Q�Ch�I�t011lt FpQAB WAB fllRdQ.'!'he Purda are pledged as ed d it iona f secu r ity far t he sum a e e o u r e d b y �ti; . .�"•��;�t�;��:'r,,f;.f
<br /> r� ��'i''�`� �� � � � - ' �.��y� r a �
<br /> � , � tbit�eaarity Inatudtm�t. ' .•;'�r�t�tk ;°'�`'`"
<br /> ,,����?T:��-t � ta of Funda abta prlor ta ; n .ryti
<br /> � . � If tbe amow�t of the Fuads ha1d by Lendee.togetbar aith the thture moatbly paymen i�Y
<br /> Y" i�f�.+��'i tbe dqe d�tes of the excrow itans��halt excacd tbe amaut�t required to pay the escrow items when dua the exaes�shall be. ,. ,;��,Tr .__
<br /> ��� �:
<br /> ,T..._,,• ::., u Horrowar's�ian,aithu peemptly repaid to Borrowa or ondlted to Borrower on montblY peYments oi Funds.If the , +� }� t `��s
<br /> -, ,;�;.� ' �mamt of the weds held by I.ender is not su�Eclent to pay the escrow itans when duw Burrewer ahell i�aY�o I.ender any ,. . �Y --
<br /> � .. h� � .�� 4�'' .
<br /> ;..,i �ii.� ..tttr . ' �`�� ��..--.
<br /> .;�..�,; � �ouat neceaauY to make up thedelioianay in one ar more payme�ts es requ i�e d by I.a n d e r. ,
<br /> � � U pa t in fW!o!aU aums aoctt[ed.ag t1�1s 9eeucity Insttumeut.�ender ahall promptiy relbnd to Barrower .:,,, ' ,,,r: _
<br /> ;; ,� .. `.. sny Fnads�fieid y LaAder.If under puag�aPh 19 the�Ptopert�r is sold or aoqaiaed by Lender.L.mder shail app1Y�n0�►er •
<br /> •`���� tbsa immedbtely p:ior to the eale of tbe Pro�r ar�s acqu��n by Leader.am�Y Fwads held by I.eader as she time of ,�..; ...t`��p`�o. ;:�
<br /> � '� .; applicatioa as�cr+edit ag�inst the waa�an�caced by��his&curit�instrumea�. ^ .� �"'���t ��.:.
<br /> -, �A IS�LS����!_:.
<br /> '� � .� S. AP�katioo KP�ytaeab. UMeas applicable lew�,provides othetwise.dl payairn�s no�ived by Lendes under , y f m -�
<br /> � ' p�r�C a pin i aad Z ebdl be e p plied:��.to lato c h a�6�due w�der the NW�secbnd�to PrepaYmQli.�rges due under the � ; ,�,s� ,r�;� —
<br /> � ,�;�n '.�t •
<br /> -n jQ- Not�t W s d�to unoun t a p�ya b le u a b�.p a�a�r a P h 2;f o u r t h,t o i n t e t a t d u e;a n d 1 e s t.t o p r i a c i p a l d u a� = �',..�� �,�.z'°s
<br /> ' " '',' ' 1r tb�r�e�i Uem. Ho�►ovi�r aQ�alj pay all taxes,a�smaita oharges�flnea arid imposittons aetributabte to tbe , n: .
<br /> - '�'` pooperty whieh iney t�tu�in priarisg�over t6is Seauricy I�t� and leabaho3d payiments o� grovns3 sry�ts. �f eny. ..- — ,z.-��m:
<br /> ..,,�.�`,;�;����'�ct . H o r r o wee ahsil p R y theau obli$atia�s in the enenaer provided'M paragraph 2.or if not psid in that manner.gbtrower shali , ,, �,.,,"�,,r,,:is�'�� �,ri::
<br /> . ; it��:��.} psy thea�on time dkectly to the pp�son owed payment.Borrmver s h a l!prompt ly t 4tn i e h to L e n d e r e l t n o t i c x s o f e m o i u�t s ,'�"'�,; :'�„r; �•���,',
<br /> . 9�;d' � to be paid uadar thb pacugnph.If��owar makes theae payn�enta directty.Horrower shaU promptty fbrnisb�o L,a�der : ,.�,,�,�,� ��� � �, --- .
