yc� mr�s ,r•. i 1. t 'Ylttjhs� �fif .��' ���' . . �- 'f 5 . —-----
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<br /> 'Y � Na�WNtPO�tatooveN�Bon��ndL��oave�e,�ne�oeato
<br /> :� �n
<br /> ' ��.����M�.�MMt�q�ta rolkt ta p�r ro�';oll�wiq 18�
<br /> M�et��ed►eura�aatt a�i�tMb B�a W q►f�o�lb�t�M�����
<br /> � q�111��IOila�b1►protlAa a1Mf11bt��'M Nolia d��t�1 tbe dd�wla!b)!be te!!4!1 t�e�ul�d b eMn►t1N ---------.. . _--- -.----
<br /> qp�latr�r��otle„eb��dqr�ArowlMds�etMaodeebd��e��a4���o0��� --�--- —
<br /> r� ui W q�t Ildt�ue�o an tbe�MAladt al�ar 61tOr�tll�d��
<br /> � �i�r�Su�r�w�aat snd ade ot t!ro�r�le�7�•'CMe�atice da0 f�netbee tst�!�9at���� __-
<br /> _.�"��-,`��'_ ielia�Ee��aai We�bt W b��ooart setton t��eet tbe aoe�ast�t�oe =__ _ - _. ._T- ,, __
<br /> �etaaeot8oerowa to�boele�On�ud ale.Ittbe�b�tured on ot 6afora tbe d�e�pee(Aed M iba aotioe•Leadm ��,_`_
<br />— a ta oraai a�r r�wr�!a�a��►f�!at.0�aa,ep�����u�iw��be � n�` °a-.�u'
<br /> dem�ad t�l�aq►ia�e1ce the pa�ee otale�ad tey a�er�tedfes bl� 1�01� . �+'`.fi„"�``°""
<br /> - aolleot uU�laonrt�ed bt�tb0 rau�dtes {a tb�at�raPb 1!� iaoiqdia�bat rot ltmital to� {.r�';;`s,`_=-
<br /> �b1e�Y+'iaesaedooasottitlee�tde�e. o ,=� '^ �` ,�-
<br /> It!6e pow�ot ak t�inolced,ZMtee�1t neaard�uollce at dehWt ia eaoh aaaaty ia wbiob aay P�rt t tbe , • k
<br /> _�„_�v �r____ Property b loo�t�d�nd dWl m�q���dr�o�tiee b the aataaer Pre�crl6cd 6'APAU��We!KN ta aorra��ad b t6e :,., rr ,:.:�r, °,._..
<br /> re biic nodt�aP '';.0�..,�.,, .�,,,�. �-.-
<br /> u1M�e�o�t pt�{bed b�►�pottwtbN hw.A1�et t�e ttw�e n�eqntnd M'spAlia�ble Utw•T'e�utee�bdl�t Pu , �:..�, , .,,1��7�:__-
<br /> iu �q�ep t1e `�C`...�.,,
<br /> 1'tnttee,nitbopt de�a�nd `�•�"-.;, .`
<br /> ---__� aWe to t6e�t4oia�nd ia tbe a��bI�qW�bw• oa 8onower� , t^ ;;u.,;.�f• 1„�.'P"r-_.
<br /> pro�etly�t/MYktoatfoatotblhi�est �ndaadertbeternqAe�t6a�ted ott�ia ;:�; ?�.;;,; `' --
<br />��-J,R�'� �1�{'�l�ttM01I�0�/p�ROi A OTUI ialOtl�IQPrOpQf�� �,,3,; '�`:�' „i��;��F�.:.;
<br /> Ofd!lZkMftE0��15�lOMw�00�I00�il1 Y�e � :`.:': . 6�r�5 Sti�.�--
<br /> _"��• a�eorsaro�eeb�utd tn�+ �kd stk.[�eader or its��!'P�� : �'�.�:Y��;�,','";`:;,.:t.,�,.
<br /> �ri� �� t����a���� �,j;:?:'ry�f:}i�%j!�,(�iF.,-�i:-'•tl'�rclf�.
