r� •i..�.>•. •fic-,�r �r �<<Nr.rr .;� ,•�� ,v�. .�r oi:me •r .r. ;1,r, .n��a�. ..�n �; v.�r ,v. .., y. � a � -i a ,qy� -•ror;
<br /> s:�� 1 d '� �.�l�r• y r:... ��r.. .,�:i. :{,;•.+ l)� ;.i n >, � /...r 5,��i . }�� ,�•J�.(.N�'-- �' r,.�( .�.. �n.�'�-
<br /> :d. LT�. L ;�l-�} r.3� � .nL ' �y:�ni�`iW� uf.• �M"�4d�'1: :t ..!•.+(�.4 l� a..i' u�•Ai:" ,.. . . .i.-. . i�1�.� � , . Y,� �
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<br /> � i ;,�`o ft�,�� ;�,�! la�,t � ;�{4` ;�{,, it 'r. { 'l� �{15IH.y�((I�i�f}J. ��.�� ti �i�t n ,!,ai� :�'� . .� ��
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<br /> . , -1 �� 1��a'.S _.-......-.i.._w� .,i.. 1 .r�. � __ y.i�+,1..:t.....:..ui:duYA{.�w�aWW::a�.oL'oduln�{I..-. .. ......w �}Yi���SJ?��i� I.1!� 1� �� .
<br /> _ •ti!'I%'`i''4;,;.iirF� ' . �I , i •�l ��, Jr�'�.(�'��.
<br /> ��4t�.l�t��\'',�y�.}�� '�i: I ��lL�AQBi 91--9�01786 i�'� 'i'' :l„._,�:.. ti�. ,��:.:._'
<br /> i R �i U. ('�,'! � , •�1 JC.-
<br /> )� '1 ''�'',5.'1y� '� , :�1� • a.'. �' �• ��,�{;'� t ry�_
<br /> ii ' :'� • o
<br /> ^_ - i,''li t; � . 1 . .���f�7i1 tJ,���� � p � ad��Y
<br /> .. �' i'.I. �`MN�71�b���b� ';'�"�t1'��/h9`{. �4..,rrF.
<br /> I;.''••' � fi� f� x �i'
<br /> - _ ,'!f, t? , .�n- r -a . 't
<br /> ,�S[ if ����p�.�� �
<br />-t�' c��hl�'�d��„T11�, ' � wlt,..,.�'� - (b!l�IA"MOIRp1�ot")�TIO M. , . `
<br /> .i',', .. � � iil� �� � ., , �1,. �,��� r �.
<br /> i��l .,;,�,. _:r•,.� , . o-.—v�• r
<br /> �ti �� ���' �b�n1a"Morip�tN"A �,�� ..
<br /> � .,'r _A.. ' ?���.' ;. ., : „ ., '�,.�.
<br /> ��" • 1loetp�o�N Inabi�0 io flo�in IM qind�f wia ot i�.�R�-��..�IO�aatd by Mort�yot•i note . � .;-; ,;r .-.
<br /> n ` •, � }��Y7 �d��..^��NI N.�Y�IMN�O�N'� ''I -�h''.:i.li���'.{�rti'�yi`l i��_ :vr
<br /> � •�� � �reh�e;�1991...�INn"Nof�"�/�oiAdlA1 %i�Y� �OV , ., ` •
<br /> '; A.±,�7' ��.{ + Seateq�er Z,,,_3.,�1 A9_t �:: . .�,,:�,,..,. , '
<br /> ,, �;����:'��,�, 1��Knot�ooa�r ptld�dw�d p�►�oA.�_..__ . ��+';:` ..i�
<br /> :1, :�..
<br /> �,.�°:,��i'.i,..�'r{,��, .. . �
<br /> :����' � 7b�tM pp►a�tof tM Notr.wNb fafe�t p provi0�d�Mnit��!h��y�nt of�Ii otr�r wmb Mith inurest, '�... ,' ' ,R:
<br /> - -��- ;::i•;! 1�►MoM1�� �ot tM waue1q oi t�b Monpi���ad tM prto�of tM ooan�►k�d�m�nk ot . . _ ��,
<br /> .,... �eanaa b M. ra�o�rfa a�cr►b�a
<br /> �;�,° .��� fM Mo�m �oaMir�d bpNei.Mo�OT da� MAby taottpt► �nd aon��y eo Mort1��e i . _
<br /> ,,.�ti;�^i. ��� . '�
<br /> ,�: ±�;�� `.'�;;� qropeety too�t�ia._.1LLL.—.—.•—Ootinty.ti�br�la: �:.� . :,.
<br /> %;���a�, u' f1.':.
<br /> ;••��;ti:°„ '';;�.;' The Wssterly Fortythree Feet ta3') ot Fractional �ot One (1), i� Fr�ctiona0 ;�., : �.
<br /> '� �,,,,�� ,,;,�`� 81ock Twenty-o�e t21). i� Palmer's Subdiviston of i.ot�� Sevan (7) ot the , ,�;;.
