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�. _ - "- =- <br /> 3�I,,�r i '�4`. `, . .. ' ' <br /> a . �y ;. .. <br /> � � . <br /> •�' � ,.; <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . .�...t� . .` .� u:.tti_ — -- - _ - <br /> .._ .� _s_— . - - -- - — �� -- - - - --- �-.- '�-' ' - -.. -_- -- <br /> -_ _.���� � �.��T � .� `� .. �.-- — r �� ,. . .:. _. _ ,��r .�.��� . - .-- <br /> �7 4i�['.at���f t 1eilRlld�l�t I�DM7+M�lr..�E all.ct pn!/�f tL�.Rrcpa�:i+�'�ia�e�est is it . <br /> ---��---ie��ol�c�r�tar sbe�e6aol�neat�atHoe�a�+e�issaWaruao�tareda�d� .tv�e�s,�ot��rt�l�pr�as��t�lw�rt.: ._._. <br /> i,eaicr'�-pRio��eillea acweM. Le�ddr;ay%iR iAS bpioa tieqriie.�odi�le PY�t is fi�t of al1 s�c'�ece�ied'6g�his" . <br /> ' f�r�ei�t.Howerv.liis aptioi slqll not be cu�ised ay t�lader if exaeis�is P�d�i�e�ir!►iade��i fia�r is d�6e dMe _ � <br /> - �:Sea�nt� —�------- _--- ` = - - - -. <br /> o['ti�i�Sacrri�x�nre�-:.., �- _ . . <br /> tf lRtler e:ancixs d+is opioo,l+eiiida s�nll�re Bo�aotioe of aoodentioo.7Ue ao�c�e sirtl pe�o�vide a paicd af aa. <br /> . .Ies�ti�30 dsYs fiow 1M�d�tie�he natice�s:ddiv!e�ed ar m�ilod�in;wfiich Ho�tcower�I!s�s sacurad bY�S <br /> � _ '°,�..�c±c�dqr.L�er.If'Barm�tis fs�s to pag d�est sums prior ta the cxpitation Qf tl►is�iod.,l.ian�er tnry invote any tm�edies • <br /> , � pee�ined b�t�is Sacurity imuw�eat ritbnat t�aotix a deonind an BaRtn�w � � <br /> l�. �tr�ar's�! M � If Barm�ar mdxs aeRain ea�nd�, �oi[ow�a slWl bave tlyc right to-l�atr <br /> adoine�oed oi'd�is�y�s�t dsa�lin�ed at a�r tima p�icir_to:�►e arlier aT(s)5 dsys(ucsuc�aba puiod as <br /> s_. �p ra�tr edae�k of�c P,o�[y�o�at w�3r P�oF sak oa�a�inea;m mis: ... : . <br /> � ��PQr�c�k� �►�Y . <br /> 5awity iusftumat:ar(b)a�nY��J���q6��Y�-Iba�s�oendioa�.at+t�hri Hon�wYr_(a)pzYs . <br /> I.e�d�es al!:swas xLMGh ttim Morid b�doe aeder tlus Secu�ity lastr�ent aod tbeal�e as if nQ aoo�ioa h�d oecutrod:lb� . <br /> cuers aay deGuit of auy otGer oor�ea�otc ar�ermeots;tc)Prys all e�easa innmed u�t��dng��bis Savrity ta�woaeat, . <br /> ind�.