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<br /> — � �Iwiel�4tW�0��nta�eam q�1�e�ip'I�a�tllat rat�to�ou+aMa/�Nla W lpiii7 ��-- -
<br /> , .��• k►w�ofi�b TM�olic��MiU quell�t�1 fl�e deq�lp lb)tAt n�fio�KWtni W erre�
<br /> M(�le� �a �a�t i�w t�s i0�q�s t�e��te tM�oMa b�IrAi ta Bo�ro�a.l1*1dd eM ddalt�t 6�ern�i _..
<br /> � � MM l4 tlrt Aq�i�►W eo�1M Mtwlt aa��M�tM I�t q��tN�ao�a an�b�at tMp�
<br /> �b tW 8�uip►'�nt a1�N ot Ne ProN�.7'M• �Mtt h�M�t�tolw 8oe�►a ot tM r4Mt�o �_ - --
<br />��„z�_ �...,n...,, �p�p albr�0�1�►`�uM;NM�to iei�q a cap,rt�Nba to wert tUe aon�o/•�tt a�»r� ::.�__°w:�---_.,--•-,_�•_ -
<br /> _ _._ _ ..
<br /> NN�ot�•taNOOe�l��ra�ydu��ipM.lflM �b„NOte�wtaor6��Nad�q�A���t•1�e�LRMer �_�M==-
<br /> . . a'� �.(�ro ItwAliWi1W�.���iM�������. •�� �r��.�_---
<br /> .�._...._--- ����►OkQ�PO/le!�Mif A��Gl1�f�l1� ��l0 bQ���f�11 UO N�tlt�t0 d:-;�:;��___—.
<br /> ool�et �it .�s taw�rod la a�uwd�el�e�te+ ia dii. p�eqeyh 19�taotaat�!we aae umiaa ta �ic,zY.::�:-__
<br /> taqoitllRSt�'lees�ndoo�qatlNNetll��o1. �1'` -
<br /> U tln 0� �pae b ia�okedl'h+�p�a�ll'ipoord�aadee o!def Muit ta a�ob touaty ia wldoh�an►P�re ot ths �"�1{�� �
<br /> iable btw to SoMower aid to t� .'"'`�-.: �
<br /> �__._ - p�,o�thr i� au� m�tl Ao/ks atsrelr�o�t�e in t�aataaar pt�acelbed bY�Pp1 ;�r;�4 � . ,�s��,� .�.!
<br /> li�. tho Nn�e roaaierd br�P�e i���'t'natee tbNl�tte OnbUo aotiee o! ',�'m ��`fv���n�
<br /> _ �O��P��`��°p��� k tm�.Tnatea witl�oat demaad oa 8orrowu.�ail�eit tbe ���{s t,�;�;�s�ti tir�..
<br /> -- �° t�leto'tbe pef'Mo�t4id aa� �'� iotheaotieeotpNia :�a�t�_,;�' i���'��n -
<br /> �� ; Pn�eety�tputiilksa�tio�b!M idihat blddOr�t tbe ttme 1u�dlA�+�M n�the tenn�d�ted � ,
<br /> u s�e ot*li or�uW P��tre P[oPertY b7
<br /> oaeor mo�+epe+oat�uia a,u�a+der'11r�ee aeta+�tnea.T� �'�}ti''� ° : x�"� �;�" ' :
<br />�rix� 1l�f+�OT I15���� 1Y��i�' ,�y.� �'��t,��� �-
<br /> ��`�i� �UO�it!bR t�0���0 0����1 �'. -
<br /> . {� /"��! �Y�g
<br /> Pf�010!'�'A�Allyf�. 7k�Stl4�1�lNCOwtO�rtqtb � �''1�`�- _
<br /> "6'� vpo�A�eottp�0f ot�nent ot�tYw�1ioe bii�TRMl�ee eWl1�u to t00� .'` s �-���
<br /> �`�#, ,. ; Pro�etth:'Ite �td�ab��e Tnaoce•�d�bd da110e pelws hde e�Neaee ot Me ��e.i���� �;j1ir�Sd�'( ;�ql,y�d t ` - -
<br /> b
<br /> ,. �.t's� 1� Tewteedaq�b tMe pree�d�At the�ate ta t6e lbtlod�t aiersG�a to d1 e�s `;�;���'�f,,.�� _ —