<br /> •� �..�,��•°�t� County Subdiviston o! the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Qu�rter (SE�SW�C) '
<br /> ---�':�'���"�'�,�•+ of Section Sixte�ar� (16), i� Township Eleve� (it) North, Range Nine (9) • � • . : �_. • ��-
<br /> ;�;,,�:l''����,�.....,�+ �;;,,,�,''.,r.,
<br /> West ot the Sixth P.M., ac�d so much ot l.ot Two (Z) ot the Subdivision t'� .
<br />�t't.� of �ats 13 and 16 a�d Parts of l,ots 8, i t, 1 Z and 1� of the CouMy SubdRvision `. �:�. ��,,,��:..,.,i�
<br /> •:,v,,.+ti,,•;:};:cr•�,• � of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarte� (SE�SW�) of said Sectio� ��' -
<br /> �� "����;;� Sixteen (16) as wlll make (with said Westerly a3 teet) a rectangular plece j � ;.�f_� '�M��-
<br /> � � . �, +,. , � �. :.:.,I `
<br /> � at �round having a Northeriy Frontage of k3 teet on Fi�st Street and a � � 4��. :..�:i�-
<br /> � � � ' ���� depth ot 13Z teet, more particula�ly dascribed as fallows: 8ogt�ning at � .l��°'��=�`-
<br /> �,�..._.... =-
<br /> � � � ''' � the Northwesterly Carner of said, l:c�t �ne (1); Running thence Southerty S�� '� =-
<br /> ,,,�, ::_
<br /> � ,.: along its Westeriy line and con�inaing through pert of seid Lot Two (2) � . .� ;��•_�,;��::
<br /> � ,. to the Northerty line ot the �A19ey,: :13� feet; Thence Easterly perailel with � ,, „ t,;l.'��r
<br /> � .. the Alley and atong its Northe�ly line, q3 teet; Thence Northerly pa�aliel � , �,a.r-
<br /> _-_-._ - � with the Westerty ttne of said Lat One ti), 13Z Feet to the Northeriy line � . �;�} i
<br /> ' ' ,.� of said Lot O�e (1); an@ Thence Westerly q3 Feet to the Place of Beglnnlr►,9• f�.::.�•; , .�xi�
<br /> Toptlhr�vith�!b�!ldinp.Uapeav�menu�Axtura�tEnet��aikys.yw�{rN'aY�� �wmmtt�ti�riu�O�vileges�ri� ►, �•.�.�!,�
<br /> �:�;a.. , '� . ,ti; ''•
<br /> bwtt �nd Pto!{t�,rtwttfonf�nd tefiainden R, ��. .
<br /> .� �f4y*� � , apAueMn�n�'loeated tb�t�on or in u+ywiw ptuinfn�thertto.�nd tAer�nts� ���� ,�. ;
<br /> � � , `• ' ��M�ott�lnc�vdieQ,ent not lim�ud to►Aatie��nd cool�nQ�quipmmt�ud wcA p�naad 9ropRY tlut is�ttaeh�d to;she ,'�',��;. �! ;��,` .,
<br /> u
<br /> � � , • �Spytov�ut�ou to a to con�tttutQ a lbttute:di of wAicA�ineludfa�ir�ttenaenes u�d�ddttfons tMseto�it b�nb)dPCluvd . � • ; ;�'� ',`
<br /> . � � . !o br�{fs�l of tfi�re�t euak kcurtd by tM lien of tDl�Mort��nd tlt of th�tosi{otn�bNa�nt��ed to herein as tlw I� I!'�`�!t�;�;:i::
<br /> ' aROplftyn' , . . � � ' q �
<br /> . f , r ti:f �i..
<br /> �. Moeqt�or further conv�n�nta and�ro�s�wfit�MonQ���+u follo�n: t � � �'''' `
<br /> . � , ,� . ; �`�.i
<br /> � , 1. Paym�nt. To p�y tAe InMOt4dnns�d thQ Int�tolt thereon as ptovfded in tbi�Most�Q and ttw Note. ,
<br /> , �., I ���' ';��� �" . Z.Titk. Mott��ot is the own�lr ot thP Roperty.A�s the ri�ht�d�utAosfty to taon�aQe eht RopPn�.ead ' .,.�� .. .' , �.i
<br /> �;,.. .. . , � !. 'r , 's'; •',
<br /> ..,,;,�%, 'jy,l•,?`�?» woRanu tlut the lieo ota�tPd herep�is�tint and prior 11ea on.thQ'Ro�tty��exapt u awy othtewfs�be ut•tort'h f�erefn. ; � ,, , '
<br /> • '�:n'.
<br /> �i11�}� '-i f�.'( . ' • ' . • �. '�'
<br /> . .'.,�:. O 7f�e Ropeety b wbjtct ta s 1�9ort��whesei» , . . � � ': �',.
