�' �,.f ��::rje�•' i�,�t ��'^!�-l�'°y�y'�'}��+�r`4'� .,5 :i,�� �.iv�� i,. 'pai. `p:"(}n:u,a�,�i�ad.;};•i� . � ..�.it ..� 'fl;l.s�ay��r.�tic{�fr➢Knu�...-r�. ,-..xv�u;+�r,nSn�, �
<br /> -i�I11�� t 1 r'j, r�.�����/-f'�1f� � t - �. ' S -- .'.'S'rf�!��' �f1�' _ - � ,..'n'.'.,` � -���t a _-
<br /> i �H1rI iS�S 1�1'S�•SZ 7/S�T•)�i. �T /it� � 1 �.t _,H� ' �1 r�r ,r• t l,-r � �, ' � �•' �`v 1 ln�� _
<br /> . ...� . ! y�' � "" . .J.4�1 .�i �..+....1 _ . .,. ��.r.�.r}+?.r.+�..�r ''�'��,.�� . . I .t���� � _
<br /> . �.. •J.�.._� ... ... ' ,�.Ef., 7_� f 4 � -'r+
<br /> , ���{1i i�t� �!! ' � � ...�....•._.u... . �.Y.:%1 rs,�t..�-�.��r,�_.:;,.•,.,a'.•�.� ... _.. , _�.�'i'�....� .�tY -..
<br /> �...ia�:.i ^ 'Lr•�1t:_.._ �C .7.l.f ' �� ' —
<br /> i ,�
<br /> � _- .._ -
<br /> .�-��.�,.�ai..,,; • ���'Y----
<br />���,,q:;>�t�:�t�� 91--. �.0�74� ;���:s.---
<br /> ,`,i:;�:_;`;�:;�,. . , ..,.,,.,
<br /> p.��H'.;,`i�o5.'�i� ��c�' S`?���il,.4;.{.`-_
<br /> t�t�k ln y o. . ' � i'1r -
<br />�,'�` ��; q r�` UNIFORM CAY�NAM'�. HorroMer�nd Lendw covenam and� w foUow�: i3� , 4�yY�#�, , ,
<br /> <'--.�,r..�.:a �. th�est ot�a�d 1�1MWl�asd I.�u�. 8arrawar ahali promptlY P�Y when due �,i. � ,i,� -_
<br /> �°,:•�n,-�;--: ,,� • ` �.�
<br /> ;,,,.t �.,_�,.f,,; t b e p r b�o i p�t l a t�n d i n t e t a t o rt t M e d e b t e v id a ro e d b y the Note�nd sa y pt e p A y ma�t and lata cMer ges due undar the Note. ,. �;�;;:.r�.,,�.,,,� ;:,,:�-�
<br /> ��,������r���'�q' 3; P�brTa�tp�iaaraace. Snbj�ot to�ppliwible uw ar ta a writtan w�iva by I.endet,8ornower etu�!!p�y :.,�.�, � �� °'q
<br /> ^`°n!�s`.��`�,r, to i.ender on tha d� monthl ts ai+e due under the Nota untii the Note iti paid In fbll.a sum C•Fund�")equai ta ?�j`,� � ��4���,.
<br /> � �t.,-. t 9 YWY� �:; � �
<br /> ,t� �'i5, 7�{,L�.`, oae•tweqtll of'r(a�res�ly t�utas and aaasemanta whiah mRy +tttain priority over thfs 9ecutity Jaetrumenti (b)Y�1Y ;� ,,
<br /> � i
<br /> _�.�'+ '`�`` '�1`'�� le�aeboW psymanu a� acouad ronta at the Arcpeety. if a»y�(c)Yearly hnrard insunnae pmmiumei and (d�yeady . , � '�;. „��,�+...
<br /> •„ . ,.. �u� � -
<br /> '....` ,� . insur+u�ce�+emfuaa,if Any.Thaae ite�m are aailed"a�row itams"Txnder may estimata the Funds due an the !' •� '"'�c;.:'• ��
<br /> .,.�.,,.;; ...� � , ak, �'� �
<br /> �. '��. `.r �auneotd�tau�dra�son�bkesdm�tesoft�turees�rowitems. ; . ...� ' �`��'r�;;;:'ti;��'5.:�`•,::.