�6ut mt liani�ed to:raeom6ie�wmeys'fas:aod(d)t�ka sw�action is Leuder uyY roasooa�lY raWrc w�e <br /> t6at t6e ika of t�is Secvrit�r tmuvme�t:t.enda`s dsfits in thm Pmpqtg and.Bo�ia�c's�li�tiou to pay tl�e sau�s se�eted by <br /> Wis Seqai[y taq�a�at sinll ooadnu� und�o�ed: Upan �t by Boao*�; ihis Secuc�tY la�nwoeat �ad tbe <br /> obiiptim�seaund heaobY�irmia ful[�e�o�Iire as if tw aooeietsrtio�►�h�d ao�cd-Howevdr.this iigl�to niastate sb�U - <br /> aot apply�n d�e case�soodaatron uMec p�r�raph 17. t ` <br /> 1!S�k d N�ie'CV�e�E I�w Satvietr.T6e Note or a�� �st in tlie ASote(mgai�ea with tbis 5d�vcity <br /> Instrameot�mry 6�so�J oa�or more times witbout pri�r mtic�e w Boma�et.A sale mry resWt in a ct�ng�m the editg(tatowt► <br /> as tbe"La�n Sek�ioe�''}ttrrt mltacc�moot6[y piymmts du�undrr U�e Nate aad ttis Secwlty[�suument.TMe also may be one <br /> vi maoe d�p�:s.. .t�Latn�""!�W�ed w a safe of tlr Note.if tt�is a of the Lo�t Setvfirxt:Borrower v�i 6e <br /> Sivai�rrk�eu�of i��, t=.� .;?II!fqoca[daace widt P�l�1►14 abo�rc aod�rc�Me larn.Tbe notict wrill state the�ne and , <br /> � - �w.aln�c�-tiw��v��_�.�!i'_ :�3 the addr�c-iawttich povmeatc.�wld 6e rt1�da.'t�mti�e wt�I aL9D�n�ol►aMs . - - _ <br /> infornr�tion requirod 5jr 'i�vr. . -- . �';',:''-..: . <br /> 1�.H�e+i�Srid�aes.BoRO�res saaU not c�use�pe�t the p�rsenoe. nse.d'igpa►s�l.- "f`��;,�����Y <br /> e <br /> Haa�doas S�wnoes on or in We Praperty. Borro�ra,skdi not do, nor atimr aiyoae dse to d�.'.' �.��in�r tbe. <br /> ' �Pnopetty tlat is in viol�tian of my�Larq.The praoeding two srntaiaes sb�U not appfjc ftd` ;#i�r�noe�ase.ur <br /> . �syorsge�e Pmperty of s�ll qutudti�s:a�Nar�do�Substanoes that aoe gennail}t�eoognizea to be ap jw�d�#e to normoi <br /> �s,ideati�l uaes mi to m�inten�noeof����`,.r;-,,,>: . . . ,::_tr�>rf . <br /> t,;, <br /> " ::=c;..::._Borrov�fer sl�!!P��Y 8�� nf any.imestigation.d�nt.dan�d.lawsutt or ot6e�'a�ettu�by anY . <br /> � .�8�'���*��aY�B�Y ar prtv�?j��`icl�'�ttre t'tvpertgmad any Ha�doiu Subst�noe or Emirnemerr�t La�r . _ . <br /> o�whicb.Ba�cu has actual imowled�e:�€�3mvses trarnc.oir is aotified by any govema�eMa!or�egulatary authority,tEs�k�;.f� , <br /> any t+eawvai��t�her remodiation of any Ha?acilaas S�Stanoe affocto�-t�e P�openy�s aeoessaty,Bormtver sl�ll pt+pu�ptty�ts}'-'-, ' <br /> all neasstry itiidodtat�ctio�in a000��!iEh�c�1�w . • - -� . `;'«: ,. . <br /> As usod in.this ppr�aph 20. 'H�us �s'are ti�o6e substanoes defu�od as toaic ar hara�tlau�sabstwaes fiy�:.';�-,. .�-; <br /> =:. • <br /> Eminooamai��aw and tbo foitowiiig S�f si�:s,'�ne. lierosene. other fta:nmabtc ar toaic�fetroleum�j�aoducts. tox�;%.;i.;�.:.,.4{';. <br /> pestirides an�t 6eiblcides.volatik solvetiR�.