<br /> �. .v t�`� to,71�Oeey fep�s/ae�tt�ed bY�ppltabl!In►aid(!�at�'tle�(bl t0 AU Wmf la�red bY tMa Se�u�tt! �G,• ;.��, i�'?,...;::K-::•:--
<br />-`—__- - Rn�qeo�whl�d(e1!q exce�t to tAe pawA or 0��b►��d�i� , Y�1Fttt.:�,,::;t�"�_
<br /> '��. _._.... ' nVti; rr'i'''����1,�'•'�'7''n:�-a��-
<br /> 'd�'�<<. 19.Leaedt� la Rc�tton.Upon accdaadon under pa��gcaPh 19 ar abandonraetu of the Property.�O�adar�ia �1,>;,�`f�'"'4`.. ;,°�?J;�
<br />:,����? p ey a�s,t or�y j•u�atc�uy aj�•�_ tat n�iver)shdl be e�attod to eate�apon�take poasession oi and maaa�e the s.,•;,-�.�,;.;,;. .':
<br /> �� ���{� �J �,1 ,v�(��F- t�
<br /> ati r t}� . �td�l�iN��G�OI{Iii�perty�r�MwuB���.d�.�y�Q�� '�rQ���CtW����ZRi��r� ��.S21�t'b,anl'ri fA��v ww.�'.
<br /> �',;. :�.���� .apl�applied lirst to p�ynuat oi tbe ca�s oP mana�ement of the PropeRy aad crolleetion of reats�iaoluding:�btit not .,!;,s f',� �','`'�^ : _
<br /> , �'..
<br /> unn on roaetvet'a boiMs a�d reatonabie attorrteys fas.mad tben to ttte sua�ss�utad by � :;j�� ys, r:..� �'_.
<br /> tl�,.:.:�� .,.,ri,
<br /> ,: �''• ,,,. ti�aited to.taaeiver•afeea p�aai
<br /> *�,.� ��t �, �.���• ����:
<br /> t,;�� ._ tr�4 :'r �fl�,: ���P�'i,�.,-.
<br /> �i's i �; tlIi1SCCYC1tyIql111q1�1� �f j� "y�'�>�,��..—
<br /> �,_ �� �x�` ��- ri.Reooereri�•L1Pon PAYtnenc of all sums secured by thia Seeurity Iastrument,I.ender sh�lt request Trwtce w ��47 ,. ',�ef ,,,n,,;,;a,,..__
<br /> A"�'�';f}�,'�tuk�:� �onveY tbe p'►aPetty and sheU suttee�der tbia Secueity tnstrumant and aiI notp evidancing debt sc�ustd by lbis Sect�tity -,�� js ;-;-, �.t� -�
<br /> � ,�,f¢h In�m�t to Ttustee.Tc�stee ahail reaonvey the P�pat;►a►ithnut wu�aaty aad witbout cha�ge to the person or pasota '�'� � �Et'f, ���
<br />�',+.'� : :�',,j,� ,�'�, k�l{y entitkd 1oit.Sueh paaon or peesons sltetl pey.�aay*dea�saaln costs. ,
<br /> �
<br /> �!! � ; � ; "��''-.
<br /> y '^�,4,u�.;: op r�1aY fro�i�timd to dme ramovr 7rustee and appoint e sueee�or teusta ���. 1:; E #i�
<br /> ,���s.ti � 2�.$q�ItnteTrmtee.Lender.at ice doa� • ,x , -
<br /> :'y.;«. �����i;�?j� . w wy 7rwtee appolnted becrunder by�an insuument rxorded in the eounty in which thia Security Inetrument is recorded . 'r�:';:..;,,,,aa,r�',,,ba�:-
<br /> 3�a�" ��`�:�J� Whkont coav+�ortce of tde Prope�ty.ttie succeseor truetee�hal1 sucaead to ail tha iitle.Power and dutia conferred upoa .. ,, , � .� ° 4�� .
