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11/20/23, 9:15 AM about:blank <br />202306313 <br />7. TERMINATION. This Right-of-Way/Easement Utility Permit shall terminate upon one or more of the <br />following occurrences: <br />(a) The service of sixty (60) days written notice of intention to terminate by any party upon the other <br />party. If there is a valid Franchise Agreement between the Permitor and Permitee, the termination <br />provisions in that agreement shall supercede. <br />(b) The Permittee's application for a permit to alter said improvement or any part thereof, unless said <br />permit is for work due to an occurrence as described in Paragraph 3 above and said work has the prior <br />written approval of the Permitor. <br />(c) The Permittee's construction or installation of any structure or improvement of any nature upon the <br />City's property, public right-of-way, or easement owned by the Permitor except that described in <br />Paragraph 1 above. <br />Upon the termination of this Right-of-Way/Easement Utility Permit, the Permittee shall be required, and <br />hereby agrees, to remove said improvement from the Permitor's property at its own expense and without <br />cost to the Permitor. Said removal to occur no later than sixty (60) days after receipt of the notice of intention <br />to terminate or any of the occurrences set forth in Paragraph 7 above. Should the Permitee fail to do so, the <br />Permitor may remove or cause the removal of said improvement from the Permitor's property and the <br />Permittee agrees to reimburse the Permitor for all its costs. <br />8. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This permit shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and <br />assigns. <br />9. ENTIRE PERMIT. This Right-of-Way/Easement Utility Permit constitutes the entire permit between the <br />parties notwithstanding any other oral or written permits to the contrary. This Right-of-Way/Easement Utility <br />Permit shall be amended only in writing executed by all parties hereto. <br />10. CHOICE OF LAWS. This Right-of-Way/Easement Utility Permit shall be construed in accordance with the <br />laws of the State of Nebraska and the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. The rights and privileges granted <br />herein shall be nonexclusive and shall not be construed to be any broader than those expressly set out in City <br />Code or State Law, regardless of the language used in this permit and that any facilities placed on City right- <br />of-way/easement shall be placed in accordance with existing laws and the standards of the City. <br />11. CONTENT OF LANGUAGE. Wherever the context of the language in this Right-of-Way/Easement Utility <br />Permit is appropriate, the singular shall apply to the plural and the plural shall apply to the singular. <br />about:blank 4/5 <br />
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