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<br /> � h' /n�i� a _ �j��,.y t �{�1;t,l.11i� , . ���_ „ . �.. .� y' , . :f�.'.... . � ' .. y.. .. )i : , �l'^� ' . �.
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<br /> �' ��� -�'� ! �'' UNIFORM COVENANT8.Horrower aad 4ender covena�t and egree as touawa: � ,;:,;:,.; . r,;;,°..,,�-
<br /> ' , . 1. P� o! an4 IhN►Mt. 8orrawer sha11 promptll► PaY D � :;,��;�: , � � �.
<br /> when due the prmci al ol and mte�eat on the .:.�,•:•�',�;:_
<br /> ;,.,.'.., . ���} ���/��!�'.q�Nn�tye�, ppe tandletechargeaaep�ovidedintMeNote.andthepnncipalMandlnteteston I
<br /> . Il. �. aAy�"��� I�M�w��Ww���Nt0'I���VB� J� . . • _ .. ''�+.Y
<br /> :. � �� Fw�dsforTsxqpidUq�pano�.Sub{�sttoapplicabtalawo�toawrlttenwalverbylende�.8orrowershetlpaytoLender � � ' .�' , :_
<br /> ` , ��d�yltlp�,iymsmmnenroa MInolpd endi�ierestarepayableunde�theNate.untitlheNotelapaldlntuu,asum(herein � .�n�
<br /> �� " und� )e�u too�e tweltlh of ths yse�ly taxas nd assessmeots whlah may attaln priorlry over thts Oeed ot Truat,and ; ;__
<br /> � gtoundren anthaP�opertY,tfany.plueone•twattt�afyea�typremluminstatlments(orh�a�dlnsurance.Ptusone•tweltlhof I ,_:.-
<br /> . ��ly p fum imlaltments ta mongaga in8ura�oa, tf any,atl as reaeonabty estimeted inlnally and trom tlma to ttme by , '
<br /> �p���rtients andbltls and reasonatNa eatimates merebt. ' � •.
<br /> ', �.� �Rundaehenbeheldf anlnsGtutlanthedepoeltsoraaaounteotwhiaharelnsuredor�uarantaed,byaFederatotslate � . ,. .,�:�,° �.,__
<br /> agenay llnaludln9lender 1�4ande�Id suoh an InsUtudon).l.ender ahpll apply dfe lut'�as o pay eaid taxes,aseessments, . _
<br /> inautapaepremlumt�na�roundrents.t.endermaynotaha�getoraohaldln_gandeppyt�gtheFunds,analyzln8saidaccount � �T
<br /> orver1ryJnpandaomp�tingeelqalse�aan�entsandbills unleasLenderpa�raBor%�bterestontheFundsandeppllcablelaw .-
<br /> I�6 Lenderto make suo)t a cbarga. rrower and�.ende�may ag�ee n wrinn at the time at exeautbn of this Deed ot Trust `°
<br /> � � t intareat onthaFunde ahal�be pald to 8anower.and unless auch agreadeent amede or ap ticalba�aw r�es such •ti„`
<br /> in t er e st to bo�eid,Le�der ahD1 not be required to p aY 8or�ower am!i�tereai or eavmng a on the�unds.l.endeo s�hath gwe to i4�
<br /> BarOwer.wi wtoharg�e,ap a n n u a l a a o o u n d n g o l t h e F w n d s s h o w og e re d i t�a�e d d e r a l t s t o t h e F u n d a o n d!l e e D u r p o a e f v� .:,'_
<br /> • T h�ieheach debit Mthe Funds was made.The Funds arept�dgect asadd�Nonao�ecamy tor the sums seaured by m�a Deec1�t ,:._
<br /> J,�..
<br /> ' . . If the amount mtthe tunds held by Lender,togethe�wd�e the tuture�san�l�I�ulatalane�ta ot Funds payabte pno�to the due �,•
<br /> dateg pt ta�c�,a�sesements,insuranae pretnlums and 9round��nts.:�hal�e�cceael the amount requlred to pay said u�xes. . �'.
