n)�lh•:,.„;,S:t�'i6'U 'dV/Tri�i������Et:q�i � �q..�;iiys<Yyrvy';ly�r' 'rR;'•. ..s..�f.; e iyi•:��a,;, •�� .�.i ;� ` �-.i: �.. q?t�S;��(i:.�3Jr��::1!'r:{:uw1+;HibSr;{�.ynci�on.�•ts� � •:r.�.. . .. . _ . 'o?.id�.j�in.+,:bvn��A[
<br /> m1 �i,� ryI`<.�«11•� tt7� kYf }�, /�� rvt�r_t-�..r� l� { � �a 5 - y t.�:- ., .��°:-.,'1 � �n1�n Y � �� Xi . .�� )y1�E�tP
<br /> 3t`i�s jtr�"!�}ts_�ix-t�< <.��`;'�i�'f� f-�..�. r-r �._ P � � . t�� .'lill + -��� •i . n�, �'c�+i�`��t��:
<br /> . .':S`�� . - .. � �--'�t - � ^-4r"1 -,j � . . �',�.'-��.��� !?4�:� -, S- ' r j, r'Lr°!.a�i �-
<br /> �~:,:i,� i! , ' n � �' i � ;��'�''v,t '��' ,d1''T i� t� ���J -
<br /> t : t ` + � ,���.� t�,
<br /> a��r,;11 �: i , e �. i � F1 ��.• .�•. Jr` ,�1Y3_t:a,�._'
<br /> � � -��� t4 .� � -� v: -i -� @� • .., l��� r.Z�++�,�-1,..:.c1�+;4��i, �
<br /> . f ii 7�' I�nP���� l�,1A .'I-A}I I.1a.J.s.L . �.�..�..........�� .._.. ..._ .• _ f r�.r-:su_.,,,..
<br /> - •• '-- `' 4'„;�.��.�:..
<br /> ' .,. u
<br /> , • ��{=���_.
<br /> Al�_.y'�µ���
<br /> ,,.,..• � � .'!.i. 1�'..r.f:� .���, --
<br /> � � i ,�
<br /> 4-�y'��-�,4�1''�}�� � • �f,�l?� l�. �r � .
<br /> �•'�,�''",�';r1 its' • �1"��iO.i��� '�{� 'n�b�.�'�r H�',�'.,,.Sv"
<br /> :�ir;'�'::'�a.'�:r,: ;�!`�+�P,;:j� �t't;��`���+;.
<br /> I�-1,�,_3_7` j ��� -�ac�—=
<br /> �ww. M
<br /> 7 _•^tt'?r �wr'�L yC :
<br /> 'S r ,In�f ity � �'r�r�l1 . ��,�.:
<br /> �,,fit .�; .:.,„� ItLe�der riqairod martgaga imurenae as a condition of niaking the lan eecurod by this Sx�rity in�trumant� � .� ;�� '�;� �rc t;:
<br /> ,�' . .°,' , 8orrower�bsU y the praniamf req�irad to mainteir the inwrAaae in efteot untit euch time a tberoqulr�sene�►t fbr the � ;.,.'';��;��,��,`'�`U�t,;i:;;
<br /> l���a� i� �,,r.
<br /> Mwrenc�ceemin�s�cas!n a�ordanae with Hor�awec's�r�d I.eadet'�wrltten agteaman�or applioable 1sa. � ,�,« �+�'��',��' , t.
<br /> " ,�.:F K�t�L.: ..�,.'� 4 �!.- r ,
<br /> �,� z. -0-�;�• s� iatpeodoa. I.e�der ar its ageat may make reaaonabk rnirtes upan and impecNons of tk Property. l.ender „ , ; ,� �;r��. ;:
<br /> t L •r , «;
<br /> eM�U give8orrowar notice at tqe time of ar prlar to ai iaepeotion�pecit'yinB reasan�b la cawe for t he i t u p e o d o n. �� t ,r,=;;,,f t,�;���; � �
<br /> '�,,�: J.,, ,n:.;:. r.,�,�,.lf..r,�tp��1�.,.`..'•._..,,.,!{;.;
<br /> r�..�.•x�,. 9. O o�d e m a s t t o n. T h e p r o�e e d s o f a n y a w u d o r�t a i n�f o r d a m e g a�d l rc c t a r c o m e q u e n t i�,i�oonnxtian with �...;; , ;..,�,•.,,,'-.,_ ..