*in��ttri�ts co�iniag asbe.uos or forn�aldebyde.and rad�n�ctive materiats.As.i►sod�':�..;'.::�e:,;'--- <br />- this par�gapb 20. "Eaviionmental Lav_�`';�s foderal laws and laws ot'the jurisdidraa wl�e i�'Pr'nPonl'is lacatod tti�'�.F;;`r;:�i <br /> . . .., . <br /> nlate to heaitb.s�fety a mvic�unnren[aT`�,j�xion.. ` <br /> .,::.�.;..•,,:� :.; . <br /> ._� . . <br /> .,,. <br />- �'� NON-UMFORM C�1t�NANTS. Borrower and Le�der further cavenant and agree as fot1A�:'=: ` ,,.--- <br /> _ -2L Aeeete�atiot:Reo��der�ii-�ivt notice to Sarra�prior to a�eieadion foQowioB SNl'.rawer's tH�eACb . _-_-��,_-. <br /> .aJ�osve�aR or� in tld�Sae�rGty Imtraeket l6ut not prior to aooeterstios ader p�p6 17 wiless =_-- <br /> a'pplirabk I�hw�,�rovides atLerw ise).77�e notioe slwll spedty: (a)tl�e default;(d)t6e actton reqWned to cuer t4 ddaa�t;, <br /> (c)a da�f�li�is�lwn 30 dsys trom t6e date t6e aotice is�rea to Bore+uwer,by Rbicb t6e defaalt m�t 6e cura�;�:�� --- - <br /> (d?tWt f�ii►ir H�`au+e tIK defauk on or 6etore tbe date specitkd io the notke tasy ecsok is aoodaatton ot tl�e.s61is� —'�--- <br /> secured by t1o�.Secari{y�Stnona�t and sak at t6e�k!nperty.7'6e notke sl�ll further iafi��o Hoerower of t6e r1�6t to "''°� <br /> rdastNe aRer�oodast�i�C;�ied the right to bri��•�t�tion to as�M tbe noa-existeace.ot s ddadt or awy otlur e'—�_- <br /> ddeme ot Borro�rer to�deration.and sslG If tAerddAauft is not caeM o0 or before tbe d�te spedfied ie the ootiee, � <br />- Le� ils dption.maY r�quine i�te ia fWt of 911 sums secared 6 t1�Sam�ity Iasin�meat�ritl�ort � <br /> P�Y� Y .. -.,, — <br /> t�rtrts des�iii�ond msy iavofct the:�s��s�k and any uthrr nrnedies permitted by applics6k b�v.Leeder siaq be - <br /> - entilledto ci�e�all expn�ses iawese�:�'_' .�. . id�,e,nmedks provided in this P��Pb!�,2iu3nduding,6at not Il�aited . d-'--,�°- <br /> �o.rea�ou�?�t4orne3`s'fees and cad�v�:� �r c�° . ;: ''• ���=-: <br /> �•. . <br /> ---.' %5:�,, Il the�ot snk 9s imokidif��ee al�:i�c+d a notioe o[defaait ia aw�h�"�a wblc6 any pnel of t6e ���:- <br /> ,�,,', . , •.;�ape�iy'��, .,,..M and s�al!in��i��ot sac6 i��e�i�l t!k manner prescr�cd`.b��pp�e lavr to 8orrower sad to =_-- <br /> �, t���pr�ibtd by�law.After tl�e time fieq�"(de�d by app�Nle IsR;�`'�'�1tee sl�Il gire puWic notics <br /> , � of stk�t���� .,�ti.5ons pnd in ihe�jKescHlxd by applict�llu�.Tructee,without deiwnd on Barrovrer,s�0�E <br />= ttie Propet#.