<br /> � assessments,insuranoe premlums end ground reMS as�fa��du�,sucA•�xct�as shell be at Borrower's option,eilher _,_
<br /> promptly t�toBonower or aredited io Borrovrer a►+�o Ifr i�t�Nfianfs at'F�ds.lt the amoun!ot the FuAde he�d b . :�,,:.-
<br /> 4endetshGl notbeeulftolenttopaytexee,asseasments,insuranceprerniumsandg�►m,r�drentsastheyfalldue.8orrowersha�i �,f�
<br /> pe to Lenderanyamount necessery to make up the deflolency wdh�n 9a daYa tr�m the dote noUCe is mefled by lender to ;�;��ir�ti'•:___•�
<br /> ( 9oirower requesvng peYment thereof. �'�i"��,;:ii'�'-=
<br /> Uponpe�ymentlntul{ofaltsumsseeu►edbythlaDeedofTruet.Lendershaliprampuy�elundto8or�oweranyFu�dsheldby �� -� ���_
<br /> � • ,� � Lender.lfunderpereg►aPh�B�ereWthePropetyi6sotdoriheP►opertyfsot�rerw�seecquiredbyLender.lendershallappty. '' •i�_'=__
<br /> � •��i' no let8r th9n imtnBdlately ptiot tO the edte 0f th8 P�operqr or fts ac ulsition by Lend�er,and Funds hetd by Lender at the time ot :.S—�,.
<br /> �'.F ' apptfoaGon aea credit against the sume secured by this�eed of�rust. • .�rys!`�
<br /> , ` ' g. �pplb�Isl�pt P�yp�nb.Untess applicebte lew provtdea olherwlee,aU payrnen ts recelved by Lender under the Note , � .����=•�•-
<br /> a�p��graphs 1 snd Z'hereof shall be appll8d by Lender flrat In payry�eMt ot arnounts peyable to lender by Borrawer under
<br /> �patagraph2hereo4thentolntete8tp9yabteontheNote.thentothepr+nc�palafthe Note,andthentointerestandprincipalon �`•;,
<br /> •any Futute Advanoes. �:•� .
<br /> 4. Cht�ai Lhn�.Borrowersshellpay alltexes,assessmentsand otherchArges.tinesandimposlUonsattrlbutabt�tothe ��.:f�
<br /> Properly wntoe t'reY elta�n a p�lori�y over pUs Deed of Trust,and leasehald paym•ame or qround rente.if any,in the manner ••'c'� ;;
<br /> � provlded underpm8 graph Z he►e�1 or,if not paid In suah mannor,by parrower making peyment,when due,direclly to tne .
<br /> ' pa�r be theteat�orrowsr sltsl!promptly Iutn19�+te tAnder alt noticas ot amounta d ue u nder thla peragraph,and in the event •{•:}��
<br /> •��� • Bo�rower ehaN rnakepayment direotly,Borrower ehall promptly tumiah to�l.onder iecuipts eatlenc�ng such paYmenta. �1���y
<br /> �+''� ' 8onower sha�N promptly dieoherge any I�en whlah has prior1ty over thls D�ed A��'ruer provided,thet 8orrower aha11 not ba
<br /> ' • 'r � ' repulredtodfeolsergeany suahliensolongas8or�owershaltagreeinwritingto�the payrnentottheobligationsecured yauch . �`��'c.�y���
<br /> i �}
<br /> 'lien in a rnanner eCCept�pl8 to lender,o�ahatl in good tafth aonteat such Nen�by,or da(end entorcement at such li�q n,:legai ;� �� . .
<br /> ' � � p�oceeqi�a which qperate to prevent the enforcemqM of the tlen o� 1prteiture of!he Properry or any part theredl. .,��,
<br /> � � '6. H+1� I�sW�nee.8orrower she8 keep the im�rovements now extabng or hereatter erected on the Praperry msured ��'7�1.
<br /> '� �� ; against�o8s�y fire,ha�aids included wlthin the term"extended coveruge",a nd s uch other hezards as Lender may requl�e . ,
<br /> . and in suCh pmounts�nq ta such perinda as le�der may Tequi[e;prowded;thn��e�der shall not reqwre that the amount of
<br /> � suoh cove�age ex�eed th8t amount o�aoverage�equued b pay the sum8 BACU►ed by this peed of T
<br /> ruat.
<br /> Thteln8u�enCecB►rfetprovlding�nefn8utenceafiallbechosenb�Bonoweraub�ecttoapprovalbyLender;provided.thaa
<br /> such epprOVelsheM not be unreasonabty wllhhetd.A4t prern�ums on�naurance pot�cfel�shail be pa�d m tne mnnner prowded , ,
<br /> under peragreph 2 hereof ot,if not peid In suah men�er,by 8orrowe�making peyment,when due,duectly to the tnsurence
<br /> caRler.
