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<br /> t.;k� . pn �aroh Sl18t •.�---= ' , .�1
<br /> . 'r�,"�r•�, . TH18 OEEO OF TRU9T("S�aota4lt I�sR�n�etiCy b 1�ede �;.,•
<br /> � ;;�;;,�[�' � 7he truetor� � 'l;:� .� .,t'j,,:,'.
<br /> �,. �j ,� . Neonowe�'9• +k.::� �;, � �t;� �
<br /> �";�t�'�r').'�4j"'•..��o„ The truste916 '� �r;��... „�,- i�ti
<br /> l•�; ,4�1: � '��' ., ,
<br /> , .� cTiustee• .F; ;. .
<br /> �. .
<br /> ' ,{'��;�.;; ' whioh . ..,�:�. � � e
<br /> � �{� �� � ; � � i6 �nd whoee addreae Is �� �`r��t�j�: : ��, '!�,, •,,.
<br /> b o�ant�ed end e�sdng w�da the Iewa ot - ,, :, rs,-:.
<br /> � � 1 ij��,1t,�S�4�}rlY'�'r,'f�,,+ pr�;
<br /> . '�7. � �'N"Str�t P O e ewena�t....w.ua� 1�0� �5p1-0809 ("lender�. (: + :i ��� � "(t� `
<br /> ,� ea�rawer a+wes lender the qtnotpat aum ot S��mi�16°�i�1�F�fi�and�Q1100 � �f''�j,E;,, " ,:14��I�-•
<br /> , , � :pot�ers(tJ:&a�;RO�.�� - 1. ThFs debt fs evtdenaed by Bortower'e note �`��( ���;%��!tt'' �� 'h' -
<br /> • p01d @HIYBr �,(• 1•: � �fir••�. '
<br /> '� i�� . - dited tha sa�+ts d�ts as!!ds 3ee��t�t�s�u�4nt l"Net4"�, whloh prorkfes fa monthly payrnente�wRA the fuq debt.U not ,due , , . S, _ •,,
<br /> ,r;s;,��•
<br /> i ''' ';,. � Pafrebie wt 11osU 1 2Q2'1 � . , iu. ,ra�,;i.# � _
<br /> , nv;`!f r ,
<br /> (�,> ` lhis sewtihr tnebument aeau�na to I.ender:(e)repaYment of the debt evidenoed Ay the Note. wUh intereat, end aA renewale�wdenalona 5:���;,• :,:r, , ,,,, ,
<br /> i���.,, � ,•,i{' 8aW , ' ,:
<br /> ';� the t of eA other aums, with Intereet, advanced under paragr�ph 7 to proteat the seanMy ot this 8eou�tY ,�����,� , •,,,,..,
<br />�s, .���.•,��;�;r,�,,: and modlflextlo� Nl PaY� orrower �
<br />- ?'G'����1�'�/rt'�,},� ��t:�d(e)�P�enoe ot Sor►ower'e aovenante and agreaneMe. Fa thia purpoae� B krevooaby�te
<br /> afld Com►eys c ��,� ��'� �„ �. ••
<br /> 1;�',,.(-E�',
<br />;�Sr;yr�j� ,. .'� ,� HNII MY :���;f _ il;', ;,'
<br /> r,'� �.: �;' to Truetee,b truet�wlth powor of eale,the toAowing deaadbed propeA�►loeeled h � Nebreaka; �1:+, t�:'��. `�`•`.;;'t;� :;
<br /> 'j;. �N�i�r�'r��. , 5,:' �--
<br /> r �;,:�,`':S.g1*7, .i ,F';'r�,
<br /> �.,,� .;� r.!, �ti�'•',, .�.�i�';.
<br /> ,' ''�;:•; .�:.., A traot of fand looated In tire 8B7/4 of the•NWi/4 of 8eation 21, Townahtp tt No�. Range 9 Weet of ��
<br /> :�,.`:: the�.6th P.M.. Hall County,N�braska more pArttoufsrty dasaribed as followr�t �InM�g et a point on ��'� '' . ,. � ,� :�;'�;��.;�
<br /> • • , ,�,',,.i, ti�a South elde ot Mn� Street of ehe etty ot Onnd Istaocl Nobraeka� 15 taet Ess�t of the Weet side of �.: . -
<br /> '�'" J�okson.St�Aet extended southerly� eald poU�t �a atso� 10�0 te�t 8duthwasto�il►t�'om a poi�tt where the ��
<br />_1 ;�.:'�I.. ,.,'.�':�:'' gputhoriy Ilno ot Mn�8treet iMerseats the 6sat line of tho 8E1/A of tha NW1/4 ot 8eotton 21• in . �. . '
<br /> .' '1,,,'1,, I ''' , �..ti
<br /> ,,...�;��:��'F;.•.� . . Towe�ship!i No� Range 8�Wost of ttie 8th P.M thenae ruttning M e Southeaetarty di�eation paraliel �;
<br /> ;'�.'. •,.�.:,,.` . � with the Wosterty Ilne of Juakeon St�eet as extene�od a distance of 27B' thenee runntng �igNt 80 1 �•, �: .