�'li�1k suttioa to ibe: . bidder at the tim¢�;pi��ee s�nd qnde�'the tnms desi�atdd ln tht�wtit�i�.��� ,=--. <br />- 'sale ia oae�'i'itbr�e psuti�:�ad ie aey order TRStee determi�ies:'�'n�stce np��OStPa�e ss�k of�ll or�qv di��� ':` . , =_�.'--- <br /> pr�el �� �.�.�� <br /> _ „��pu�a�t at'the time and place oi any.previoasl}�uled sale.Lender or�,'.�Sigaee'fi�iy +'�'�= <br /> � "�'�i�'� ��� " -�1!�e <br /> ' . „:�.'(.' _S .i, . !2: . t . �#���?756�-' <br /> � . •F�� 1" �;5�:��: <br /> -- ,.. . . :,f��. <br /> — . . ',��: ���.. ,� , ' �. ' <br /> • •,t.r' • . Fonn 302a 81l0 ,�::. <br />_ , ,,+; ra.sms . :;�,--_. <br /> ��� :,}� �':' •,� ' ' . -. <br />— —� i;:�ti: � . � ��'� , • ' <br /> — -- = �'1�,+�. �:_�: ,, s1;.ti'�jl° �%:'� - . <br /> =e_ � :��:t� ;, , � , , <br /> ` �'�l4.',-''. <br /> __ _ ' . ..' . ��; . .. _ . . .. ' '.1�.'� `\•. . . <br />"— , ' `f.�;%✓i.;'�.-:y4 ' _'_._ . . <br /> � :�,. Y:�.�.�. . ���'�� ,. <br /> _'�-Y..o°�t.f. :'.. . '-�.'•� ��1�?i�`.:I;�t.. �.�.1: - . - . �' �I., � <br /> . ._ �. .1;;", . . <br /> ..F�-._ - h�h;.'- <br /> .°r�aos�arca.n�u��r�w�wum�aiir�q!olflliY'-�-��:ii�il�i�,l�J t�nt 7� {-rF-� �1-,-`�i��� - �, ;� .--� - �=�,£,r .-•'•...• R� -i�., . <br /> �w��wone- s(j!i ri L. . . o����C�S.:�f}�FI,'4�• ., •{ . �+±,��,.�.:'�'�•':.•'�� i1��+..ts-i�1�'�t�7'(t�� .7�! . `i`/'ali_.�':' . <br /> �.�9.�Yd3l�YL?�h�.n�1.�)'��.' ' �� �i � � <br /> . <br /> ,�_ f , <br /> �� 7 ��'1��� � r!i� ' ' y( ' 4�''��:�� '' .. � . t�{'(. .� . � . . , <br /> . <br /> f� t � t <br /> �}t �1,,l+ , tr�' {al� j.� ,�t 'i I!/w4�t`� c ' <br /> -- ii L��"la ' t!yti��R��:Sj�f; _ � , ' �X�`m '+' �- - . ..� . . ��� �t ('��^{1 � <br /> — --- `r�{1������r�t �tY`l��'�, . , ' ��� ayn�yl�� T , . . •• .',� /�4�{�y��5�i - . ..� - � • � � . <br /> +l �'•� °�}��y��+�.. , ._. S: � i ,N��;�rtl .. . ._. . <br /> �l� ��Y�t�'d' � � .. _ ' _- .. . ,n � r �. . . � ��N7��d'!�%S{�i�t''}k:�� .7f. ' . . . � ... <br /> 4��_.'T.�H. �" ,.. � � , . � . - . , . 1� ' i���l��( , .. � . � . �.. <br /> �. �-���`�' ,ya�)p: - , - . � ;iM�', `;?'.?<lr:�'ii'�,��?�' , � , , � � <br /> _ �,.t� , • �.r{�� ,,�. . .,... , ,. , �. <br /> � � ..• ..i,;.,;: � . :9��4 , ..: , <br /> _+t �'.� � ' ' ' c,' �?' � . . � �:� ' . ' . . ; • , � <br /> �i. ' .����I' 1• • • •r, `y .r;: �` . . �il. �. • � 'j.• . . � .. 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