<br /> ri � ` ., , �}�� �
<br /> ..�•�. �
<br /> : 'f;; ' ��Hoerower ah�li�y dlacharge any Hen whioh has priority over this Security Inst�ument untess 8otrower.`ta) �����l ; r� ,�,.:�,'''�;�. �,ti
<br /> �,.;' �. �..
<br /> .,��..,; , . t. ,�t�f� `��
<br /> :�,, ,,, ,1,•. �'�'.•� • , �ge+ees in writing to the psymatt of tbe obligation aaaured by tbe lien in a manner acceptabla to Lal►der,(b)conteata in good �,,.:.r''��. `• '�j�'-•''`�����,
<br /> � .,�,.;+ • •i{'r 1��.'It.
<br /> {dtb tbe lien by�or dd'eads egsiau enfor�ertent of the lim m,l ta�eedings whtch in the�.andesr a opinion operate aa ,.. �,�, . �S• ,;7���lt���!.:,,�a
<br /> �� � `� � preveac she enforcen,enc of ehe lien or fo�'ei�uro of any pe�c of e�P perty:or(e)seou�as from the holder af the Nen an � � � ;�i(��'•���;�''kr�:��-
<br /> .. '�;+.•r,<�1���,�3� �}���,.,,.aa
<br /> .��. ,:'::.,;:"' .'' ' •, t�+eement e�tidiictory to Lender wbordiaating the lien to t�bh Saaurity Instniment.If L.ender cieterminea that anY P�of . ' . '�,��y,��<=•�.,,��°
<br /> , .'. , ,: r' .;:'•'t I , .tlte p�pperty is subject w a iien whicb may attain priority over thts Seau�ity IaetruMent�i.ender may give Hoerower a . ,, �' � ;,r"�:
<br /> . y�,�i,
<br /> �' .l� .f'.� .�• �� � � .
<br /> . f, .....,�,�: � '�t►otioe idaititying ehe 1ien.Aorrower shatl setisfy the tien or take one ar more of the aaciona eet forth above within 10 dsYs f . '';;��f'�t►r.�,
<br /> � ottbe givlag of aotiee. � r •
<br /> 4, :;;, ';:,t'��` a. Hw�d torur�n�e. Borrower shdl kap the improvements now esisting or heraatter erated on tbe PrnpartY } :, » r,
<br /> '' � '�`i�': insuted upinet loss by flte.he:ardt in¢luded within the term"extendod coverage"and any other hezerds far whiah Ler►der '' " ' �
<br /> ' " �;.'ti'li+�a � . ..'::.;^.P;s-
<br /> :,,;, �� .��ti,,y,ct� teqWi�es iasurancx.Thia imurenx ehail be mainta�ned in tbe amounts and for the podods that Lender�aquires.The ,:` �. ' ,
<br /> �,�� �ce e�rtier providing the in�urance sha11 be chossmm by Borrower subject to Lender's approvai which abell na be � '-"�_-1
<br /> . ,,'. :':�..�. }t��,��� ' unrr�eotublywttbheld. ! � "�'����'�'� t;;�,
<br /> .� ` ����.4 ���5�, Ali{nsurancs poifrtes and renewals shail be aaxptabte to Lender ead aha11 inatude a stettdard mortgege clause. , �"'.� a,'�4;;;.�''.`.,,,�.
<br /> :.[�;,,.:��::;ti,� ,. ,
<br /> `,:.��.u;: .,�;+,,.�„ Leuder ehdl luve tbe right to hold the policies and renewala if Lender requirea,Borrower aha11 promptty give ta I.ender ; ' ' r�';�``,.�, „�.._;=�rr:
<br /> ���o��� Bonower ehalt ve rompt notice to the insurance ; . .; r';,
<br /> ,�,:.. ,f„� wbs and renewal notices.in the event ot loss, 8� P � � ,�.
<br /> ; � , : `� � carrter and I.eader.Lender msr make proof of foss if not made promptly by Horrower.
<br /> �,``%,' ,.'�`��i� Unless Lendec and Horrower oihecwise agree in writing,inauraece procemds shali be appliM to restoration or rcpair , .' .,.�.
<br /> . r;;, .