<br /> .,;;��n;'.,�.Y1,::t,}�; Trusteebet�eicaandbysppliCSblelBw. � ��� ;,' ,j���rs,�n
<br /> "' t�.Request foe Notlee�.Botrower uests that copies of the notioea of d dau lt an d s a le b e sen t to 8 o r r o w e r's � n,q �i•'n',t�,�;��;` _.
<br /> ra -Vii�, -y �r-`r,:. � � �t,��s L'r.' �.-_ .
<br /> 'x Tj�,''JR.�."-��.�it i��6tW�t f{iflOP[CpCft'�1�«'�.dfES9. ` 1,„S���1,r i,
<br /> ,{;�'eo�"�,; �� 1A��at to tbi�Se�uity t�if one or enore r�das are ex�cuted by Borrower and ra¢orded together arith ;�,,,d� ,, ,�,,, -_
<br /> ��,,��;. ��±a �� tltis Seou�ity Leuuumant,the covenrnts and agra�nents of each wch rfder shatl be incarporeted into and sMell eatand and ` , "�'�t;, � �`
<br /> ,,� ' '� � � wpplerttmt the oovenants and a6roetne�ts of this 9xurity Imttument as if the ridet(s) were a pert of this Securit� ;j} ���if.S �
<br /> ull \ �1��.. ' �' �.n� YE.
<br /> �� t'����°,� � In�rumenG(Ci�ak+�pplicablebox(ea)1
<br /> `�,, '` .• . ❑ 2rt Famity Rider • ' ° ,',v ' ' %� '�'--
<br /> ^.,r.�,::;:_,u,,�� ,.,�� � Adjwt�ble Nate Itider ❑Condomialam Rider — �, , ' .y.«;�
<br /> . ° C 5�y �. � �„�1��. :�irY' �.. . _
<br /> � r
<br /> `f � t Rider : v9 � ,� �:�:",�,A
<br /> w„�°g'.��3' ,�r Di�: [�Oradue►ud I�aymeat Rider Q Planned Unit Developmen ,< < �, ,, , ,., .:V ,
<br />� '� +r t;'� : , • , � .•?;F;�, ;� r
<br /> � �` .�tr � c S � '' r l '""N� t
<br /> ��•� �, .
<br /> a�,�s�t,�+�yl ACKNOWLrEDGMENT , �,�, :,:� �a d�;
<br /> �,���;,a� r•: ��'7 ' ;�i� t ;
<br />�hva�cg.v.� . ,- � � , r�,. �y '-,,;t;,r--.
<br />��-• BY$lGN1N0 BBLOW. Horrower accepts aad agraa to the terms and covenants contained in tbis Secutity
<br />-`',� i+�urumeuttndin eny dder(s)executed by Bortowe�and recotded with it. ,,�9}j����`':..�.�:�_�:`�`"';
<br /> �� �;:� s��,�� ����n-'�.r;�����.�-
<br /> �r .�J ���' ,�' .t1�I.�i�"Y�:l�..�.:...�r��'��'��!�;{!lIF........ .}rt?!.-.�_J(�I�l.�'�41� j1'-�',_�',
<br /> � } ��� �r��� ' . i•) :t_
<br /> �S� ,� 4,,, �' ....................................................................................... .. ..........�eer.ow� ;a, '� �:-��1;���, :°
<br />=i _au, '+� :��.a. Galen E. Gerdes . ::;�;�::�;;�'��'�,�i�„���.,t�,�' _.
<br />�?� t��t���,, f��t� .. ....�.1...^.:.:.J'f:r^k4.�......./..:..�.t.. .T..�.:•:�T..�eTn............ �.7iYl Ar�Z�t -,�11i� y�
<br /> 'i?4r,;�'�}n�1�;`:�:�y` ......................,......,....................................................... Tamera M. Gerdes -ea.'°"" '�•.. ,• .;: ';,�, �'.