<br /> .��,s:'• �..., /�,
<br /> •;°..;:r' ;�;:� . . �ny oor�dp»n�tioa or othes takfng af any part af the P:aparty,or for comeyance in lieu of conda�natioe.are hereby �.�� .a, ,�� � , '� :
<br /> . ��;�;�,�;i:h:}��� assigned tnd shail be paid to Larder. ` ' i • .�.
<br /> ;� . �•: • ,�, ; �,:,.,�,
<br /> � +��.��; .��;:f;t� In the avaat of a tota!taking of tt�e Property.the procads ahail be eppiial to the a»n�eoured by thie 9eaudty , :'��.� -
<br /> ;;,�, ..,r•::,_, :q �.���" � . �, .. ;,,..
<br /> , �,'� � �.�• Itutnirt�aa�. abatber or not then dua with any excesa paid to Horrower.ln the eve�t of a p��i�i wldng of the Propacty. � -� ::
<br /> ;';�:, '��?i,-�,.rn.;. unlps Hanower end Lender ot h e r�v i s e ag�ee in w r it ing,t he eums xaur e d by t h b 9 e o u�i ty lnstrum e a t s h a i l b a r a d u c e d b y ;�- = 't,"`.
<br /> ::'�e���f� ��� the anount ot the pro�da multiplia!by tha fallowiug lira�tiom(a)tha total amount of tbe aums teasued immedl�tely ;� .' � �.
<br /> =sii�.'��`•�!%i,'1�:�9�� u8 . , . ,�
<br /> befb�e tbt taking,dividod by N)tbe fair�rltet value oi`tAie Proporty immodistely betare the taktng.A�y bAlaaoe sbeU be '' � � � :t.��.�' �
<br /> � ,.��` . .
<br /> �'��°:;1'•.,4.u. �ZO��i. dr' .s
<br /> �
<br />'���'�':�•� ;� Ittl�Property is eb�dOaed bY 8orrower.or if.after notic�by l.endar to�onower that the�nor o�ers to � . � .;,r;i
<br />„��',:..,:. :.': .:, . ,. . ._.., ..
<br />�t'�t�.� ��:,:,.�-r.•:'. r�ake�n iwud or�ettle a cl�im for damages,Borrowe�faila to respond ta l.ander within 30 days att�the date the notice Is �:; ,. .. .� ;,,�i�;)�>
<br />�a�s,<�-�,, :' giva�,Lender�s autbariLed to colle�t ani!apply tbe pnxeeds,at its option.eichar to r�storation or repdr of the P�epeety or `�� • �.,
<br />����:.: -�=`�- to thc sumi aaured by thia Security tnttrument,whethu or not then due. �'+ ,,r���,=
<br /> : .,[��. '!,� ti
<br />_-?i .yr' T �•�� � rr-.
<br /> f l�!� .. . '�i �'„''�''?i!'��;�;i � ,� .,.
<br /> Unleas Lendar and Horrower atAerwiee ag�ee in ariting.any appiication of procaeds to principa sha11 not aatend or ��r�� � t t,� �
<br />-;��;:«:;`��:;,;��t postponethe dae date of the�nonthlY paymants ref'erred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chat►ge the aia0at of wcb ta. r T�;:`�,�;�.� ���". .'
<br /> MYm� ,..
