� .s���re� ;c r 'r ,- .,� r }�.i c` T4:1H;�S.�23{:'�:.�ivr_� $: ' . ' . .� - a�Y �f��`� s
<br /> -,�: - -- -- r�t.. . ? l• 15�i i-�N - � 'i," �'AY�'� f� - � - 61!� �t'�+�'- -.
<br /> � _ �-f�l/C f� i� i .r • �:,�iK�.':'r�':�ie �� , . '4a„�s
<br /> . � l��t�l c ,T fa(.Y:. s L��. _r_....1._ . ' .^ ,�,, .� � � 1 . r + A-.- --.
<br /> ` � .
<br /> " �h r . -
<br /> . . . . - �1 r��`AX � -> ��� i"�i1 i - ':���� �tti�:"�t:':,�'�it�a7-��'� � -'4.5 . __
<br /> , . .. ��C��� ! . s y��J i� U) i� . �� '�"•��' 'y�j�fii;w w:r1G __ ._...'---
<br /> �_ . .• � t�.�.. . � . ' �'li..• .. _ ..�_ ..,...I
<br /> .Yi +
<br /> i ,sl �d" : .�^'�.�y iP !.'; • ' `--
<br /> �..[w.�Sd��i:.,� �;.,• ... —
<br /> �"�tt:��?ii=:._'
<br />_--.— _� :r���ik;_�i.==�-_-..:�
<br />---- --s 81 .i��V i7� .��Fr.�-� ,r_._ _
<br /> — .... 9:,�r�r, `:kdl�����x
<br />.��.=�t��� ,�.,�zr�: ' '� -
<br /> If Lender s�equtrad mmtgu8a imusAace ae a condttion of maklag tha loen seaurod by chis Security Iastrument� ��y/�f�zk, � a,4v�=�+,;;;
<br /> � ,•r.�+�-`'''. gorrower shall pay the prorniams teq�red to maintain the insarnaae In eA�xt u�ti!sueh ti�no as the�equiromeat tb�tbe ����tjr��;r;���� r�. �r,5,�_
<br /> *k�=-^�-P''%t�� • � rU'1 'L4'�t,{,�.`y�i.'�..i�.,�1 .e'
<br />,il �s'.,,,,,.�� „ i�suranae terminatoe in eaaordatico witb Borrowa a and L.emtar s wrietan aae�eemeat ar app{iaabie iaa. �� q; t�,'�•,7 ��`'',..�'°i:
<br /> �ik =.�? ..�� 8. fa�ottoa. Lender at ite rgeat aa�y mako raaeo t�a b le est u i e s upon a n d i ra p e otions af tha Pmpe�eY• � � ,, : �?
<br /> '.��' 1E�:` �b� i r' 1�v M''� ..,
<br /> J �`�' gIfA11 gIYO AOffi0W0f DOtI00 at tI10 fM10 O�Ot�OT t0 Qif�11Sj1E01IP7t bpecifytnB reasoneete auu�e tor the iaepeeeion, f,,,,,: ",•, ,.......•� ,
<br /> ges,di�ect ot coneequontinl.in aons�tfan with ,,o.,,_.,.<�;�.:.,::..
<br />���'`',�'Y<�4.r� 9. Coadeuau�Nai. The prooeaAs otary�w�M or olaim For duRa ".,, '•�'°;�`-
<br /> in lieu a!condemnntion�are hetaby ;h"�`�• "��.;., :�:
<br /> ;�;� ,:��. S�•. �y eondenmadon or o�her ukiag otmy pAn of the ProPeetri o� tar conveyaace .,:��;_ ..,��r��.'
<br /> R`� asslgned and sb�il be paid ro t.o�der. ° " �'` " �
<br /> �a�_� ,�� sluit ba ap lied ta tha auma recurod by ehi�Seourity , ;;
<br /> ,f R =.��P'a._. In ehe event at a total eaking ot the Property►the proa�td� P ; �
<br /> .'^:z�,`";--��:� .� Imtrument�whetbet or aat tha»dua altb any eaaeas paid to Aorrowu. In ttk avent ota paetia!talain�at the Praperty. __,.�..,,,-,.-_--.�-�
<br /> •Ni;� �,, �. thit SeoqNt 1�etruRtent sholl be tYdueed bY ,:, '�'� � .,
<br />- _�i y...,�• •����, tu�Cts Aomowet and i.endot'otUerwist og�ee in wtiting,the wme seetued by 9 . ,;.