<br /> , ,-i:'�..'�. ;�,;;:�
<br /> ��':''• •:. .•;''S� The Funds ab�ll6eheld ie�a inetitutloa thedepoaits or accounta oiwhtch an inaured or guaranteed by a tederal or ;': ,:•'. ,
<br /> ::, �, , , ..,.,
<br /> e;� st�te sge�tay(inaluding Lender if Leader ia akcb an laatitution). 1.ender sbalt apply tha Fu�ds to pey tNe Etarow items. �� �- '
<br /> , �:=�� ":� Le�Wee m�y not altuge for holdias sad nppyrtag the Pluida.anely�ng the a�caunt ar veritying the esamw itema,uNess :., ,. = � � ,�
<br /> � . Lender p�ya Botrower iata�reat a�the F'unds atd�pplic�le!aa petmite Lender to make such a charge.aartowec and i'� . ' '
<br /> :."�,�� • �m�►y agnee in w�iirg that interat sba11 be peid ou the Funds.Unleas ea ag�t ia tnade or applicabla 1�w � ' ..�. �, '�.��t;.�.;`�;,�•. _
<br /> �'::�` ; . � , reqaina Iute[eat to ba p�id.t�enalat sh�U not ba tequited to pay 8orrower any intercat or aarnmgs o�the Funds.I.ender � :.�::;,',t+ � " .
<br /> � ri�,�,�-:
<br /> �'r,_;�}'��i�y�'q���� �, sbvi giva to Honrowa• adthoat e�e.aa annnal ecceunting of ehe Funds showing credits and debiu a the Fwids and tbe �: ;'?� , �' � �i �
<br />- °�t�a;, ,,�,� puepose l b r w h i a h e e o h d e l l i t t o t h e u n d s w a u m a d e.Th e F u e d s a t e p l e d g e d a a a d d i t i o n a i s e c u ri t y t o r t h e w t a s u�c u e�e d b�► y �;,.. ' �:: �,`. -
<br /> ,;,�?r •, ' � tlds 8ecqtltY Imtrumen� 4 ,.,:.�•; . ,Y ,;i,p�,::, : -
<br /> a�` - == � tf the nrttouat attbe Funds held by Laidet.tagether aith the t�tute monthly PaYments of Funds payabk ptior to �. :_�.!'�.�+,�i�;��'ri;.1''i,_;;._Y
<br /> '�P�'��'��1..:_:-,n,.__ i . � _ ,...,�.:...:....:.:�
<br /> the dKe d�tea of the aam�v items.sball eaReeed the amount roquired to pay the ascrow items when due,the a�cess ahalt be. ,v .� r=
<br /> ° at Borroaer�eoptfan,dther ptomptty repaid to aorrower or c r e d it e d to H orrower an mont h ty paymm ts a!�u n d s.I t t ha ' • =^
<br /> � aawwtt A!'the Ftmds heM by Lender is not suf6ciant to pay the escrow items when due.Bonowa shsil pay to Lendcr any � j , �
<br /> .„ ,,,: °
<br /> � ,'-� �"." s m o l t n t p a x a s a r y to make u p the desci e n a y in one ot mare p aymeats as required by L e nder. �'' t �
<br /> '•1•:;r'•S ,�� ����"'zr�!
<br /> ."' ,e ,. (f :,I!�'��'�.. , �i.�i�.�. ':, '
<br />-�!,'' Uponpsyn�ent io fb11 of alt eume seourod by this SecuHty Inatrument,Lender aha11 prompt fy r e fun d to 8 o r rower ,�, �,; , ,f':'�,��', „�,o,,-
<br />_+�:�"�;} '`.�` at y F w�d a h e i d b y L e n i l e r.i t u n d a p a a g t a p h 1 9 t h c P r a p e r t y i s s o l d o t a c q u i c e d b y L e n d e r.I.e n d e r sh a q a p pl y.aa later � �: �' ' ," �, ".';;��"`-'
<br />�;";,�!+. �.'.. � tlwn;u�mediately pdor to af+e aale oF the Pro rt or its uisition by I.etider,an Funds held by I.ender at the dma of ' � <<�`�--
<br /> .� ,; a Pa Y �9 Y I .:�;,.,`1 . .