<br /> �t �,�s.::.0 � 10. Borrover Not Rel Forbar�aee 8 I.eader Not a Wni�en �.r:;;Y`('f�t`�;����;
<br /> �i� Y ,�% ; q� Y fixtension of th�tane fos paymeat or •','¢•';�:t�',�;�';{• ���:�+ ,
<br /> � ��" ru l�y
<br />=LL';`•;� . ".-h�2`;rT; modiseadon of amortization of the eua�e aecuted by this Security Insttument geanted by Lender ta aay successor in 't?l;J� f�l� ���
<br /> ; .r.
<br /> 7 (I � • �'':;1.:��:�ti!�1'�7N+�•�• l., .,,.,.-
<br />-t' ��5��� �:'',";'31•� ireterest of Horrowar aheU not opetate w talease the liability of the original Horrowa�or BotrowM a s�ccasors in interest. ...., .
<br /> � ,;�.i��, • ;�.,:
<br /> ..{�;;.'� �
<br /> �;`',�r��.,,�1��, Leadar shall not be requhed to commence proeaedinge a8ainst any succeesor 9n interest oe�efiae to e�tend time for �r`;�}l���r:. .... .:.::.: a
<br /> " ` „�•��+,���. paymetstor atbe�cYfae modlfy amortixetion of the sums sxured by this Security Imtrument by reaaonoFany demand made ` ' � e ��
<br /> '';� '��`,'�-� ``}''}� by the orlginal�orroaror or Borrowar'a successoes fn intetat.Any farbearance by Lender in eae�cisimesay dght ar remedy . 1,. �"f�,���"t;
<br /> �. . ,.. C ,f.l',t;,<
<br /> �. `', •,�,�� shaU aot6e a wmiver of or prxlude the exerclse of any dgbt or remedy. • ' v t,
<br /> 11. Succe�orr and Aal�s Ba+adi Jolat aud Se�era!IJtMIi{yt Casi�era. The covensau and agraments of �,,..�.; � ��t��.:�'
<br /> '';� �° , ,� t h i s S e c u r i t y I n s t r n r n e n t s l+a l l b i n d a n d b e a e s t t h e s u c c e a s o n a n d a s s i g n a of Lender and Borrowa,su b J e ct to the pmvisions .,,t�t(+i'4����t'�;�'�� j�
<br /> ' ,��.�;n.:� -�
<br /> �_.�:'-;-7r--�,:. of P�SRPh S?.,�dttotxtt's cavensnl�end agmmtnts she11 be jolnt snd several.Any 8orrower whsso-sign�this Security � 4"•,��,,�'�,?;x;��
<br /> - ',i� ; ,";�` ��,�'r� Itrotrureunt bnt das not exeaute the Nasei(a)is casi ln this Securit Inetrument onty to mortgade. grartt and conv (����f���,t��rrf �`�yr�,� .
<br />::�,��;;;i,::;{r�"t�����' thet 8otrown's interest in the Proper{y undu the term5 of this Security lnstrument:lb)is not petsaroily obligated to pay � : .``',„�?��b{.,`;ti�,�.'�`�
<br /> 1�4�'��;.��'�:;:; ,,(� thewrrnsecured by this Secudty Ina�rumcnr,�and(c)ag�as tharLende�aad any other Bono�Yermay egra to extend. � '� . ..�� i,�;N�'�'�'�;
<br />`;�,'��}t�h, ' �ty,torbear or rnake any aecoi»moiiatlons witb regard to the tesms of this Security lnatrumes�t or the Note without �- ;;��, _
<br /> {,;::v,�?:�3 , n�
<br />�t::,j z��.;u' �„ � tl�at�otrower's oonsent. �
<br /> ::�,.:�.,.. • , ;�?`yr� `
<br /> ��,;;,��v t�� �.;. � 1 t, L o s p•�e a. (f t l�s l a a n s e c u r e d b y t h i s�S e c u r i t y�l n a t r u m e n t i s s u b e c t t o a l a w w h i c l r e t s m a a i m u m l o e n � , + l . ;
<br /> j ..�1;;•'' 'h �,,',��';,
<br />-.;),��..� . � �: .. ..i ,�: ' ,' „� :
<br /> ��4�����;,; • ,: ; ,. cherges,�nd,that�1aw�is finally interpreted so that the interest as atfier loan charges collected a to be cotiected in ..�,��...,�M1;
<br /> �d ,, ., cormectlon with the loan exaeed the permitta! limtts,then: (a)any such loan charge shell be r�dreed by the amount �irf •'�r�
<br />� 'ky��.�: :. •
<br />-,�.,;.:�f,,,,;; �q to reduce the�charge to ehe permittcd limik and(b)any sums already collectod fro�n Fornwer whicb escaded �
<br />-�•...,-;.�:,,, `;.!;�.'. �.,` " . ..