<br /> . r,z '� .�:.��'��.,•,s.: _
<br /> Couat�. �. � . •.,,,�,=
<br /> • ' `,.,l 4 tbe Mottt�Qe,ncordM�t 800k_....��p+i+-------of the MortnQe R�cords o! , ... ,�,��.�
<br /> N�b�ta.wbi�A Mortp�e 1��Ika peior!o tiw]hu e�a�te�lkreby. ';t;��t�1,y'���;,�,
<br /> . •��,�°�
<br /> .� ` ,� O Ocher prior R�m or�eautnbe�nees: � J��
<br /> . y,L�.
<br /> .:�.�;;
<br /> . _ : , .�i�i.:
<br /> `` • ' �
<br /> , �. '�rlJi I�.� • '^,,5��:
<br /> , 'I�
<br /> ,' +�.,'•'1', I�: ..�' . ���;!.
<br /> '�'�
<br /> �!� ;;ti',•;`.;�'�:. 8.'11�i�t,Aw�enta. To psy�wMn dw all Wc+i.:Peel�i atse++menuu�d tll othet cAu��t��,�i�ut tbQ Rapeet� ,�
<br /> .:'c�;;.., .:'�,,., ' at►d�npot��rtitt�n deaund by Mort�fee�to 1dd to't�e.p�yaotnfs r�quterd uader the Note s�cund h�aby,sueh�moupt�s �.
<br /> ��:•r,'���'�� � • m�y b�awttldem to�aWe wr Most�a�ee to oaY wet►wcN��ueaen�nu or otber eh�t�tbry O�eo�ne due. . �~
<br /> ' 4. �a�ae�. To t�ep thr ImytoNtr�ats ao�v oe 1�ee�e�tter looakd on the[ea1 estau d�se�i0ed Mnin insund � :
<br /> �ple�t d�ma�e bY!in'wd wch otAer Awrd►as Maaf[�m�Y r►quiee�tn unoun4 ad wtch ao�npenie,icc�pubk ca�hp .
<br /> �rt�e,�ad wfth toa p�y�ble to !Ae I�ort�ee.le eut of!oa und�r sucb polla{es tbe Moetq�ee b wtho�t�d to •
<br /> �djwt,ooq�et wd oompeoml�e�tn its�er►tion�d�dais�tl�ertunder at its a!e option� �uthorir,ed toeltA�r appt�•thP
<br /> pt�oa�d�tp tbe rato�lion ot Ne Ar�o�eeeY o:upot►tAe lndebtedt►ets t�eured heeeby�but p�yeneate t�ereunder�h�t!eon•
<br /> tlput �tatU tht turAt ieeund Aertby�P�d ia luU.
<br /> 6. O�erow Fot Tnte��nd lawebee. Not�+ith�tandtn�anyNie{cont�fned In p�e�praPh�8 and 4 hereot to the �.
<br /> �q�y.ti�ot�h�it p�y to tM Mortp�e at the ttro�o!p�yia�the moethty InsW{eneats of ariadp�t�nd In�ereic. ;;
<br /> onatNtlM o!tAt yatly Wcei,�nu�bat�td iivanaa p[�tatueas,se�d�e�ound ernt�(tt anY)which m�y�ttain• ,.
<br /> ' ptio�lqr owt tAb Motya���Il a�'[�uena�etttmtt�ed irom oax io�ime by ine�t'v��.'!t�=�srw•sa yeld sAa!!� _
<br /> bNd Oy tlk l+toA�wlthout inf�rest�nd wpllyd w ti�e p�ym�nt of Il�e itenu fn�espMt w Mhich suel►emouata were
<br /> �ppq�,'�q�pi�p�}d tp lltp�tppt f�ettunder�ee pled�ed�sddltioAlJ ttcuelty tor tbe iade0tednss t�cuced by thte
<br /> �tpeip�e.ltos�yyot tbdt py to Moee�lK tAe aer►ount o!�ny detiekneY OetMeen tAe�etutl wca.auesun�nu. !i►surance
<br /> pe�eWutt►�atd powid�ra4 and tAr dePo�tu Aerwnder�vltldn 20 drY+�ft�e d�tnand u taad�upon Matt�iot n9ue�ting �
<br /> P�YaKat Wenot •,
<br /> � e, RepNr�11R�aNn�not�nd U�e. 7b promptly tepttr.ee�tore ot rebufid �ny buttdln�s or Nnproven�enta now or
<br /> � ben�tter on!br ProPrrtY:b teep the Peoperty in�ood conditbn�nd t+p�tr.wlthout w�te��nd ltM �ton�m�cluntc's or
<br /> otber tiem not euprnUy wbotdieated to the H�n Aereot;eot to tr�ke�wKer or petn►It aa3 auw�a to exbt.nor to d�mie•
<br /> !�b or impair the value ot t1k R�oaatY bY my+�t or omiWon to�ct:and w compty with dt requle�em�nu of uN rnti�
<br /> n�pret�o�be tropeetY.
<br /> ;I
<br /> I �
<br />