<br /> ;,�,'� . , applioatio�►as e credit agdnst the sums aecared by this Secudty Instrument. � :`�;;�., „�;"_-
<br /> , . ' g. Applteatloo ot Piq�a�eab. Unlas app1lcable Iaw proWdes otherwise.alt payments received by Lender under ; � `., x t _—
<br /> •, ., ' �.,,� . ,; �r�a pha 1 and 3 sball be app�ied;Arat,to l�te cberga due under the Note;eecond.to prepaymmt charges due under the � ' �
<br /> � . ' N o�tbiro,to amounts p�yab k undec pnragraPh 2:fourth,to intenat due;and last,to p r i n c ipa i due. �' ' .,t'.: ;, ., ;;'".
<br /> � 4: �Liaa, 8orrower shatl psy aU ta�ces,assesemmts.chergea.6nes and impositiona attdbutabk to the � .,.� :�r' .�,,.
<br /> � _ J�.,�;y�,".%, proPer►Y ahich mty atWa priority,over this 3kcanty Instrument� and Ieasei�old peYmeata or ground renia,if any. � .�� ,� =- ,�
<br /> �. , '��r� Borr�ewa sbail pay tbeaa obtigatioas in the menaa provfdad in patagraPh 2,or if aot paid in that manner,Borrower shett I - � i �'�.
<br /> '� � ,.��;.,w. i � j�
<br /> psy t h k m on t i s a e d i r e e t l y t o t h e p a s o n o w e d p a y m e n t.H o r r o w eK s h a 1 1 p r o m p t i y t�rn i s h t o L e n�e r a ll noticea of amounts � � ,�.n t��Z r�,���.,=
<br /> .{a,�j� .� , ,to be paid under thb pat�gr�ph.If Bocrower mekes these paymehts dlnctly,Horrower shall ptamptly furnieh to Lende� � , , rl,i�;}t�' ,�r�'{.,ti,
<br /> �+_'..,., ,,..>�.. ��•;
<br />�i::,.: �;,, t�eodptaav.Idencingthe(a9ments. ;�,;� •,; • . ,..
<br /> lI� � . . .... .r ', :���.,,�;.�
<br /> {y��;;'.'.,•,•, .,,;'., �Hotiroaet fihaU prompdy dbal�r8e any lim which has ptiodty over this Security Instrumeat unless Borrower:(a) ,,; . ,� . .. •: ,
<br /> •� ag�ees in w�iting te the pymait of the obHgatton aaeucal by the lia+fn a manner acceptable ta L.ender;(b)contests in good ;�>�r�� �. , '�'� �'
<br /> •• ' � 'hlth the l�en by�or defeads against entmcement of the lien in,•kgal proaediegs which in the LeadePs opinion operate to � . � � ,',. �:;��.�
<br />- ' , � ' prevent the enforoaaaat of the!!en ot forfdtura of aoy pert of the Property;�or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an � . . ��. :� • a
<br /> ' ��ttpttent stdafactory to Lender subordinating the tien to tbis Sccurity lnsttument. If Lrnder determines that any part of . �. „�� ` '
<br /> I �.k�;�.
<br /> . , the Proparty ia subject W a ilen whiah may attatn priodty over this Socarity instrument. I.ender may give Hotrawer a , . ,
<br /> '� trotiae idantiFytng tbe lien,Hotrower shetl Batitfy the lien or take one or mota of the actions set fo»h above w+tfiin!O�ays I•� �.. .,' ,' � , .� ` ..
<br /> , ofthegtvingaFnotice. . • • � . �'�"�?.��,-:
<br /> , , „ ,, !i� Hwrd Ins�nq�e, �omawer sheit koap the fmprove�uenta.now existing or hereafter erected on the Prdperty '.',c��`;�,�•.
<br /> � „ , inwced against losa by tice,hecarda inaluded wit hirt the term•'exteaded coverage"and any other hazerds for which I.ender :•;�,�,�i.