<br /> peemittcd limits wili be refuaded to Borrower.Lender may chooee to make this refund by reducia�t!►e pdn�ipat owed ,,.,, �. =
<br /> ',�',�::;' i�•:� . � .
<br /> ��';�:��:�:+;�, • under the Note or by making a direct payment to Horrower.if a refund reduces pnncipaf.the teducekn wAl be treeted as a 4 ;�� ;
<br /> ���<{kr`;�. s.;,,;, panlal propay�nent without any ptepayment charge under the Note. �
<br /> -�,��,j ; . ' IS. LegieltNoa At�eeNng Leader's Righte. If mactment or ezpiration of appiicable l�vs has the effxt of ,
<br /> ��,;; .� ; �,, renderin6 any provision of the Note ar this Security Inatrument unenforceabie according ta ita«rnas,Lender.8t�t5 QpUOII� � , �'
<br /> '�i4,��,��. • may requireimmediate payrnent in full of al!sums secured by this Security Instrument and mayinvoke any remediea ' , .,
<br /> f , permitted by pasegraph 19.if I.endec exercises this option,Lender shall take the steps specifleci in t hesecond paragrapb af ; i���.
<br /> �.�:ti;�Yi� .�,• .
<br /> ��,;,•.r, f�.,'Y•;;1�0.• 17.. �i•. �� .
<br /> t !1'a51�A',•' ���� ' �
<br /> �;�;'ti t s".' ,,, ,{.� 11. Notkes. An y notice to Bottower provided tor in thia Security lnstrument shall be givenby delivering it or by i�'•. . .�, �,
<br /> t� �� � ti,,� ..
<br />`�'•�/� 's��'�%;�r• mailin it b first class nlall unieas a licable 1aw t uires use of another methad.The notice slul! be directed to the ,,,;:,.
<br /> �'�•;r��, •i.•.�, t!tL;t; $ Y pP M � ,�` • ;' .
<br /> ,.,,, .r+, P r a p e r t y Ad d r e s s or an y.atfier address Borrower desi gnates by notice to Lender. Any aotice to Lc�der sha11 be given by �,..��.�,;�, .;;;;;}�;;��•;�
<br /> � , ,t�;; . ,,." . , �t��•,,.
<br /> ..i,;;���•� ! liret ciea mait to Lender's add�esa atated herein or any othes address l.ender designates by notia to Bormwer.Any notice �.;;,. • ,
<br />� '" i �i �.i1' rovided'for in thia Securit [natrument sfieA be deemed�o have been given to Aorrnwer ar Lender wMm given as provided � �
<br />_�:.,�•',�•..,�! p y g . .� •`� �''.
<br />_,t t 1�}; .� in this PuaBraPh• '
<br /> .3�n����,.� ' � . ��:.,
<br /> �i�1;A 15. Cg�e�ntng Law:Se.erabiNty� This Security Instrumem�hv11 he governed by frdnraa Itw and the law of the ��' ,.
<br />-rp��:�;'� ' � • ' j u r i s d i ction in which the Pro p e r t y is lacat�d.ln the event that any prnvision or ctause of thi�Securpy instrument or the ' .. '
<br /> �r�,{,17 . . . . . • .
