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202305810 <br />File No.: H-2472 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />PROPERTY DESCRIPTION <br />Tract 1 - The West Sixty Feet (W 60') of Lot Two (2), Block Seven (7), the Original Town of <br />Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska <br />Tract 2 - A part of Lots Three (3) and Four (4) in Bachman and Lester Subdivision of Hall County, <br />in Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Lot Three (3) which is also on the South side of West <br />Second Street, running thence Southwesterly along and upon the South side of West Second <br />Street a distance of Two Hundred Sixty -Six and Seventy -Four Hundredths Feet (266.74'); running <br />thence South and parallel to the East side of Lot Four ( 4) a distance of Two Hundred Fifty and <br />Forty- Four Hundredths Feet (250.44'); thence turning left at 90° and running Two Hundred Thirty- <br />two and Ninety-four hundredths feet (232.94') East to the East side of said Lot Three (3); and <br />running thence North along and upon the East side of said Lot Three (3) a distance of Three <br />Hundred Eighty -One Feet (381') to the point of beginning. <br />h. i <br />r-: <br />Exhibit A <br />