r� :-r:�'("_ln' �a r'9t �RYy��: ��A�it�.... , j:�.c � � �r1'r.� !` ���..�.. ___.. . _ .� `�,i
<br /> ��{�'� }�f�'.. ; i�`,{le��Sj�). s�a/ :?:�•cxS,f f t,`p�.�•�,t�h,:y.��'. . , . ,` �?�+ -
<br />?S e.d-�> ,C F I - '� �d� � - ` .. ' '� • . • ._
<br /> i •---':.+�-r"--Yr
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<br /> .:
<br /> • ' '' _ v.�;...T .^ `�� , ..,.a,,} .. _
<br />' , . . .. , - F � �� t \.i � � �`FY+r,'1W: 1.w51'�.ix+-iYM�I�i.A+ra.:"i .",.........w......_i� ^ � ..__
<br /> �•.-' .� .-f ���. . r �. .�. 4 �,4, • i.a,l �r,�:'.•i • , . ' - - � -- ..� - - -- - -
<br /> .� �
<br /> ,' . .�3 , .. .r ��.,. .
<br /> h
<br /> :. �:��.
<br /> '•�i: ti1..1
<br /> i��. 1'� �
<br /> S �n�:i 7�,��" � t
<br /> -.�ti���:- 9i-- 1 o�so7 �=_—
<br /> �___� - ' UNIFORMCoVeNAM's. BorroWerandl.a►de�covenantand asialtows: �;iz;,4�u.;_°--
<br /> Banawe�shatf ram tl when dua �a��.,�--:.;�u�
<br /> -__-==_= 1. pNrraeat of Prlaat�i�ad�ata�Prop��nt tad L�te p P Y Ps!' �;,;-�.aK,Q.,_,�<-.
<br /> �- the prinoipai otand interast on the dabt evidena�ed by the Nae and any prepayment and late oharges duo umler�he Nato. ��,�, _
<br /> — �. Fuud�for T�xoa utd tatnr�noe. Sul�eot ta appiioable law ar to a written waiver by I.eeda�.Harrower�hail paY :t�' >� ,����, ".-
<br /> � ud
<br /> � �ir�: � `r� l 1 C� :. } � '"
<br /> ����t J�:.- ta I.ender an tho day monthlY paymenta aro dqa undet tho Nale�umil tho Nate is poid in fbU a sam C'Fund�")aque ta . �L ��,xi -
<br /> Y Y�t 7 .r �[ IIZN"tit:"-'-
<br /> anatwelRh at: (a) yearly ta�ces end ���s whiah may attain priority over thie Secu�it Inst�umenr, (bf yea�Y {�, ��, 4t:�?�
<br /> ., ., leaaehold�paymenta or ground rertts on tbo P�y� if any; (o) Year1Y h��insurance preit�iums; and (d) Yearly -
<br />'' ° � mortgage ineuraace p►en+iuma it eny. Thaa items aro aallod"esorc�w ltems••Lender may estimate che Fundu due aa the ���?r�y,?�; x,� � _
<br />�.ra'tYAll�r�S'� �,y.. �'L : .x.r!,tic.�'J+
<br /> ���.�.�}�� • basisotourrant dats and�esonabieestimataoil�turcesomw itamc. .�,,��,,1�,�ma{,��,��,.
<br />���='-`�"==�'�'� o Funds at�ell be hetd ln an ineHtution tbe depc�site or aecaunte af whioh are inaurod a�guarnntced by u federal or �;% .1;, ;,.,,,,�;.,,.�,., ,.�,,,;
<br />`H,C1�y ?iFt�f'�'�
<br /> �, t� ,r� a ;y .1. �
<br /> •-��*�`�.'�`._ .�� etata aganay(inaluding Lender if Lendet i+such an Institution).Londer shail apply the Funds ta pay the ascrow item�. ti , ., „� , '._.
<br /> � .�:�...�.t�4� .
