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STAKING SHEET - UNDERGROUND <br />Company: OPTK Networks Exchange: Grand Island <br />CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NOTES <br />The State. County. City personnel shall be notified a .rnmmum of 'or•y eight 148) hours In advance of nutsl project <br />constructor, <br />2. The u11h(y company and the contractor -SI are responsible to have at least one person on the job at all Dines. that Is <br />'aIle supervisor oerbfied <br />3 The contractor shall adhere to the current cermet and Contract speafiwtwns <br />4 The locations of all aerial and underground utility faolkles may not be rnd,eated on the project plans The contractor <br />.s nequred to contact the Nebraska and Colorado 811 one call rhotfication center IOW 8'11 forty- .ght (48) tours <br />ono to work ng in the oty right of way No excavation went be permitted .n the area of the underground unities u0l <br />all facilites have been located and Identified to the satisfaction of all parties The contractor shall be responsible for <br />protectgn of al underground and aerial ubkbes and infrastructure <br />5 Whenever underground facrkbes are :n dose pros koty to the proposed pathway loesbon or *heneve' the veRCal <br />'ocaton of the underground facility rs unknown. the contractor shall use special measures to determine the locations <br />of such underground faci(Nes. <br />a 4 the contractor is conducting the excavation by digging from the surface when n a dose O'o"n"ty to the <br />underground faclbes the contractor shat! use hand d.ggng hydro e.cavabng. or ar e.cavabng to locate such <br />faokty <br />b 48 the contractor rs conducting the excavation by tunneling or boring. the contractor shall determine the verbca) <br />location of the underground facility by pottohng or any oder method approved by the director of public works and <br />utilities <br />�. Project plans shall dhmension new being nstalled <br />7 Unless agreed to In writing in advance the depth d Installed facilites n city and county row shag be at a minimum <br />as follows <br />a. Forty ..ght (48) Inches n sill <br />b. Fortyapht e.48) inches below a projected slope from the Row tine of a d,1dh at a thee 131 horizontal and 004 (1 l <br />vertical slope <br />c. Forty.ght (481 Inches Levier a roadway measured from the surface of sad roadway to the top of the nstaltaton <br />d. Sixty (80) Inches under 3 atom water or creek channel design bottom or ppe. and <br />e. Mantarn a rnrn.mun of twenty -bur (24) inches of vertical and ho.IIonul spacing from e.,sbng utilities <br />t. Be located as far from the e.:istng or proposed curb here as possible to avoid potential 'uture conflicts <br />S. A8 non -street surface materials that are disturbed by excavators and backfilling operations shall be replaced and <br />restored <br />0. City and county street surface materials disturbed shall be backfilledtamped and repaved try city or county forces <br />or approved Paving contractor <br />10 48 sidewalk. whew than. ramps Or any porton of the pedestrian faclrbes are removed or dosed. a pedestrian detour <br />shall be established and marmaired during the ome W the closure and the entire pedestrian facility shall be restored <br />within seventy-two 1721 hours. unless the contractor provides a hard surface alternate route approved by the 1114 or <br />county <br />II_ AN pedestrian detours and any reconstructor, of pedestrian facilities shah meet current Amenoans wenn Disability <br />Act (ADA) standards and speerficabons. <br />12. AJ pedestrian detours shall be pat of an approved Traffic Contra Plan (TCP) <br />l3. AN holes made on the streets for the purpose of performing vacuum excavators to locale underground utilities shall <br />be restored to the.. °nomad cordrton With the reinstated core Rush with and In the onpnal one.ltabon as the trusting <br />surface matchog e.,sbnp pavement surface appearance <br />14. When the a '80aotor ,5 not activity working. all equipment. fencing. debris. etc. Shall not be placed widen the <br />lrianigular area required fpr Sight dstanoe of vehicles throng or entehng an adjacent property or .ntersecbon. <br />15. AN e.cavabons shat be adequate), fenced and covered when contractor I5 not present or protect site lett <br />unattended <br />IB No lane closures allowed On arteria) streets dung AM and PM teak hours <br />17 AN work zone traffic contrancludng pedestrian control measures. shall be n oornphanoe *Oh the MUTCO and <br />ADA <br />15 The oo.tracor shall manta., a set of 'as built' plans on Ste wen d.rnens.orvng These plans shall be presented <br />upon request <br />14. Final 'as -built' pans shall be filed wen csty and'or county within 30 days of the conpleton of the project. <br />20 The contractor shall follow construction standards pertaining to the lateral corridor facerty paoemere and minimum <br />depth requirements and clearance requirements of other facikbes <br />2' A current State. County. or City permit shall be mantained on each work site by the contractor The contractor <br />shall present such pernhit upon request. <br />22 Any field adjustments to installation of faokbes. Msd1 vary from the plans that have been submitted and approved <br />during the permR application process. shall comply with the following: <br />a The contractor must stop work immediately and comet the faulty owner of the proposed changes <br />b The fealty owners representatve shat contact the city. county or state nghtd-wry eonsbucton inspector and <br />p.onde them Wath the details. <br />c. The ROW Inspector wit make a detemvnabon on how to proceed. This deterrnnatoc may range from approval <br />over the phone or via ema4 to delaying the protect until plans can be updated and appropriate renew can be <br />conducted <br />23 Stake mounted *ammo signs and marker posts (131/453110 be paced where 30080003te <br />24 All conduit and fiber is to be installed at the back of the roadway ROW unless otherwise noted <br />25 Leave 120' loops ,ea tails at sokoe pants) for mower* fiber in vaults <br />6L95O O <br />
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