<br /> •r, total amount of the+�ame ,,�.�,t�����U;,q ,��`°f,
<br /> , '.: ,"'` the amoant at ehe pracaeds multipH�d by the following fnotion,(a)tha eeeured immodiately :,;�:..��;`�1t,>+'.',•'���� :�;•:
<br /> ..��������;;°��'�:� before the tskiag dividcd by @)the tyh tae►ket vaiue ot the PropattY immodlately beforo the taking.Any balaace sliali be ;�,` �+�{� ,,
<br /> � t , �{'':;`:. . `i t,i.ti,.,.`,+'�1, ; :
<br /> '��„ :;;�.- ;�,r^� p�id to 8orrowar. 9arrowe�.or if.afta notica Lender to Aotraaer that the condemaor o�'brs to �',r� ,�� r , �:►.�;i`�i>>�
<br /> , , ' 1f tlto PropertY i�al�ndoned b!� �' ,.,�:;•.;,' ,>.,,:;,;r :s
<br />� ,,�,:;��f,;�cti�,t�;r make an award ar settte�alaitn tordmm�ges,8onower taiktu reapondto I.mder within 30 days atter the date the notice is ;. . , .;;�'•,s;.-� ;;;,
<br /> i„ °�°�. �:' given.Lender is authosiud to ea1teat and appiy the proceed�,ae itsoptbn�a�ttter ta natoration os ropair of the PropeRY ar ,, t��r,,:,��;;�s:,'`,,y,.'
<br /> , � �.,
<br /> to the aulas eeoartd by this Sxurity Imt�ummt.whether or nat then due. �71ry ;�`�';�:�1;'�i";*'
<br /> �, �- �t. Unless i.ender and Aorrower otberaise agra in wrltfng,aay applicatio�of praceeds to pdnotpal shall nat eztmd or f�A,{ c.�'; �f��`��;��
<br /> ",,`��;:�.,�.���:��'� menta refetred toin s l and 2 or change tho amount oisuch payments• >> ., ,�� , s; {l.
<br /> .;; . :..,!��:;�,•=y�.:: PostponetheduedateatthemontblYPeY Pa�l� . �.��..' ''�. t+ �
<br /> Not t Wd�et. �tension of tho time for payment or �:;?�;i.�,;,���;,�,;lti�Fftra? -
<br /> - r t i.:,..c:ir
<br /> ,,. ;. ., �,<` 10. Borrower Not Releaedt Foebaniaee 8y I.eadet b Lender to any successor in -
<br /> .�;�'ri��f� � maditication of smortiration ot th�eurns:eaored by thia Security Inat�uinent grnnted y ti�� .;,,,,;;�'�`.`'•' '��`���-.
<br /> , n . , ,t • ,f:C1� �...�_�:
<br /> •i J..:, "•'' `e .::lJ����,��.�; , n:1;.,.,,y',_
<br /> �y��'� ,�.'�� iaterest of Horrower shall not opaate to rekaao the liability ot the orl�inat Honower or Aorrower'e succcssors in intereat. r,,�+`±,4, ^ ..t t �:
<br /> ..�,.r,. ., _ ��°'� I.eader shall not be requha4 to comatenc�pmceedings against any su¢cessar in inteteat or refitse to extend time far , .4t � ,`.. '.
<br /> �„,•.;rJ::'.��.;:;,�T% payinent or otheraiae aiodi�a�ortitetian of the suma seoured by thbSecudty Instrument by reasan of any demand made }.�,+;,,,;,,�1,.. , �... ;..,,,�_
<br /> : '';a+ ?" by the ortginal Botroq►a er rrowec'�sueees.sors in intetest.Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any rlght o�remalY. +� ��� „ ' 4�
<br /> � � ',i,•',•�. ,.. � she11 not be a walva of or prealude theexercise oFany riaht or remaly. �1�� �� ' " � �
<br /> } �,. �, ,+ Q p,,--�.Jolat Aad Se�a�i U�bUhYi��e+� The rnvenants and agreemente of ..��..J; .'� ';:' � ,.