<br />;r,�,;�i,:,��,,�.�". Lentder may nat aharga tor holding and applybng the Funds�analyzing the aacount ar vedrying the escrow itam�,untess •;,.� t,_.,.:;,,J:;�i`_:;;.;�:,'�;t,.-;:''
<br /> L
<br /> '� L e n der psye A oaawar In te rc a t o n t h e F u n d s e n d e p p l l e able law p ormits I.ender ta mske auah a ehurge. Horrower and
<br />�t�� ., �J � r �qs .� 44��11r
<br /> ` y` 1.ender may agrae ia writing that interest aball be paid on the Funds. Ualaas an ag�eement is made ar applicable!aw � , '�,; _ }
<br /> � �,ro 'y t .
<br /> J`�y,a,��;,�y�tiQ requi�os intorost to be paid,Lendet sha!!not be required to pay Anrrower any interest or earninga on the Funda.I.ondar ;� ���_� ��,�+;� ,+,��.
<br /> ,���,_.� •r�n s:_: $hal�gtvo to Bo�rrower.without oharge.an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debiMS to the Funds and the -:r�� ti t �,:�{�{ ..•.
<br /> u (our whic0 each deMt to the Funds was made.The Funds are pled$ed as�dittvnal securit�r for t�e sums secured by • , 5r -
<br /> i '� ;y.u�4.�; ' p �
<br /> �f ��1�r1�� a Ma 5ecurity Inattument. ts of Funds payable prior to ���
<br /> ^+�"`%'��'°���<'��';� � nt of the.�lFuads held by Lender.te8ether with the fi�turc monlhty pa� ' '� , / -
<br />��. ..:��_�:�+�; I�tD�e amon the eacess s�aU be. `. �,.�t .
<br /> "- -,^;..�,r� p � the due dates of the escrow items,s1�aI1 e�cceed!be amoant raquiYCd to p�y,tlie escr dema when d�. � '�`y``�� � "��`�' if ;
<br /> "� .:: �N' if the .'�+`?.�, '�h .�': ''�.
<br />,'?A�;kl���SL�kri;V�)t''1�7 j�4 at Borrower's option.either promptly�tepa�l�co Aonower ar credit�d tq'Narrawer oi�manthiY PaY�ents of Fwids. �:�,�., �.....'.�,,,,��' .
<br /> �' 1 �i 1T c: pa Aorrower sha11 pay to Lender anY _", ' ` ° t t��_ `'
<br /> � ' .;-�',��j amouat of the FWnda held by 1�nder is nat sutlicient ta y the escrow items when due. , ,��
<br /> '; t` '� ;.�{s.trn• amouat neceseary ta make u the deRciency in one or mom pay�nents ad required by I.ender. - �'� 5 � , _
<br /> < Yt.n.n i1 li U�10n{18� r ::�-
<br /> p � 1.ettder shall promptly refund to He►rrrower ,� F �. " � 1 1•
<br /> -,..�:.�.,�^:ry,,�.,� ent in fWl�ail sums saured by this 9ecu�ity In�trumesit� , , 1>,
<br /> a ^ � - any Funds held by Lender.�f�nder paragtaph•19 the Property Is t�td"ar acqulred by I.cnder.Lende�ahalf apply.no tater �.�n,; �+� 1� =��� r i�,.,
<br /> _?,.n•..f:.�•.,..�.P,y: � (� S;{.;• ..-�f�. _ , ..;�sy�_}G:.�_—.
<br /> . .��;,.,,..,. , than immediately prior ta the asie�pf the Pra erty or its ac uisitlatt 6y Lender,any Funds held by i.ender at the time af
<br /> "::'�;'';;���:�:;' . appl{callon as a credit against the sutl�s i�ccured by thls SecuRty Inetntmct�t. z...,. ; ;,,•'T,. '{::;:�:-_--•---
<br /> " �ja ` '.�. 3. Applt�allon of Poyatents. Unkss applicab1e Iaw p�ovides btherwise.ali payments received by Lender under . � ,t; ��iry�p�
<br /> �"V � ` �`C`JS�Y7lt4Al;,"
<br /> ?,F;`,.;,,'r%',: ,;;,;' parngraphs!and 2 ahail be applied:flrat,to latecharges due under the Note:secand,ta prepeyment�harges due under the � , : � .�°���t�r�
<br /> .• 5� r�'_'
<br /> Q ��_t, �q :, Note;third,to amounts peyable under psragrapb 2;fourth,to interest due;and last�ta;priacipa�due. �t' r.Y; >
<br /> .,,,,.,b;:, ,_.,,�. . �. q�arge�I,tens� . Rorirower shel!pay all tases,essa�sments,c harges�flnes an d im p o s i f{o ns attributable to the , s f ,� ''<<�`�"'!