<br /> p���nsurenpe policfe8 and renewats thereof shell t�e In form accepteble to l.ender a�d shall 1nclude a atandard mortgage _
<br /> olaueeinfavorotendinformacceptabtetoLender.tenderahallhevetherightlohoathepollclesandrenewalsthereof,and
<br /> �!�� Borrowerat�aWp�omptlYturnlahtolenderallrenewelnoticesandaltrecefptsotpafdpremfums.lntheeventottosa.Bor�ower fi
<br /> shep glve prpmpt noticeto the Inau�ence catrier and Lende�.lender may meke proolot losa if not made promptty by Borrower. "�!� ,
<br /> � Unless�end6rend Botrcwer otherwise agree inwrltlng,maurance proceedsahelt beappl�ed to�esto�ation or repeu of the ��,�
<br /> ' ;; Propetly dameg�p,Rro��ded suc�resto�ation or repair Is econom�cally teas�ble a nd S�e secunri of this Deed of Trust ia not ,
<br /> tAeteby fmpaker.H Such�esto�atfon a repair is not eCOnomlcelry teasible or li 1 he security of this Deed ot Truat would be �;
<br /> � impalred,the►nsurenCe proceeda ahall be a�pptied to the sums secured by th�$•Daed ol Trust.w�th the exaes�.�t any,paid fo ;,;:-
<br /> '�',� . Bonowe�.If the Prope fir la abandoned by Borrower,or it Borrower tads t0 reepond!o Lender within 30 days from the dete , _
<br /> • .�'�i:�'.:;'• notice ia meUed by Lentler to BotrOwer thet the fngurence cerner pllers to sd81e a ctaim tor insurance benet�ts,lender 1s .�
<br /> •.'� • ':; authorlsed tocoltecT and epply the�neurenceproceedsat Lender's oplia�either torestaration ot repa�r ot the Property qr to
<br /> .�.;,:...... •i;� � !he aums secured by thls Deed ot Trust ,"
<br /> ��,i; ..;; Unlesa Lenderend 8orrowerothe►wiaeagree in wnting,any sueti appUCUtion dprveeedsto pnncipal shatl notexl8nd or ,�,_
<br /> postpone thedued8te ot the rr►onthly fnstallments referred to ui pare�raphs t and 2 hereot or change the amount al auch , �.F
<br />. � {n8lBllments.lf un0er peregraph 18 hereot the Property is acqwred by Lender.all naht, title and interest ot Borrower 1n and to ,�
<br /> � ,:i,,.� enyinaurencepoNciesendfnendtothBproCeedafhereotie8u4tngfromdamagetothePropertypnortothesafearacqu�aition •�,:
<br /> ��:•�� ahell pass to Le�der to the extent of the suma secured by this Deed ot Trust�rnmedatety pnor to such sale nr acqu�sltlon. ',.
<br /> 8. Pt�atknamlMatntensneaofPropert�I:Lea�eholde;CandomiMums:PtannedUaltQevebpmenb.�ouowershaU _
<br /> keep the pI0per'lyin good repeir and sAa11 not commit waste or pe�mit�mpaumnntof de�erior7•uon pf the Propeny and 8hatl .
<br /> Comp1�wltt�the proviaions of any tease ii Ihia Deedot Trust�s on a ieasehofd.tf tn�s Ueed of'�rust�s on a und in a condominfum -
<br /> .•j� or e p anned u�8deve�opment Hort�wer sha11 pertorm atl ot�orrower's obligalans under t�e dec�aretid�oi covenant8
<br /> creabng Or gpvArri�ng 1ne condorn�mum or plgnnetl vmt deve�opment.the by•�ews n nd reyu�ntin�e of th�conqominium or
<br /> p�e��eq U�►�develppmeni.8�d con9tNuent documerts.It n condnm�r.�um or piy nned uni�develorinent ntler is exCUted by
<br /> •�� �� 8prrow�r amtl��cordedtogefher wrth tt�a Oeed ot Tr ust.!h@ CCV4^.i^15 Ar�1 Agr��me n�r,C17 SpC.t ttd0�9nH11 b91I1COfpOf8t6d �
<br /> '� intoanaas�anarnendand supplemer�ro:ecove��ants a��d ag�ee�Art<c+tr.�s paecn��n�v�aa��ine��de�wACe a aan�eredt , . •
<br /> y.�t�cllonof Lendet't SEC11dty.1�E30ttOW@t f$tls to PertorT:a.o c^�en�r!4 n�tl AQtRdmAlltR Conta�ned m tnia f�d oi �
<br /> SrusR w n+9ny tactlon or prxeed�ng�s commenced w�th matNra:c�aM.?ces�e�-de�'s��t erest m 1nF propa�ty.mGudmg but not :
<br /> ' � 1�mrtedto.emmentdomam.insn�ve�cr.�aCeento�cement.orarr�ngerner.•,a•;•^c«�,ngS�nv:+IV��G•PCA�K�UPtOrtlCCPd@nt.
