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� ry,,_ <br /> � �. . . . ' - __ <br /> 3 .T;s= <br /> :_ �a :: " <br /> _ <br /> .;. <br /> '� � ,�= �=•-�� :;: .'.�... ' :_-__._.-,_--=--_�-".>.>=`--�--_='�_�`-�=- -�-- -_. <br /> ------_.__. .V.._.,...- ---- ---- -- - - -- - - - - - - - -- — — - - - - <br /> ... . .. „ ......:: , �- " — -_ -- , ..'. -T---•- -� ---. - - . . - �_.-_ ' . - _ -.--- <br /> .. . <br /> • ,..i ;��� � ;� � . � . . <br /> - -_ . ' . ' ,. _ �. ' , <br /> _. . , <br /> �.` . .:_ . . . <br /> .. <br /> . . . ... ' -. - . -. -t - -. .. . .. _ _ ,� . . .-'- -� ��-�- - <br /> : ��f0�lEqL'�II`Of�ipflOf�E�l7�t.af0[��OL•Ill�ll�i�idl14Of1�M.'��10�.�, ,- <br /> --- �t11.�kp�Idl�Q4q11C'� =`- - - ' ' ' -- =_` - - <br /> , � !i II�awa�!d s.�i�+q�af�he Poope�ty,t1�pmooeds s�a11 bc<appiied ta die s�m se�voed by this Seqqity� .� <br /> , .. t�trir�neM.wMe1A�e�or�nt.tlien duR wth any eaa�sc pwid�o Bc�yo�re� In die�eat�f s�tial nti�of t�e Pbape�ty in . . <br /> � wYic�We[aitii�atluet YaY�;.4f 11�o.pmpe�tY im�aedw�l�►befire d�e t�is aqwllp.+a�g�eater tb�n the amo�e�t ddie s�od <br /> . �-sepred�t�is$a�ri�jr I�ruenent�irctaR the t�ki�.inkss Bartowet�ad l�endeF atha+wise agnee in xsitio�, - . <br /> . . ,tbo sw���ed by e�5ecu�iq►faspwne�sldll be recM�oed_�y tAr amount oE'�c p�ncocds mu�lied b�the tdfawiuE ' <br /> . , � �. tractioa: taJ drc.M�at�c�'d4e sums sactied i�aanoAiatc�y hefas the totFn�divs3ed by tb)d�e f�ir awvf�et vaboe o�'tlre - <br /> �g.imeedu�let�.be�[�e�1e qi��. MY.b�er�s�l�all be prud b 8uai��i tn t6e evdnt of a p�ti�l tal�ing of t�e ` <br /> �y�«�d�r�i�a��u��y�a�y����:�����or�ne��. ...��� = <br /> �o�a�y t�r���.� ea���na Lraa��►�� �+��g a��-�i� � <br /> al�awtse p�w�d�C.d�e poe�e�sbal�be appi�a w+�ie w�soc�oa by�us soaui�y tnsn�en[afi�er a noc t�san�s n <br /> tha�duc. � ' � � <br /> lf tbe Ptap�etty is ab�ndna�oe b��ap�wt�r.or if.sflet tatice lry I,aidu w Bacmwer d�t the 000dein�or a�'ers to m�e <br /> • �n award a sddo a cttia�far,�es.Boicrowet iWs io respond w Leadec withm 30 days afier tLe d�te tlio notice is�tiveu. <br /> l�der is a�Mbo�irqd.�u ooUect aad appty;tla pcocoods.�t itc up�on,either to nstaration a rrpaic af tbe property ar to the <br /> awps sec�ed 6y�d�SepriRy 1�a�4�1¢nr not thea due. , <br /> Udess i.eader a�d Saaower�rer�tl wnting.any application of.procetds w principai siiall mt eatend a <br /> postpa�e tl�e due di�e of i6e_aw�ethl y� ymeats refemedto iu par�graph4l and 2 accfwtge t6�aet�otnet aE�ch p�syments. <br /> 11. Me�wwr N�t fda�:�Fir�er�e S� LeMer N�t s M�aiver. Eate�n ui the time far paymait_ar <br /> modifiptioe of amatizatinn at d�e suns socaed 6y tbis Socmity Instniment g�by l:et�ler to any sucr�ssor in�:. <br /> af BartoMer sMD aat opaate ta�rta►se Urc lia6ility d.d�c aiginsi Bamwer or Bo[i�'s sucoasors ia intnrst.Lender : <br /> — __.,� l�.ee�i�od t�cQmmsnaa pro�te�s�,�.