<br />_, f, ' . Note canflicts with appiicabie 1aw, such conAict shalt not affect other ptow�ie�ne of this Security ]mtrument or the Note
<br /> ��,S' � which an t�e given effect without the conflictmg provision.Ta th�s end thr pravix�ons ot this Secus9ty I nstrument and the • • •
<br />��'�'� Note aredeclared to be se�•erable. '
<br /> :'•t�(r„'" , ' '
<br /> • •� .i,, 16. Rotrower'�Copy. Borrower shall be gtven one conformed c�,py a�t�he Note and of thisSecunty Instrumene. �•
<br /> • � 17. T�aaster ot!he Propertp or A Beneticiel Interest in Norrower. !f a11 ar any ran atthe Property or an3' ��,�
<br />-j��+��.;�; • � ,:, interest in�t is sold ut tranaferred(or if a hemficial imercqt m Hc�rrow�r is snld or transferted and Bortowet is not a naturai '
<br /> ��:...
<br /> •�..,� petson)without Lender's pnor wtitten ransent. Lender ma}.at it�ortu�n,rea�u�rr�mmediatr J+aymmt�n futl oC ail sums
<br /> �����`' .i.''�..�• �, � securedb this Secunt Instrument.However, th��oTtion�hall nc►t t+e eaer�i,cd hy�Lender if exetnse�s ptohibited by
<br /> ',�' • ;'.}",,,',',i:,, Y >'
<br />:,�,'• ;.k ,•,:.,.�,�._., . federaluwasofthedateofthisSecunty Instrument.
<br />,�.1:�;r;t�� .,:.;i,�i�,•.; If Lender eaerc�ses this opt�on.Lender�hal!gtve$ormwer n�.n�c of accekrat�on.The noticeshaU ptovide a penod �
<br /> f;;;�,t� � of not tas then 30days from the date the nat�ce�s dehvered or maiied wuhtin a�hKh Horrower must pY atl sums secured by ,
<br /> �:�t;v;: _. this Secnrit�[nstrummt.lf Borrower fa�ls tu pny these suma pnor t���he exp�ranon of th�s{►enod, l.ender may invoke any ' , �
<br />���•' '� remediapetmitted by ehn5tCUnty instrument without further nonrear demandan Horrow•er.
<br /> 18. BonoNer•s Rigbt to Reinetate. if Hc�rr.�wer meetti certs��t�rc�ndu�on�. Hor�uwer .hal!I�ve thc nght to have
<br /> � enforcementof th�s Secunty Instrument d��cemt�nued a�anp timc pnar ta the rarl�er of tar'd�ys (asauh other pennd es �
<br /> applicaDle laa may spec�f�for reinstetement f hefore tiale c�f the Praperty pur�unn� to um��aer a,fsale contained�n tA�s
<br /> Secunt)lrosvument.ot(hl entt}af a�udgment enforcm�tht�Sctiu��t�•in+trument. ihox c••nd�rtsan ate that Borrower:
<br /> (a)pays Ltnd�t aIG swen which then woutd t�dae under th�s Secuntr ln.trument and the'��te had no aceelerat�on
<br /> occu�red: (b)rures any default of an�• other cn4enant�ot agrecment�. Ir)pa}•� »II e�►peme.msurted�n enforcmg th�s
<br /> 5eeuntrinstrumerri.i�ciud:ng.but n�t lim�ted to, reawnable utrorne�.' fc�e,,and ld) takes tiu:L'►utson as Lendet may
<br /> reasonabl,V requ�rc te dswne ebac e&lu�aa af thts Secur�ty tn�trument, t.endrr'� r�ght� rn tha Propeny and EMrrower'�
<br /> obDgatwn to pay ehe sums wxu�ad�i9 th�s Serunty lnstrument �hall cummur unrhenged. L.'pon rcmstetement by ,
<br /> 8orrovret. this Stcunty lnstrumar�c and the obl�gat�ons secured hereb��hall remain fulty eBer.tfve bsdnoeccelerat�on had
<br /> • occurred.HoweYet,thts nght to retnstate shall not appl}•�n the cax of accrleratum under patagraphsl3 or 17
<br /> � I
<br />