<br /> 4 J -1� in . -,' .
<br /> praperty whkh may attain ptiorlty,over this Security Inatrument,and leasehold payments c�� ground rents, if any. : �.�� �:
<br /> �� �, Harrower ahell
<br /> Borrowec shett Qay these obligationa in tho manner provided in paragraph 2�or if not paid in tha�marmer. .;�'.��y
<br /> � ray ilasm an Nme direatly to the persan owed paY�ttent•Horrower ahall prompNy tLrnish ro I.ender��U notices of amaunts ' �� -'. ' � :� �i� S ';._
<br /> }' - ta be paid under tbis parngraph.If Bc�rrower mekes theao paymenta dicecdy.Bcneower shsti pro�.ptly fnrniah to Lender ;_�; �, .
<br /> :�_� ,
<br />�' ;:,:,�tA: � receipts evidencing tha paYments. ' �' i�-,
<br />= t,�+,:. � Aorrowe�ahell promptiy diecharge any Ikn which hea priarity o�er this Secu�ity Inatrumcnt untesa 8arrower.(a) :, ,•5�' ;l,::f'��:
<br /> , ..ti:'._...r .
<br /> -ri..,r,�r� '..'�:a�:�` i -��'-.�_
<br /> ��a���.. ;;�,�... �t ! agrees{n w�iting to the payment of tlte obligaNan secured by thc Nen in a maqner acceptable ta Lei�der,(b)contests in goad ..
<br />;�" ��'��' �� ` ' faith the tien by,ar dofenda against eniorcement af the ifen in.tegai p�ocePdings which in the I.ender's opioion aperate to ° ��•. • ` ' �t+�s3 � ': .
<br /> i �.�,.1.,.�,: . . , . .
<br /> ,�ti��� �i,;-'.,�',;,,, prevent tHe enforcement of the tien or forfeiture of any patt of the Praperty;or(c)secures frnm�the holder of the lien an '' ��� �j;, 4;,k_
<br /> ; � ��,::. ���, egreettient eatisfactary to Lender subardinating the Ilen ro thiR Secu�fry lastrument.If Lender detertnines that any part of � � �.�_:.s.„�';s •;:�,. ;.
<br /> •�' • the Proparty is subject ta a Ilen which may at t a i n p r i a d ty o v e r t h i a S e c u r i t y l n�t r u m e n t,Lender ma y give Aorrower n il' �.
<br /> ,,;,.�
<br /> :�u,� notice identifying the 1ten.Sarrower shati eatisfy the lien or take une or more of the actions set farth obove within 10 days ' '��'��� 1a��ti'f f'� ' :
<br /> •�'.rF..r.` .,..�,,,,''{;. ...:j. ,,t;;l�"yt;f ".
