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<br /> Y�hen Recorded Raturn To: ca�
<br /> C.I. Title, InC. NEBRASKA 66200104213620001
<br /> 203 Little Canada Rd -
<br /> Ste 200 % DEED OF TRUST 00483//CMB32 ��
<br /> j St. Paul, MN 55117 3 zc� � �^�"� 'S
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<br /> LZd11 J�. J�COHl�i LIBA J. KRE88, DANIEL I,J]1COHS�i, NIC7� LI8J1 J. J11C0H8EN, WIFB
<br /> 11ND HIIBBAND
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<br /> TRUBTEE: o.s. �rrx ru►�rsaev►t sssocv►TSaoi ta
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<br /> n o�s o e oan or cx t t on erein er spea an any ure a ances or ure igat ons,as n erein,w i
<br /> may►areinaiter be advanced or incurrad and the trust hereinafter meniioned and other good and valuable considerallon,the receipt and sufficlency of which
<br /> are hareby adviowledQed, C3rantor hereby irrevocably warrants, bargains, selis, transfers, grants, conveya and a=signs to Trustee, his suxessors and
<br /> assigns.IN TRUST WITH POWEA OF SALE for the benefit and aecurity of II.s. SANK NATIONAL 1►860CI11TION ND
<br /> ("Lsnder"), the
<br /> ne s o n�st,un r an su �ect to t e terms an con it ons erein set o w nght o entry and possess�on of Grarrior's present
<br /> and fiiture estate,riyM tltle and lnteresl in and to the real property described in Schedule A which is attached to this Deed of Trust and incorporated herein
<br /> by itds rofermoe,topether with alt present and future improvements and fixtures;all tangible peraonsl property including without Iimitation all machinery,
<br /> equlprt�ent, buGding materlals, and goods of every nature (excluding consumer goods) now or hereafter located on or used in con�ection with the real
<br /> propaty,wh�thsr or not afflxsd to the land; priviJeges, hereditamerns, and appurtanances induding all development rights assodated with the Property,
<br /> whether prevlously or subsequenUy trans(erred to the Property from other real property or now or hereaAer suscep�ibla of iransfer from this Property to other
<br /> real property;leases,Ik,ensea and other agreements;rents,issues and profrts:water,well,ditch,reaanrolr and mineral ri�ts and stocks pertalning to the real
<br /> property(cumulaWaly'Property7;to have and to hold the Property and the�ights hereby grarned for the use and beneflt of Lender, his suxessors and
<br /> asai�s,unUl peyrrgM in tull o(all Obligations secured hereby.
<br /> Moreover,(n turther considsratbn,Grantor does,for Grantor and Grantor's heirs,representatives and assigns,hereby expressly warrant,covenant,and
<br /> agns with LKxler and Trustee and their successors and assigns as follows:
<br /> 1. OBUGATiONS. This Deed of Trust shall secure the payment and performance of all preserrt and future indebtedness, liabilities, obligations and
<br /> covenanta of Borrower or(3rantor(a�rriulatively"Obligations")to Lender pursuant to:
<br /> (a)this Deed of Trust and the foliowing promissory notes and other agreements:
<br /> ..:::.::::......::...
<br /> :::°;.:J»>::<>I?�N�1��A►II�S�t1M�k`t 1�tE��r ' #KA nur�TY . I.i?1tN :
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<br /> .:: :..:.:::::::.: ;�tATfs ..:.;. . .....:.... .. <NE#1�8�:
<br /> 27,000.00 02/25/99 03/15/08 66200104213620001
<br /> (b)afr otha�prese or ure,w en agreemen s w n r a re er spea y o �s o rust w e er sxscu or s sams or difterent
<br /> purp'��a�s than th�ioroyoiny);
<br /> (c) ahy puaranty of obligations of other perties gNren to Lender now or hereafter executed that refers to this Deed of Trust;
<br /> (� future advanoes,whether odfgatory or opttonal,to the same extem as if made contemporaneously with the exacution of this Deed of Trust,made or
<br /> exteqded on behalf of Grantor or Borrower. ararnor agrees that if one of the Obligations is a Nne of credit,the Ifen of thia Deed of Trust shall continue
<br /> tx�til paymem In full of all debt�e under the line notwfthstanding the fact that from time to time(but before termination of the line)no balance may be
<br /> outstan�ny. At no time during the term of ihis Deed of Trust or any extension thereof shall the unpaid and outstanding secured principal future
<br /> advances,not indu�ing sums advanced by Lender to protect the security of thls Deed of Trust,exceed the following amourrt: � ��_onn_nn
<br /> This provisbn shall not constitute an obilgation upon or corrmitment of Lender to make additional advances or loans to Grantor;and
<br /> (e)all emendrr�ems,extenslons,renewals,mcdi�ications,replacements or substitutions to any of the foregoing.
<br /> As used fn ihis Paragraph 1,the terms Grantor and Borrower shall include and also mean any Grantor or Borrower if more than one.
<br /> 2 REPRESENTATIONS,WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS. Grantor represenis,warranis and covenants to Lender that:
<br /> (a) Grantor has fee simple marketable title to tha Propeny and shall maintain the Property free of all liens,security interests,encumbrances and claims
<br /> exoepi for thls Deed of Trust and those described in Schedule B,which is attached to this Deed of Trust and incorporated herein by reference,which
<br /> C3rantor aprees to pay and perform in a timely manner;
<br /> (b) Grantor ia fn compl(anoe In ail�espects with all applicable federal,state and local lawa and regulations,induding,wfthout Ilmitation,those relating to
<br /> 'Hazardoua Materials;as deflned herefn,and other environmental matters(the "Environmental Laws"),and neittier the federal govemment nor any
<br /> other gowmmental or quasi povemmentel entlty haa filed a lien on the Property,nor are there any govemmental,�dal or admfnistrative actfona with
<br /> napect to ernf►onmental matters�ng,or to the best of the Cirantor'a knowledge,threatensd,which involvo ths roperty. Neither Grantor nor,to the
<br /> best of C�rantor'a knowledpe, any other party has used,generated,released,discharged, stored,or disposed of any Hazardous Materials as defined
<br /> heroin,in oonnection with the Propeny or transported any Hazardous Materials to or from the Properiy. Grantor shall not com�t or permit such actions
<br /> to be takon fn the future. The teRn"Hazardous Materials" shall mean any substance, material, or waste which (s or becomes regulated by any
<br /> govemmemal authority indu�ng,but not limited to,(i)petroleum;(ii)friable or nonfriabie asbestos;(iii)polychlo�inated biphenyls;(iv)those substances,
<br /> rreterials or wastes deaignated as a`hazardous substance" pursuant to Sectlon 311 of the Clean Water Act or Ifsted pursuarri to Sect(on 307 of the
<br /> Clean Water Aq or any amendments or replacements to these statutes; (v)those substanoes, materials or wastes deflned as a"hazardous waste"
<br /> pusuant lo Section 1004 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act or any amendments or replacemertts to that statute; and (vi) those
<br /> aubatanoo:, materfals or wastes deflned as a "hazardous substance" pursuant to Sedion t 01 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
<br /> Compensetion and Liability Act, w any amendments or replacements to that statute or any other similar state or federal statute, rule, regulation or
<br /> o�dinanca now or hereaher in effect. C3rantor�all not lease or permit the sublease of the Property to a tenarn or subtenarrt whose operations may
<br /> �ult in aonwMnation of tt�Proparty with Hazardous Materials or to�cic substances;
<br /> e...�..,�e ................
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