<br /> . S �� 4� ��;� �1� 0�����W .
<br /> - f ��y��y�=y Jt�strumtnt shs11 bfnd and l+�nefit the suecesson end assip�a of I.ender and Norrowet�eubjxt ta the pravieions _ ,��, '_s , ,� ?
<br /> `',';s � �s ,,.;3 of p a r a g r aph 17.Honower'a coveuanu and agreatribnta sheU be joh►s end eeveral.Any Aanower Wha co�eigns tha Security : ��.
<br /> Ao
<br />,;,;��:'r�• �,:, :.;.�;'.. Itistrument but does not eaccute the Note:(a)�ia ca's igd ing t h ia S e a u r i ty Ins t r u m e n t�o n l y t o m o rt g a g e�g r ant and canve y l. �r.,��"'n ,4�fY�'
<br /> .;}'�,•:•'"'•. 'ri�.;�'�.�:'�•�, that Borrower's interest in the PropatY under the terms of this Secudty Inatrument;�(b)is not pe�naily obligatcd to pay ���,;!tt.4:.�. ."::,,,;;;�M;;,ry
<br /> ,:�.. �.;�',;,
<br /> y, ;..„� �he sums SeCU1Yd by 1h1S$eCUTi1y I1�iurtrcM;and(c)agras ehat Lmde�aad any atha Horrower nlay agree to extmd. + �� . ' ..' ,. ,;
<br /> � '�, �� , modityr,fotbear or mafce any aaoinmodetions with rega�d to the tenns of thia Security Inatrument or the�Note without ;,��;�1�;�" �►'
<br /> ���'�`''� '„�i;.� thac Hocrower's consenc. '��'r'��{�.� ,.'
<br /> it�i!''�'����:���� . if the laen saured by this Secudty Instrurnent ia aub}xt ta a lew whicb seta maximum toaa (���#��'1 ,���, ���;;+�',''! _
<br /> ��ns�'' ri���s3',;:;�"':6 12. I.oa11C9W� , ,},.;;,.' :
<br />!y r+� ,t•.•�,,;_y,�� chaTges, and thet law�s'flnalty intetpreted so tl�at ttie lnterat or other loan charga co{lected ar to be colleated in ��Vi_�,�,•�, " �'-
<br /> � ���'i��� .,��4;',� cannection with the loan excced tlte permitted Hmits, thm: (a)any su¢fi laan charge ahalt be reduced by�tbe amount ..y�+i�' ` ' ���
<br /> .j,,t�},��„x7: ,:I�,„� ,
<br /> ;,�. e, � qeces.sary to redua the cbarga to the permtttat Iimit;ond(b)any sums already collected Prom Honower which excealed t%,t,..��.�r� ,.�;,• ,• -
<br /> ��;,��t,f�:c�:� �:,.�.:� ±:�'����3 , . � ;
<br /> �...{�;d��,a�,;,,�:r,.,..�k p p e r m i t t e d l i m i t s w i l l b e r e f u n d e d t o B o r rower.Londer ma y chao.se to make this refund by reducing the principg!owed .°S'..;..�� � '`
<br /> .�;:',i f��;y;�;,`��M�?� under the Note or by making a dlrect payment to&�rrawer.If a refum!reduces p r inc ipal,t he r e dua t ian w l l l b e t r e a t e d a s a ',;`�,{y f�j����;,"..^'. �,�.,�5�,.,
<br /> ..,.tY:+�.ar.�\...{r�; .�{��.�,� fit�t� ���..