<br /> �','�'��r�•'f��� ti,o; , �, ,��
<br /> c „
<br /> ;���j���.;i��,�'� �J. 57AT8OFNE8RASKA. HALL cuune>�s�: , ,r .
<br /> �!; � .•
<br /> .�,�{�,�f��� , � gl r y ���n,;�� . .:.._ r:
<br /> ;;��1i(��Y����'�� . � Oq thts 29 daY ot' p�r�h ,19 Ix orc rne. che undersigned. c ' ...'„
<br /> a Notar Publi: 9 � '�
<br /> �, ,�,��;}i:. � ',, � ��';:•:..��... .
<br /> �r��,�,�t;;r� -,, duly caitmmissbned and quaiified for�aid caum�•,personal{y came �GALFN E. GERDE5 AND TAMERA M. GERAES, �'},,� ! ,,�i`';���i�'rr �
<br /> t. s��i i�,
<br /> � `h}, Huslbanal end Wife .ro me known tnbe tix ��;{.' ,�:..',::� '��.,. ,+,�;,':
<br />�' 't;�.'�z�� .,;•
<br />.:wxv:n�;;i.o.c�£ D. G'�`{�.#�:<'.�� ��;y';r�•;;;k<?',�.
<br />-•r��;s��,fi•�,.,t;�,� _,°�•� identical pesson<s1 whose nameesl are �ub�cribed io tfie toreg�ing iastrument und arknowiedged rhe excc�eQion ,�,.,,.. . ...
<br />�►n+�in.�tC .` 1...�e •.� t�1ElY �n1��ntArv:1.•1 aqtl IIPP(i � _ . i
<br /> Y�1 J .-4 � '.,..— i�ha • �rv . � �- -
<br />��t:k"�;�`,���". � Witness my haed and notariat seai ut in said.ounty.ihe �;��'� . ' , .
<br />��„ o.�,_,,:,`�;�,�}y Grand Is3.and, Ne�braska
<br /> ��:`�:` ,` k .. date afmasnid, ,
<br /> ;;�:�.�4 . ..... �.r . �..,,
<br /> :;:h;�: t �;�, ; , � � .
<br /> �r.r ,.4i"�1 •�� � -
<br /> �i'11.,; �i:.r 1�.j:\.. � � .
<br /> .g�:.:°�'^'.;;��tµ���,�, Isabn expires: (`"``� ki•.�„- ,. ... . , .
<br /> �:T` `:�r�aSrc��;�i�'r ��d� ....... .... ... ......... .. ....._.... .. ...
<br /> � �, #.�'. V�aat�F'uhlp
<br /> .°,,,..,.;� , , �18�.KA$KIE
<br /> .: �� .�, • ,.; ,; REQ��ST�OIt RECONVEYAN('E
<br /> : ' �:...�,....t.:h;,. �hOe�Exv.C�e.P01991
<br /> =s-t�-�n:..>.�:..' �.,�:,
<br /> ,,,�.,,,..,.«�,';'".'!�.'y 7o Tkt�E:
<br /> ����`�'""''°��•� ''� The undersfgned 1s the ho{dcr of the nnte�tt nuces�ccured by ch�. Ihrd uf Tru��.Su�d note or noee..�o,��ner t
<br /> ;.,, ��;. , .�� .
<br /> ���� • � �' with ali otherindebtedneas secuted by this Dce�i ot'Truat,ha�e bern puid in tup.Y��u arc hercb>ditcc�ed ro�an�rt.�arct ,
<br />_ ..,,. r �,�
<br />=���'�������`��,�" •. noteor notesend this I)eecl of 1'rust, which ere det��ered hereb>,:�nd to rernmr},N+th�►ut aarrant},alt the��tar�
<br /> ,`. 5 ' / 1
<br /> ��q tf.�l .. '' �'; '.�i� �
<br /> •::,. ;..,.., now hetd by5ou under this Deed of Trust tu tfie prrsun ur per�ons icgall>•rnntled thcrrtu.
<br /> - ��,:_,;+�?t�.���..�i;r,:
<br /> 'i,.1'�' '�;: � D8tl: ..
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