<br />--�DRIL�IS3Yl�� ���w"7�"`^ Tn�tee'a deed�Ae�re�ln. ( S`�r"���t/�i,4 r i __
<br />�'�"•`�""�'�.� Vp��ip�ot pq,p�qt ol tbe bl0.11�atee ala�l!delir�to tMe�e* •'_ f,�►�-���,,� . �
<br /> 4'• ��,Y{� h n��3l3t��','-__
<br /> :�`�'�?� .'!'�e Kctqb ia tAe'11ew�tee•a eed e6d1 be prtms hcte e�aoe ot the t�uth ot the atateme�n n
<br />,�-�„.`"��t�.k��� 'M��II aply the prooaeds attbe sve in ebe tollowfa�ordws W ta aU�xA�ottbe sve.i�bat aot lianited . �� �
<br /> wfa t�•°„�:.;�
<br />=`Y„7:�;`;�Y ta 1Ywteeb teea a peeaatited bY sDplkaDle Iaw wtd roatoa�bie tttote�i's'teest(bl to aU e�ms�ecnred bY�� � .• i 1"'•;:.;,: j.-���
<br /> �
<br /> '�r��`r: 1 eutltledtioi� ';� '�.�+''���� ��' �°;'�
<br /> ,��;:'•1 J:°,� Ia�brameae��ud(cl�nY e�coessto t1�e peesaa or�ee+�aa egaUr t,ender(in f�'��� 4,`,�r�'� `�`-_
<br /> � ud
<br />_ -�-T„;a�; 30.LaAder in Paasessioa. Upon a�roeleratian under paraBreph 19 or abandonment af the ProPem'• ��,i �•,-: :., _.��
<br /> •��' �y. . F��y.t.
<br />�vu�.-'�'�ir.t��4K A�`di'� P�bN�t or by judiaiailyappuinted r�oeivet)ahall ba entitied to entet upm�.take possessio�of and mana8e the � , _�':,.;;:+,..�Y; , _
<br />�--rY,��':�`i� '� �P�Y W�oltect tha rents af 1he PmpertY includittg those past due.Any rents coUected by Lendet ar the tcceiver 5 ' d.� ,,; .��;�
<br />;�}��'�- "���:� t of the P y and colicctian of rcmts,including�but not �. � �- �: =
<br /> �;.,,:�i ,: sbell be applied�tst to payment of the oosts of managemen rO� and then to the sums seeured by �� '�•• :``", ,� � "''
<br /> -;fi��;..`Y.af,`�;�.:' limited to.receivar's fas.pramtu�on roceivu's bonds and�easoaable aitomeys'fees, .�; .`.. s; :.,�:
<br /> h � `` t w
<br /> 3�:i`,�;�,s`�e:; thia Seeuritq Ipsttutnea� '
<br /> ��'���e r��,._ 21.R�ance.UPon PaYment of aU sums s�ufed by thia Seaudty lnsaument.Lender shaU request Trustee to n v^�,��,� '�,,^ _
<br />-r t;f•.�af�'7��!���i:;;� rxottvay t i t e�P ro p e r t y aad shaU sumnder this Seau�i�y instrumeni and s31 ssotes sYidencing debt secured by this Securhy _ „ . _
<br /> � Prop t
<br /> �,';��?° ,��.� taetnuncnt w Ttustee.Trustaeshall reconvey th�e Pteperty withaut warcaaty and without abarge to the person or persons j ` tt� �"''�•:
<br /> '�;�,c?:�.,�,�, legelly endti�d to i�Such person or pe�sons shaU paY anY rocordation costs. , "l S �'
<br /> � `�''��_?�'� , �,Subsdtqte Trostee.Le�der.ac its aptton�maY t�om ttmt,to time temove T r u a t e e a n d a p p o i n t a s u c c e s s ur trustee �,�;,',1�� ' � �
<br />'`��"� :;fT;'� � to any Truatee appointed he�eunder 4y an inatfumeat�eaorded in tlie county in which thts Secuaty.instrument is raorded. y;: - _
<br /> tnistee ahall succeed to aD the tiek.powei and daties conkrred uPon , ,. ,:,�,� -
<br />��t; � :
<br /> 1 �,t;,y Without convayanoe of the�'ioperty,the auccessor . -
<br />�l�:t•{itfiyji�t � : - .. , .'�1�Sf `�A.�� .�. 4: ::__
<br /> �s,.� � 4i�: Trusteehetdnandbyap�licabielaw.� �+f'4` �'��r�,`,;"�,=�.���r:.::,_•_
<br /> ��.; < < •. �',; �.