<br /> `yt pertial prepayment w it hout any prepnytnen t c h a r g e u n d e r t h e N o t e. ,�.' . , , ��
<br /> M �^ ,,;,�� • .,i.��,;.',�` ��s�;,
<br /> �s'�; ���,.";�� J 1 13. I.egisiation ARecdnt Leisder's Righta. . •i[enactment ar eapiratian of appNcable taws hax the effect of :t,,,,,,,;,,,,,�,;;i+��y,y�,�,•�;�
<br /> �j.s,i, �;�� t.ender.at!ts option. • <<r
<br /> :;�k,��� ,E t_ renderMg any provisian of the Note or ih�s Secudty Inst�ument unenfarcesble according to its terms. ��;,ti, ;;,; ::; �,:
<br /> f s,��„�;._.�,'����j:i�� may require lmmediate payment in f�ll of all aums secureci by thisSecurity Instrummt and r�ay invoke any«mcdies .{;:'::j'�''� • �'t,,Y.'.'{'
<br /> ::3,���:'�.�'.4'��;. :�',;:t+`� permitted by paragreph 19•If Lenderexerciacs this optian,L.ender aMatt teke the stcps specifled in the aecond paragraph of '�;�;;;� ' �� .
<br /> �.�'!'''"� �;�.,
<br /> �y ���. �� '�.,: ;. paragrapb!Z ' • . ".
<br /> ��'"�°�'�������"''`'�"' 24. Noticea. Any notice to Borrower provided fitt in this Saurity inatrument zhail be given by delivering it or by ;;,j,,,.�";,; ,. __.,,.,..,_
<br /> ��'�}`' �' �� `� }� �. ��' mailin it by firet class mail unkss applicable!aw requircs use uf u�other meti►od. The notice shaii be dlrected to the ,
<br /> ��'�l ia ��,n $ �
<br /> ;�1 �Y�..:`.'�',�,;;, , � .
<br /> �s�,�����,.•�, . , Property Addreas or eny other addnss 8orrower designates by natice to LCnder.Any notice to Lender shall be given by ,., : ' .;,.,,,.��.
<br /> '���' � '�''��' �i"' flrst ciass meii to I.ende�'s addreas suted hercin ar eny�ther address Lender designates by nosica ta Aonower.Any notice � :��• : •�• �;j;;�.;'"
<br /> • i�',�~,'��,,',,,.�,.,;.
<br /> ,,,,.;�;S�:;��..<. �;;,;��:;. provided for in this Security instrummt sfiait be deemed to hnve been given to Bc►nower or Lender when given aa provided '�;, .' •,:i��:,;;;�.
<br /> „ 1;, ,
<br /> ,:: . ���'��';:tn�;::� in tAia paragraph. ,t x�l.,•.
<br /> i;; ';G.�,� >1�t� �' •.r�+•.r,;.�.�.;.
<br /> ,.;;,�..;r..,;;,;z�s_r.�,�,;; 15. Govere�tng I.awi 5e�eea b i l ity. T his S e cu r i ty i ns t r u m e n t s h a l l b e g o v e r n e d b y f e d e r al law and the law of the ��1•,. ,�;�.,., �,,.
<br /> '�{it;;_.a;•;�ti?;,•;;:�; jurisdictian in which the Property is loceted.In the event that any provislon or clause ot this Security Ynstrument or the !,;.,•�•:ti;'�'
<br /> �'��'�•`�''��';����" `� Note coniticta with applicabie law.such conflict shall not affect ot�er provisions oC this Security Instrument or the Note ',i. •:;`+
<br /> ���•:�!�;�'..:'•.i';;�,;;.;;:� which can be given effect withou� the conAicting pmvisien. 'Co this rnd thc provisions oP this Security Inatrumrnt and the ,,��,+-,
<br /> ' '� �,' �: Note arc deciared to be severubic. � � �
<br /> :�;t��. • '
<br /> ',`'��'�' ' •:���,5�;�•? 16. Botrower'a Copy. Bortower shail F+e given c+ne canformeci capy of the Note und oithis Security lnstrument. .