<br /> ' tfe@r►len0�rat L.ender'SOO��on,uoonnot�ceta�wro-wer,mnymaka such.+r;Na��a-c*�s.d�sou�ye sucr,surnsundfakesuch
<br /> �otetB3�gAeC889BrytG0*OteCtle�cd�SimteteSQ�rtG�udtng.butttoll"trn�tUdto.d�sCi�sE•�-or•cfreesonabto_nnornt�Y��teeSand .ti
<br /> � @/�tly�cmO�tPtt1@PtOp@Ayt�m�k�t�2p8�Q5Mt�2�r.te�wredmoltgOqQ�nsur��ree3tc�.'d':� :�maM��:h£+oe�seCUt@dby
<br /> " the Reed 4t Truet Botrower srta��R8y fhR IGrR��urtl8�9qU�tBd �0 m;9mt:s�n,uc�� ��>L�a��e �� �ec'uht�,such t�me as the
<br /> requlr@mBtttlor euCh�n8ur8nc@ 0��+►���es��n aGCOrdance w�+h Bonower's nnd Le n�e� s w�rp^a,v�:em.ent or npphcatbe 1nw
<br /> 8orrower shell pev the amount of a��mo�3�^surance perm�ums�n tno�t�ar.ner:,•�.�ai�..•��peteqtAph 2 hereof
<br /> ..w v ....�r. -.,a,�..•�.e.v.o�., chnll ha�•�imw rlddd�nn:1�
<br /> Any 8mounts cfladurseo oy Lern¢�t� Vuvaweo'°� 4:.�,::"o o::, ...�..�. . ....• _ -- . . .. _..• -- -- .
<br /> Indebtedne8sof 8ortowet secured by this Qsa�i•��+'f���+3t.Unress�nrrowp�n�rs 4��•�t�a�aa�ee tn oiher ti�r n,s vt i�gyment.such
<br /> AlnOUt1le Shell b6p8y8b1@ upo�h01fC@ ftOm lBmrA°+'�t�Ai)ttorver rrqueshnq 4r�a M`+;�'����theNc��ui i�Nas�pny�nore ot n erehst
<br /> • date ot 418buraQment et fhe tnte payeble 1►om t�mRm+s,r��n��ut sier�W��g c
<br /> at SuCh ratewould be cont�ary to n pphce�Ie taw �.: wC:+Ch �'''++"f +cv:!' 1�'��1 J�"i tih0d hBAt �ntA1P4f vt the h�ghast rate
<br /> permtssiblpunde►appllCeblelawNothmgcantninedm•hrs�:•��r.a.�.a�:��'•yN�i.`r.Ri:Ir�pl ����dNf1o���rutpnyp+p�nSPOtttlkMAnY r
<br /> BCtlOr1 h@t�Ul1d6��
<br /> 0. IMp�Clbf�l6nder m8y make Or cau8eto be mede�e�a������,�1���4�t�t}t'M�l i�l)�:+t•1n�1���Spebbullti Vl thi!Nttt�(!t1y.ptOV�dt�d
<br /> 11l811@fbA�ShAIIQIVB H0110Wht f1Q11C@ pf�Ot tOdhy SUGh��15QPt'� +r c�,pC iP�n•t�raA.un��tdr e .weo trt�•t��lnrp iol,�l��d t��lend��r e
<br /> mtereaf�n the Propfrrty.
<br /> . . �
<br /> _ _
<br />