<br /> �•�.�� Y�, `�r�,«,�'' . p{�p ro p e r t y d a�n a g c d i f t h e restoretioa or r e p air is xonomicelly feasible end I.endet's secudty is not lessened.If the • ����
<br /> '. ;.,�t'��':;(i�% . restoratton or repair is not economically tbasible or L,ender's security would be tessened�t he inwrana p ro c e e d s s M e l t b e . � , ,
<br /> "'�.''•�` �``%��:� ` appUed to the eu�e+s secuted by this SeCUrEty Instrument,whether or not then due,with any �aass�aid to Borroaer- If �
<br /> ,.';� �''f"����''�,' Bortower abandone the Property,or does not atfawer within 30 daya a notice irom Lender that the inautance carrier has ; , ,
<br /> .. �,�s�t'�;;�;�-j. .
<br /> .. . .,,�syl f.!'��;•; otFered to eettle a eioim,then Lendar may collece tfie insurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds.to npair or restore ; };�
<br /> �, ,�;,,. ����! ., the Property or to pay sums secured by thia Security]n�rrumenc,whather or noc thert due.The 30�day period wi1!begin i �
<br /> ';, ,Yi.. whea the noti�x ia gtven. ,, �'��
<br /> �+•�'� �',�• � [Jnless Lemter and Honowes otherwise agtee in wtiting,any application oEpraceeds to��incipel sha11 not extend or . � :
<br /> ,;;i:� �,�i,.;;� ' � .
<br /> � postpc►r�e the due date of the monthdy paymeets referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chadge thm�mount of the peyments.tf , ,�,;r ' , ,j;{,.
<br /> �'�%%��.� ''%�" qnda patAgraph 19 tlu Propetty is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right to any insurance poluies and paoceeds resutting .,� , : �.. ',' .'.
<br /> ' .,�'��,��,� fiam damage to the Nroperty prior.to the acquis9tion shall pass to I.ender ta tfie entent of�he sums sticured Dy this Security � , �•',%''�.'', ''�,���;'� �
<br /> . ,-{��'"� 'y Insuv��an immediaeely prior tothe acquisieion. :'.� ��'� '
<br /> �+' 6�. Pirpen�tion and Mtiateaer+ce of Prope�y;t,easehold+. 8orrower shall not destroy.damage or substantially '' .�',.�'••, -
<br /> � .. �.f, �,,';':
<br /> . ,,',,,yl��� et�ange tbt Property.ailow the Prmpeny to detenorste ar cominit waste. if this 5ecunt} Inutuntent is on a leasehold. , ,
<br /> _� r-_ _ ; . ���y��.±�„n1y u�ie1�ehe prnviaiom of thr feaae.and if Sotrowet acquires fce title to the Propeny,the teasehold end
<br /> � ' ': .� fee title shaii not merge untess[.ender agrees to the merger in wnting.
<br /> ,: � 7, peotectEon of 1,eada': RigAca in ihe Property;Mo�tage Imurance. If Borrower fa�ls to perform the
<br /> ��. � �:,'�'� eove�te and agraments contained in this 5eeurity Inatrummt.or there�s a legal proceed�ng thst may significently affect
<br />;��.,�, ; Lender's dgbts in the Property(souh as a procecd�ng in benkruptcy.probate, for condemnauon or to mforce lews or
<br /> •., regulations)�then Lender mey do and pay�or whaeerer u nscessary to protect the vatue of�he Propeny ar�d Lender's rights
<br /> ' , ,; � M the Ptoperty. O.a�der'a accions mey include paring any� sums securcd by a I�en�hKh has pnonty over this Security
<br /> • iristrumeM.appeuin6 in court,psYing reasana�k attorne9rs'fees and mtann�t on itee Prt+peraq to anake repatts.Although
<br /> �� ��c i�eaodRa may take action under thb paragrapfi 7,�.ender does�a luvc to do w
<br /> '� Any amounte diaburaed by I.ender under thia pata�apA 7 sha11 become a�dieca+na0�ebe of�orrower securcd by thia
<br /> ,�``� � ' S�eairity instrument.Unleaa Bonowei and Leader agtee tcr atAer terma of payment.aixsm aam�cnta s►�eti bear mtercst from
<br /> '.�;�� � . � the date of disbunement at the Note rate and ahalt be payabla w�th �nterac, upan ra�er�rc trome Lend�� ta SOn°We�
<br /> , . � . reqveatinS P�Yment.
<br /> f.•.: i
<br /> . , r �
<br /> r _ _ _ _ - � - — _
<br />