<br /> �ti.�.�:•,�,•. •. .;
<br /> •.';t;�,;�`'•.,:,; ' , ' 17. Teanatee of tde prope�y or a Heneficiai intcrest in Eorro�er. if al! or any part of the Property nr any �.�`� ;
<br /> '�"��:�, '� interest in it is sold or transferred(ar if a beneficiui interest in Eiorrr►c�er is�cild ar truncferreci and Hormwer is not a natural �,'�
<br /> '��,�,,;; �,�' person)without Lender's pricir written consent, Lender may.at itsnpttcm,require immediate payment in fuli of all sums , ,
<br /> � � : •• '' secured by this Security in�trument. Nowever, this optinn .hull not tx eaerc�heci hy Lender if exercise is prohibited by �'' �
<br /> � } ' '�� federai law es of the dote ofthis5ecurit y Instrument. � .
<br /> -• � � '•� •;�'� !f Lender exercises thi�nptinn. I.cndcr shntt give Darrower nnticr of�cceferution.'The notice shal!provide a peric�d
<br /> ' ' of not less than:�0 dayc from ehe da�e the nc�tice i�Jelivered eir mai led v►�nhin whirh Borrower mu+t pny atl sums secured!�y
<br /> y ..,..
<br /> .�C�4:. .. «...1 �..wil�►MqVIt�VAIfPA11V
<br /> —"_-_._-.._._ ___.. .
<br /> ',', .'." . � 'j this 5ecurity Instrument.If E�O�fI)�1Cf f81I5 l0�1Ay IhC!tC�3UIYtb�1f1OT t0 t[tec7t(�iiuii�ii��n uu.�w...�........�.�....-�....-°----. :
<br /> "' • rcmedies permitted by this Securit y ins►trument wnhnut furt her ne�tiee or drmund un Ik►rrowcr.
<br /> ;.. ►
<br /> .�.��;;.'�"•��' 18.Borrowee't Rigltt to Relastato. lf Eiorrower mcet�c�nain conditi��ns,fiorrc�uer rhutl havc the tight to heve
<br /> enforcement of this Secucity Instrument discuntinued ut any time �xiar tn the rurlier aL•(u)5 dayg(or+uch other period as
<br /> :�,:,:•,.. appficable taw may specify for reinstntcmrnt)t+efore�ale e�f the E'ropert?punuant tc�uny�c�wrr af wle contained in thi� �
<br /> �`.;"�•' • � • Siecurity lnstrumetet:or(A1�ntry ofn judgment enC��rcing this Se��urity instrument. Tho�e cnnditions arc thut Borrower: �
<br />;�,,.�: .,�,. .
<br /> f�•:
<br /> •"•��t;.!I,•';���,;n;;',;:. (a)pays Lender at6 sums which then wouid be due under this Security Inurnmeat and ihe Note had n�.acceletation
<br />'?:�i��;�:.�;::,!�,,�r:�'_,: .• occuned:(b)curcs any defauh a�f amy c+ther crvenants or ngreements;(c1 pa}s aCC tx�n:►es imurttd m enfarciag thi�
<br />-�'���'��?�`.i':;,;�,�:�°;•. '' . ;j S t curity•Instrumen t.in c i u d i n g.Q+u t n o t l i m�t�d to,teasonable uitamrys fiees:an�! td1 cakes�urh actian as Lrnder may
<br /> ��, •.�.� , ,
<br /> .:!�;;Y'�;�;i��''�'�'��'�+•.•,� reasonably require tn assure that the lie�e of this Security It►strument,Lender'x rlghts in the Prc��at�and&�crawer s ;
<br /> '���;ti{' obiigation to pay tht sumg secured by this kcunty Instrument �haH continue unchanged. L'�c+n teinstetement by I
<br /> ,t�
<br /> �+, :,;:. • �;• � 8orrower.thia Seeurity instrumentand thr obligatians secured hrreby shaii remain fully effective as if noacceleration hgd I
<br /> '.;'' ' occurred.However.this right to relnstute shaii not appiy in the caseof ucceteration uttder paragraphs 13 or t 7.
<br /> ''�• �
<br /> ,� • . �
<br /> •• �
<br /> +:.,; ,.
<br /> � , ., ., . � - _.
<br />