<br /> �v�••.�,� �, _ ofthegivingofnotica. �; �„
<br /> � '' S. He�rd Iaaueance. Aorrower shait keep thc improvrmcnts now existing or hereaRer arected on thc Propeny ,;:, �+�i� ,
<br /> '�'�s����'".°�.�1�"'•, insured against las.c by fire,hazarda inciudtd withtn th�term"eatendeil.cavernge"and ony other hazards far whieh L.ender • �,�,�y. :, •; . ., .:��s;
<br /> "���`�"`���•'�-? r uires ineurnnce. This insurance shatl be maintained in the uraounta and for the pericxis that Lender r ui�. The ' t � '�','"-
<br /> � �'�<rfinl'•.'� .::?,c;t�'
<br /> {,.�._�.,, . ,._,., . eq �i � �;:,'�,,.ti,•,;, .: '�:��•
<br /> .-•�t��r�rr:. :,�•;�'�.;. insurance carrier pmviding tho insurnnce shaii be chosen by Horrewcr subject to i.ender's appravAi which sha11 nat be .;;..ti , �:,•t,.�;,�;:,=
<br /> .w.�;;�Y,r,�`; ��,'M�:: unreasonably withS�eid. •,��.,.,. _ .�.�;.•:.«�>>...y
<br /> ti�P�'�t,�,:r
<br /> r�.�
<br /> ��:+'� �'�'; � „+i•4' All insurAnce{wlicie�:and renewals shaU be acCeptabit to Lender und shalt include a stondard mortgage cleuse. ��,•``,c ,.'�����ti���'��'*':_
<br /> �.:6.:;;,;...;�' .�iri�f{: ,
<br /> h, r �.;,,,� _r��,Y� I.ender shail have tfie right to hotd the policicw and ret�ewals.�If Lender requirex,8orrawer shu11 promptly give to Lender . �ti± ,,�; �.��.R}1.r��l��c���� ^�_
<br /> � '/��,��,� ; , ,r�'•,. i"�;;
<br />' ;� .;i� � aH recei pts�f p eid premiums and renewol naticew.in the event of l�xi..,Borrower shali give prompt notice to the insurance .;}�,;�,�;�,��,:;,, , ,,„
<br /> > � L.r%�•:�,.,,� ,-h ,•.
<br /> Z(� ry.;..r � : - �.
<br /> , } ,��, carrier and Lender.Lender rnay mak�proof�f loss if not ma de prompt}y by�rrower. �•�1'•�:."�%•. •���_
<br /> .����±� �•��`,?�" ' Unleas Lender nnd Aarmwor aherwisc cgree in writtng,insuranre prnceeds�hait be upptied to n:staration or repuir ; F;;,:,;j�;., ,.�•.,,;° :`':::,;;''"�:
<br /> �: .c� dr �;j f.,_<
<br /> �.i���,:>. ;v:���.,� ,J of the Property domaged�if the restotatinn or repuir is econom�catly feasible ond[.ender's security is not t�ened.If the ,. ; , :� . , � �,_�
<br /> '�i,'�.• °'��' �i;'.�1l�',� reataretian or re air is not ecanomica8y kasible or Lende�'s secu�iy would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shaii be • •�';. .�..:•��
<br /> -�.. ��:�,�-. �..� P . : :�, ..f.-,.
<br /> "�r��k 4 ',i�S��� applled to the sums�ecured bY this Secudty Instrument,whethdr or n��t then due,with any eacess p+uid to 8orrower.IC -r,.. ,,,R
<br /> k� e a
<br /> tif u�'�,`�'�' ` Botrower abandans the Property,or doea nat unswer Kithin 30 days a notice fmm Lender that the ins�urance carrier has
<br /> . '�3, ,.,�.'''1,W�,: •p:::.._.