�'c�s.s�ui ig�S__�_t ar.nefi�e w eatend time far pa_�mtnt a i --_---- <br /> Nfi�w�se-��erortiiat�on o�su�n.c socuredrry dcTsBecun'[y��tly��rty.+knr�id+�bYtfit ari$�i---'_- `--- <br /> Boaowrr�Banunr�'s sucoes.sars in int�e�est. A�►y faebe��ty l.ei� acercising�►y ri�t or rcmedy a5atf not 6e a <br /> ;':��+arof ar proG�de the ezencise of any ri�,ht ar idrbedy. ° ` � - <br /> �_;;,;;. '� • S�. u ����,�;��y S�rer�l I,�t�;�.�s.The coven�ots aal a��tsof this <br /> Sec�y lasnvmeat s1�aU bind aod beaeirt d►,s�coe�sarx and a�ssig�.s aE I.e�der ad Banower,su6ject to t6e pmv�sanc af . <br /> " par�aph i7.Banuwer's covemots aid ag�eemd�ts stiall be,joiac�od sere�al.Mp Bocmwer w��Sns ldis Security <br /> �t bm does na execute the Nate: (a)is co-s�gning U�is Securiry[nswmrnt oaly w mortg�,e-N�fa.`{lf,,l�ViJ�YCy/Ut�t . <br /> �QlOIYp 3�IkMCSI St 1�10�QlAY Ulldlf l�lt KIIItS�t�115$!'CY11tSi�IISf[1NR�11� (b)IS IIOI pCiS01{�Qj�[lX��14��; . -�G SIWIS. .. -- - <br /> • secu�rd by this Security frtsuumen�and tcf ag�that Lender and any otfKr Borrower may agree.�����:,,��i`��ihforbear - <br /> or make�y iccommodations with rrga�d to the.terms oE this Secwity tactturtKnt or the Note?�v a i���'�',,�t�'¢�mvYers - <br /> canse�x. • _ . _, _ ,.,.. ,:,::'=�.;,`< ` ; . <br /> . �,::r��� <br /> 13. Ciar�es�. If tbe Toan secured by this Security Inso�nrnt is subjxt to a Iaw alj�d�?i?i.��(_�i'�um loan <br /> d�.ae�[thu bw��s fu�a11�urce�pneted sa'drrt d�e intecest or atber�Maa charges colkcted or to tie�ti�dt��±ai>��ii�tnection <br /> wi�b the loan excad the permitted limits.tben: (a)mY snch ban cha�ge shall6e reduced by ihe ama+►a�i rtb�;::x>.�nedua <br /> d�charae to the Qem�itted limi�and tb1 any sums at�eady coltccted from Bamwer whi.:h excceded peimiued htlnits will be <br /> — refunded to Botrower. Lender may choose ta make this refund by nedu�ing the principai awed under t6e Note or by malcing a <br /> ,,>; <br /> - dinct p�ymeat m Bortovrer. [f a�efuad cedu�pdncipal.the neductian.will be meated as a pactial pcepayaxnt witfiout any <br /> - s��. :.. <br /> __ � . - �eyznascct�euackr.�Nae... -� � -- - -� --- =- - - - - �---- - <br /> t4. NaHoes. Any nalice to Bormwerprovided tor in this Security Insuumeai.stutl)bt glven by del[vering it or by - <br /> —_ _- mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires ase of anaher method.The notioe shali bc ditected to the Property �•=__ <br /> --- Additss or any other addr�ess�amnwer designates by»otice to Lender. My notice to I.ender sball be given by first class <br /> --- mail to Lenderk uddrcss atated f�ein ar ariy aher address Lender desigrntes by notice to&xrower. Any naiee pmvidod for ��_�- <br /> - in this Security tnstrument s1�a11 be dc�m�ed to have bern given co Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this '`����'` <br /> - �� �'=_-- <br /> ls. Goverai�{ I.a�v;Sevenbility. 