<br />�,u��,j:;. f 1� r' Z3.Repn�st tor NoNca.Botrower nquests that copies oP the notices of delault and sale:be sent to Aorrower's , : ��� „� , -_
<br /> .��"+` ;�r�- .��� addtYSS whtcb is the Property Addtess. • ` , ;f k ,Y"��4�:" �
<br /> 3fT11'r n" � .„ /i (
<br /> -_u_�.4!�,;. ._,,. : y4.Ridere to tl�Secudty Ie�umen�If one,a�mdre�idacs are execated by Borrower and recorded together with s a1i i��:.;, . P ;;,� � `
<br /> •/i �..� . �(Vf�(�(�: ' Y�.=
<br /> �!;{�d�i` �, , �. this Seaurtt y Instnaaent�the covenants and agreements oteach suah cider ahail be incorpnrated into and shaU amend and . , �,....s�;,,:; �'.:' �+�.
<br />;no� �'' Y . supplement t6a covetienta end agrcements of this Seaurity instrument as if the rtderls)were a part o t�t h i s S e cudt y , ,,..,.r,,. �t - � 1'
<br /> "t���}k�Cfn � Inatrument.[Checksppli�abieboa(es)l ' . �r�+.;,, ` #'`�'
<br /> � t , �. „.
<br /> .?�y:���Y�:,,f���,c � [] Condominiurn Rlder ❑2-4 Family Rider " t ' a'� �'��j.�a =
<br />__ � �, Ac$ustable Rste Rider Y `�, „� �� "ti S��,�t< < �
<br /> •!'°rtiri'�d;' ,1`":f�.".;�},.
<br /> �`��q���i ��'".�� []Ciradnated Payaneat ltider ❑ Planned Unit llevelopment Rider , � , , •,. 7 �
<br /> *��a. " t-�; . ,
<br /> ;�.,;.'' v.:
<br /> J'� �` :
<br /> "-�,a°�•�'��+r �OtheKs) IslxciEYl 2-4 Famfiy Ridar . ��c� . , j•.,�..'„y;j-
<br /> zTM, � �' ' .. '� ..,0�_..11::. ,,,
<br /> ''���^�� �� � co the terma and covenants contained in this Security '� �' �', � �`
<br /> :,icr.;!•�� f'� � j� RY Stc3N18to Be6ow,Borrower accepts and agras ,
<br /> a;`,�,;��:� �i� : . . Instrument end tn any rideKs)executed by 8orrower and recorded with it. . �� : ``•',
<br /> r �; �':
<br /> ��,r;,,. ti ; },`, -
<br /> I i •y •�!�'� n . i 7
<br />^j,V,'t;,�;�'1"!'�'1' • ...........f:l.�....�7a'�th�.►.�............................. ( � ;�1 • , ' ' '�'� • :.
<br /> � �: y� flg� ' .. , 4�
<br /> :•ri�li{�:.h��i:ij . " ..••t'�� .
<br /> _;.. ��' � �....................................................................................... . —�8oreower °. .,
<br /> ,?:�::;�n��,�!;; ��,� . Doneld Butts ...��..».. ,� _'
<br /> s; �.s, :��1{+,. � �.�r: . '�" ';���:�'�t��'�;�
<br /> ,K1 .�7.:�1=��,� i�l" �� ��
<br /> .',r'��. � � x:��F.�F.f.�:.....:..................................(SeaG) ,iP�'}''.'',��
<br /> ;..i;'`. �:'��� � ............................................................. ..................... ............h..�.�.a'...�.�....... "ppnower . l•.�1�, .
<br /> �,;;''"""��u`I tti6 '.�, �Ff:'
<br />-�, .'�`''r�'t".���� g@ilty BU 1,��i'`�".
