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<br /> Ir������ "q.1' S�� �.1�S qs'
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<br /> '�""' _"�",-��' KNOW ALL jl�l�B,N 8X T�89B PR888NT8 s thst Oea�►F. !�md Mn M�IO�p, Uuebmd � - ��y,x ,=
<br /> � � ��� �.
<br />=�.,mz�•,_:.,,� , . , . ..- -- ,... ....
<br /> P��' a.-.�p�t��� �wiW herela�aites seferro Co as the' Truetor � �0 '.1 .t.., el'tR �� ifi'� ;�.
<br /> �'i�>"�i�• �ti �i,�,s • •: •..
<br /> ` aeaare n Naea beasiag evea da�e here�rixb Por ihe priaeipai amouat of '� '"�>m � s��
<br /> � n- � � � � �ii Siitls°���,� - P.-n 4Y�a,.�
<br /> Y��,r�ft`?3t'°"l��`� Dollara ($ ��0 . paqa e ��;'L`�;;�� _r=:'.�;.,
<br />�'.4 'f`�'�.';.;�f�,1, IBI�A iNVBB�NT C ARY� hereiaeltes reisrred to aa the �,',,;,�e.`�;ti't ',,` `�':,�,,
<br /> �,t,,,; , xo �bs order ot : . ,i,�,.. ��.
<br /> 'Y+;�:' �'."f,� "Benegiaiary", psovidiag for paymeat aP �be eatire prinaips]. balaace, together `.. ;�.,,�� :^ � 4 .;.:
<br /> + :.:..' � �.'`�.: •. '4�4j cx; � ..
<br />-- . ;��-�-;�? rit� i.uterese at the rats of twslve eraenx ( 12•��) Per aanwa• ._ _:-�;:t�«.:;_-::,-::�;j, °�
<br /> �.'��'''� • '�{'�, im �#bly laetsllmsRCe oP T�ao :; � �..��'�j-�
<br /> �.:',:�s � ;,;.: .i,.�.�--19 . �°1' �
<br /> ���„���",':l;:,� Daliaxe� ?!►0. @aah uatil �",; `" ;"�:��
<br /> . � �;at : '"•.,a`�� ^.
<br /> ;��';;;�;.'��':y t,�;� vLicb tima ali pr3aaipal aad inter�est provided for by this Note s�►a13. hava bear paid, •::'. �•. � � ';.;;.�;';,`�` -
<br /> .. ��� '�`{ {; do t�ereby graut aad aonvey uatil NREND R. BANC&, Aetorney at Lav. th� "Tsustee", �,'•;%,f � t f
<br /> ''�;�,t4f'' �.. ,r... •: . � ,` —
<br /> �� ;,��.' ehe following—described propertyt I�` .Y,,�': .�°,�.i::,; ��;';'_
<br /> . , '�' � �,� � �; —
<br /> ,_,:c -
<br /> ��__, I I�R -..�_. , i
<br /> '' N 17• of Lot i Blk 17 Ociginal Tarn of the city of Grand Islamd, t�ail Couanty. Nebxesks �;�., ,,��� . + s,
<br /> � �i.. ,�, � � �;� � ,,�
<br /> ._ . . .Ij , i:! ��f�.
<br /> i :�f�, :�•. ; ,i..,.,.,.
<br /> . �,: "s�., ��" ' t.
