<br /> 99-1���
<br /> - , ,
<br /> �
<br /> lti��� �A'
<br /> . consiJeratiun oF the debt aiid trust hereinat�ter �escribed b°ahes dp esents grantu barga nna d�sell,
<br /> Wilncssclh: fhat ti�� i����uwer �n
<br /> ($1), to him in hand paid by the Trustee, tlie receipt of� which is hereby acknowledged, oe Y
<br /> . nto the 7'rustee, furevc;r, al� of the following described real estate, situated lying and being in Ihe County of
<br /> convey and confinn, u
<br /> , and State ot Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> HAl l
<br /> - Y-NINE FEE ( ( E 49' ) Of= Bl_OCK SIXTEEN ( lb ), �F 4JII�DC]I PH'S ADD1 ( 1LlN TO �F
<br /> Tf1F �AS I Fkl Y V-����
<br /> (IIE RI[lE.F2S 1U f
<br /> SUPPLkMENf 1f{� ���� , GRANO ISIA�JD
<br /> 10�):3 WEST ANNA ,���Y,
<br /> �vhici� I�as tl�e aadress of `, ``
<br /> 68801 ("Property Address");
<br /> Nebraske
<br /> �Zip Codcl
<br /> "To Huve and
<br /> �i'o 11o1d the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all heating,
<br /> orrower represents to, and covenants'wich, thCr�WeC�w���tN,atrranta nd defend
<br /> and 1� l�ting fixtures and equipment now or he�reaf�er attached to or used in connection with�said real estate unto e
<br /> plumb�ng �
<br /> "1'rustec, und tu its succzss��s a�ia assigns, forever. The
<br /> ��ay ����� ��glu to seU aud wuvey saia preiuises; that they are free fron� encumbrance; and that the remises,
<br /> incerests of the Bo�roWe� in and to the above;dh�sra d interests
<br /> tl�� same agau�st �
<br /> he lawful �laims uf all persons wt�omsoever; and���he said Borrower hereby relinGuishes all rig���of homestead, an�
<br /> �II marital rights, either in law or in equiry, aud all other co��Ung
<br /> the intention beiug tu ����v�y hereby an absolute title, in fee si�nple, including all rights of homestead, an ot S
<br /> g ur uses:
<br /> as aforesaid.
<br /> ovided Always, , ly �9 , borrowed from [he Lender
<br /> ��� ai1J �h�se presents are executed and deliverea unto the br�uYtee, in trust> however for the followin P
<br /> day of UGtO ____
<br /> W hereas, the Borrower on the 1 1 t 1l --_"--- ), for whictt
<br /> _ I)ollars (� 24 ,800.00
<br /> �1�C ,�,�nof� �wenty-Four Thousan�� EiUht Hundred and No/10 -
<br /> c� ��1 q��y_e����'�nc�r e�t hsp g,8800 �7u) per annwn on the unpaid balance until paid.
<br /> suin the f3orruwer lias �1��i���p a �ve e t�the n Bo row r s romiss�rY ���Alf SAV I I`l(�S BANK
<br /> in�ei est ut lhe rate of COL UMBl1S FE( �
<br /> 'I'h� said principal and iuter�st shall b� payabte at the off�ice uf , or at sueh other place as the holderJof the note
<br /> C[ILUMk3US , N� `�even and 41/100 --- _
<br /> i�� iii monthly installiueuls of OIIE: HI11'I�IYE'.d Nli)ec�11mencing o❑ the first day of nP� �p�j P
<br /> ��lay d�signate in �vritittg, aid, except thal'ft�e �nA` p�yment of
<br /> _I1ral1ars (� 197..4� ,
<br /> l9--y--, and on th� firs1 �t suouer`pai�lu�shall`�beedu��;:tidtV�Yabl rou1t�he firs'dayrof acN�Vem�E;Y
<br /> pru��pal a���l i��tere�t, it i�o
<br /> 20 �9 � _ _ _ _ — -------
<br /> -- ed in connection with mortgages insured under the one- to four-family programs of the National Housing Act whic pro•
<br /> This form is us a ments. F r .��p.g2�43-DT (10-87 Edition)
<br /> vide for periodic Mortgage Insurance Premium p Y y ��"�: � _ � 24CFR 203•17(a)
<br /> Page 1 0� 5 Reprinted 2-88 �
<br /> —•---. .._. _.._._..w�....�•--...._._.__»_.__..--
<br /> -------. ____ ,
<br /> ..,... , . �._-•-T,----_ _ _
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