. _C.�u� r.+�, . .�a �..�.• 1 , � �,��-__
<br /> _: ;� , �A� ��I�• ' '-'-- .._.__ .. _..._ y _rnr --..._._.
<br /> 3 N ' _ '
<br />.. � �!�''. . . . �11�ey P� ,'�i�;,. . . , I 5' ��f�,� __
<br /> ,.
<br />-.� :,T�� li'3�' . .� �'��S�! ti e. .' 1�—_ --- ----�-�---" ..
<br /> � �
<br /> � ,. . ,
<br />,. .. h... . � . , . ..--... �
<br /> UI�FOAM CQV�NANTB.9orrowe�and I.ende�oovenant Ana+�0►ee a tottow�t ��'�'��� (�v
<br /> t. I��INNo1P11�ip�l�ndhN�apP�NM�IWNCha� BonowsrshetlP�anP��YWywltind4ethe
<br /> prinoipail ol shd interoet on tha deb!evtdenosd b!►tM Note and any prope�rment and Iste ah�rOes dus under tM Notd;
<br /> Q. W�Iw.TNth�uldin�w�• SubJeattoappfioeblelRwArbew�l4ts�weiveibyLendsr.8onowsrsMilpdy �. .,�:_�.- -_..,.�_... _
<br /> to�.endaan the day MantlNy payment�are due Wnde►the Note.until tMe Note Ia pAid in futl,a sum("Funds"144u�to
<br /> ons�twemh o1;Is) yeahy taxes a�d aeeaae�nents whloh may attain priorlty over thi8 Seaurlty tmtrunant:tb)Ys1�n!► _
<br /> Nq�hol�p�ynwnl�ar qtound renfe on ths Propayr.K�y1(o!Y��Y hat�rd ineu�r�s Premiwns,and ld)f�Af► __--
<br /> mo�t�ageMsunmce premluma,if any.Thaee items are aatled"eeorow itame".Lenaer may estlmete Ihe Fu�tde dus on the =_
<br /> basie of aarent data and reaeoneble estimatee of future eaa�ow Itema. ;�;;,�.�.,r-.
<br /> Tl�OfuedeahAllbeheldinaninatftuponthedepoaiteo�a000unteofwhioharelnsuredorgus�enteedbyatederator �_,�_
<br /> etate ageeoy (lnoluding 6ender it 6ender la such an tnsNtution�.6endar aha0 apply the Rund1 to pwy the esarow iteme. �-----=-•------
<br /> 1.ender��ot oharga br holqing�nd apptying the Funds,analy:fng the aeoount or veriying thseearow itema,uMass Vk1f'%�_:�
<br /> 4�nder pr�s 8onower iMerest on the Fuods end appltcable Isw pe�mits 4eoder to make auah a aharpe.Horrower and ±�.��=�=��_--
<br /> ta,r'.; .--
<br /> {,�der aep i�prea in w�tUhg that ieterest shatl be paid on the Runde.Unlesa a�agreement la made or applioable taw . ��,, .� i��; __
<br /> ;�;,�y�.,�j `��:�_
<br /> roquire$Im�rest to ba pnld.l.ender shaN not be requlred to pay 8orrowerany Interest orearninga on the Ru�ds.6ender s,,,�_,• ;R,s�:^,�,.._
<br /> sAallgiveto6arower.wlthoutcheage.anannualaaoountingoftheEundsahc�rrtngareditsanddebibtotheFundsandihe °�' :�• -
<br /> '�:1��:��_�,:
<br /> pu�p�sefor wAich each debit to the Funds waa made.The Runda are ptedyed as e�ddidonel seaurity tor the suma secured �r 7���,�;;:r�_�
<br />_ by ttie Sacurity►It�hum�it ��``rb'�'" ---
<br />= IR1MaNhpu�toftheFundsh8ldbyLender,togetherwHhthetuturemonMtypaymeMsotFu�dspayablepriortott�e �,�c,:��<<,��w--
<br /> y•--
<br /> dueGat�so�!the.escrowitems,shallexceedtheamountrequi�topaythees�rowitemawh�ndue.lheexcessshapbe.at ,:�;;,�h�A..;,,�`-
<br /> �pp'n er�o Ipn,either rom ti repald to Bo��ower or credited to 6oROwe�on montM ments ot Funda.If the , •��� �-<<�'�'
<br />- QHy pt . P P Y Y PaY ..fL.. r. „,.