<br /> .. . • ;. •' '�'.l::.,�1 ;��'•°':.,`'"�
<br />-:;r��'i%i:i�;r,:: • �;i.;1`'1�Ar;J��t;`:i'.;; �.�. {;�; _—
<br /> I�..Ril�n.�.. � ��:�'•rl. `�; � ' :,'t�'�`
<br /> w..lr 1f�� �:
<br /> , • ,}i;�l"i�' ' i�.. �3��. � '�� t7�:"`�-
<br /> ;I,`, ,r.! ,�� .'�;1'f�lf'�' ..\i'F'�I��.:f�-� 1�::_;_
<br /> 1' 4 � �74At1�(;`"�
<br /> . � fi �° !°. �1 ' '�. .. 5d y �
<br /> t. -.tt�" t �
<br /> , - �,.d,. � - .. "rr.: ,
<br /> • •'�' � To AA'VS AND TO UOLD the same, together with all appustensaces� ia trnet � ,.;;�.�''��
<br /> ^ ° ° y aevestbelesa, and ta case ot default in the paqmeat o£ eaid Note or aay part • , � '�"�,���
<br /> . „ . . ` ,,,, ,
<br /> � � `� theseot or iatesest thareon or in the performance oF aay coveaaat l�ereinaPter � " , . .' :��_t��
<br /> � set forth, thea the Trnstets ahall have the power Co sell th�e above-described � � , . �e
<br /> . � ' ' a rt aad u oa request of the Beneficiary. the Tr�stee ahall tile for record ; , ' 1 •+ •� �?.;:
<br /> r
<br /> .�,.„ �:, ,i; ia he Regi,ater of Deeds' Q+ffSce ofE1a11 Couutq, Nebraa&ca, a Notice of ; : . .`��!�. ,�,`,;:'f
<br /> � � � 4,., Default, $stting forth that � breach of aa obligatioa, for which che said propertY � . �� :��•. � ',ti'
<br /> � • was conveyed as security, has occurred, and secting forth the nature of such � ; .�^ ,��;;�
<br /> �� breach and the Trustee s election to seil the property to setisfy the obligation, . , �,;;
<br /> ' aad a£ter the lapae of aot lesa thaa oae (1) month. the Truetee sball give �� �. ''.�•,,f;
<br /> . .� writteA aotice of the time aad place of sale which may be betweea 9s00 a.m. and . ;'r�^'
<br /> . � , St00 p.m. at the premises, or ae ehe Hall Couney Courthouse, aad particularly �'? �
<br /> y � . � deacribiag the property to be ao].d; said Notice to be published in a newapaper of .: ; '��''� =�
<br /> � 1 ` � a general oircu�ation in Nall County, Nebraska, once a week for five (5)
<br /> ' � • consecutive weeks, the last publicatioa to be at least ten (10) daye but not ������t�
<br /> .,,, �� .;, more tl�au thirty (30) days prior to the sale; aad the Trustee eha11 then aell said ,��; .. ;`^;`_
<br /> . .• property at the time aad paa¢e deaigaated ia the Notice, in the m8aaer provided ,�..:��,'�.y> . '�:r=:
<br /> . by law ia sffect at tha ti.me of filiag eaid Notiae, and 'publicauction to the ::,'�;i���}�:�,,�::;
<br /> =I � higheat biddes for cash and ahail deliver to such purchaee$ a deed to the property �' �'�1?'�"���••
<br /> ,f . ��.;'�:;•, � .,., , . . ,�tr;-
<br /> ����� ,,,,: ='� ,,._,= sold, COAa�St�Qt with �he lew ia effect at that time. Additionally, Trustee aha3.1 .
<br /> ��::�' �� �j�'� ' mail x'rustor a copy ot auy Notice of Default and Notice of eale hereuader . �:�
<br /> �'�h�+�• •. ,:`:. G Out of the : ' �;`'
<br /> )�:;,,.: ,, � upoa default addrea�ed to them at 512 N Kecu�edy Place, rm�d Isl�_.
<br />���''���� � �'�ti'��'' psoceeda of sa��d sale, �he Trustee ehali retain aa�pay firat ali fees, chergee •�
<br /> sy�r .. � . .
<br /> •,�.;:,. � and coats of sale aad a11 moniee advanced in the exerciae of the power of eale,
<br /> ' ' � including the payment of the Trustee's fees ectually incurYed, and pay second '
<br /> � . . • the obligatioas �ecured by this Deed of Trust; and the balaace, if any, shall be
<br /> paid to the pereoa or persons legally entitled thereto. Any person, including the . .
<br /> , � Senef3ciany� may purohase said property at such sale.
<br /> ' The �trustor covenauta that at the time of deliverv of th�ae preseats,
<br /> � theq are seized of said property ia fee aimple. and that said property is free
<br /> of eta4umt�a�aaees, exc�pt eacumbrances, easements, righta-af-w�y, restrictions aad ..
<br /> � reaervat9.mns of record, aa� shey will properlv maintaln the pxoperty, keep a21 �
<br /> buildings lasured for f ire and extended coversge fn en amaunt eqo�ai Lo t0�e . �
<br /> uavaid ba3.eace of the aforesaid Not�, with loss payable to th� B�s�eficiar�r, �nd •
<br /> '� will pay all taxes and assesameats �galnst said propertg mnd ammnaa�t$ due on �rior
<br /> � � encummraacea, aad if they ahgli feil to pay insurance premiuvs or taxes on
<br /> • atnouass deie on prior ea�ua�rances, the Beaeficiary may pay the same and all
<br /> . � amouata so paid shall become additional iadebtedn�sa dde faereuader; and in case
<br /> � of fozecloanre, ardstor will pay aay reaeoneble atsoraey f eeg incurred by
<br /> ,i Beoeficia� m�c 'lrn��ee ia such foteclosure psmceedfnga•
<br /> ' , •1
<br /> � ' . i
<br /> , .
<br /> ' � �
<br />