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202306407 <br />7. Borrower agrees to properly record this Agreement with respect to the Property at Borrower's <br />expense. <br />8. Upon request and satisfaction of the terms required by this Agreement, FHLBank agrees to release <br />this Agreement without charging a processing fee. Borrower agrees to record the release of this <br />Agreement at Borrower's expense. <br />9. Borrower waives the rights of presentment and notice of dishonor. Presentment means the right to <br />require FHLBank to demand payment of amounts due. Notice of dishonor means the right to require <br />FHLBank to give notice to other persons that amounts due have not been paid. <br />10. Borrower acknowledges FHLBank may request additional documentation to assist with finalizing any <br />refinancing or disposition of the Property that occurs during the Retention Period. <br />Borrower is advised to maintain documentation of the cost of any capital improvements made after <br />the household's purchase of the unit until the time of the subsequent sale, transfer, assignment of <br />title or deed, or refinancing; and the amount of principal on any mortgage senior to the AHP subsidy <br />lien or other legally enforceable AHP su bsidy repayment obligation repaid by the household. Borrower <br />agrees to reasonably comply with any requests for additional documentation. <br />11. If any part of this Agreement is or shall be deemed violative of any applicable laws, rules or <br />regulations, such legal invalidity shall not void this Agreement, or affect the remaining terms and <br />provisions of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be construed and interpreted to comport with <br />all such laws, rules or regulations t�arthe maximum extent possible. <br />Borrower: / / Borrower: <br />Signature: <br />Printed Name: Kelsey N Mayfield <br />Date::::1`:,.�.2.. <br />........... .... <br />STATE OF Nebraska <br />SS. <br />COUNTY OF il,)l <br />Signature: <br />Printed Name: <br />Date: <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this 8111 day of Deceinbtg <br />20 202.3:•1.: by Kelsey N Mayfield; a.single person• <br />Sigature (Notary Public <br />Typed or Printed Name / <br />My Commission Expires: f (7 riP0X7 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />(seal) <br />Revised: January 24, 2022 <br />