<br /> �x,•.��..t�;.�.
<br /> awlotmtdlhePundaheldbyLenderisnotaufticienttopaytheescrowitemswhe�due.8onowershatlpaytolenderany ;=y,�:.;�� a�A;
<br />- amourii neC�eesary to make up the deficienay In ona or mo�e payments as required by lender. .,'.t...'•;;�r�;.q;;.,,,
<br />= l�yonpeymentintullotallsumsaecuredbythle&eou►it�rtnatrLment,R.enderahallpromptlyreiu�dto8orcoweraay .a�t';�,�b�s;;�;",�_
<br />- '�imds�haldby�ende►.Ifunde►paragraphl9thePtope►tyissoldoracqufredbyLende�.le�dershallapply,nolaterthan �;�,..•:�T'°:::��}�•
<br /> ,,..L
<br /> hif�lne�ii�ldy p►io�to the eale of the P�operty o�its acquiaition by lendet,any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of ��,•�'?a';i�:�_:__
<br /> applloatlo�as���edR against the sums secured by this 9ecurity 1nstrume�t. '''�° },.' j_
<br />_ � 9. AppiidaAion of Paym�nb. Unlesa aPPlicable law provides othe►wiae.'all p�ymeMa recehrad by Lender under :.,n�;9qt��� �""`.
<br />_ m
<br />° paragrephs t and.�anall be applied:Hrst.to late charges due u�der the Note:secand,to prepayment Gher es due under ,�;?�_ ` 4�
<br /> B , � °,
<br /> tho Notslhi►d.to 8lnounts payable under peragraph 2;tourth,to i�tere que.and.laat,to�rincipel due. N�� � F f�F'` ,y
<br />- 4. Cl�Sil��� Borrower shelt payalt taxes,aasesameMS:o�r�es;t�,�a•�ntl�mppsitions t�t tti but8bi8tOit18 Y:.YS��i���;°,a�,�
<br /> ' Pro �Nhiah rtray attain rfarH over lhis Securit Instrument.�a�d�easeholp¢ayments or ground rente, it eny. h,?�,.�,,;.,,;,,<;,;;...
<br /> = 8orrower�f'�ell pqytheae ob1 gations in the manner p►ovided In,par�graph 2.or it i�ot pald fn that man�er,�a�rowe�shell -;{�;;, � �,�;t� __
<br /> = ��pa�►th�monpm�direcllytotheper8onowedpeyment.Sorrowershall�p�omptlylurnishtolenderellnottcoaotamountsto 'r '�� �'"� � =_
<br /> _ „._.,,.. ,d�.i;:aai�_..
<br /> ' p�pa'iduadet thia paralgreph:It 8orrower makes these payments�i8reatly:Borrowe�8ha11 promptly turnlah to L9nder ,ti'��.�..�����•d:s�,�;_
<br /> ° ►�eiptawidencfng'lhe i�Ymenta ' ' ` �'°°'§�5�•, `�
<br />- 6arOwer SFrall nromptly discharge any Ilen which has pr�orit over thla Security inetrume�t unleets BorroWer.(al ,� 1,,.��� �� �,Ja��`:
<br /> y �;.',:�;. ,1.�Si,;f�„R�
<br />- ' Bgree6lnwNNng'toth�apaymentoftheobilgationsecuredbytheflenin•amenneracCeptabletolender,(b)aont9s}s+� ;..,-;:,,;�,,;', �..___
<br /> = gpod teltA ttie tiea by,or defends against entorcement of the Ilen in,�tegal proceedi�gs which in the lender's opinidn i�' '�.,.;�'•,"�':�::�
<br />' , i��1r;.'+!, ;,.;;::
<br />: ' operetetopreventlheenforcementofthelie�orforfeitureofanypartoftheProperty:o�lc)securesfromtheholderofthe ,.�,,,'�,A�•;::,.,.}�-�,�,.,� .
