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�. �. �M <br />� �„� . ,. <br />' .,� <br />- `' .,,,. .. <br /> � <br /> � ' w.�AAa�tnr oEEn 93" 1U��41 <br />�. 7 <br />� a . <br /> ' 7U�I�iY �C.�ir�N a.�d E[JGFI� V, T�V, ;,�fe ar� Hus�ar,3 GRANTG�1. in ccnsi�aration of <br /> T�'�1` <br />.� �rR° . . y� T�,TSA.� FTVE F�.A��I� {S���OG.00j x a # t : * � DOLLARS received from GRAN7EE. <br />_�� <br />�� . JCE�"7 R. Q.�� e�5 � F(�t T� JOC�,R LISiIl� 9..'�1ST <br />�� canve;n; to GRANTE�,the io�lowing d4scribed real esttte(as defir�d ir�Ned.Ftev.S;at.7fr2D1): <br />� <br />- A trac� of lund comprisi,ng a pazt oE Lot 1 an the i�lait:land of the <br />� Sou�h��e�t Q�axter of the oa��heast Quarter (S�l 1/4 58 1/4) of <br />"'" S�ction 14, Townehi� 11 Naxth, Range 9, iiesst of tihe 6th P.M. , <br />� ' HaI,]. Caunty, Nebraeka, aaid tract being more particnl�arly <br />�� �s fallow�: Beg3,qning e� the SanthFreat co�ner of e�id <br />� Lot 2; t��ence rnnning on ain a�sumed bear�.ng o� N 90 degreee OU' <br />� 00^ E �n Clse South li�e of said Lot l far ; d3.stanca cf 686.33 <br />- feet �Q the neander rorn�er of �he 5vutheset cor,�er of seid L�c t 1; <br /> = thence � L5 d$�rees 5�1• 23" g an the agreed o�raerahip line <br /> - b�tween iec�t�ons 14 and 23, Township ll �arth, Rang� 9, �Iest of <br />� �he 6th P.�l. , Ha1� Gaunty, Aebraekn, a� x�ec4rded �h Hail County <br />� Su�veyor's �took 2, Paqe 254, �or a di�tence of 266.Q2 fee� to a <br />= poin� �ezper�r�icular to and 10�.00 feet fram the aenterline of the <br />� Burlingtan :�c,rthexn pu�in�ine �ract as coastrncted an3 maintz�ined; <br />� thence tI 62 c�.egrees 5C' 54" en a lir.e �04SQ0 feet Sauthwesterly <br />� frQm the centerlinQ vf aaid mainlin� track for 962.32 fpet to a <br />� pain� on the F'est line of sa�.d Lot ],; thence S OD degrees 3S' 04" <br />-= E on the West line af �ai3 Lot 1 fvr A27.47 feey tv the poiat nf <br />— beginning. <br />'" GRA'VTQR covenants (�ointly�nd severa'iy, if more l}�an one) with GF�ANTEE that GRAN70R: <br /> � <br />� <br />= ��; is lawfu��y spised oi such rNal estate and ihat it is free from en;umbrances <br />� <br />-_ �ccept eass�mt�s, r�tric 4i�xxs anc; �xr,�a.n:.� oF re�xd. <br />� <br />� . <br />= (2. has IQgal power a�d lawful authority to�-on��ey the same; . <br />� (3) warrantQ and will deiend lille to ttta real est�te against the 18wi�1 clAi•:is of ali persons. <br />— Execute,i....��.�.�:... ............... ...19�,3 . <br />� ...G'ti�-. ~ � y <br /> _ 't.�.�� -.c-�..;��.....,... ---•-.. .. � - .[ _ ..�...�................ . ..... <br /> = Dor�t?��'�am�3r. V. Zt7ana.*1 <br /> — 'STAT� O��� C�Il"0�7IA � ' <br /> - . ) c,S_ <br />— ,COU�iT'! ^� ,��'C�.�'1RQT;c1.'!7Q..............•••-) <br />_ � The toregoing ,nstri�ment was acknawfed�ed k�efs.�re me on....��1F?!�:?.........I 1:....................19�3_ by <br /> — ...Onl� --Ba����� �bg� V._ 'lbat�-ui, �Fdu�.ba;xi................................... <br />— UFF1^IA�'elY �' <br /> � MARGAR,T L YDUr�(!U[� <br />� ��1 . � <br /> -- � o.f- •� !(f�T�'3Y 'U�LIC-G1L:F:iRNUI � <br />�, j ��#�^;yf"j' F:.�:1 i° L �FrI:E IY i ��?1�.�.: ._ �...............• <br /> — � tyq�. $F4f1 6Cr'I,ti�DIYU COUHTY y Nota Pu e � <br />- o � MSy::ommissian Expires �ugust 29.19�,3--`�� ' My commission expir� ,...�.�.�.�;g-3•............. <br />- . . lf�\�=1A������1�1�' ' . . <br />�' STATE�F NEBRRSlCA,+�ountr oi. ..._.... --...... <br /> � Filed fer record ar�d entered in Numeric.�t Index on...................... !9.. _ at , . . . . _ _ . . _ v'clock _ . . M., and <br />� . <br />= ceeorded in Deed Record . . . . . _ Page . : . _ _ . . . <br />— : _.. ., <br />� , - ' . <br />� c . .. .. <br /> - � <br />� ' a tj;7 �. ....-::_ .••••-. ...' --••• ••••........ -•'•...-•-- <br />�, . - ''*` Cour:y or Depury County Clerk <br />— _ • Fiegister o� Deputy Rcgister of Deeds <br />�; NSBti Form t� - '' 1►� t: � ' WARRANTY DEED <br />�— ��v- 12-� i -.� PAGE 1 oi 1 PAGE <br /> : ' � --�RY►��'1979 NeG�aslra SW(e Bar Rssot�a�:-,,n <br />=� -.. ' ' 7 <br />=� ... <br />_�... � <br /> � <br />� '.�3:'�[:,�ra;,:. <br />, -�:�. <br />—� , " <br /> � �Y� <br /> s�� <br />