<br /> -�r;���,�'�f'• ��" �'"`+�1' �,r
<br /> ,, .,U:�,;�,:,''�%: � � ' � ' t
<br /> - . Ne l]�ounty ++: •'� °f'j;�
<br />-�,:p,,,. .••� ;, oF N��enshn. . ;
<br /> � 5TATC �S�`�
<br /> ."��;,:,��'c';'}i., � tn•� . .. ;�� . a�; .'•.i�,i
<br /> .(!: •�i.L ,,,�•, 1 1 . m� f
<br /> Y. s i".
<br /> s' ;:;''`;,;.`ii;=:,��,�t4 On this 15th day n[ MarGh .19 91 . Grforr m�, thc �ndcrs gnrci. a Nn�:�r>•��'ublir ���`,,.. • i�,, �
<br /> t3:,,,,.:
<br /> .,�'��;::,,,:_,:;�s� .. .
<br /> ;: ',,..,,: .;�; dulycommissioned und qualificd far xaidc��unr•y.Pccw+etalt� rl�mr Ooneld Butte en�l Betty �ut'ts, � ..,
<br /> .`•��;�;�:".���`' :'�,�,� each in his and her own right, and es spouse of each/otn�����,«•��� f�c��,� k ,
<br /> �'`��"�"�'r �� � identirat ersnn�s) ��hnsc name�s1 are subs�rilxd t�� tl�c i�r�u��i���! ir�strti�m�nt i�nd urknu��irdµrd r.hr cv�y��ei�n f . _
<br /> _.�,i���;,�`�:`;�'�i t�:'`.�� h .
<br />_;:;��.��t� '�Yhi� ". , thereof to be theiT �aluntary art antl dcrd. . � '
<br /> �i�';:'�+i'� •�'� Whnessmyhandandnotatiatscntut GTend Is18nd, Nebreska """'""'""' �"" ' - � '
<br />''��r�,"`s`� � date aforesaid. . I
<br />-�y..J.���� '�``,`, . .
<br /> �.���...5�--: ''u3�� .l �
<br /> ,�;�,.:�- .� Niy - cxpites: � �/ /f �� �tJ�/
<br /> _:i.:;'i-'_•t '{'`T : :r• S ,r..�.�.i.�.C.... .t./�'ff:•... ...... .... .... . ' �
<br /> �.. „: �a r �,,, � ��� ... . �'•
<br /> '�;� ' : „u�° • � a MeDrlty �," `,.��„ r��h��.
<br /> a1„ ,��J; a pWISM RE:QUEiSI' I�Oit ItCCU�l4'EY.RN!'t:
<br /> ari�°. '�X.� ,:�,: -: ' �11NIaE+ro►Na,ZS,ip9? .
<br />�(,v•.�:�°',���1;t.. 1'O TRUST�E:
<br />_�y;�,ki,.�'��' ��;��
<br /> �;,� .y�, , '� TAa undcrsigncd is the hutdcr ut'thc natr ar n��tr�.�tiurcd b�• tl�i�tked a1 1 ru.t. 5�id nu�c or rnn�.,i�•�rthr►
<br /> ,. � ,., ..
<br /> ::�:��.4t��°l,.�.:; > � � with a!t other indcbtcdncs��urcd b>thi,tkrd��t'Tni,t.t�a�•r bcrn puid in full. You ure hcreb�d�rcc�cJ t��cun�rl.nid
<br /> , :?'�,,�'���;�'i4 ;,;�.;1 note pr notes nnd th{s[�ccd c�f 1'ttt+t.��itirh ure drli�rrcd hcrcb>•.:�nd tu rcr��me,r. ��ith�nu ��arra+�t►•,all th�r,tutr ,
<br /> '�"'�as�.,;�:i�?'�'v�: now hrid by >c�u undcr tt►is th�eci uf Tru�t ta thc axr,c�n ur �xr.c►nc icuuily c�uul�d thcrrta. : .
<br /> �.;,'�;��"�'',;.'.'.�;{. . aate: ........ ..... ......... ... ......... ....... ...... .... . .... . , �
<br /> ,�,,, „�.:'.,�;` __....,....��' �-
<br /> ,,. .
<br /> . .� � , a _i
<br /> . . ;. ',
<br /> ,. . . �'�+�i : . . _.__._.........._. -
<br />