<br />- tienenegr�ementeatisfaatorytolenderaubordinatln thelientothis3eourdylnstrument.ltlenderdeterminesthetany .�::,��•��'��;�;�::�,;,
<br /> Q . . �,:"•,.,•.., i.. ._,
<br />- pettqt thePropertyle subJect to a Ilen whlch may attairt priority over this Security inatrument,Lendermay glve 80trowe�8 ••t,-.,,..:n';�';�;��:,;�:.
<br /> = nOticeidentityingthelfen.9orrowerahatleatislythellenortekeoneormoreoftheactfonssettorthabOvewlthlnl0d��rsof �:::;;;�:�;��Y'�,°
<br />._ 1 i;..
<br />- ihe givinp of notice. . , �f;'`�;�•{:;.y,�;�
<br /> - '"�;,�•� {,. ..
<br />� ' �. N�uM Insunt�e. Borrower shell keep the Improveme�ts now exi8ting or hereafter erected on 1fie�P�opbrty , .y,.,:. . � ��-+:�.
<br /> .- �.;_ •.';..;�<,-:
<br /> ' ineuredagainst foss by fire,hazards inctuded,w�thM the term"extended coverage"and eny otAer haxard&�fm wbich :;;,.a.t,�.,;. _�,�,�,_••,-
<br />° Lendo�rept�ires inau►anCe•This Insurance sheli bema�ntaMed In the amouMa and tor the periodethat Lender tequlres. �, t� �+,,�;.,
<br /> j • 1'heinsuiencacarrlerproWdlagtheinsuranceshallbechosenbyBorrowersubjectto�ender'aapprovatwhichshaltnotbe ,�.�,�<<,:'eT�i,�'�„•, `_�
<br /> ° u�reasanably wNhheld, � :'�`," �.~�•'�
<br /> AIIIneWance poliCies and renewals shetl be accepteble to lender and shaU tnclude a standard mortg8ge clauae. .:"s�•'•:�:;;"��r�=��
<br /> -_ ;.t.....-.'tt3^S3�_�:,..
<br /> _ �ende►�Nhavetherlghttohold�thepouciesandrenewals.IfLenderrequires.Borrowershatlpromptlygivetolenderatl "�„_��`�i.���.,rm���..
<br /> _ . recelpbof peid premiums and.renewat noticea.In the event of loss.Borrower shetl glve prompt notice to the in8utance ,
<br /> - Cerrl@r�nd lender.Lender may make proot ot tosa 1f not made promptly by Borrowec ;„, ,���:�rri°,�_�_;
<br /> � UNesslender and Borrower otherwfseagree�n wNtlng,inauranCeproceeds shalt be appliedto restoratlon or repair .,,. :. ,���
<br /> �� ot the Property dam$ged,lf the restoration Or repair�s econom�cally teasfbte and Lender's seCwity fa not tessened.it the .;•., �
<br /> � t.• .• .;,•.�
<br />:._ reetoradon orrepairisnoteconomicallyteasibteort.ender'ssecuritywouldbelesaened.themsutanceproceedsshellbe ,.�.t,;;i;;:,.--
<br /> :;�„r ,r., t, .;.,
<br /> _- applledlo the sums secured by thfa Security Instrument,whether or not then due.wlth any exceea pefd to Borrower.It , .; , ,.. �; ,-_;
<br />== 6onower abaddone Ihe Property,or does nol answer withfn 30 days a not�ce from lender that thefnsuranC@ CBrriet fiae :' � -.:_
<br />`- oiteredtosettle�elaim,then lender may collect tne f nsurence prxeeds•lender may use theproceeds to►epalror restore ::;�� �;.�'�;..,.,��:.,
<br /> .A the P�apertyor to pay auma secured by this SeCUnty Inatrument.whether or not then due.The 3aday petiod wilt begln ,;;•. :�7. �•;•;,�,:;�•,,
<br />:;�, when thenotice isgiven. ,,��:?���.,;i��;.�`;.'I.,-
<br /> �;.. � ,
<br /> ^ UdessLenderandBorrowerotherv+iseagreelnwriting,anyaAAl�cat�onotproceedstopnnclpalshal{notextendor Y,,,,
<br /> t . .