<br /> .i., . '� ,;',!,;; �? � . ...
<br />�';:, s :,�t,.;;�,�. degreea tn a $outhwesterl dtreation Z73 9 teot to a potnt thot Is aiso Z78.2 feet trom a poIM on tt�e ' �,• '
<br /> . .�,:,�; ,�. , Baet prop�ety Ilne of th� �ounty road.tlwnoa running �i ht gb de reea along a lin� perallel with the
<br /> �::;.:,: .; �••.,..,:.. ' �. .
<br /> _,,,;...��,,�s,�+. Weat itne ot Jaekson Street as extended� a distoneo of 127 Fee�, thence ri ght 90 degrees '
<br /> �,,, . ,. � al�ng a line parallel with the South Line �f Anna Street 93.1 feet, thence right 127 .. .. .
<br /> �' !''`�����' ��•� feet along a line paral�lel with the West line of Jackson Street as exCended to Closure. , . �
<br />- r;�,;J1: , .. ;�;�,
<br /> . �� � , whioh hse the eddte8d ot �j2o West Okta�+�+�+A evenu� Orand tsland -- , . . . ' , .
<br /> . sxeat m'
<br /> � . : , .. Nebreeka��803" f°Property Address'�; .
<br /> ,'• ,' . • aa coee I
<br />=�+,��t� � TOGETHER VYItN aq Improve�nents now or hereafter ereoted on the prope►ly, and ep easements, rlghta,appurtenanoes,rents,
<br /> {�,`uy��;�"'I'`'� .�' royalqea, mherel, oN, and gas rights and prorits, watet dghta, and stook end ap Axtures now or fiereafter a pert ot the propeity. AN
<br /> j�:;�'''`;` '� reptacements end eddltlons ahe8 be covered by Ihis Seoudty Instniment. AN ot the faegoing is referted to in thfa Secudty IneWment as
<br />�.I��r?tii6,�,:,ri;: ih@ «PfOp6dy.••
<br /> T,�:.,;.,.�.
<br /> • . ' • gppRpWER COVENANI'9 thet Borrowet re�awh►lly a�ised ot the estate hereby eom�eyed and has the�gt,a to grant end convey the
<br /> . � ' � , PropeAy�nd 91�t�e Ptoperty Is unencumbe�ed. except tw encumbranees of reeord. Bonower warrante ena wAP delend generelly the Utte
<br /> ro the PropeRy aga�t ap deima end demanda.subjeet to any ena+�abrertoes ot«oord.
<br /> . THIS SIEG16iGnf iNSRRUMEM combin6s unHortn covenants tar aat►onaf use and non-unPfarm eovanenta wph Gmitad ;vartaHa�ns QY
<br /> MuisdcGon to eanatitate a unNortn securNy Inawment corcxing reat propeAy.
<br /> .. UNIfORM COYENANTB. Bortower and Lender eovenant and agree es tansaws.
<br /> � 1, ppYMENT OF PR�NC�PAI ANd INTERE3T: PREPAYMBNT AND IATE CHANCiE8. 8otrawer eheq ptomppy pa�r wRen due!he
<br /> prtRdpal ot end hterest on the debt Qrtdeneed by the Note and any prepeyrtncnt ead tete char9es Que under tne Nete.
<br /> �� 2. FUNOS fOH TAxE3 AND INSURANCE. Subject to appNeable lew or m o wntten waNet by lenQer.8oreowe�r strel PeY to lender
<br /> on the dey neoNny payraente ere due under the Note, untu the Note Is pmd�n ha11.a aum C'Fu�de'1 equa►ro a^s'a''e�°t: �8�yearA'
<br /> y�a�� wAiq�nqay atteln prWrley over this Seeur�ry tn� O�I YeO�Y�sehotd PeY�^� or ground rents on the
<br /> Ra�1l N�Y t�)Y��11��insuranae premlums:and(d!Ye�r mo+tga�e msurence premlums.H any. The iterns ere calted"esixow
<br /> Neme."l�nder eay eslir�aate eha Fun6s due on the besia ot curtant E�artd reasonsble estlmates ot tuture esaow Rema
<br /> form 5028 t2/63����W FNMAIFHIMC UNIFORM IN9tflU1tA'EM11T
<br /> r�o��M ntAO� n��sAO► una�a,x+m Pso� ,or•
<br /> i
<br /> ,
<br />