<br /> ,.;;�J��„•��.. • offered to xttie a cinim,the�I.ender may cof lect the insuruncr praxeed�.Lender may use the prcxeeds to repair ar restore ` .°� _
<br /> ''• ����t ...,.:, .,,: . _
<br /> .�.,�.;1-�... . .•�.; tht Propeny or to pay sums secured by this Securi�y In.�trumeat.whether�r not then duc.Thc 30�day period witi begin .�.•.,,. ;-
<br /> �'rry:, ,.•'i'•`; when the noticei�given. �:�,� � '�-
<br /> ��4,�?�'`��.,�.,.'.i!.;: ' � -
<br /> 'ti•��(•° • ;+:: Unies,s Lender und�rrowee athenvise agree in wtiting.an��upplie�eticm c�f pnxcecis ta principai shail not extend or
<br /> 's'j(f�'��''�l �>,���''' ` pc�xlpone the due dute of the monthly puyment�referred to ie paragrapbs 1+�nd 2 or chnagc the nmount of the payments.if �
<br /> 7f'�`�;���'";�� ' ,'T���. under paragraph 19 the Property is xcquired by Lender.Hc�rr�wrr'x nght to um•inYUrimcr paiiciet und pre�reeds requitmg 4
<br />_��►�y;��,�f��;"�j+'����' . from demage to the Property prior tc�the acquuit ian�hall pa�.c to I.ender tn the ex�en�of the rumx u�ured by th�v Securir� � , . ' '
<br /> �.;�' '�S�'�'`'`'+t'. instrument immediately priar to thr:�cyui�il�pn. � � . ''
<br /> �1�+'i:�y1,'�1':''1' (;�• ,��' • �
<br /> �����• �..,.,,:�, �,,. 6. Pri�servation and Malntenanceuf f'tqperty;l.esaehatds. &+r��a•er.hall nat destr�}.�d�mugc or tiut►stantiatl� . I
<br /> i,,.tur. ,t .�A . •'j 1 •', -
<br /> -,y;�;�; �����. ' �� � change the Pri+perty,allow the Property to detiriotate or commu wx.tr. if th�+Se.urit? Instturnent is on a Iraseha�a0. s.
<br />,�-: ,� ,,,'. . BorroWer�hall compl}�with tfie pr�����xu,ns of thr 1r�:�r.aad if��rr�>aer acquire�fer t�tte a�the Prapeny,the lea5ehold an8
<br /> . f<<�t� �,:
<br />_ :�,:���r;;• �; fee title shai{not merge unlesa Lender agrees to the matqger aR writing. , .
<br /> (I 1 .�Y , �•-�� • _.1\w.[
<br /> ,;,,,i����f.;, _��,:• : 7, ptotaction ot l.ender's Ri�Ihh in the !'ru �tonpaite insurance. If EiurraN�rr fuils to prrf..rm thr
<br /> -- ---_ � -�--•
<br /> _._�a....w..c.......�. t.+�rrumPnt .0�hdrr t�u I.LU!nrcxctidine thut mu�•+iAmBc•rndy affect i�
<br />_�...��:�,-:ir�`---.-...,� cnvenanzaanciagrcc�iie���s...��....�..............�.�...t ..._......._.... � . _ .
<br /> �'��'�' ° '' ` l.ertder's ri P�ea in the 1'ropen}I+uch as a pakeeding in bankruptcy, prabate,fi+r r�mdrmnuno�i ��r tu�nfi.rce iaa.or �`
<br />���`��,��•,'�� ` reQulations)then Lender may do and pa}ioII uha[e.eQ h necessaTy to protc�t the�a�lur c+f the!'raprrt�and LcRder's r�ghcy
<br /> �.,
<br /> �" �r�''s'''�� . ir�thr Property. Lender'ti�cnan�ma�� �ncludt�y�n��R}xum� ctrut��!hy u tirn a•ttich hu�prturit��<��ac chn Secnnty p
<br /> �+��r,U.';'�i,..,..,i;.''• •. lnstrument,nppenring in rourt,pn}•mg nnsunahltrare�,rnap:ieec and cnterirtg un tHe i'ra{xrt�•tn make rrFuer Atthough
<br /> �"''� ` •��'����� Lendet may tnke actiaa under this pnrogrnph 7,Lrndrr d�ws nor hu�to d��•a. '�
<br /> ::.•.,.:�. .��. ;.�,, .
<br /> .`�; " ::.'�:�;it.;. Any nmaunts disbur�cd b>Lcndrr uelder this paragraFN��alt l+ecc�mr udditi�,nat drbr��1�6k�rn�w�r�:ur�d IsY thr.:
<br /> �� �. ,3 : ..' .�� � the date uf disbur�ement vt h N�teu�r.�nd �hul{ he paynbieraith in�ic�tnu{xm na��rr frc.m LendK ro �+rrox�rr �
<br /> „•. ,
<br /> �� tequesting paymem. '
<br /> ,<•.:.,
<br /> � �!�'.t',�
<br /> ,.�•I.. .. ,
<br /> `➢''rf,` � . 1 _ . .. _ _ _. . _.__ �...
<br />