'Rii4 Savrity ins�rument�haU be govemed by fedecal law aad the law af tbe =_-__-_ . <br /> juirisdiction in which the Piroperty is lacated. In the ecent that uny provitiion or clause of ehis Security lactntment or the Nc�te �-�-.- <br /> caatllcKs with appFieable law.sueh eanflict shall not�Ftec�abe�provi.ions of this Seeue`n�Inctn�ent ar-:t�.e:�cue r:tet:t,caa ��'`6'T"`�`_- <br /> - be given et�'ect without the canflicting p�avisipn, To this end the pcoti�isionc of this S�curity Insat►ment aad the Note are :� ,��:`�= <br /> '��.� detlared to be severable. .'' . , , , �:_;' � `" <br /> :', . 16�. Bonvr�et's Cqty. Barower shatl b!c given one conformed.�op�t���i�`,.'Ya�ise:�u1�3 of tltis Se��attty la� f.•' • P '., � '- <br /> 17. 7iraatiferdtMe ora Benet'�cial btenst ln Bor �' ` � _ - <br /> PrvpertF ro��s.,i�;y9���r�i�v��ii of the Property or a�';�qfl�t itr . }: <br /> it'is sold or transfeaed(ar if a Geneficial intr,rest in Bormw•cr is w1d�"r:1r.�qai��'i�fa�ici Barrower is not a natds�.'ti+r�sonf •„ •��+a�.��� <br /> without Lender's prior written'ccxix�t.Lender its op[ion.req�i�,frsaii;�s3rment in fuq of all sums sei�u�d by ,�.? •�•` �' <br /> this Socarity Instrunxnt. Howeve�.thi.r option shall n�ot be exerciyed b�i�s�3�;:�.eH.::ise is prohibited by federal taw�of . � <br /> � ; � � <br /> 'the date of this Security lnswmen� '� �•,'.;i f• ;.: �- _ <br /> ; ' If Lender eaereises this option.l.ender shall give Borruwer notioe o�acae�yi�iti,:•7'he notice sha11 provide a pe,riad of ' •�' �+�'��;_ <br /> �. , not kss than 30 days from the date the notice i�cklivered nr mailed within w6ic,��,'���y must pay all sums sec�by this ' �<,,n�: <br /> � :. <br /> - _=�`� ' Seeurity lnstrumenl. If Barrower fuils ta pay thece sums prior to the rxp:�cafl,�s•'s�(�irs period.Lenckr may.`s�`tul�any �f t;;,�'�`_ <br /> ``, �, remedies pertnitted by thl.4 Secuaty Insteument wuhout funher naice ors�nt��.�i:'l�:�ri���i�er. •. �. !'. ...:, � . <br /> --" la. Borrmrer's RiaM b Reinsfata li Borrowcr meet+certai�:,.�tti3s•t;i.,;1�:�utYower�E�aJ�l';]:,�ve the right do I�ave :�., <br /> 4�"�� _� •�, - enfarement oF this Security Inslrumcmt dixaminued at any�ime priov��i�!}���i�.��€' ta15 daSx 1�ia sucb dher period as .�i:,� <br /> �---- ---=--���'.. ; _.. , ,...,,: t~ <br /> -- .���' Singlr F.anily•-FaMie NaelFreidie Nac Cti1FdR,'KIl�[IES�F��*,,�1f-��ititartn Crncnantc 11l� Ipio�t 4 nj6 pagt.+J � �;�",�( �'��:. <br /> --- - .'1,�'(.:: �•i: � 't4:t�}yfy' �. <br /> — —�__...�, . :i: _,�+:.�, �� : qQl�' ?�;:i�, <br /> _�......�o� � .'::_ii�: ' �.' •r+� r.rr.. <br /> ° �.ly'�_, <br /> �YQ,�'�i67itft'• . .,�, 'c:4'�' •i. f;� . <br /> �.,,,_tiii�)�ih.,�, •' . .:,' , .. ... <br /> ----_==' ';;,:.r�;-;i � .� . <br /> . . <br /> _. . ,. � <br /> _-�..Y_._. . . . <br /> -------� . . . . . <br /> -'_--,."—_,,,�_,..Ty�:—.-,-i•�t—:...i:._ . , _.. . . . . { - ff�'15'4� _ ... ...... �tT�'.:.'_. . 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