<br /> ~= postponetheduedateofthemonthlypaymenlsreterr�dtolnparagraphsl an02orcnangetheamountotthepayments.{f h�,,}t ,. •
<br />,;;� underparagraphlBt�ePropertyfsacqunedbyLender.Borrower'snahttoanymaurance,poheiesandproCeedsresutting ��,�'.;����,�"�!'.r;�'����t�
<br /> t�om den�ge t0 the propeHy pnor to tne ecqws�t�on$�a1t pass to Lentler to the extent otthe sums eecured by thfa SeCUr�ty �<�ti}t�!�;,,;.;
<br /> ��� Inatcum6nt Immedietely prfor to the acquisition. ;'f�,'�",1 ��` ""l
<br /> !, pre�epvetion and Matnt@natke oY PropeHy;Leaaeholda. Borrowe+ahett�ot deatrpy.or damage or substan• ;' ' '�}�`�t' ��
<br /> �'�i *+nn �npn �hpPronarty.attowtheProaertvtodetenorateorcomm�twaste IflhiaSecurltylnslcument�sonateasehotd, �; �` `'
<br />�cri Y - `� .
<br />-_- Bonower she11 aomply w�tn tne prov�slons af�ne tease.U�d if Hotrower tfcqu�res te41i3�eto ttte P►pPe�ty.tne ieasenoid and `�.--�
<br />�"'_' tee trtle th ell not merge untesa lender agrees to the m�Rger�n writing. . � ....,.; �',
<br /> `" 1, ProteoNonof�ander'�RlghbintE�ePeoperf�r;Mohgagelnsurmee. �fBorROwertanstoDeNormthecovenants . ,
<br />'�� � andagreernentscontalned�nthlsSecuntytnatrument.orfherelsalegalpraeedmgthatmays�gmheantlyatfectlender's � :, ,,. :
<br /> � tlght8httsePtOpetty(such a8 B ptOCeedmg m bankruptcy,probate,forca�otlemnat�on or toenforee t8wa or regulatlons). ;
<br /> ' then lender may do end pay for whateve�lynpceasary to proteCt the value of the Property anO lender's nght8ln the ;
<br />�; Properly. Lender's acHOns may �netude peying any suma secured by a Hen wh�cn has priady over tn�s Secunty � , �� �, ;� �I,�,
<br />'�`+ tnst�ument.appearinglncourt,payingreasonableaStomeys'teeeandentenngonthePropertytomakerepaira Atthough
<br />° Lender mey take aCtion under thls paregraph 7.Lender does not have to do so �` ! t ,�
<br /> .. .: •;r,�;.'.;•�
<br /> My amounte dlsburaed by lender under thla peragraph 7 shall become add�t�orta�aeDt ot�orrower secured by thfa
<br />_,� 88CU�tr�atrument.UnteSSBOrrowerar�ILenderegreetoothertermscfpayment.the�amourttssrraltbear�ntereattrom ,,'.�,' ' � ;
<br /> thA detA Ot dfsbursement 8t the Note ret�an0 shall be pnyab�e,w�t�interest,upon nol�ts from Cender to Botrower ,
<br />_ . ,
<br />. re4uedn9 DeYment. , .. �
<br />_�'� __ - .. .. __� _..
<br />_
<br />_ ,
<br /> �.
<br />