<br /> :;,;,.,��, -' requires;nsurance,Thb{nsurartce shait be maintained in the amoanta and for the periods that Lender requiros. 7he . � .� =
<br /> �.q,:V;. . , �aurana cerrfer prov�dfng the iaearance shal! be chosen by Bortawer subJect to Lender's approvat which shell not ba ,���� �,�:,�
<br />-�,;.ar.�: , ' ;, unneeonablywltbheld. ", '
<br /> ,.,� �,. All ineuranoe policies sed renewels shail be acceptable to�.ender and aheil include e stenderd mongsge clause. ; "�-'�
<br /> • � La►der a1�a11 have tbe sighc to hold the policia and renewais.If L,ender requires.Horrower shaii promptty give to I.cnder -�
<br /> � � aU reoeipts of paid prem►u�aad renew'al notices,In the event of 1oss.Horrower sha11 give pmmpt notice to the inwrance �
<br /> � c�ttiet and Lender.Leader may make proof of losa if not mede ptomptly by Horrower. ••;��
<br /> � � Ualeea Lender and Bocrowa otherwise agcee io wnting,insurance proceeds shait be applied to restoratfon or repair � .. �
<br /> " � • pf�be pe�operty damaged,if the ratoration or repeir is economicaAy feasible and Lender's security ia not leasened.I f the • . ,._
<br /> • � reetoratbn or repair is not economicaily feaaible or LendeP�security would be leasened,the insurance proaeda shalt be
<br /> ' : � applted to the sums secured by thb Security Instrummt,whesher or not thm due, with aay excess paid to 8orrower.lf �"
<br /> Botroarer abandom the Property,or das not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurana carrter has �t�;
<br /> ��'�, ofFered to settle a clatm,tlien Lender may collect the insurance praeeds.Lender may use the procceds to repair or restore �
<br /> �;�,�' � the Propeny or to pay wms secured by thia Security[nstrument.whether ar�oi thm due.'The 30�day period will begin � . _'
<br /> . � �,,, when the notiu is given. � -•
<br /> Unlesa Lender and Borrower otherwi�e agrec in writing.any application of ptaxeeds to psincipal she{!not exttnd or �'
<br /> � � pnstpone the due date utthe montfily.payments referted to in�+acagraphs 1 aad 2 or rhange tfie amount af the paymenta,if �
<br /> � • �'� �. � under paragraph 19 the Property b acqaired by Lender,Borrower's r�ght to anv insurance polic�es and proceeds resulting •�
<br /> • ' �. �;,i�'� hom demage to the P�operty prior to the acquisition shall pass to l.ender to the eaunt of the sums�ecured by tfiis Secatity -�
<br /> �,: ��, I�uttument immediately prior to the acquisition. �`
<br /> ' �'• � 6,, pteteewMonutd MaiatenAnce otproper�;I.eoaeholds. Borrower ahall notdestroy,damageorsubstantially
<br /> change the E'roperty, elbw ehe Propenu tc+detenorate or comm�t wa�te. If thia Secunt}• lnstrument �s on a )ea�ehald, �,�
<br /> � • ;'`' �� S„�rt�xY:a*.�l1 xs«Y���!!�r��.�v..�a nteh�1�ac�:and if Aorrnwer acauuec fce title to the Proneny.the lmsehotd an�Q
<br /> ' fa title shall not merg�unleas i.ender agrees ro the merger m writing•
<br /> � 9. Protectfon o!Lender•s Rights ia tf�e f'ropeny: Monqage lnauraao.e. If Ho�rower fa�ts eo perform the
<br /> �ovanents and agm�nents contained�n th�s Secunty lnstrument,or there�s a kgal pracetding that may s�gn�Acantly affect
<br /> Lender's righta in the Propeny (such as a procad�ng in�bankrupecy,pmbate. for condemnat�on or to enfotce�aaws or �
<br /> i regulations),tfim Lender may da an�pay tor whattvtr ie necesaacy to protect the�•alue of the Property and Lender's nghts ,
<br /> ia the Property. Lender's acnons mar tnclude paying any sums secured by a lien which has pnor�ty cwer th�s Secunty
<br /> ' Instrummt,appearing in court.ppymg reasonabk aasorneys'fees end entering on the Property tn make re�aus Ahhough
<br /> Lender may take action under tht:paragraph?, Lenda duea not have to do so.
<br /> ' Any emounts d'nburaed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shatt became addic�onal debt of barrower secured by this
<br /> ' . Security lastrument.Unkss Horrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear mterc+t ftom
<br /> t!►e date of disbunernent at the Note rate and shall be payable,w�th mterest,upon nottce from Lender to porrower
<br /> , reqtkstin8 PeYment.
<br /> . „
<br /> � _ _ . � � _
<br />